Black Democrat Conservatives!


Gold Member
Aug 10, 2012
Many on the right tend to associate the Black democrat voting bloc with liberalism, the progressive movement or socialism. There is another side of the story that many right wingers don’t want to hear.
A considerable number of black families, I dare say the majority, are staunch Democrat conservatives. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. The information was made public some time ago but few bothered to delve into it. Even the source article from which I gleaned the data for this op doesn’t specifically relate solely to Black Democrats; however, the spirit of the piece clearly renders the existence of conservative Democrats of every race or sex into sharper focus. I extrapolated and concluded that what I know of multiple Black communities all over the country falls solidly in the category as described below.

wikipedia said:
Conservative Democrats are distinguishable by staunch liberal views on economic issues (a populist orientation setting them apart from conservative Republicans, which explains their continued allegiance to the Democratic Party), with moderate to conservative views on other issues:
"Religious orientation and conservative views set this group apart from other Democratic-leaning groups on many social and political issues. Conservative Democrats' views are moderate with respect to key policy issues such as foreign policy, regulation of the environment and the role of government in providing a social safety net...Less extreme on moral beliefs than core Republican groups, but most oppose gay marriage and the acceptance of homosexuality, and support a more active role for government in protecting morality. No more conservative than the national average on other social issues such as abortion and stem-cell research.
Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While all too many main stream right wingers try to pigeonhole the opposition for convenience in attacking them, they may, at times, alienate some elements that might have agreed with them on some major issues,
Call them whatever. Voting dimocratic means they're dimocrats and thus as blind and brainwashed as other blacks.

So, are you saying that all the White males, White women and Hispanics who vote democrat are blind and brainwashed as well? If you are representing yourself as a right wing spokesman, its no wonder your party is experiencing death-throes. You haven't a clue about anything!
Call them whatever. Voting dimocratic means they're dimocrats and thus as blind and brainwashed as other blacks.

So, are you saying that all the White males, White women and Hispanics who vote democrat are blind and brainwashed as well? If you are representing yourself as a right wing spokesman, its no wonder your party is experiencing death-throes. You haven't a clue about anything!

They keep forgetting that every race voted for the current president. The only demographic below 50% in favor of the POTUS was the white demographic.
Many on the right tend to associate the Black democrat voting bloc with liberalism, the progressive movement or socialism. There is another side of the story that many right wingers don’t want to hear.
A considerable number of black families, I dare say the majority, are staunch Democrat conservatives. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. The information was made public some time ago but few bothered to delve into it. Even the source article from which I gleaned the data for this op doesn’t specifically relate solely to Black Democrats; however, the spirit of the piece clearly renders the existence of conservative Democrats of every race or sex into sharper focus. I extrapolated and concluded that what I know of multiple Black communities all over the country falls solidly in the category as described below.

wikipedia said:
Conservative Democrats are distinguishable by staunch liberal views on economic issues (a populist orientation setting them apart from conservative Republicans, which explains their continued allegiance to the Democratic Party), with moderate to conservative views on other issues:
"Religious orientation and conservative views set this group apart from other Democratic-leaning groups on many social and political issues. Conservative Democrats' views are moderate with respect to key policy issues such as foreign policy, regulation of the environment and the role of government in providing a social safety net...Less extreme on moral beliefs than core Republican groups, but most oppose gay marriage and the acceptance of homosexuality, and support a more active role for government in protecting morality. No more conservative than the national average on other social issues such as abortion and stem-cell research.
Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While all too many main stream right wingers try to pigeonhole the opposition for convenience in attacking them, they may, at times, alienate some elements that might have agreed with them on some major issues,

I call bullshit on that. If blacks were in deed conservative they wouldn't vote against their own interest.
Many on the right tend to associate the Black democrat voting bloc with liberalism, the progressive movement or socialism. There is another side of the story that many right wingers don’t want to hear.
A considerable number of black families, I dare say the majority, are staunch Democrat conservatives. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. The information was made public some time ago but few bothered to delve into it. Even the source article from which I gleaned the data for this op doesn’t specifically relate solely to Black Democrats; however, the spirit of the piece clearly renders the existence of conservative Democrats of every race or sex into sharper focus. I extrapolated and concluded that what I know of multiple Black communities all over the country falls solidly in the category as described below.

wikipedia said:
Conservative Democrats are distinguishable by staunch liberal views on economic issues (a populist orientation setting them apart from conservative Republicans, which explains their continued allegiance to the Democratic Party), with moderate to conservative views on other issues:
"Religious orientation and conservative views set this group apart from other Democratic-leaning groups on many social and political issues. Conservative Democrats' views are moderate with respect to key policy issues such as foreign policy, regulation of the environment and the role of government in providing a social safety net...Less extreme on moral beliefs than core Republican groups, but most oppose gay marriage and the acceptance of homosexuality, and support a more active role for government in protecting morality. No more conservative than the national average on other social issues such as abortion and stem-cell research.
Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While all too many main stream right wingers try to pigeonhole the opposition for convenience in attacking them, they may, at times, alienate some elements that might have agreed with them on some major issues,

I call bullshit on that. If blacks were in deed conservative they wouldn't vote against their own interest.

Did you even read the quote I so thoughtfully provided? If you did, you didn't address it. How Blacks vote has more to do with fighting for and keeping their hard gained rights than with anything else. There are only two major parties. The one called Democrat has emerged as the lesser of two evils; and, most importantly, has served the Will of the people far more closely than contemporary Republicans ever pretended to do! And now that the most vicious racists in the country have aligned themselves with the GOP, would you expect Blacks to ignore that? DID YOU THINK THEY DIDN'T NOTICE THAT?
Many on the right tend to associate the Black democrat voting bloc with liberalism, the progressive movement or socialism. There is another side of the story that many right wingers don’t want to hear.
A considerable number of black families, I dare say the majority, are staunch Democrat conservatives. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. The information was made public some time ago but few bothered to delve into it. Even the source article from which I gleaned the data for this op doesn’t specifically relate solely to Black Democrats; however, the spirit of the piece clearly renders the existence of conservative Democrats of every race or sex into sharper focus. I extrapolated and concluded that what I know of multiple Black communities all over the country falls solidly in the category as described below.

wikipedia said:
Conservative Democrats are distinguishable by staunch liberal views on economic issues (a populist orientation setting them apart from conservative Republicans, which explains their continued allegiance to the Democratic Party), with moderate to conservative views on other issues:
"Religious orientation and conservative views set this group apart from other Democratic-leaning groups on many social and political issues. Conservative Democrats' views are moderate with respect to key policy issues such as foreign policy, regulation of the environment and the role of government in providing a social safety net...Less extreme on moral beliefs than core Republican groups, but most oppose gay marriage and the acceptance of homosexuality, and support a more active role for government in protecting morality. No more conservative than the national average on other social issues such as abortion and stem-cell research.
Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While all too many main stream right wingers try to pigeonhole the opposition for convenience in attacking them, they may, at times, alienate some elements that might have agreed with them on some major issues,

I call bullshit on that. If blacks were in deed conservative they wouldn't vote against their own interest.

Whites do it all the time. To them its the lesser of two evils if they are smart enough to realize it. They want to make sure they maintain the advantage that Republicans want for white males. Never mind voting for the Reps will condemn them to a live of poverty.

Blacks vote Dem as the lesser of 2 evils as well. I have to question the intelligence of any Black person that votes for a party (Republicans) that not only openly admitted courting and winning the white racist vote, but continue to try and undermine the hard won advances obtained by people of color. If you look at the breakdown, people of color overwhelmingly put the POTUS in office. Whites overwhelming voted for a white guy. My guess is that it was mostly white men. Almost all the white women I know voted for the POTUS.
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Call them whatever. Voting dimocratic means they're dimocrats and thus as blind and brainwashed as other blacks.

So, are you saying that all the White males, White women and Hispanics who vote democrat are blind and brainwashed as well? If you are representing yourself as a right wing spokesman, its no wonder your party is experiencing death-throes. You haven't a clue about anything!

Reread my post, slowly this time, and pay particular attention to the last three words, " other blacks."

If it's beyond your ability to comprehend, axe someone for help.
Many on the right tend to associate the Black democrat voting bloc with liberalism, the progressive movement or socialism. There is another side of the story that many right wingers don’t want to hear.
A considerable number of black families, I dare say the majority, are staunch Democrat conservatives. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. The information was made public some time ago but few bothered to delve into it. Even the source article from which I gleaned the data for this op doesn’t specifically relate solely to Black Democrats; however, the spirit of the piece clearly renders the existence of conservative Democrats of every race or sex into sharper focus. I extrapolated and concluded that what I know of multiple Black communities all over the country falls solidly in the category as described below.

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While all too many main stream right wingers try to pigeonhole the opposition for convenience in attacking them, they may, at times, alienate some elements that might have agreed with them on some major issues,

I call bullshit on that. If blacks were in deed conservative they wouldn't vote against their own interest.

Did you even read the quote I so thoughtfully provided? If you did, you didn't address it. How Blacks vote has more to do with fighting for and keeping their hard gained rights than with anything else. There are only two major parties. The one called Democrat has emerged as the lesser of two evils; and, most importantly, has served the Will of the people far more closely than contemporary Republicans ever pretended to do! And now that the most vicious racists in the country have aligned themselves with the GOP, would you expect Blacks to ignore that? DID YOU THINK THEY DIDN'T NOTICE THAT?

More bullshit.

The Democratic Party is the lesser of two evils if you're a moron.
Many on the right tend to associate the Black democrat voting bloc with liberalism, the progressive movement or socialism. There is another side of the story that many right wingers don’t want to hear.
A considerable number of black families, I dare say the majority, are staunch Democrat conservatives. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. The information was made public some time ago but few bothered to delve into it. Even the source article from which I gleaned the data for this op doesn’t specifically relate solely to Black Democrats; however, the spirit of the piece clearly renders the existence of conservative Democrats of every race or sex into sharper focus. I extrapolated and concluded that what I know of multiple Black communities all over the country falls solidly in the category as described below.

Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While all too many main stream right wingers try to pigeonhole the opposition for convenience in attacking them, they may, at times, alienate some elements that might have agreed with them on some major issues,

I call bullshit on that. If blacks were in deed conservative they wouldn't vote against their own interest.

Whites do it all the time. To them its the lesser of two evils if they are smart enough to realize it. They want to make sure they maintain the advantage that Republicans want for white males. Never mind voting for the Reps will condemn them to a live of poverty.

Blacks vote Dem as the lesser of 2 evils as well. I have to question the intelligence of any Black person that votes for a party (Republicans) that not only openly admitted courting and winning the white racist vote, but continue to try and undermine the hard won advances obtained by people of color. If you look at the breakdown, people of color overwhelmingly put the POTUS in office. Whites overwhelming voted for a white guy. My guess is that it was mostly white men. Almost all the white women I know voted for the POTUS.

We're not talking about white people. Do keep up!
I call bullshit on that. If blacks were in deed conservative they wouldn't vote against their own interest.

Whites do it all the time. To them its the lesser of two evils if they are smart enough to realize it. They want to make sure they maintain the advantage that Republicans want for white males. Never mind voting for the Reps will condemn them to a live of poverty.

Blacks vote Dem as the lesser of 2 evils as well. I have to question the intelligence of any Black person that votes for a party (Republicans) that not only openly admitted courting and winning the white racist vote, but continue to try and undermine the hard won advances obtained by people of color. If you look at the breakdown, people of color overwhelmingly put the POTUS in office. Whites overwhelming voted for a white guy. My guess is that it was mostly white men. Almost all the white women I know voted for the POTUS.

We're not talking about white people. Do keep up!

I'm talking about white people. If you dont like it too bad!
I call bullshit on that. If blacks were in deed conservative they wouldn't vote against their own interest.

Did you even read the quote I so thoughtfully provided? If you did, you didn't address it. How Blacks vote has more to do with fighting for and keeping their hard gained rights than with anything else. There are only two major parties. The one called Democrat has emerged as the lesser of two evils; and, most importantly, has served the Will of the people far more closely than contemporary Republicans ever pretended to do! And now that the most vicious racists in the country have aligned themselves with the GOP, would you expect Blacks to ignore that? DID YOU THINK THEY DIDN'T NOTICE THAT?

More bullshit.

The Democratic Party is the lesser of two evils if you're a moron.

Careful son... You might be addressing an Asian American who voted for Obama... most did you know! You also know their reputation for being smarter than anybody except the Jews. Both Jews and Asians overwhelmingly supported Obama's election and re-election.
Surely you are not calling these high cognitive Democrats morons? Only a moron would do that!
Call them whatever. Voting dimocratic means they're dimocrats and thus as blind and brainwashed as other blacks.

So, are you saying that all the White males, White women and Hispanics who vote democrat are blind and brainwashed as well? If you are representing yourself as a right wing spokesman, its no wonder your party is experiencing death-throes. You haven't a clue about anything!

Reread my post, slowly this time, and pay particular attention to the last three words, " other blacks."
Oh, NO, I have done everything in my power to AVOID rereading your post since you are using it to defy logic as well as established grammar!

If it's beyond your ability to comprehend, axe someone for help.

I understand all too well... you have an AXE to grind so I'll let you get to it...don't bother to have contributed nothing to this discussion.
I dont think that is true. I would say that they are more in line with republican views, but not conservative views. For example, the black community is generally against gay marriage, but they are quite pleased about government spending on welfare. I also dont think the black community cares about this new age over the top PC world the democrats are trying to create, and they would probably stand behind the republicans desire for a strong military. They are also pro 2nd amendment.

The black community is a republican community, they just dont realize it.
Many on the right tend to associate the Black democrat voting bloc with liberalism, the progressive movement or socialism. There is another side of the story that many right wingers don’t want to hear.
A considerable number of black families, I dare say the majority, are staunch Democrat conservatives. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. The information was made public some time ago but few bothered to delve into it. Even the source article from which I gleaned the data for this op doesn’t specifically relate solely to Black Democrats; however, the spirit of the piece clearly renders the existence of conservative Democrats of every race or sex into sharper focus. I extrapolated and concluded that what I know of multiple Black communities all over the country falls solidly in the category as described below.

wikipedia said:
Conservative Democrats are distinguishable by staunch liberal views on economic issues (a populist orientation setting them apart from conservative Republicans, which explains their continued allegiance to the Democratic Party), with moderate to conservative views on other issues:
"Religious orientation and conservative views set this group apart from other Democratic-leaning groups on many social and political issues. Conservative Democrats' views are moderate with respect to key policy issues such as foreign policy, regulation of the environment and the role of government in providing a social safety net...Less extreme on moral beliefs than core Republican groups, but most oppose gay marriage and the acceptance of homosexuality, and support a more active role for government in protecting morality. No more conservative than the national average on other social issues such as abortion and stem-cell research.
Conservative Democrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
While all too many main stream right wingers try to pigeonhole the opposition for convenience in attacking them, they may, at times, alienate some elements that might have agreed with them on some major issues,

I call bullshit on that. If blacks were in deed conservative they wouldn't vote against their own interest.

Trust us, we aren't voting against our self interests...why aren't people like you bright enough to figure that out?
I dont think that is true. I would say that they are more in line with republican views, but not conservative views. For example, the black community is generally against gay marriage, but they are quite pleased about government spending on welfare. I also dont think the black community cares about this new age over the top PC world the democrats are trying to create, and they would probably stand behind the republicans desire for a strong military. They are also pro 2nd amendment.

The black community is a republican community, they just dont realize it.

We realize very much what we are and what we stand for.
It'll be a cold day in hell when the majority of Black people sit at the table with those that believe we are beneath them...
I dont think that is true. I would say that they are more in line with republican views, but not conservative views. For example, the black community is generally against gay marriage, but they are quite pleased about government spending on welfare. I also dont think the black community cares about this new age over the top PC world the democrats are trying to create, and they would probably stand behind the republicans desire for a strong military. They are also pro 2nd amendment.

The black community is a republican community, they just dont realize it.

We realize very much what we are and what we stand for.
It'll be a cold day in hell when the majority of Black people sit at the table with those that believe we are beneath them...

The republican party doesnt believe that blacks are beneath them. Thats nonsense.
I dont think that is true. I would say that they are more in line with republican views, but not conservative views. For example, the black community is generally against gay marriage, but they are quite pleased about government spending on welfare. I also dont think the black community cares about this new age over the top PC world the democrats are trying to create, and they would probably stand behind the republicans desire for a strong military. They are also pro 2nd amendment.

The black community is a republican community, they just dont realize it.

The Black community is well aware of what they are. You dont have a clue what you are talking about since you are afraid of Black people. Republicans embrace racism. Their party has too many incidents of racism to ever get the majority of Blacks voting for them.
I dont think that is true. I would say that they are more in line with republican views, but not conservative views. For example, the black community is generally against gay marriage, but they are quite pleased about government spending on welfare. I also dont think the black community cares about this new age over the top PC world the democrats are trying to create, and they would probably stand behind the republicans desire for a strong military. They are also pro 2nd amendment.

The black community is a republican community, they just dont realize it.

We realize very much what we are and what we stand for.
It'll be a cold day in hell when the majority of Black people sit at the table with those that believe we are beneath them...

The republican party doesnt believe that blacks are beneath them. Thats nonsense.

You lie!! :lol:
Call them whatever. Voting dimocratic means they're dimocrats and thus as blind and brainwashed as other blacks.

So, are you saying that all the White males, White women and Hispanics who vote democrat are blind and brainwashed as well? If you are representing yourself as a right wing spokesman, its no wonder your party is experiencing death-throes. You haven't a clue about anything!

Excellent topic JQ. And here is another consideration to interject into your thread. An often overlooked demographic whose majority votes Democrat, are Asians. Although they are a very small percentage of the population, they are generally viewed as industrious, law abiding and well educated by the same lunatic fringe(some of whom post here regulary) that typically generalizes the black population as the polar opposite of those attributes.

Considering that Asians typically excel academically, I wonder if they are "blind and brainwashed" as well?

I found the following article which speculates on why the majority of Asians who vote, tend to vote democrat. It should be interesting to see if those here who are obsessed with how the black population votes, and thinks that they actually "know what the self interest of the black population is" can put that obsession aside momentarily and give thought to this phenomena.

Lastly, what I often find amusing when i read these boards is that the demographic landscape is steadily shifting towards America being a country that is made up of more minorities who collectively will represent a significantly larger percentage of the population than in years past, however based on the views of many here, it is strictly a "black and white" nation.

Now that, my friend, is truly a state of being terminally "blind and brainwashed", as well as misinformed and ignorant.

Caroline Chen: Why Do Asian Americans Vote for Democrats?
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