Black Community


May 23, 2014
Black people. Do you not feel that you should clean your own back yard before you start telling people how dirty theirs is? This Missouri shootings a direct result of a lack of parenthood,coupled with liberal welfare housing. Where are the leaders in the Black community to say "you reap what you sow."
Black people. Do you not feel that you should clean your own back yard before you start telling people how dirty theirs is? This Missouri shootings a direct result of a lack of parenthood,coupled with liberal welfare housing. Where are the leaders in the Black community to say "you reap what you sow."

Oh yes....DO tell the Black Community how to run themselves. :D
I'm a minority, but when I express disgust at the number of high school dropouts, unwed mothers, 5th generation welfare recipients, lack of parenting skills, total ignorance due to an entitlement mentality and lack of desire to better oneself and the rampant violence in poor neighborhoods, I am called names by the left because I speak the truth. Liberal programs have created an underclass of dependents who are as dumb as dirt. Listen to some of the Ferguson protesters and you will realize that not a one of them has an IQ above 50. I feel the same towards all races who adopt that attitude. Some people are seriously full of shit. And when anyone calls them on their stupidity, they are taught to respond by calling people racists or Uncle Toms. They really believe that and it scares me.
Black people. Do you not feel that you should clean your own back yard before you start telling people how dirty theirs is? This Missouri shootings a direct result of a lack of parenthood,coupled with liberal welfare housing. Where are the leaders in the Black community to say "you reap what you sow."

"Lack of parenthood."

Black people. Do you not feel that you should clean your own back yard before you start telling people how dirty theirs is? This Missouri shootings a direct result of a lack of parenthood,coupled with liberal welfare housing. Where are the leaders in the Black community to say "you reap what you sow."

Oh yes....DO tell the Black Community how to run themselves. :D

The democrats have been doing exactly that for 50 years. And this is the result after all of their enabling and welfare programs. This is what comes from the victimhood and entitlement crap you people push for.

You have been telling them how to live for years and this is the result. Congrats.
Black people. Do you not feel that you should clean your own back yard before you start telling people how dirty theirs is? This Missouri shootings a direct result of a lack of parenthood,coupled with liberal welfare housing. Where are the leaders in the Black community to say "you reap what you sow."

"Lack of parenthood."


Probably not a good idea to laugh since 72 percent of black children are brought up in a single parent home. I have confidence that your party will continue to exploit them. Despicable.
It is night once more in Ferguson. How many times can you unpeaceably assemble before assembling can be denied?
I dont care what blacks do, they are as foreign to me as blacks in Africa and I have no kinship to them. On the other end, I have no compulsion how to tell them how to live their lives or lecture them like many do. But if people want a multiracial society, which most republicans and democrats do, you will have to deal with riots, high non-white crime, militarized police, racial tension etc.
I'm a minority, but when I express disgust at the number of high school dropouts, unwed mothers, 5th generation welfare recipients, lack of parenting skills, total ignorance due to an entitlement mentality and lack of desire to better oneself and the rampant violence in poor neighborhoods, I am called names by the left because I speak the truth. Liberal programs have created an underclass of dependents who are as dumb as dirt. Listen to some of the Ferguson protesters and you will realize that not a one of them has an IQ above 50. I feel the same towards all races who adopt that attitude. Some people are seriously full of shit. And when anyone calls them on their stupidity, they are taught to respond by calling people racists or Uncle Toms. They really believe that and it scares me.

Thank you.
Black people. Do you not feel that you should clean your own back yard before you start telling people how dirty theirs is? This Missouri shootings a direct result of a lack of parenthood,coupled with liberal welfare housing. Where are the leaders in the Black community to say "you reap what you sow."

"Lack of parenthood."


It's the 100% truth.
Black people. Do you not feel that you should clean your own back yard before you start telling people how dirty theirs is? This Missouri shootings a direct result of a lack of parenthood,coupled with liberal welfare housing. Where are the leaders in the Black community to say "you reap what you sow."

This is an ongoing tragedy. Generations of American blacks have been isolated from the rest of our society by two powerful groups: Those who are truly trying to help without seeing the ramifications of their actions, and those who have a professional/financial/political interest in keeping American blacks angry and isolated.

I would strongly advise against blaming the average black American - if you and I were raised in this kind of isolation, submerged in it since birth, our behavior would be different. To me most of the blame lies with those who have a vested interest in keeping blacks isolated, and it's mostly for political advantage.

American blacks have now been victimized twice in this nation's history.

That's pretty fucked up right there.

Black people. Do you not feel that you should clean your own back yard before you start telling people how dirty theirs is? This Missouri shootings a direct result of a lack of parenthood,coupled with liberal welfare housing. Where are the leaders in the Black community to say "you reap what you sow."

"Lack of parenthood."


Probably not a good idea to laugh since 72 percent of black children are brought up in a single parent home. I have confidence that your party will continue to exploit them. Despicable.

That one went right over your head.
Blacks can achieve anything that a white, Hispanic, or any other race can achieve, if given the tools and the desire. It is my opinion they can not get caught up in the "gang banger" mentality and achieve success, just can't happen. It is no different then the poor white caught up in their situation. The question is, how is the cycle broken? There really is only one answer and that is work. Work for these people, and make them accept that work. But even that is simplistic. I was in the south this last week and just like every where else I saw blacks that were successful and I saw many blacks working jobs that the left wing will tells us that Americans do not want to do. EVERYONE that I talked to wanted the same thing I wanted and the same thing every American wants, opportunity. Opportunity to have some bucks left over at the end of the month. Opportunity to have meaningful work. Opportunity to live the American dream. Unfortunately, in my opinion, those opportunities have been closed off to many and thus we get places like Ferguson, Detroit and others.

A real problem is that it is easier to make a baby then it is to find a meaningful job. That holds true for all.
Black people. Do you not feel that you should clean your own back yard before you start telling people how dirty theirs is? This Missouri shootings a direct result of a lack of parenthood,coupled with liberal welfare housing. Where are the leaders in the Black community to say "you reap what you sow."

Oh yes....DO tell the Black Community how to run themselves. :D

Burning and Looting your own neighborhood makes zero sense. From Watts in '65, MLK in '68, Rodney King in '92, Katrina '05, to Ferguson in '14.... Neighborhoods are destroyed. Loot and burn a business out, why should the business owner come back? Then, the community leaders cry about lack of investment in the neighborhood. They admonish whites and non whites alike for being so called racist because they don't want to go into the neighborhood. We hear cries of white flight. Interestingly, we barely hear a yawn when stray bullets from illegal guns find their way into a living room hitting a toddler or elderly person because the trigger was pulled by a black person intended for another black person.

Liberals existence is about segmenting everyone and telling them how to live their lives yet when these riots happen, the very last phrases and words to enter the discussion is personal accountability.
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There should be more members of media and the Black community stepping forward to call this wholes
When the shooting first occurred , I was outraged at the militarized type of force shown.. it worries me still- HOWEVER, having heard about this guys past history and being he had just robbed a store, I'm withholding judgement. None of us know what happened.. Let the authorities do their job.
Black people. Do you not feel that you should clean your own back yard before you start telling people how dirty theirs is? This Missouri shootings a direct result of a lack of parenthood,coupled with liberal welfare housing. Where are the leaders in the Black community to say "you reap what you sow."

This is an ongoing tragedy. Generations of American blacks have been isolated from the rest of our society by two powerful groups: Those who are truly trying to help without seeing the ramifications of their actions, and those who have a professional/financial/political interest in keeping American blacks angry and isolated.

I would strongly advise against blaming the average black American - if you and I were raised in this kind of isolation, submerged in it since birth, our behavior would be different. To me most of the blame lies with those who have a vested interest in keeping blacks isolated, and it's mostly for political advantage.

American blacks have now been victimized twice in this nation's history.

That's pretty fucked up right there.


Wrong. No excuse. You live in the United States of America. I've been around the world and I have seen true poverty. If you are born here you are born into opportunity. Lift yourself up. Stop making excuses.
When the shooting first occurred , I was outraged at the militarized type of force shown.. it worries me still- HOWEVER, having heard about this guys past history and being he had just robbed a store, I'm withholding judgement. None of us know what happened.. Let the authorities do their job.

State authorities.

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