Biological Male To Compete In USA Women’s Olympic Trials

As a civil libertarian I'm pretty open minded and accepting of how other people live their lives, but these transgender issues are getting out of hand. This simply flies in the face of common sense.
As a civil libertarian I'm pretty open minded and accepting of how other people live their lives, but these transgender issues are getting out of hand. This simply flies in the face of common sense.
I take it that means you are not going in for that sex change operation any time soon...:21:
Women and their silly thoughts of sports. Back to the kitchen where you belong!

Biologically Male Runner To Compete In USA Women’s Olympic Trials

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. If you're a male, compete with men. He can still wear a dress to and from the race, paint his fingernails, basically he can do whatever he wants outside the race to pretend he's a she. But when it comes to competition, race with your own kind. The people that allow this person to live a lie are to blame.
“Once a male body has gone through puberty, they have received the benefits. So the skeletal form, lung capacity, muscle density, the greater length of levers in their body, their muscle-to-weight ratio, their capacity to deal with dehydration much better, narrower hips, I mean you name it — they are physiologically designed differently than women,” she (Rebecca Dussault) said.

“We invest so much money into keeping sports fair, and this blows the cap off of it,” she added. “Every woman’s record in sports will fall.”

It's cheating...pure and simple cheating! If the US Olympic committee doesn't step in to stop this blatant cheating
then the watchdog of Olympic ideals doesn't deserve to stand or exist.

Mark my words...they will regret not taking action in this matter.
So now the WNBA will have to except a Shaquille O'Neal with silicone boobs and his pecker removed?.....for heavens sake...
As a civil libertarian I'm pretty open minded and accepting of how other people live their lives, but these transgender issues are getting out of hand. This simply flies in the face of common sense.
I agree. Unlike a lot of people, i have tremendous sympathy for transgenders. It has to be a tough life, so they shouldnt be ridiculed. That said, they should not be competing in womens sports.
As a civil libertarian I'm pretty open minded and accepting of how other people live their lives, but these transgender issues are getting out of hand. This simply flies in the face of common sense.

This simply flies in the face of common sense.

Democrats lost their common sense five exits ago.
At all sports competitions where a male would have an advantage there literally needs to be sign that says "<---Two X Chromosomes This Way | X and Y Chromosomes This Way --->". Before people get to that sign they can wear whatever they, marry whoever they want, etc. Their personal lives are their business. But when you enter competition you involve others in your life.
What a disgusting joke.
Start a new field for transgender people.If only one competes, give them a trophy...
I second this. If some males can't compete with other males, why do we women folk have to pay for it when we don't have a dead gum thing to do with it?

God bless you always!!!

Women and their silly thoughts of sports. Back to the kitchen where you belong!

Biologically Male Runner To Compete In USA Women’s Olympic Trials

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. If you're a male, compete with men. He can still wear a dress to and from the race, paint his fingernails, basically he can do whatever he wants outside the race to pretend he's a she. But when it comes to competition, race with your own kind. The people that allow this person to live a lie are to blame.
I would accept it if they can prove their cock is Lorena Bobbited.
How would you respond to this thread 30 yrs ago? God what has happened to us????

Bruce Jenner can now compete in the female games.
The other competitors should refuse to participate.
Or, all competitions should just be open to all with no regard for "gender".
i have tremendous sympathy for transgenders. It has to be a tough life, so they shouldnt be ridiculed.

Well, I sure don't have any sympathy. It's mostly males trying to pretend to be females for male prostitution reasons, and it's fraud. Gender is probably the FIRST thing we try to spot about strangers, for self-defense issues. And these crazies are committing FRAUD. Cutting bits off doesn't make any man a female. It just makes him a mutilated eunuch.

Women need to take the lead in saying, NO --- these aren't women, of course they aren't!! Too many women are leftwing and confused right now, busy with virtue-signaling, when there is no virtue whatsoever in fraudulent misrepresentation of sex so they can win sports scholarships away from the girls who deserve them.
What is it about the science of genetics that the Olympic idiots don't seem to understand? Amputation of certain body parts and the constant injection of chemical compounds do not transform a man into a woman?

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