Birth Control Mandate: Is this taking the Religous Liberty Exception too far?

So Catholic Organizations don't have to violate their beliefs by assisting employees in regards to receiving birth control ... As long as they fill out the paperwork that assists the employees in receiving birth control.
Typical government solution ... Never address the problem ... And simply think that dictating a stupid workaround excuses any responsibility.

Being ALIVE is a normal state, yet people go to the doctor for check ups to make sure they are in good health. Cleaning your teeth is normal, but it is still a health care issue. A million things are normal and not illnesses, yet we still use health care to address them.

You live in the Stone Age.

Birth control is NOT a healthcare problem.

pregnancy IS a normal state and is avoidable by lifestyle options.
Government has no role in mandating the lifestyle choices.


If you want to live under gubmint total control - move to Cuba or North Korea and enjoy.
Birth Control is also used to treat medical problems, doof.

In this case, it still doesn't matter - as the org do not have to provide BC, nor does their insurance company - the Christian Brothers Employee Benefit Trust.


Actually, hormones are used to treat medical problems.

Birth control is used to control birth.
It is not that simple.
Their legal advice was to NOT SIGN THE PAPER.
I noticed this was included in Fox News's story, but not ABC News's story.
As the paper was written, the NHS could require them to still pay the cost for a second, separate policy an individual would get. So they would not be required to provide the coverage - but could still be required to pay for it...which is of course no difference as they would obviously still be providing the service.
So in other words - as written - the form was a lie.

Thats what I got from this,the real question is why are the board detractors even care what these nun do or don't do.Its the nuns and Catholic churches money.

The intolerance and just plan school girl blubbering about something they are not involved with what so ever.
In this case, the nuns are not being asked to fund Birth Control -- the extent of their participation is signing a form saying they wish to be exempt.

That's it. Their religious sensibilities are insulted by merely stating on paper they have religious objections.

Once again what do you care,why the blubbering,it effects you not!
"Everyone, it seems, knows better about how to live one’s faith in the public square than the nuns who have to facilitate contraception coverage for people who are sworn to celibacy. The New York Times editorial board followed the White House lead on arguing that the nuns aren’t really violating Catholic doctrine by facilitating access to contraception, despite what they themselves believe. And even if it did, the requirement doesn’t place a big burden on religious expression:
A careful review of the matter should persuade Justice Sotomayor and her Supreme Court colleagues, who may also become involved now, that the alleged threat to religious liberty is nonexistent and the stay should be lifted while litigation proceeds in the lower courts. …"

You gotta love it when anti-Christian extremists think they have the authority to tell believers whether or not they are violating their religious beliefs.

This is, of course, the ultimate in violation of separation of church and state, of course. Funny that leftist extremists have screamed all along that actually ENGAGING in religion is a violation of church v. state, if you do so publicly...while at the same time desperately attempting to facilitate state control over the churches.

NYT: We also know better about religious fidelity than a bunch of nuns « Hot Air
"Like the cases of the private employers, the suit by the nuns’ group boils down to an unjustified attempt by an employer to impose its religious views on workers."

Oh the irony. Those who claim they have the right and the authority to impose mandates upon employers that violate their religious beliefs claim that if you refuse to allow them to do it, it's an unustified attempt to impose religious views on workers, lol.

NYT: We also know better about religious fidelity than a bunch of nuns « Hot Air
Paperwork. One page. A real burden, apparently/

Before U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor presided over the Times Square ball drop on New Year's Eve, she temporarily blocked Obamacare's contraceptive mandate from being enforced on two religious non-profits.

The Colorado- and Maryland-based Little Sisters of the Poor and Illinois-based Christian Brothers Services were granted a temporary injunction, preventing Obamacare's contraceptive mandate (which would have gone into effect on New Year's Day) from applying to these non-profits, reports Reuters.

What does Justice Sotomayor's order mean for Obamacare's enforcement?

Non-Profits Need to Be 'Self-Certified'
Under Obamacare, bona fide religious organizations are exempt from the contraceptive requirement, but non-profits which are affiliated with a religious organization are a bit of a grayer area.

To sort out some of the confusion, the federal government agreed in June to allow non-profits to "self-certify" that they were exempt from the contraceptive mandate for religious reasons. This was accomplished by filling out a government-issued form and providing it to the non-profit's insurer or health insurance plan administrator.
The Little Sisters of the Poor is a non-profit comprised of nuns; Christian Brother Services administers the Little Sisters' employee health benefits.

In their application to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Little Sisters' lawyers argued that this self-certification process, requiring them to send the government-issued form to Christian Brother Services, violates the members' religious beliefs.

The question looming before the Supreme Court is whether the self-certification system itself is a substantial burden to religious liberty.
Obamacare's Contraceptive Mandate Blocked for 2 Religious Non-Profits - Decided
Thats what I got from this,the real question is why are the board detractors even care what these nun do or don't do.Its the nuns and Catholic churches money.

The intolerance and just plan school girl blubbering about something they are not involved with what so ever.
In this case, the nuns are not being asked to fund Birth Control -- the extent of their participation is signing a form saying they wish to be exempt.

That's it. Their religious sensibilities are insulted by merely stating on paper they have religious objections.

Once again what do you care,why the blubbering,it effects you not!
If all you're interested in is trolling, take your blubber and shove off.
In this case, the nuns are not being asked to fund Birth Control -- the extent of their participation is signing a form saying they wish to be exempt.

That's it. Their religious sensibilities are insulted by merely stating on paper they have religious objections.

Once again what do you care,why the blubbering,it effects you not!
If all you're interested in is trolling, take your blubber and shove off.

Its a legit question ,there bucko,why would you care?

That's it. Their religious sensibilities are insulted by merely stating on paper they have religious objections.[/QUOTE]
And you are bitch en about trolls?? see above sentence?
No, it is taking government intervention into individual life too far.
Contraception has absolutely nothing to do with healthcare. It is a lifestyle option, not a healthcare option.

And it is an extremely discriminatory mandate - not only on religious grounds, but it is a perfect example of gender discrimination. If it should be covered for women, why shouldn't it be covered for men?

Are the monasteries required to file the exception, which is neither onerous or unconstitutional?
A waste of money on litigation the Catholics could be using to help the poor.

why won't you create your own religion where the poor take the place of god?
the hypocrisy of the militantly atheist left is just hilarious.

Catholic faith is NOT centered around helping the poor. It is a secondary and even a tertiary problem. Neither is it a centerpiece for any religion, for that matter - and it should not be.

So, creating the Church of Pauperes Cultus can be your next business
project, Moonglow :D
l'll ke 10% of profits for providing the idea ;)

So you are anti-Catholic, as well? Very modern.
No, it is taking government intervention into individual life too far.
Contraception has absolutely nothing to do with healthcare. It is a lifestyle option, not a healthcare option.
I see you didn't even bother to read the OP.

The organization does NOT have to provide BC coverage. They are exempt.

Their objection is to filling out a short form claiming they are exempt.

Good. Their objection is valid as it is the same as providing the coverage. But since you are a militant ignorant atheist you won't understnd it.

No, it is not, and your stance as a far right anti-1st Amendment reactionary stands solid.
Being ALIVE is a normal state, yet people go to the doctor for check ups to make sure they are in good health. Cleaning your teeth is normal, but it is still a health care issue. A million things are normal and not illnesses, yet we still use health care to address them.

You live in the Stone Age.

Birth control is NOT a healthcare problem.

pregnancy IS a normal state and is avoidable by lifestyle options.
Government has no role in mandating the lifestyle choices.


If you want to live under gubmint total control - move to Cuba or North Korea and enjoy.
Birth Control is also used to treat medical problems, doof.

In this case, it still doesn't matter - as the org do not have to provide BC, nor does their insurance company - the Christian Brothers Employee Benefit Trust.


birth control is NOT used to treat hormonal imbalances. Hormones are. Some of the hormones are also used in the birth control preparations.
But they are not the same "pills" :lol:

educate yourself before you pose as a knowledgeable, doof.
Thats what I got from this,the real question is why are the board detractors even care what these nun do or don't do.Its the nuns and Catholic churches money.

The intolerance and just plan school girl blubbering about something they are not involved with what so ever.

Hmmm. might have something to do with Church doctrine. While I understand that Paperview and other leftists demand that Obama alone will determine doctrine, under the Bill of Rights in the old republic, there was a provision known as the 1st Amendment that constrained Congress from creating any law that infringed on religious liberty - including the liberty to determine church doctrine.

But dictatorship under Obama is so much better than civil liberty that no one should complain.

Obama Akbar.
"Everyone, it seems, knows better about how to live one’s faith in the public square than the nuns who have to facilitate contraception coverage for people who are sworn to celibacy. The New York Times editorial board followed the White House lead on arguing that the nuns aren’t really violating Catholic doctrine by facilitating access to contraception, despite what they themselves believe. And even if it did, the requirement doesn’t place a big burden on religious expression:
A careful review of the matter should persuade Justice Sotomayor and her Supreme Court colleagues, who may also become involved now, that the alleged threat to religious liberty is nonexistent and the stay should be lifted while litigation proceeds in the lower courts. …"

You gotta love it when anti-Christian extremists think they have the authority to tell believers whether or not they are violating their religious beliefs.

This is, of course, the ultimate in violation of separation of church and state, of course. Funny that leftist extremists have screamed all along that actually ENGAGING in religion is a violation of church v. state, if you do so publicly...while at the same time desperately attempting to facilitate state control over the churches.

NYT: We also know better about religious fidelity than a bunch of nuns « Hot Air

Obama and the NY Times stated "If you like your celibacy, you can keep your celibacy..."
Birth control is NOT a healthcare problem.

pregnancy IS a normal state and is avoidable by lifestyle options.
Government has no role in mandating the lifestyle choices.


If you want to live under gubmint total control - move to Cuba or North Korea and enjoy.
Birth Control is also used to treat medical problems, doof.

In this case, it still doesn't matter - as the org do not have to provide BC, nor does their insurance company - the Christian Brothers Employee Benefit Trust.


birth control is NOT used to treat hormonal imbalances. Hormones are. Some of the hormones are also used in the birth control preparations.
But they are not the same "pills" :lol:

educate yourself before you pose as a knowledgeable, doof.
You're wrong. Birth control pills for example are also used to treat endometriosis.
"With the stroke of their own pen, applicants can secure for themselves the relief they seek from this court — an exemption from the requirements of the contraceptive-coverage provision — and the employer-applicants' employees (and their family members) will not receive contraceptive coverage through the plan's third-party administrator either. The application should be denied," Verrilli argued.

Gov't: Birth Control Mandate Should Not Be Blocked - ABC News

The argument against filing a form is absurd.
"With the stroke of their own pen, applicants can secure for themselves the relief they seek from this court — an exemption from the requirements of the contraceptive-coverage provision — and the employer-applicants' employees (and their family members) will not receive contraceptive coverage through the plan's third-party administrator either. The application should be denied," Verrilli argued.

Gov't: Birth Control Mandate Should Not Be Blocked - ABC News

The argument against filing a form is absurd.

"If employer-applicants' third-party administrator were nevertheless to decide to provide contraceptive coverage, applicants' employees and their covered dependents would receive such coverage despite applicants' assertion of their religious objections, not because of those objections."

If you need a link ... It came from your source already linked.


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