Billy the Bagman's duplicity has convinced Trump supporters, but will it convinced the judge?

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The notoriously independent-minded federal judge who once said he was disgusted by the conduct of Michael Flynn could block the administration’s bid to drop criminal charges against the former adviser to President Donald Trump, legal experts said.
The Department of Justice on Thursday told U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington it wants to drop the case against Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, following a pressure campaign by the Republican president and his political allies.
While judges typically sign off on such motions, Sullivan could refuse and instead demand answers from the DOJ about who requested the sudden about-face, said Seth Waxman, a former federal prosecutor now at the law firm Dickinson Wright.
“If Judge Sullivan wanted to he could conduct an inquiry and start asking a lot of questions,” said Waxman.

Presumably, Judge Sullivan is intimately familiar with these facts.

"The president may well pardon Flynn, as he has long hinted. It’s possible—though for reasons we’ll explain, we think unlikely—that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan will allow Flynn to withdraw his plea. And it’s possible as well that Attorney General William Barr, who has already intervened in the case once before and has asked a U.S. attorney to review its handling, will intervene once again on Flynn’s behalf. (how prescient was that!!)

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him."
Facts which expose Barr's attempt to get another Trump crony off the hook for a crime he committed much more difficult to pull off than it is to convince Trumpleheads. Folks who are eager and willing to swallow all the horseshit the Trump admin can shovel their way.
Go boil a live dog you dirty crawling with mutant diseases chinko monkey
It's an important difference. Don't count on the editorial pages of Forbes and the WSJ to point this out.

Care to tell us why it's an important difference?? Do you have any idea?? Opposing parties at trial are frequently asked to agree about many procedural issues throughout a trail.
How can that be used as a justification to drop charges when the defendant has already pleaded guilty?

1) he plead guilty to loving his son
2) he was tricked into lying about discouraging the Russians from attacking us when it was a heroic act of which to be proud.
3) Innocence project found that 29% of convicted murderers plead guilty to murders they did not commit. What planet have you been on?
translation: I'm on a debate site, I cant debate, I'm sure liberalism makes sense but I cant tell you why!!
No, you whiny idiot, i spelled it out 6 times. Eventually, after the other idiot kept asking (as you are), i just directed him to the judge's explanation.
TDS thread 1,516
Only criminal think pointing out justice department corruption is a bad thing.

Are you a criminal?
Exposing deep state crimes is not corruption, moron. It's justice.
They aren't exposing anything.

They are making shit up. It's a tried and true republican tactic. They lie about everything.
We "made up" that 6000 page DOJ report?
You filled it full of lies.
How is that any different from yelling, "Fake news!" when someone reports something you don't like? Hint, it's not. In fact, it's worse because this is a government agency tasked with doing justice, not a two bit liberal reporter trying to craft a narrative.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The notoriously independent-minded federal judge who once said he was disgusted by the conduct of Michael Flynn could block the administration’s bid to drop criminal charges against the former adviser to President Donald Trump, legal experts said.
The Department of Justice on Thursday told U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington it wants to drop the case against Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, following a pressure campaign by the Republican president and his political allies.
While judges typically sign off on such motions, Sullivan could refuse and instead demand answers from the DOJ about who requested the sudden about-face, said Seth Waxman, a former federal prosecutor now at the law firm Dickinson Wright.
“If Judge Sullivan wanted to he could conduct an inquiry and start asking a lot of questions,” said Waxman.

Presumably, Judge Sullivan is intimately familiar with these facts.

"The president may well pardon Flynn, as he has long hinted. It’s possible—though for reasons we’ll explain, we think unlikely—that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan will allow Flynn to withdraw his plea. And it’s possible as well that Attorney General William Barr, who has already intervened in the case once before and has asked a U.S. attorney to review its handling, will intervene once again on Flynn’s behalf. (how prescient was that!!)

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him."
Facts which expose Barr's attempt to get another Trump crony off the hook for a crime he committed much more difficult to pull off than it is to convince Trumpleheads. Folks who are eager and willing to swallow all the horseshit the Trump admin can shovel their way.
Go boil a live dog you dirty crawling with mutant diseases chinko monkey a dog lover I resent your first phrase, as the one who coined the response, "Idiot-gram", your comment is one of the must vulgar, childish and hateful idiot-grams I've seen. You're sick.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The notoriously independent-minded federal judge who once said he was disgusted by the conduct of Michael Flynn could block the administration’s bid to drop criminal charges against the former adviser to President Donald Trump, legal experts said.
The Department of Justice on Thursday told U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington it wants to drop the case against Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, following a pressure campaign by the Republican president and his political allies.
While judges typically sign off on such motions, Sullivan could refuse and instead demand answers from the DOJ about who requested the sudden about-face, said Seth Waxman, a former federal prosecutor now at the law firm Dickinson Wright.
“If Judge Sullivan wanted to he could conduct an inquiry and start asking a lot of questions,” said Waxman.

Presumably, Judge Sullivan is intimately familiar with these facts.

"The president may well pardon Flynn, as he has long hinted. It’s possible—though for reasons we’ll explain, we think unlikely—that Judge Emmet G. Sullivan will allow Flynn to withdraw his plea. And it’s possible as well that Attorney General William Barr, who has already intervened in the case once before and has asked a U.S. attorney to review its handling, will intervene once again on Flynn’s behalf. (how prescient was that!!)

So far, however, nothing has emerged that remotely clears Flynn; nothing has emerged that would require Sullivan to allow him to withdraw his plea; and nothing has emerged that would justify the Justice Department’s backing off of the case—or prosecuting it aggressively if Flynn were somehow allowed out of the very generous deal Special Counsel Robert Mueller cut him."
Facts which expose Barr's attempt to get another Trump crony off the hook for a crime he committed much more difficult to pull off than it is to convince Trumpleheads. Folks who are eager and willing to swallow all the horseshit the Trump admin can shovel their way.
better hope the judge does something this could be sited as precident for years to come. gunna be funny when it is the dems sting this case. Not! I am not for estabishing a class above the law. you would think republicans would realize this that a democrat will take advantage at some time but they can nit see past thier nose.

Yeah it's not like the Obama Administration already fingerfucked the Constitution and spied on the incoming Administration. Imagine if they get away with it?
Oh I am sure the current administration will not get away with all of thier crimes sooner or later we will get the idiot bastards. They are not very bright.
We've been hearing that for years. "Any day now", "It's Mueller time", "The walls are closing in", "He's going down this time". The point being, that the more superior you believe yourself and the more arrogant you are, the less effective you are, and Trump continues running circles around the lot of you. "Not very bright" doesn't pull off the greatest upset in presidential electoral history and thrive in the ensuing years of teenage hormonal distress flung daily in their general direction.
Rep. Devin Nunes, ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that the original documents summarizing the FBI interview where Micahel Flynn is alleged to have perjured himself are "missing."
It's not the first time Nunes lied.
How convenient. Simply swear up and down that anyone presenting inconvenient information is lying. How very gauche and extremely partisan.
How can that be used as a justification to drop charges when the defendant has already pleaded guilty?

1) he plead guilty to loving his son
2) he was tricked into lying about discouraging the Russians from attacking us when it was a heroic act of which to be proud.
3) Innocence project found that 29% of convicted murderers plead guilty to murders they did not commit. What planet have you been on?
Other than being hilariously charitable to Flynn, this comment isn’t relevant. Has nothing to do with the point I was making. It wasn’t about why Flynn would or wouldn’t plead guilty. It was why the DoJ would worry about whether they could prove a case they already had a guilty plea in.
Rep. Devin Nunes, ranking Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday that the original documents summarizing the FBI interview where Micahel Flynn is alleged to have perjured himself are "missing."
It's not the first time Nunes lied.
How convenient. Simply swear up and down that anyone presenting inconvenient information is lying. How very gauche and extremely partisan.
Nunes can make whatever claims he wants on TV. Until he shows the evidence, he’s not going to he taken seriously.
The law requires a plea be INFORMED and VOLUNTARY, Flynn's was neither.
Flynn was both, as he acknowledged in his signed confession.
Let's play your game. Obviously, that signed confession was a lie in itself and worthless. We all know he was coerced, blah blah blah and on it goes. You clearly have chosen a narrative and accept or reject information based on its impact on said narrative.

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