Black Americans Twice as Likely as Whites to Default on Student Debt


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Actually the article says the black default rate is 48.6 vs 20.4 for whites. Almost 2 1/2 times as bad!! Anyway, we once again see more black failure. Lincoln had the right idea. All his life he fought to send blacks back to africa.

Black Americans Twice as Likely as Whites to Default on Student Debt

oct 11 2017Nearly half of black Americans who borrowed from the federal government to attend college defaulted on their student loans—more than double the rate among white student debtors, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Education.

The figures are part of a comprehensive report out this month that examines students who first enrolled in college during the 2003-04 academic year and whether they defaulted on at least one federal loan over the next 12 years, or until June 2015.

Robert Kelchen, an assistant professor at Seton Hall University who researches higher education, compiled default rates by race and provided it to Bloomberg.

The differences are stark: Some 48.6 percent of black student debtors defaulted on a federal loan, compared with 10.8 percent of Asians, 20.4 percent of whites, and 34.7 percent of Hispanics. Across all races, about 27 percent of all borrowers defaulted.
Actually the article says the black default rate is 48.6 vs 20.4 for whites. Almost 2 1/2 times as bad!! Anyway, we once again see more black failure. Lincoln had the right idea. All his life he fought to send blacks back to africa.

Black Americans Twice as Likely as Whites to Default on Student Debt

oct 11 2017Nearly half of black Americans who borrowed from the federal government to attend college defaulted on their student loans—more than double the rate among white student debtors, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Education.

The figures are part of a comprehensive report out this month that examines students who first enrolled in college during the 2003-04 academic year and whether they defaulted on at least one federal loan over the next 12 years, or until June 2015.

Robert Kelchen, an assistant professor at Seton Hall University who researches higher education, compiled default rates by race and provided it to Bloomberg.

The differences are stark: Some 48.6 percent of black student debtors defaulted on a federal loan, compared with 10.8 percent of Asians, 20.4 percent of whites, and 34.7 percent of Hispanics. Across all races, about 27 percent of all borrowers defaulted.
Thank god we have Don to stick it to the black man who has been holding you down. Thankfully the donor class has been able to legislate our young into debt peons unable to file for bankruptcy on these loans like your elites and our president can to walk away from their obligations, but that's what makes america great; insitutionalized economic disparity.
Actually the article says the black default rate is 48.6 vs 20.4 for whites. Almost 2 1/2 times as bad!! Anyway, we once again see more black failure. Lincoln had the right idea. All his life he fought to send blacks back to africa.

Black Americans Twice as Likely as Whites to Default on Student Debt

oct 11 2017Nearly half of black Americans who borrowed from the federal government to attend college defaulted on their student loans—more than double the rate among white student debtors, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Education.

The figures are part of a comprehensive report out this month that examines students who first enrolled in college during the 2003-04 academic year and whether they defaulted on at least one federal loan over the next 12 years, or until June 2015.

Robert Kelchen, an assistant professor at Seton Hall University who researches higher education, compiled default rates by race and provided it to Bloomberg.

The differences are stark: Some 48.6 percent of black student debtors defaulted on a federal loan, compared with 10.8 percent of Asians, 20.4 percent of whites, and 34.7 percent of Hispanics. Across all races, about 27 percent of all borrowers defaulted.
Thank god we have Don to stick it to the black man who has been holding you down.
It really is a crime. Shootspeeders wouldn't have to live off of food stamps and SSI if only the black man would take that boot off his back.
Actually the article says the black default rate is 48.6 vs 20.4 for whites. Almost 2 1/2 times as bad!! Anyway, we once again see more black failure. Lincoln had the right idea. All his life he fought to send blacks back to africa.

Black Americans Twice as Likely as Whites to Default on Student Debt

oct 11 2017Nearly half of black Americans who borrowed from the federal government to attend college defaulted on their student loans—more than double the rate among white student debtors, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Education.

The figures are part of a comprehensive report out this month that examines students who first enrolled in college during the 2003-04 academic year and whether they defaulted on at least one federal loan over the next 12 years, or until June 2015.

Robert Kelchen, an assistant professor at Seton Hall University who researches higher education, compiled default rates by race and provided it to Bloomberg.

The differences are stark: Some 48.6 percent of black student debtors defaulted on a federal loan, compared with 10.8 percent of Asians, 20.4 percent of whites, and 34.7 percent of Hispanics. Across all races, about 27 percent of all borrowers defaulted.
Thank god we have Don to stick it to the black man who has been holding you down.
It really is a crime. Shootspeeders wouldn't have to live off of food stamps and SSI if only the black man would take that boot off his back.
Who would many americans be without someone to hate, blame and look down upon? Lost souls adrift on a raft of personal responsibility.
Actually the article says the black default rate is 48.6 vs 20.4 for whites. Almost 2 1/2 times as bad!! Anyway, we once again see more black failure. Lincoln had the right idea. All his life he fought to send blacks back to africa.

Black Americans Twice as Likely as Whites to Default on Student Debt

oct 11 2017Nearly half of black Americans who borrowed from the federal government to attend college defaulted on their student loans—more than double the rate among white student debtors, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Education.

The figures are part of a comprehensive report out this month that examines students who first enrolled in college during the 2003-04 academic year and whether they defaulted on at least one federal loan over the next 12 years, or until June 2015.

Robert Kelchen, an assistant professor at Seton Hall University who researches higher education, compiled default rates by race and provided it to Bloomberg.

The differences are stark: Some 48.6 percent of black student debtors defaulted on a federal loan, compared with 10.8 percent of Asians, 20.4 percent of whites, and 34.7 percent of Hispanics. Across all races, about 27 percent of all borrowers defaulted.

So student loans are bunch of bs scams dreamed up by a pos Government to begin with . Another scam used to break the backs of all American's that's why they came up with this deceitful pos thing to begin with.

Actually the article says the black default rate is 48.6 vs 20.4 for whites. Almost 2 1/2 times as bad!! Anyway, we once again see more black failure. Lincoln had the right idea. All his life he fought to send blacks back to africa.

Black Americans Twice as Likely as Whites to Default on Student Debt

oct 11 2017Nearly half of black Americans who borrowed from the federal government to attend college defaulted on their student loans—more than double the rate among white student debtors, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Education.

The figures are part of a comprehensive report out this month that examines students who first enrolled in college during the 2003-04 academic year and whether they defaulted on at least one federal loan over the next 12 years, or until June 2015.

Robert Kelchen, an assistant professor at Seton Hall University who researches higher education, compiled default rates by race and provided it to Bloomberg.

The differences are stark: Some 48.6 percent of black student debtors defaulted on a federal loan, compared with 10.8 percent of Asians, 20.4 percent of whites, and 34.7 percent of Hispanics. Across all races, about 27 percent of all borrowers defaulted.
Thank god we have Don to stick it to the black man who has been holding you down.
It really is a crime. Shootspeeders wouldn't have to live off of food stamps and SSI if only the black man would take that boot off his back.
Who would many americans be without someone to hate, blame and look down upon? Lost souls adrift on a raft of personal responsibility.
Exactly. Once you decide everything is the brown folks' fault, your decision to drop out of highschool or to sell meth and end up in jail doesn't seem so bad.
Actually the article says the black default rate is 48.6 vs 20.4 for whites. Almost 2 1/2 times as bad!! Anyway, we once again see more black failure. Lincoln had the right idea. All his life he fought to send blacks back to africa.

Black Americans Twice as Likely as Whites to Default on Student Debt

oct 11 2017Nearly half of black Americans who borrowed from the federal government to attend college defaulted on their student loans—more than double the rate among white student debtors, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Education.

The figures are part of a comprehensive report out this month that examines students who first enrolled in college during the 2003-04 academic year and whether they defaulted on at least one federal loan over the next 12 years, or until June 2015.

Robert Kelchen, an assistant professor at Seton Hall University who researches higher education, compiled default rates by race and provided it to Bloomberg.

The differences are stark: Some 48.6 percent of black student debtors defaulted on a federal loan, compared with 10.8 percent of Asians, 20.4 percent of whites, and 34.7 percent of Hispanics. Across all races, about 27 percent of all borrowers defaulted.
Thank god we have Don to stick it to the black man who has been holding you down.
It really is a crime. Shootspeeders wouldn't have to live off of food stamps and SSI if only the black man would take that boot off his back.
Who would many americans be without someone to hate, blame and look down upon? Lost souls adrift on a raft of personal responsibility.
Exactly. Once you decide everything is the brown folks' fault, your decision to drop out of highschool or to sell meth and end up in jail doesn't seem so bad.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, interesting, where is that opioid epidemic occurring? Why, is that another one of those dark folk ghettoie thingys?
A large percentage of high school grads are being pressed to attend college even though their academic and financial situations indicate they would be far better off attending trade school, getting service jobs, or (in the case of females) becoming homemakers. These ill-equiped students acquire large levels of debt while often not graduating or graduating without the skills or knowledge to succeed in their field.

You also have the SJW class and "academics" who acquire excessive debt while "earning" degrees which hace no viable career path T the end of them.

Much of thjs could be fixed if we stopped promoting the idea that everyone needs to attend college. Many career paths with more than reasinabke earnings potential do not require college degrees.
Never loan money to a negro

And they either dropout or fail at school anyways
A large percentage of high school grads are being pressed to attend college even though their academic and financial situations indicate they would be far better off attending trade school, getting service jobs, or (in the case of females) becoming homemakers. These ill-equiped students acquire large levels of debt while often not graduating or graduating without the skills or knowledge to succeed in their field.

You also have the SJW class and "academics" who acquire excessive debt while "earning" degrees which hace no viable career path T the end of them.

Much of thjs could be fixed if we stopped promoting the idea that everyone needs to attend college. Many career paths with more than reasinabke earnings potential do not require college degrees.
Half of all wage earners in america now drag home less than $30K a year in an economic system predicated upon mass consumption, that's unsustainable. Watch.
:badgrin: A Black studies major can't find a job that pays enough to repay their debt?????
Must be because of racism...:afro:
It's a big scam, the negros sign up for school, get the money and then laugh at the stupid crackers
Half of all wage earners in america now drag home less than $30K a year in an economic system predicated upon mass consumption, that's unsustainable. Watch.

Probably the same half who don't really deserve to make $15K a year, becayse they add no real value to the company they work for.

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