Billionaire Harlan Crow Bought Property From Clarence Thomas. The Justice Didn’t Disclose the Deal.

Thomas has failed time and time again to disclose financial transactions he was supposed to disclose. He has filed amendments after amendments ONLY after getting caught.

At some point you have to hold the man accountable and impeach him.

If Joetard resigns, then I'll ask Thomas to resign. :auiqs.jpg:
It just gets sleazier and sleazier.

In 2014, one of Texas billionaire Harlan Crow’s companies purchased a string of properties on a quiet residential street in Savannah, Georgia. It wasn’t a marquee acquisition for the real estate magnate, just an old single-story home and two vacant lots down the road. What made it noteworthy were the people on the other side of the deal: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his relatives.

The transaction marks the first known instance of money flowing from the Republican megadonor to the Supreme Court justice. The Crow company bought the properties for $133,363 from three co-owners — Thomas, his mother and the family of Thomas’ late brother, according to a state tax document and a deed dated Oct. 15, 2014, filed at the Chatham County courthouse.

Justice Thomas's mother still lives in the House the billionaire bought.

The disclosure form Thomas filed for that year also had a space to report the identity of the buyer in any private transaction, such as a real estate deal. That space is blank.

“He needed to report his interest in the sale,” said Virginia Canter, a former government ethics lawyer now at the watchdog group CREW. “Given the role Crow has played in subsidizing the lifestyle of Thomas and his wife, you have to wonder if this was an effort to put cash in their pockets.”


It’s unclear if Crow paid fair market value for the Thomas properties. Crow also bought several other properties on the street and paid significantly less than his deal with the Thomases. One example: In 2013, he bought a pair of properties on the same block — a vacant lot and a small house — for a total of $40,000.

Your racism is showing.....he is a black man, and your white supremacist beliefs can't tolerate a black man in a position of power......
It amazes me that Democrats can be this racist, and seriously expect not to be called on it. That's what happens when the mainstream media insulates you from descending opinions. You wind up getting sandbagged when you meet an intelligent person with the mind of their own.
What Thomas did illegally was not disclose it as is required by law.

Why is that so hard for you all to grasp?
That fact pattern has not been established. Show us the actual regulation that binds Justice thomas, and show us the form on which he failed to report something that was required to be supported.

If there is no such form on which Justice Thomas left something out, show us whatever evidence you have that he did not report something that he was required to report.

CNN is carrying the story, but they're only source is propublica. If propublica is a reputable new source, they would present the evidence, not just make a claim. All I've seen is them saying "experts say."

Where is the therre there?
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What Thomas did illegally was not disclose it as is required by law.

Why is that so hard for you all to grasp?

Nope...not at the time, and his buddies on the court told him it was fine to do.....I think that all of the Justices are lawyers they know...
It just gets sleazier and sleazier.

In 2014, one of Texas billionaire Harlan Crow’s companies purchased a string of properties on a quiet residential street in Savannah, Georgia. It wasn’t a marquee acquisition for the real estate magnate, just an old single-story home and two vacant lots down the road. What made it noteworthy were the people on the other side of the deal: Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his relatives.

The transaction marks the first known instance of money flowing from the Republican megadonor to the Supreme Court justice. The Crow company bought the properties for $133,363 from three co-owners — Thomas, his mother and the family of Thomas’ late brother, according to a state tax document and a deed dated Oct. 15, 2014, filed at the Chatham County courthouse.

Justice Thomas's mother still lives in the House the billionaire bought.

The disclosure form Thomas filed for that year also had a space to report the identity of the buyer in any private transaction, such as a real estate deal. That space is blank.

“He needed to report his interest in the sale,” said Virginia Canter, a former government ethics lawyer now at the watchdog group CREW. “Given the role Crow has played in subsidizing the lifestyle of Thomas and his wife, you have to wonder if this was an effort to put cash in their pockets.”


It’s unclear if Crow paid fair market value for the Thomas properties. Crow also bought several other properties on the street and paid significantly less than his deal with the Thomases. One example: In 2013, he bought a pair of properties on the same block — a vacant lot and a small house — for a total of $40,000.
So do your ridiculous claims.
That fact pattern has not been established. Show us the actual regulation that binds Justice thomas, and show us the form on which he failed to report something that was required to be supported.

The fact pattern is this...

Thomas is a black man who is a republican and a conservative....the democrats have enough power now to not care about how things look when they use that we just saw in the arrest of Trump......they plan on impeaching him, Kavanaugh, Roberts and barret and replace them with democrat party soon as they get the House back and 2/3 of the Senate, that is what they will do......starting with Thomas....
Nope...not at the time, and his buddies on the court told him it was fine to do.....I think that all of the Justices are lawyers they know...

Yep, at that time and he has never told us who told me such a thing. Could be he just made it up to cover his own ass.
Yep, at that time and he has never told us who told me such a thing. Could be he just made it up to cover his own ass.

You should have learned from schumer getting rid of the filibuster........your democrat party justices are doing more than Thomas......and now you are green lighting going after them.....
The Ethics in Government Act of 1978


I'm supposed to Wade through those websites looking for support for your claim? Nah I don't think so.

If you had seen anything in either of those two links that supports your claim, you would have gleefully copied and pasted it. You really need to reread that propublica article.

It would have been more honest of you to just post a link to that propublica article. That's the source of your so-called information. You never looked at those two websites until I just asked the question. You saw something negative about a black Republican so you ran with it. End of story.

The gist of it on careful reading is that if the rules that exist today had existed back then Justice Thomas would have been guilty of failing to report something he was required to report.


We don't have Ex post facto laws in this country, thanks to justices like Clarence Thomas who believe that the constitution means what it says it means.

Stop hating on Justice Thomas just because he is a black republican.

I'm supposed to Wade through those websites looking for support for your claim? Nah I don't think so.

If you had seen anything in either of those two links that supports your claim, you would have gleefully copied and pasted it. You really need to reread that propublica article.

It would have been more honest of you to just post a link to that propublica article. That's the source of your so-called information. You never looked at those two websites until I just asked the question. You saw something negative about a black Republican so you ran with it. End of story.

The gist of it on careful reading is that if the rules that exist today had existed back then Justice Thomas would have been guilty of failing to report something he was required to report.


We don't have Ex post facto laws in this country, thanks to justices like Clarence Thomas who believe that the constitution means what it says it means.

Stop hating on Justice Thomas just because he is a black republican.

I gave you what you asked for but you refuse to look at it.

At least you are consistent in your willful ignorance.
Yep, at that time and he has never told us who told me such a thing. Could be he just made it up to cover his own ass.


That law exempts “personal hospitality,” including meals and accommodations at the homes of friends.
But Stephen Gillers, a judicial-ethics expert at New York University School of Law, said that before the clarification justices were able to claim an exemption from reporting as long as the invitation came from a person, and not a corporation. “Transportation was exempt from reporting without qualification,” Gillers said.

You guys are no longer afraid to display open race hate towards black men.......what a disgusting thing you do....

And....dipshit....the Court is a Co-equal branch of the legislature making up rules for them will have to be appealed to....the Supreme Court........

Marbury v suck it, dumb ass...

That law exempts “personal hospitality,” including meals and accommodations at the homes of friends.

Hey dumbfuck, this thread is about property sold by Thomas. Do at least try and keep up.

Plus, a plane and a yacht are not homes of friends.

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