Bill Taylor's opening statement- quid pro quo


So what? They changed the rules that they're now pissing about. Democrats are now using the Republicans' rules which is why the minority party, now Republicans, have no subpoena power and can't call witnesses. It matters not what the hearing is about -- it applies to all hearings in the House.

Bitch away, bitch.

There's a difference which you well know, Mr. Faun. This fiction is not really all that original, but it's like the other 5 false narratives. It's fiction. All of it is fiction down to the final letter. And you're not owning the fiction, but even in spite of yourself it's--yep--fiction.
Your whining doesn't alter the fact that Republiscums can't call witnesses now because they made that rule in 2015.

Sucks for them. Get over it.
Fiction, fiction, fiction. You get over it.

There's nothing I need to get over. Trump's getting impeached. And even if the Senate doesn't vote him out -- he's gonna flame out.

No he's not. But the Democrats perpetrating their little dervish plots are going to jail for treason. Sooner than you think.

I have no doubt you'll be denying he's being impeached while he's being impeached. You're such an obedient trump cock holster, there's no doubt he will reward you greatly.
Biden had zero influence over that money

Biden is on video BRAGGING about getting the prosecutor from Ukraine FIRED....

Your credibility is ZERO, Mossad....

biden prosecutor fired - Bing video
No matter how many times you play that video, you'll never escape the reality that Biden had no authority on his own to hold up that money. That's not a power granted to a VP. He was bluffing and told Poroshenko to call Obama if he thought the money wouldn't be held up.

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A perfect example of how the "human scum" on the Right lie by editing out the actual context of anyone they quote!
Pelosi was calling out REPUBLICANS for conducting wrap-up smear campaigns, not touting the phenomenon as a go-to strategy for Democrats. That is why nothing the worthless lying scum Right ever posts is true!

Two in one? It looks like an instruction to the young Socialist Democrats being feathered into their little nests, walks like one, talks like one. It's the Ducky Democrat Dilettantes deducing Dame Pelosi's directives. duh!

And now we see the "human scum" on the Right defending their LYING in the face of the truth.
No matter how many times you play that video, you'll never escape the reality that Biden had no authority on his own to hold up that money. That's not a power granted to a VP.

Bull, It IS the POWER granted to a VP if the Prez is HIDING IN THE CLOSET and delegates that authority to the VP.....
You have zero evidence of a kickback.


Dumbfuck, paying Hunter Biden had nothing to do with Joe Biden getting Shokin fired. You should know that because Hunter Biden took that job 2 years earlier and 1 year before Shokin was their Prosecutor General. :cuckoo:
It's not a real investigation if only one side picks the witnesses. That's call a kangaroo court.


You dumbfuck...

Republicans made these rules in 2015.

Dems' closed hearings follow rules 'Republican majority' put in place: Fox News legal analyst

The powerful weapon House Republicans handed Democrats

You're comparing apples and oranges. No President was being impeached in 2015. The trouble with using a matchstick iq is that when you strike, it burns what's left of the stick. And furthermore, you're playing around with fire like a kid in a dry grass field.

So what? They changed the rules that they're now pissing about. Democrats are now using the Republicans' rules which is why the minority party, now Republicans, have no subpoena power and can't call witnesses. It matters not what the hearing is about -- it applies to all hearings in the House.

Bitch away, bitch.

There's a difference which you well know, Mr. Faun. This fiction is not really all that original, but it's like the other 5 false narratives. It's fiction. All of it is fiction down to the final letter. And you're not owning the fiction, but even in spite of yourself it's--yep--fiction.
It does not need to be fact for the liberals to try and portray it as fact. It only need be something that they feel is real or that it should/could be.
Well remember, a person with a dick is now a woman!

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A perfect example of how the "human scum" on the Right lie by editing out the actual context of anyone they quote!
Pelosi was calling out REPUBLICANS for conducting wrap-up smear campaigns, not touting the phenomenon as a go-to strategy for Democrats. That is why nothing the worthless lying scum Right ever posts is true!

Two in one? It looks like an instruction to the young Socialist Democrats being feathered into their little nests, walks like one, talks like one. It's the Ducky Democrat Dilettantes deducing Dame Pelosi's directives. duh!

And now we see the "human scum" on the Right defending their LYING in the face of the truth.

Even Trump thinks Republicans are human scum. They're also painfully rightarded. Evidence of that? Even after being called human scum by Trump, they'll still defend him and they'll even vote for him next year if the Senate doesn't convict him.
paying Hunter Biden had nothing to do with Joe Biden getting Shokin fired.

See, we don't just take your word on that. We need an INVESTIGATION, and you and your side go BATSHIT about that, an INVESTIGATION...

Hunter Biden was paid MILLIONS for NOTHING by a COUNTRY that got a $1 billion aid package that Joe Biden held up to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired... to protect CONDUIT FOR KICKBACK Hunter Biden....
No matter how many times you play that video, you'll never escape the reality that Biden had no authority on his own to hold up that money. That's not a power granted to a VP.

Bull, It IS the POWER granted to a VP if the Prez is HIDING IN THE CLOSET and delegates that authority to the VP.....
Great, show me in the Constitution where it grants the VP the authority to manage funds appropriated by the Congress and president......

... I'll wait while you pound your head on the table. :lmao:
Man oh, man ThisisMe, you been had. The Democrats not only never had any evidence, they've been proven liars on 5 different expensive explorations into the possibilities they postulate.
This feely-good closed door crapshoot also has no evidence. At best, it's a wannabe quid pro quo that isn't and never was a quid pro quo, and it never will be. Bring it on again? Pass the melatonin, please.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but, it doesnt matter what is true or not, what matters is what dems can get the media to report. Part of what is going on is not just trump impeachment, its public opinion. The dems have done a good job at monopolizing all avenues of media. For the last 3 years, it's been trump, russia, ukraine, collusion, corruption.

My stance, as of late, is, you cant convince anyone they are right or wrong, so why bother. That dent in the cement wall is deep enough, and eventually your head will hurt, so why keep banging.

The dems control the house, so, they basically control the narrative. Repubs can come out and show proof that they are right, and the dems can just leak another news story that will occupy the media cycle, and divert attention to what they want you to "know".

Maybe my stance will change once all this comes out in the open and we can start seeing information coming from the repubs, once they are allowed to start their defense and do some questioning of their own.

I'm just ready to get all this behind us. So my stance is, let's do it! If trump is guilty, then he needs to go, if hes innocent, then we can finally put all this to rest.

ThisisMe said, "If trump is guilty, then he needs to go, if hes innocent, then we can finally put all this to rest."
You, I, and other U.S. taxpayers just shelled out $45 million dollars to get a Mueller Report. It cleared President Trump of the falsetto accusation that he colluded with Russia to get information on Clinton so he could use it to win the election. That never happened, but we found out he never, no not once, contacted the Russians or any other foreign government to get at the paranoid former First Lady of President Bill Clinton.

You may be influenced by people so punked out by Hillary's defeat they cried at her wannabe victory party, and heard their party leaders trying to fix the problem by promising they would "Get Trump" with impeachment the very next day. And they went about it full force for the duration of November, December, and days leading up to the inauguration of President Trump. Their orders to the Democrat operatives of the press have been daily, emailed, faxed, and hand-delivered to synchronize the specific words du jour being identical to all the other 200 news outlets who coordinate Democrat orders expediently.

So I'm not surprised people like you think who aren't tied down to either side, but favor certain elements in one side or the other.

Democrats are outdoing themselves to create an impression that President Trump has done something, It's fiction, every word of it. If you keep that in mind, their lies don't get under your toenails.

The Kavanaugh hoax came first, about the modus operandi under which the Democrats function. It was all a lie, all along, and leftist leadership made it happen. I am hoping you know the details but not wanting to offend you by regurgitating that which is provable and what part is fiction. The question is, why did the Democrats select rape as their cause celebre to erase Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court list forever? The answer is simple: they wanted women mad at President Trump, because he had a higher percentage of women voting for him than they anticipated. 90% of Americans will be madder than a hatter to think a public official has raped somebody else, particularly a single woman who is young and pretty and is vetted in persuasion to the nines.

If you need to know anything about the dirty tricks of the left, and you haven't noticed, stick around. America is in for the next phase about what America is going to do to prevent another Congressional majority from putting the swampy stuff on conceal. We cannot allow this to happen again in this nation. It is not only unconstitutional, it is anti-constitutional, in my humble opinion.

No more secret committee meetings excluding opponent party members of that committee, Democrats.
"You, I, and other U.S. taxpayers just shelled out $45 million dollars to get a Mueller Report."

Blame Republicans.
No, I blame the Deep State Demonrats. They used the two years to clean up on House Seats to carry out their promise in 2016 to pull out the "Insurance Policy" the salacious Steel Report included among other false narratives created by Hillary's pals the spinroom darlings. Nancy Pelosi did her part in orchestrating the time sequences. Jerry Nadler went on a diet and used his carefully-manipulated language to attempt to destroy the President with more and more and more lies and innuendos than most people ever tell in 10 lifetimes.
"No, I blame the Deep State Demonrats."

Well that's only because you're a fucking moron. In reality, Mueller is a Republican. He was appointed by a Republican. That Republican was filling in for another Republican who recused himself. That Republican was appointed by a Republican president.

Democrats had nothing to do with it but sit back and enjoy.
No, Mueller is a victim of dementia. He's got three years left, tops.

We know what he has because he couldn't remember what was in the report he was paid forty five million dollars to produce. Then he realized he had to turn it over to others because they wrote it. Oh, the irony. *sigh*

I have a question for you though, Faun. Why are you alleging that a man who picked 19 Democrats to nail President Trump on an impeachment is a Republican, when he isn't? Twleve of his appointees are KNOWN DNC operatives, and one of them who was supposed to be the most neutral went to Hillary's wannabe campaign winner party--his duly appointed assistant. There was no failure at determining partisanship when the Democrats including his assistant did all the dirty work, and couldn't find one singular crime of collusion with the Russians on the part of Donald Trump.

Now your precious Constitution-disrespecting Demonrats are holding committee meetings minus their Republican members out by exclusion of the chairman of the committee, who should be confined to a substantial straight jacket for his kneeing the Constitution in its groin.

If you believe that's okay, you will be reproved by future stopgap measures by the adult Republicans in Congress and the Senate.

You can't get away with serial Constitutional Amendment murder forever. I'm tempted to say neener neener neener, but I won't yet.
show me in the Constitution where it grants the VP

It grants the President to DELEGATE that AUTHORITY.... as Hillary would have delegated the Presidency to Huma for 20 hours a day to deal with her Parkinson's.....

So, your position is that.... while there is a video, Joe Biden is LYING... OK.... and Hunter Biden did nothing and received millions for nothing.... and we should NEVER EVER INVESTIGATE THAT....

paying Hunter Biden had nothing to do with Joe Biden getting Shokin fired.

See, we don't just take your word on that. We need an INVESTIGATION, and you and your side go BATSHIT about that, an INVESTIGATION...

Hunter Biden was paid MILLIONS for NOTHING by a COUNTRY that got a $1 billion aid package that Joe Biden held up to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired... to protect CONDUIT FOR KICKBACK Hunter Biden....

Like we needed more evidence you're brain-dead. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

- Hunter Biden joined Burisma Holdings in April, 2014.

- Shokin was appointed Prosecutor General of Ukraine in February, 2015.

You're sooo fucked in the head, you claim we need an investigation to determine that Shokin had nothing to do with Hunter Biden getting that job.

The PROSECUTOR did not "hire" Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden was "hired" as a CONDUIT for a KICKBACK, which is the only explanation that fits the facts. You don't want an investigation of that, which shows where your "priorities" are....

I'm not disagreeing with you, but, it doesnt matter what is true or not, what matters is what dems can get the media to report. Part of what is going on is not just trump impeachment, its public opinion. The dems have done a good job at monopolizing all avenues of media. For the last 3 years, it's been trump, russia, ukraine, collusion, corruption.

My stance, as of late, is, you cant convince anyone they are right or wrong, so why bother. That dent in the cement wall is deep enough, and eventually your head will hurt, so why keep banging.

The dems control the house, so, they basically control the narrative. Repubs can come out and show proof that they are right, and the dems can just leak another news story that will occupy the media cycle, and divert attention to what they want you to "know".

Maybe my stance will change once all this comes out in the open and we can start seeing information coming from the repubs, once they are allowed to start their defense and do some questioning of their own.

I'm just ready to get all this behind us. So my stance is, let's do it! If trump is guilty, then he needs to go, if hes innocent, then we can finally put all this to rest.

ThisisMe said, "If trump is guilty, then he needs to go, if hes innocent, then we can finally put all this to rest."
You, I, and other U.S. taxpayers just shelled out $45 million dollars to get a Mueller Report. It cleared President Trump of the falsetto accusation that he colluded with Russia to get information on Clinton so he could use it to win the election. That never happened, but we found out he never, no not once, contacted the Russians or any other foreign government to get at the paranoid former First Lady of President Bill Clinton.

You may be influenced by people so punked out by Hillary's defeat they cried at her wannabe victory party, and heard their party leaders trying to fix the problem by promising they would "Get Trump" with impeachment the very next day. And they went about it full force for the duration of November, December, and days leading up to the inauguration of President Trump. Their orders to the Democrat operatives of the press have been daily, emailed, faxed, and hand-delivered to synchronize the specific words du jour being identical to all the other 200 news outlets who coordinate Democrat orders expediently.

So I'm not surprised people like you think who aren't tied down to either side, but favor certain elements in one side or the other.

Democrats are outdoing themselves to create an impression that President Trump has done something, It's fiction, every word of it. If you keep that in mind, their lies don't get under your toenails.

The Kavanaugh hoax came first, about the modus operandi under which the Democrats function. It was all a lie, all along, and leftist leadership made it happen. I am hoping you know the details but not wanting to offend you by regurgitating that which is provable and what part is fiction. The question is, why did the Democrats select rape as their cause celebre to erase Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court list forever? The answer is simple: they wanted women mad at President Trump, because he had a higher percentage of women voting for him than they anticipated. 90% of Americans will be madder than a hatter to think a public official has raped somebody else, particularly a single woman who is young and pretty and is vetted in persuasion to the nines.

If you need to know anything about the dirty tricks of the left, and you haven't noticed, stick around. America is in for the next phase about what America is going to do to prevent another Congressional majority from putting the swampy stuff on conceal. We cannot allow this to happen again in this nation. It is not only unconstitutional, it is anti-constitutional, in my humble opinion.

No more secret committee meetings excluding opponent party members of that committee, Democrats.
"You, I, and other U.S. taxpayers just shelled out $45 million dollars to get a Mueller Report."

Blame Republicans.
No, I blame the Deep State Demonrats. They used the two years to clean up on House Seats to carry out their promise in 2016 to pull out the "Insurance Policy" the salacious Steel Report included among other false narratives created by Hillary's pals the spinroom darlings. Nancy Pelosi did her part in orchestrating the time sequences. Jerry Nadler went on a diet and used his carefully-manipulated language to attempt to destroy the President with more and more and more lies and innuendos than most people ever tell in 10 lifetimes.
"No, I blame the Deep State Demonrats."

Well that's only because you're a fucking moron. In reality, Mueller is a Republican. He was appointed by a Republican. That Republican was filling in for another Republican who recused himself. That Republican was appointed by a Republican president.

Democrats had nothing to do with it but sit back and enjoy.
No, Mueller is a victim of dementia. He's got three years left, tops.

We know what he has because he couldn't remember what was in the report he was paid forty five million dollars to produce. Then he realized he had to turn it over to others because they wrote it. Oh, the irony. *sigh*

I have a question for you though, Faun. Why are you alleging that a man who picked 19 Democrats to nail President Trump on an impeachment is a Republican, when he isn't? Twleve of his appointees are KNOWN DNC operatives, and one of them who was supposed to be the most neutral went to Hillary's wannabe campaign winner party--his duly appointed assistant. There was no failure at determining partisanship when the Democrats including his assistant did all the dirty work, and couldn't find one singular crime of collusion with the Russians on the part of Donald Trump.

Now your precious Constitution-disrespecting Demonrats are holding committee meetings minus their Republican members out by exclusion of the chairman of the committee, who should be confined to a substantial straight jacket for his kneeing the Constitution in its groin.

If you believe that's okay, you will be reproved by future stopgap measures by the adult Republicans in Congress and the Senate.

You can't get away with serial Constitutional Amendment murder forever. I'm tempted to say neener neener neener, but I won't yet.
You say that as though I give a shit. You're still denying reality by blaming Democrats, and not Republicans, for Mueller's investigation -- even though it was a Republican at every step along the way leading to that investigation.

You're nuts. :cuckoo:
show me in the Constitution where it grants the VP

It grants the President to DELEGATE that AUTHORITY.... as Hillary would have delegated the Presidency to Huma for 20 hours a day to deal with her Parkinson's.....

So, your position is that.... while there is a video, Joe Biden is LYING... OK.... and Hunter Biden did nothing and received millions for nothing.... and we should NEVER EVER INVESTIGATE THAT....

Dumbfuck.... No,the president does not delegate that authority. There's nothing in the Constitution to allow a VP to re-appropriate funds. That's why Biden immediately told Poroshenko to call Obama if he didn't believe him. It was Obama's call, not Biden's, to hold up the money unless Shokin was fired. Biden was merely the messenger.
The PROSECUTOR did not "hire" Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden was "hired" as a CONDUIT for a KICKBACK, which is the only explanation that fits the facts. You don't want an investigation of that, which shows where your "priorities" are....

Holyfuckingshit. :eusa_doh:

Imbecile... I never said the prosecutor hired Hunter. You're hallucinating again.
We need an INVESTIGATION to clear this bullshit up.

$1 billion went to Ukraine

$3 million went to Hunter Biden for "nothing"

Joe Biden on VIDEO claims to have gotten the Ukraine prosecutor fired

FAUN bitterly opposes an investigation
I recommend everyone read Bill Taylor's opening statement today.
Top US diplomat to Ukraine testifies there was a quid pro quo

I suggest reading the entire thing because there is great perspective in his statement.

While it confirms the quid pro quo that had been suspected- what is perhaps even more disturbing is his description of a shadow diplomacy being led by Rudy Giuliani- the President's private attorney- in leading America's diplomatic conversation with Ukraine.

I know that the Trump supporters will reflexively attack Bill Taylor.....but for anyone who thinks that they are objective- read his statement.

Read it.

Anyone notice that we have the opening statement and no results of a cross examination?

IOW, we're supposed to accept this carefully selected leak as gospel truth with no challenge.

I find it fascinating that you believe that the role of the GOP in the House is to defend the President rather than conduct an investigation.

You don't have to believe what Taylor said- I certainly don't believe anything Trump says.
But Taylor's statement is very specific and very concise, with details that the House can follow up with in additional interviews. And that is what the House will do.

In between leaking carefully selected tidbits of information designed solely to drive down the president’s approval numbers.

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