Black Employment Lowest in 17 Years

Holy crap. The fact that a certain amount of people VOTE doesn't mean they're like YOU.

Well, yeah, it kind of shows that they are. That people consistantly vote the same way for decades REALLY SHOWS that there is almost no middle in American Politics. We'd have probably have had 30 years of straight Democratic Rule if it weren't for the stupidity of the Electoral College keeping Republicans alive.

Most people are not obedient hardcore partisan ideologues. Most people are open to considering ideas that conflict with theirs. Most people don't spend most of their time and effort attacking others. The hardcore wingers on both ends, people like you, are in the minority. You think you and your end of the spectrum have ALL the answers. And that's exactly what people on the OTHER side think too, of course.

As I said, (and you pretended not to hear) is that I voted Republican for a very long time. Then Bush fucked up- well, just about everything - and I found I couldn't anymore. If Republicans learned their lesson and came up with solutions other than 'Tax cuts for Rich People' (which never works), I'd be happy to give them a listen.

But yeah, about 45% of the population is locked into the Republican mold and 48% of the population is locked into the Democrats. If anything, the reason why Hillary FAILED was because she so offended the far left that they either stayed home or voted for Stein, trying to appeal to "Moderates" and "Reagan Democrats" who just plain old never existed.


I think the answers can come from everywhere and anywhere, that attacking and insulting others only makes things worse.

Well, you can think that, but it's kind of stupid. You are just another guy with an opinion, no better or no worse than anyone else.

The thing is, I just plain old don't think that the people who voted for McCain after Bush wrecked the economy or voted for Trump after he demonstrated that he was a TRULY HORRIBLE PERSON are going to ever be reasoned with.

So why waste the time. Much better to remind everyone what they are supporting. So when Trump mocks the disabled or a Gold Star Family, you can ask decent people, 'Is this really what you are for?"

Well? Is it?

Since you are supposedly the most decent guy out here, you should be able to answer that.

I think that open and honest and decent communication MUST take place, and that behaviors like YOUR must be marginalized for that to happen. I'm like most, wishing people like YOU would just STOP this.

Again, the kind of deplorable who supports Trump cant be reasoned with. He'll look at his busted 401K, his pink slip and his underwater mortgage and find a person of color to hate on.

You attack me for being exactly what YOU are, because you know the above is correct and you hate the mirror.

No, guy, I attack you because you are a pompous phony who ignored SEVERAL OPENLY RACIST POSTS on this thread to spend half of it whining like a little bitch about how mean I am to you.
It's called dealing with reality.
That's why I discuss this with minorities to inform them of why their professional opportunities were squashed by Corporate America, Reagan and Patrick Moynahan.

Well, maybe we should stop putting up with Corporate America's shit.
It's called reality.
It cost a small fortune to run for local office, let alone the House or Senate.
But you already knew that.

Again, doesn't really make up for the racism you display here every day.

There's a simple enough solution.

Public funding of campaigns, and limit campaigns to only the six weeks before an election.
It's called reality.
It cost a small fortune to run for local office, let alone the House or Senate.
But you already knew that.

Again, doesn't really make up for the racism you display here every day.

There's a simple enough solution.

Public funding of campaigns, and limit campaigns to only the six weeks before an election.
You're the racist...
I'm not the one who feels the Black man is inferior and needs a handout.
You're the racist...
I'm not the one who feels the Black man is inferior and needs a handout.

Oh, guy, that argument got tired years ago.

Blacks need help because America is as racist as shit. Racism is written into our founding documents.
You're the racist...
I'm not the one who feels the Black man is inferior and needs a handout.

Oh, guy, that argument got tired years ago.

Blacks need help because America is as racist as shit. Racism is written into our founding documents.
Tell that to Asslips; ain't no amount of racism gonna keep him down.
I guess you missed 60 Minutes tonight.
Black social workers on working on getting Blacks to have careers as opposed to being in gangs.
They can do it but they don't need Whitey to feel sorry for them.
Tell that to Asslips; ain't no amount of racism gonna keep him down.
I guess you missed 60 Minutes tonight.
Black social workers on working on getting Blacks to have careers as opposed to being in gangs.
They can do it but they don't need Whitey to feel sorry for them.

I don't watch 60 minutes, and not sure who "asslips" is. (I'm sure that's your name for someone who is black, you think if funny in your totally non racist way.)

Meanwhile, the one percenters laugh at how easily people like you are manipulated.
Tell that to Asslips; ain't no amount of racism gonna keep him down.
I guess you missed 60 Minutes tonight.
Black social workers on working on getting Blacks to have careers as opposed to being in gangs.
They can do it but they don't need Whitey to feel sorry for them.

I don't watch 60 minutes, and not sure who "asslips" is. (I'm sure that's your name for someone who is black, you think if funny in your totally non racist way.)

Meanwhile, the one percenters laugh at how easily people like you are manipulated.
Jews have their own economy.
Blacks have enough of a population to have their own economy.
All they have to do is understand that drugs, alcohol and sex in excess lead to a life laden with trouble.
Yeah, yeah, I'm a racist for pointing out reality.
Tell that to Asslips; ain't no amount of racism gonna keep him down.
I guess you missed 60 Minutes tonight.
Black social workers on working on getting Blacks to have careers as opposed to being in gangs.
They can do it but they don't need Whitey to feel sorry for them.

I don't watch 60 minutes, and not sure who "asslips" is. (I'm sure that's your name for someone who is black, you think if funny in your totally non racist way.)

Meanwhile, the one percenters laugh at how easily people like you are manipulated.
Ascepalis, or whatever the fuck that anti-White racists username is.
By the way, I never once saw you call that White hating POS a racist.
But you probably feel sorry for him.
Jews have their own economy.
Blacks have enough of a population to have their own economy.
All they have to do is understand that drugs, alcohol and sex in excess lead to a life laden with trouble.
Yeah, yeah, I'm a racist for pointing out reality.

And he brought the racism again. How nice.

Ascepalis, or whatever the fuck that anti-White racists username is.
By the way, I never once saw you call that White hating POS a racist.
But you probably feel sorry for him.

I don't think blacks can be "racist'. Racism requires institutional power. I think that they can be hateful and he goes over the line a bit.

But I'm not trying to claim to be even handed. That's our boy Mac, who gets on here, claims to be a liberal, and then never, ever, ever denounces shitballs like you, but whines excessively about how the campus kids are chasing Nazis off their campuses.
Jews have their own economy.
Blacks have enough of a population to have their own economy.
All they have to do is understand that drugs, alcohol and sex in excess lead to a life laden with trouble.
Yeah, yeah, I'm a racist for pointing out reality.

And he brought the racism again. How nice.

Ascepalis, or whatever the fuck that anti-White racists username is.
By the way, I never once saw you call that White hating POS a racist.
But you probably feel sorry for him.

I don't think blacks can be "racist'. Racism requires institutional power. I think that they can be hateful and he goes over the line a bit.

But I'm not trying to claim to be even handed. That's our boy Mac, who gets on here, claims to be a liberal, and then never, ever, ever denounces shitballs like you, but whines excessively about how the campus kids are chasing Nazis off their campuses.
Blacks can be as racist as anyone else.
In fact, most successful Blacks resent the Blacks who “blame Whitey”.
Black unemployment hits an all time low of 6.8%. Kudos to Trump.

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