Bill to force homeschoolers to warrantless home inspections

The left has an unhealthy interest in children.
You must be thinking of catholic priests

Given that the incidence of teacher molestation is FAR higher than that of clergy molestation, you might want to shut your flapping piehole, Chuckles.

LInk to that data, please!

Has Media Ignored Sex Abuse In School?

And, just to make sure I've proven every possible thorny question for you:

Why is water wet?

Excuse me, but that link has nothing to do with what I requested. Try reading for comprehension, or were you home schooled too?

Quote the applicable data.

Excuse me, but if you find it too difficult to read the study, perhaps you SHOULD have been homeschooled.

Frankly, if you're actually going to take the position that molestation by teachers ISN'T widespread, you don't need homeschooling; you need therapy.
In other words - no one has the right to inspect home schools so they can continue to fester with hidden child abuse while you point out the flagrant violations of public schools. Is that what you are saying?

In other words, you think parents should be subjected to regular state inspections and receive permission to parent.

Nope. Not what I said. Are parents schools?

That ALSO is not what you said. Mine is at least what you implied.

I implied nothing of the sort. Reread what I wrote.

Don't flatter yourself. There is no deep, profound meaning to your post that requires a re-reading to truly appreciate. If you're too much of a wuss to own up to the point you were aiming at, that's not my problem.

Actually, it's a very simple straightforward post. The point is in the post quite clearly. Your failure to comprehend it is not my problem.

Child abuse occurs in private schools, public schools and home schools. Do you deny this?

Only the first two receive any sort of inspection process.

Perhaps an inspection of home schools might have allowed some of these to come to light sooner:

Teen who escaped Turpin home posted videos under alias

The Turpin child abuse story fits a widespread and disturbing homeschooling pattern
Few states oblige homeschooled children to have contact with mandatory reporters — professionals legally required to document cases of suspected child abuse or neglect. California is one of 15 states that asks homeschool parents to register with the state. It's a quick bureaucratic process that involves simple paperwork. Eleven states don't require documentation at all. This laissez-faire attitude is a gift to abusive parents, who can isolate their children and keep their abuse — like their children — hidden away for years.

That's not to say families who homeschool are any more abusive then those that don't - but it sure makes it easier to hide it from people who might otherwise notice - teachers, nurses, friends.
You must be thinking of catholic priests

Given that the incidence of teacher molestation is FAR higher than that of clergy molestation, you might want to shut your flapping piehole, Chuckles.

LInk to that data, please!

Has Media Ignored Sex Abuse In School?

And, just to make sure I've proven every possible thorny question for you:

Why is water wet?

Excuse me, but that link has nothing to do with what I requested. Try reading for comprehension, or were you home schooled too?

Quote the applicable data.

Excuse me, but if you find it too difficult to read the study, perhaps you SHOULD have been homeschooled.

Frankly, if you're actually going to take the position that molestation by teachers ISN'T widespread, you don't need homeschooling; you need therapy.

That is not what you claimed. Try reading what YOU wrote, dumbass!
Na, early on Education should stick to the basics. Putting socialism into the schools is evil at best...
Public school is socialism....a military is socialism...a social security fund is socialism....medicare is and safety standards are socialism.
All corrupt

Then keep your selfish ass off of our roads.
Indeed...he should not be on our roads...he should not expect the police or fire dept to assist him in any way and he certainly should not go to any of our parks and monuments.
Well off people paid for all of the above, certainly not the bottom 47%... lol

Weak dodge.
I'm not saying you, personally, but a lot of abusers use the ruse of "homeschooling" to keep their kids from being under a school's watchful eye.
Predator pedophiles tend to seek employment in places like schools because they grant them authority over other people's children. That's why schools are overflowing with them.
I'm not saying you, personally, but a lot of abusers use the ruse of "homeschooling" to keep their kids from being under a school's watchful eye.
Predator pedophiles tend to seek employment in places like schools because they grant them authority over other people's children. That's why schools are overflowing with them.
The collective is no good for the individual
Public school is socialism....a military is socialism...a social security fund is socialism....medicare is and safety standards are socialism.
All corrupt

Then keep your selfish ass off of our roads.
Indeed...he should not be on our roads...he should not expect the police or fire dept to assist him in any way and he certainly should not go to any of our parks and monuments.
Well off people paid for all of the above, certainly not the bottom 47%... lol

Weak dodge.
Na, Redistribution has never worked for the good of anybody
Under the guise of preventing child abuse, lawmakers in Maryland have introduced a bill that will allow the state to intrude in the lives of innocent families, keeping tabs on them, and destroying their right to privacy.
Bill to Force Homeschoolers to Warrantless Home Inspections

The sick left will loathe over this one, it's so funny how you losers laugh and support everything ant American, ant freedom, rights etc. until they come for you then it's not so funny any more.

I THINK THIS IS JUST FINE so long as the state agrees to allow parents to drop by the school to inspect THEM once a month as well!

Since home-schoolers historically OUTPERFORM kids in public school, what better way of combating the competition?
I'm not saying you, personally, but a lot of abusers use the ruse of "homeschooling" to keep their kids from being under a school's watchful eye.
Predator pedophiles tend to seek employment in places like schools because they grant them authority over other people's children. That's why schools are overflowing with them.
Most pedos go after kids close to them, usually family members. You don’t think homeschooling might provide a perfect haven?
Under the guise of preventing child abuse, lawmakers in Maryland have introduced a bill that will allow the state to intrude in the lives of innocent families, keeping tabs on them, and destroying their right to privacy.
Bill to Force Homeschoolers to Warrantless Home Inspections

The sick left will loathe over this one, it's so funny how you losers laugh and support everything ant American, ant freedom, rights etc. until they come for you then it's not so funny any more.

Well technically if they're calling their home a school, then it is subject to the same standards held to other schools. And they are routinely inspected for these types of things, and also cleanliness, safety, curriculum and so on.

But I doubt it will pass the test of constitutionality. I think it's the 4th Amendment protection, right?

I doubt it will pass the sniff test.

I can even see the ACLU getting into the lawsuit act here. Whatever they do or don't think about homeschooling, state officials barging into people's homes without a warrant or any sort of probable cause? I can hear the screams now.

Yeah some state asshole tries barging in my home without a warrant it will end badly for them

Yeah, right!


You seem weak just bend over when someone wrongs you? Serious question because you sure come across that way

It's simple, no warrant go the fuck away. Even a know it all public educator should know that.
Under the guise of preventing child abuse, lawmakers in Maryland have introduced a bill that will allow the state to intrude in the lives of innocent families, keeping tabs on them, and destroying their right to privacy.
Bill to Force Homeschoolers to Warrantless Home Inspections

The sick left will loathe over this one, it's so funny how you losers laugh and support everything ant American, ant freedom, rights etc. until they come for you then it's not so funny any more.

Well technically if they're calling their home a school, then it is subject to the same standards held to other schools. And they are routinely inspected for these types of things, and also cleanliness, safety, curriculum and so on.

But I doubt it will pass the test of constitutionality. I think it's the 4th Amendment protection, right?
Teaching your own children in your own home does not make your home a school.
I'm not saying you, personally, but a lot of abusers use the ruse of "homeschooling" to keep their kids from being under a school's watchful eye.
Predator pedophiles tend to seek employment in places like schools because they grant them authority over other people's children. That's why schools are overflowing with them.
Most pedos go after kids close to them, usually family members. You don’t think homeschooling might provide a perfect haven?

No more so than simply allowing people to have homes in general does. So again, unless you're proposing that the state be allowed to inspect all homes with children in them . . .
Okay, people, let's just clear up some misconceptions that clearly exist right at the base of people's assumptions.

First of all, the primary responsibility for a child's welfare and upbringing belongs to the child's parents, NOT to the state. This responsibility includes providing for the child's education. REPEAT: this responsibility belongs to the parents, not to the state. Over time, it has gradually become the norm for parents to delegate that responsibility to schools, but it is still primarily, and ultimately, THEIR responsibility, NOT THE STATE'S.

Second, because they have this responsibility, the parents ALSO have the corresponding RIGHT to fulfill that responsibility as they choose. Parents who homeschool are NOT usurping the school's "rightful" job of education; they are choosing to fulfill THEIR rightful job of education themselves, rather than hiring someone to do it for them.

It is no more appropriate for the state to demand to inspect the parents and their home to ascertain if the job is being done to suit THEM than it is for me to review work my boss has chosen to do herself instead of delegating to me to make sure it is done to my satisfaction. The only time the state has a right and/or responsibility which supersedes that of the individual to the privacy of their own home and their own decisions about raising their children is, as the Constitution states, when there is probable cause to believe that a crime is being or has been committed. Homeschooling your child is NOT prima facie evidence, and therefore not probable cause, that any such crime exists.

Any suggestion you want to make that skirts around the unalterable fact of the 4th Amendment, or the illegality of interviewing minors without the presence of their guardians, or any other legal protections afforded to citizens of this country, will be and should be summarily discarded.

Now please let me know if anything I have said is unclear or unfathomable due to an excess of left-think.
Well technically if they're calling their home a school, then it is subject to the same standards held to other schools. And they are routinely inspected for these types of things, and also cleanliness, safety, curriculum and so on.

But I doubt it will pass the test of constitutionality. I think it's the 4th Amendment protection, right?

I doubt it will pass the sniff test.

I can even see the ACLU getting into the lawsuit act here. Whatever they do or don't think about homeschooling, state officials barging into people's homes without a warrant or any sort of probable cause? I can hear the screams now.

Yeah some state asshole tries barging in my home without a warrant it will end badly for them

Yeah, right!


You seem weak just bend over when someone wrongs you? Serious question because you sure come across that way

It's simple, no warrant go the fuck away. Even a know it all public educator should know that.

What model wheelbarrow do you use to carry your balls around in?

When you choose to home school your children, you waive the right to privacy in that regard. As I pointed out, "reasonable" is the test defined in Amendment 4. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" applies in this situation. Can't handle the intrusion? Send your kids to school!
I'm not saying you, personally, but a lot of abusers use the ruse of "homeschooling" to keep their kids from being under a school's watchful eye.
Predator pedophiles tend to seek employment in places like schools because they grant them authority over other people's children. That's why schools are overflowing with them.
Most pedos go after kids close to them, usually family members. You don’t think homeschooling might provide a perfect haven?

No more so than simply allowing people to have homes in general does. So again, unless you're proposing that the state be allowed to inspect all homes with children in them . . .

If it is alleged that they are being abused, they will inspect your home, and there is not a damn thing you can do about it.
If you are running a legitimate home school, you should welcome accountability
Okay, people, let's just clear up some misconceptions that clearly exist right at the base of people's assumptions.

First of all, the primary responsibility for a child's welfare and upbringing belongs to the child's parents, NOT to the state. This responsibility includes providing for the child's education. REPEAT: this responsibility belongs to the parents, not to the state. Over time, it has gradually become the norm for parents to delegate that responsibility to schools, but it is still primarily, and ultimately, THEIR responsibility, NOT THE STATE'S.

Second, because they have this responsibility, the parents ALSO have the corresponding RIGHT to fulfill that responsibility as they choose. Parents who homeschool are NOT usurping the school's "rightful" job of education; they are choosing to fulfill THEIR rightful job of education themselves, rather than hiring someone to do it for them.

It is no more appropriate for the state to demand to inspect the parents and their home to ascertain if the job is being done to suit THEM than it is for me to review work my boss has chosen to do herself instead of delegating to me to make sure it is done to my satisfaction. The only time the state has a right and/or responsibility which supersedes that of the individual to the privacy of their own home and their own decisions about raising their children is, as the Constitution states, when there is probable cause to believe that a crime is being or has been committed. Homeschooling your child is NOT prima facie evidence, and therefore not probable cause, that any such crime exists.

Any suggestion you want to make that skirts around the unalterable fact of the 4th Amendment, or the illegality of interviewing minors without the presence of their guardians, or any other legal protections afforded to citizens of this country, will be and should be summarily discarded.

Now please let me know if anything I have said is unclear or unfathomable due to an excess of left-think.

Let us know when you graduate from law school and we'll tell you how to sue to get your money back!
I'm not saying you, personally, but a lot of abusers use the ruse of "homeschooling" to keep their kids from being under a school's watchful eye.
Predator pedophiles tend to seek employment in places like schools because they grant them authority over other people's children. That's why schools are overflowing with them.
Most pedos go after kids close to them, usually family members. You don’t think homeschooling might provide a perfect haven?

No more so than simply allowing people to have homes in general does. So again, unless you're proposing that the state be allowed to inspect all homes with children in them . . .
The problem is that homeschooling with it's lack of any sort of oversight protects abuse because the kids dont come into contact with the people who might otherwise notice and report it.
Well technically if they're calling their home a school, then it is subject to the same standards held to other schools. And they are routinely inspected for these types of things, and also cleanliness, safety, curriculum and so on.

But I doubt it will pass the test of constitutionality. I think it's the 4th Amendment protection, right?

I doubt it will pass the sniff test.

I can even see the ACLU getting into the lawsuit act here. Whatever they do or don't think about homeschooling, state officials barging into people's homes without a warrant or any sort of probable cause? I can hear the screams now.

Yeah some state asshole tries barging in my home without a warrant it will end badly for them

Yeah, right!


You seem weak just bend over when someone wrongs you? Serious question because you sure come across that way

It's simple, no warrant go the fuck away. Even a know it all public educator should know that.
Should public and private schools not be open to inspection then
I doubt it will pass the sniff test.

I can even see the ACLU getting into the lawsuit act here. Whatever they do or don't think about homeschooling, state officials barging into people's homes without a warrant or any sort of probable cause? I can hear the screams now.

Yeah some state asshole tries barging in my home without a warrant it will end badly for them

Yeah, right!


You seem weak just bend over when someone wrongs you? Serious question because you sure come across that way

It's simple, no warrant go the fuck away. Even a know it all public educator should know that.

What model wheelbarrow do you use to carry your balls around in?

When you choose to home school your children, you waive the right to privacy in that regard. As I pointed out, "reasonable" is the test defined in Amendment 4. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" applies in this situation. Can't handle the intrusion? Send your kids to school!

Listen up shit stain I don't home school and my comment went to warrant less searches. Get the fuck over you're so clever dude, if you can't grasp what is being said stfu.

And no dumbass when someone home schools they do not give up the right to privacy, they are doing it to keep their children away from public education, the state and idiots like you

Now get over your little BS home schooling is bad....I've seen the poor excuses for educated kids your type churns out...ours devours them

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