Bipartisan group of black senators (Corey Booker, Kamala Harris, etc) introduce 'anti-lynching' bill

Lynching is a serious problem. The last one was in 1981. Every black face is at risk.

This is a stupid excuse for wasting time passing a "prove that you really love blacks" law.
Our tax dollars being wasted on frivolous shit.
Like voting for "National Chicken Wing Day" or "National Postal Worker Day"....of course, trumpanzees never complain about those kinds of bills being brought up in Congress. But bring up an anti-lynching bill and OMIGOD! Watch the fur fly!
Cons see a thread like this and it makes them squirm because it so closely describes them. They prefer, like toadstools, to hide in the shadows in the decaying tree trunks. Dragging them into the sunlight burns their skin.
I would like to say I'm surprised to see anyone be against an anti-lynching bill....but I've been around these trumpanzees too long for any kind of surprise to set in.

I haven't seen anyone opposed to an anti lynching bill. I HAVE seen a lot of mocking of the bill as totally unnecessary and silly, as murder, rioting, etc are already illegal. I do believe you're falsely exaggerating.

I mean, let's introduce a bill making it illegal to have five or more people rape a woman in an alley. Surely you wouldn't have ANY reason to laugh at such a bill, right?
Lynching is a serious problem. The last one was in 1981. Every black face is at risk.

This is a stupid excuse for wasting time passing a "prove that you really love blacks" law.
Our tax dollars being wasted on frivolous shit.
Like voting for "National Chicken Wing Day" or "National Postal Worker Day"....of course, trumpanzees never complain about those kinds of bills being brought up in Congress. But bring up an anti-lynching bill and OMIGOD! Watch the fur fly!
Their bill is as pointless as your whining about my post. The difference of course is they are WASTING MY MONEY whereas you are just wasting oxygen
I'm afraid that one guy got dain bramage when they beat him in the head.

Whoops! He's not involved with the bill. :tomato:
We could have a national anti lynching day.

These government blackies know this is silly. That's why they present it as "showing condemnation of PAST lynchings." It's another prove you aren't a racist moment. Eventually the public will tire of proving they aren't racist which gives the blackies an excuse to say "see. You're a racist. We knew it all along. "
Republicans already put an end to democrats lynching black people when they defeated the democrats during the Civil War and afterwards when the democrats used the kkk to hang black men from trees.... it took guns and shooting a lot of democrats, but the democrats learned the they just want black votes, while they destroy the inner cities...
Funny that the democrats, the ones who keep blocking anti lynching laws now want to pretend there is a problem...

Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill - Wikipedia

The Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill was first introduced in 1918 by Representative Leonidas C. Dyer, a Republican from St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States House of Representatives as H.R. 11279.[1] It was directed at punishing lynchings and mob violence. The Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill was re-introduced in subsequent sessions of Congress and passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on January 26, 1922, but its passage was halted by a filibuster by Senate Democrats.

Attempts to propose similar legislation took a halt until the 1930s with the Costigan-Wagner Bill.[2] Subsequent bills followed but the United States Congress never outlawed due to powerful opposition from the southern Democrat voting bloc.
Cons see a thread like this and it makes them squirm because it so closely describes them. They prefer, like toadstools, to hide in the shadows in the decaying tree trunks. Dragging them into the sunlight burns their skin.
I would like to say I'm surprised to see anyone be against an anti-lynching bill....but I've been around these trumpanzees too long for any kind of surprise to set in.
The Democrat anti-lynching bill is 100% pure racist demagoguery meant to incite hate and fear for votes.
I would like to say I'm surprised to see anyone be against an anti-lynching bill....but I've been around these trumpanzees too long for any kind of surprise to set in.
It's already against the law. Would you support an anti-slavery bill?

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