Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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IM2 what did you get for your vote? Your replacements got 53 million dollars. Did black people get 53 million dollars? Why are the people you voted for giving money to people who aren’t even citizens? And nothing for black people? Democrats playin black people for suckas.

This is why white people didn’t want to eat at the same lunch counter as black people.

Career criminal brazenly steals $20,000 worth of merchandise, threatens employee, then turns down a 3 year plea deal and ends up being convicted and sentenced to 30 years. LOL she was obviously very Afraid of that “systemic racism”…..

I'm black. There is no elite control over black culture. You. cherryypick thingss to fit yourr belief. I don't care what a comedian said to a former football player or what another comedian has to say. I care about what socioologists say that are backed withh stats and stuudy. The gaps between whites and blacks relative to alll the economic metrics show that the differences can only be due to race.

Your ignorance of black culture allows you to miss the most critical thing we teach each other. Do not let white racism stop you. You have listened to white race hustlers and black uncles toms far too long.

White culture rushes to deny racism as a causal factor for anything because they don't want to take responsibility for their role in ending it.
You are ASSuming the differences are due to race, but it’s not due to racism. I would like to see everyone excel, not just white people. You tend to ignore that there are a lot of unsuccessful whites too, it’s not a racial issue.
White people telling black people how black people should live is hilarious.

As a member of The Establishment, I'm going to tell you working class rubes how you rubes are being held back by you believing your working class rube beliefs. No doubt, you'll agree with me!

It goes both ways. Blacks tell whites how to live, ask IM2. He believes every negative aspect in a black persons life is caused by white racism, instead of expecting everyone to take personable responsibility.
It goes both ways. Blacks tell whites how to live, ask IM2. He believes every negative aspect in a black persons life is caused by white racism, instead of expecting everyone to take personable responsibility.
He also was on another thread saying Jews broke he covenant and that’s why Gd is punishing them. That’s just an excuse for the way antisemites are acting.
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