Black Americans Twice as Likely as Whites to Default on Student Debt

Actually the article says the black default rate is 48.6 vs 20.4 for whites. Almost 2 1/2 times as bad!! Anyway, we once again see more black failure. Lincoln had the right idea. All his life he fought to send blacks back to africa.

Black Americans Twice as Likely as Whites to Default on Student Debt

oct 11 2017Nearly half of black Americans who borrowed from the federal government to attend college defaulted on their student loans—more than double the rate among white student debtors, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Education.

The figures are part of a comprehensive report out this month that examines students who first enrolled in college during the 2003-04 academic year and whether they defaulted on at least one federal loan over the next 12 years, or until June 2015.

Robert Kelchen, an assistant professor at Seton Hall University who researches higher education, compiled default rates by race and provided it to Bloomberg.

The differences are stark: Some 48.6 percent of black student debtors defaulted on a federal loan, compared with 10.8 percent of Asians, 20.4 percent of whites, and 34.7 percent of Hispanics. Across all races, about 27 percent of all borrowers defaulted.

Hi ShootSpeeders
Maybe if political parties managed their own programs through donations and taxes
paid by thr own members to support policies and people they believe in developing,
we wouldn't have this problem. Members would be motivated to pay into parties they
support, and the parties could only afford to finance reliable people and solutions, not more problems and debts.

both OBAMA and BEN CARSON believe in MIcrolending
as the more sustainable effective solution to end poverty and dependence on handouts.

Both are Black leaders, prominent in American media, political parties and govt.

Prominent Black Leaders and clergy also called for
Occupy the Dream and economic reforms.

All these leaders respect MLK's words and legacy.

So what's missing?

If we know the solution is for Black community members and leaders
to invest in business and education to uplift their districts to
become independent, why not support UNITY in that direction?
That's how America was built, by investing in building our
own country, not depending on the British Crown.

It seems the class division between rich and poor
prevents leaders from both sides of the spectrum
from joining together and implementing solutions
that both left and right agree on:
* microlending so people invest directly in each other
instead of depending on govt for one time handouts
* business training and mentorship as with all the
successful microlending programs that produce sustainable results
in ending poverty and bulding businesses and stronger communities
* empowering people to manage their own resources
and govern themselves (instead of wasting media
and political campaigns ragging and attacking other
parties to get voters dependent on politics)
"Racial inequality probably plays a role: The typical white household led by someone without a bachelor's degree is wealthier than the typical black household led by someone with at least a bachelor's degree, according to figures from the Federal Reserve’s triennial Survey of Consumer Finances made public last month."

Your article pard.

Of course racial inequality is involved. Blacks are inferior and shouldn't even be in college. Most blacks can't read or count or even tell time. How can they manage debt.

A white with just a HS diploma is far smarter than a black with a PHD in "african studies".
"Racial inequality probably plays a role: The typical white household led by someone without a bachelor's degree is wealthier than the typical black household led by someone with at least a bachelor's degree, according to figures from the Federal Reserve’s triennial Survey of Consumer Finances made public last month."

Your article pard.

Of course racial inequality is involved. Blacks are inferior and shouldn't even be in college. Most blacks can't read or count or even tell time. How can they manage debt.

A white with just a HS diploma is far smarter than a black with a PHD in "african studies".
And they haunt your every waking moment.
A large percentage of high school grads are being pressed to attend college even though their academic and financial situations indicate they would be far better off attending trade school, getting service jobs, or (in the case of females) becoming homemakers. These ill-equiped students acquire large levels of debt while often not graduating or graduating without the skills or knowledge to succeed in their field.

You also have the SJW class and "academics" who acquire excessive debt while "earning" degrees which hace no viable career path T the end of them.

Much of thjs could be fixed if we stopped promoting the idea that everyone needs to attend college. Many career paths with more than reasinabke earnings potential do not require college degrees.

I've said for years that we were better off with apprenticeships. I have an MBA and 90% of what I know I learned on the job, but I'll be paying $500 a month for almost another 20 years for that piece of paper just to get me in the door. The employers are just as much as fault.
Bullshit and you know it, you've redistributed societal wealth and concentrated it into the hands of predators. It will unravel, just a matter of time, and the power structure knows this very well. That's why your police depts have become militarized and are now able to murder citizens even when unarmed in the streeets with impunity.

That's where the wealth SHOULD be concentrated. If the wealthy don't use it well, then Society may fail. I'd still rather give my $10 bill to a rich person to stick in their pocket than to the poor person who will put it in the hands of a drug dealer.

Oh, and criminals deserve to die, whether they're armed or not.
Bullshit and you know it, you've redistributed societal wealth and concentrated it into the hands of predators. It will unravel, just a matter of time, and the power structure knows this very well. That's why your police depts have become militarized and are now able to murder citizens even when unarmed in the streeets with impunity.

That's where the wealth SHOULD be concentrated. If the wealthy don't use it well, then Society may fail. I'd still rather give my $10 bill to a rich person to stick in their pocket than to the poor person who will put it in the hands of a drug dealer.

Oh, and criminals deserve to die, whether they're armed or not.
Yes, of course, the little people are to subjugate themselves to the aristocracy, all that other stuff we learned as kids about america was bullshit. I know.
I've said for years that we were better off with apprenticeships. I have an MBA and 90% of what I know I learned on the job, but I'll be paying $500 a month for almost another 20 years for that piece of paper just to get me in the door. The employers are just as much as fault.

Agreed. We are renegotiating job descriptions right now, and the expectations from the Company are ridiculous compared to what the job truly requires.
Yes, of course, the little people are to subjugate themselves to the aristocracy, all that other stuff we learned as kids about america was bullshit. I know.

All that stuff YOU learned (I was tajght better) has been B.S. since the naive Founding Fathers put it on paper. They didn't even believe it, but it made the masses feel good. Unfortunately Lincoln and FDR tried to actually put it into action, nearly destroying the country.
"Racial inequality probably plays a role: The typical white household led by someone without a bachelor's degree is wealthier than the typical black household led by someone with at least a bachelor's degree, according to figures from the Federal Reserve’s triennial Survey of Consumer Finances made public last month."

Your article pard.

Of course racial inequality is involved. Blacks are inferior and shouldn't even be in college. Most blacks can't read or count or even tell time. How can they manage debt.

A white with just a HS diploma is far smarter than a black with a PHD in "african studies".

For someone who claims to be superior, you certainly post a lot of lies to defend your lunacy.
You could give free schooling to blacks and it wouldn't change a thing
I've said for years that we were better off with apprenticeships. I have an MBA and 90% of what I know I learned on the job, but I'll be paying $500 a month for almost another 20 years for that piece of paper just to get me in the door. The employers are just as much as fault.

Let's just get rid of the govt guaranteed student loan program. That's what has caused tuition to soar.
HAHAHA. Are you equating drunk drivers with jaywalkers.?? HAHA. You loony libs crack me up.

I'm not a Liberal. I'm a Conservative Authoritarian. I'm suggesting that ALL criminals need to be executed, regardless of how large or small their crime is.
Actually the article says the black default rate is 48.6 vs 20.4 for whites. Almost 2 1/2 times as bad!! Anyway, we once again see more black failure. Lincoln had the right idea. All his life he fought to send blacks back to africa.

Black Americans Twice as Likely as Whites to Default on Student Debt

oct 11 2017Nearly half of black Americans who borrowed from the federal government to attend college defaulted on their student loans—more than double the rate among white student debtors, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Education.

The figures are part of a comprehensive report out this month that examines students who first enrolled in college during the 2003-04 academic year and whether they defaulted on at least one federal loan over the next 12 years, or until June 2015.

Robert Kelchen, an assistant professor at Seton Hall University who researches higher education, compiled default rates by race and provided it to Bloomberg.

The differences are stark: Some 48.6 percent of black student debtors defaulted on a federal loan, compared with 10.8 percent of Asians, 20.4 percent of whites, and 34.7 percent of Hispanics. Across all races, about 27 percent of all borrowers defaulted.
Thank god we have Don to stick it to the black man who has been holding you down. Thankfully the donor class has been able to legislate our young into debt peons unable to file for bankruptcy on these loans like your elites and our president can to walk away from their obligations, but that's what makes america great; insitutionalized economic disparity.
Don't forget to thank the leftist run education system that has not only "rubber stamped" diplomas to the "kids" who a great many are not deserving of a diploma to begin with... But then encourage these same barely literate mouth breathers to enroll in college. Like a college is going to say no to "free" government money... Lol!
Bullshit and you know it, you've redistributed societal wealth and concentrated it into the hands of predators. It will unravel, just a matter of time, and the power structure knows this very well. That's why your police depts have become militarized and are now able to murder citizens even when unarmed in the streeets with impunity.

That's where the wealth SHOULD be concentrated. If the wealthy don't use it well, then Society may fail. I'd still rather give my $10 bill to a rich person to stick in their pocket than to the poor person who will put it in the hands of a drug dealer.

Oh, and criminals deserve to die, whether they're armed or not.

Luckily, your views are only shared by a handful of lunatics and will never come to pass.

But feel free to go out and execute a few yourself. Oh wait, that would require having a pair of balls, wouldn't it?
Bullshit and you know it, you've redistributed societal wealth and concentrated it into the hands of predators. It will unravel, just a matter of time, and the power structure knows this very well. That's why your police depts have become militarized and are now able to murder citizens even when unarmed in the streeets with impunity.

That's where the wealth SHOULD be concentrated. If the wealthy don't use it well, then Society may fail. I'd still rather give my $10 bill to a rich person to stick in their pocket than to the poor person who will put it in the hands of a drug dealer.

Oh, and criminals deserve to die, whether they're armed or not.

Luckily, your views are only shared by a handful of lunatics and will never come to pass.

But feel free to go out and execute a few yourself. Oh wait, that would require having a pair of balls, wouldn't it?
Unfortunately no... Having balls is not a requirement for vigilantism...
Bullshit and you know it, you've redistributed societal wealth and concentrated it into the hands of predators. It will unravel, just a matter of time, and the power structure knows this very well. That's why your police depts have become militarized and are now able to murder citizens even when unarmed in the streeets with impunity.

That's where the wealth SHOULD be concentrated. If the wealthy don't use it well, then Society may fail. I'd still rather give my $10 bill to a rich person to stick in their pocket than to the poor person who will put it in the hands of a drug dealer.

Oh, and criminals deserve to die, whether they're armed or not.

Luckily, your views are only shared by a handful of lunatics and will never come to pass.

But feel free to go out and execute a few yourself. Oh wait, that would require having a pair of balls, wouldn't it?
Unfortunately no... Having balls is not a requirement for vigilantism...

True that any coward can sneak up and execute someone. But I was referring to having the balls to actually DO what you want done, rather than expecting the gov't to do it for you.
Luckily, your views are only shared by a handful of lunatics and will never come to pass.

Keep telling yourself that every time you realize who the POTUS is.

But feel free to go out and execute a few yourself.

If anyone thinks they're gonna victimize me, they will be met with deadly force. Whether it's s gun or a couple tons of motor vehicle. I have no issue killing a human being.

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