Black Hebrew Isralites are cause of the Catholic boy/Native American

What’s aggressive about an elderly man walking slowly toward your group?

Wait! You think it was just one Indian don't you? :lmao:
Of course

She willfully refuses to look at the massive video evidence proving her wrong on every claim

She just claimed to have out smarted others but she has been pwned by reality

This is because she lacks the maturity to look at evidence she has a childish need to cling to her narrative even when proven wrong

Dont ever let a fool like this on a jury
If I was one of only 4 Blacks and a gang of teenage boys in MAGA hats approached me I’d have my back up, too. We have no idea if one of these privileged, snot-nosed little Hitler Youth said something to get the Black men riled up and shouting back insults.

Because as we’ve all seen, there are no good people wearing MAGA hats. Not one person can point out a good deed being done by someone wearing one of these.

Great mischaracterization of the situation and actual facts there. It didn't happen that way. There is video to prove it. Of course it doesn't fit your narrative of you are good and others are bad. So goes the great lie liberals tell themselves.

No, there isn’t.
Yes there is massive video evidence proving it
Yet you can’t link to it. :auiqs.jpg:
No its doesn't.
That video clearly shows those boys mocking this old man, acting just as anyone would expect of the MAGA crowd.
Oh really?

These were not maga girls these were pro ford ***** accosting an old man who took the right side in defense of kavanaugh

And alex the answer is

Syntheholic is a two faced liar

Wrong video, idiot. We’re talking about MAGA morons from Kentucky.

No shit sherlock

That was a refutation to your two faced stupidity claiming that it is what e can expect from the maga crowd

What it proves is the progressive crowd is far worse to old people and you are a hypocrite and liar
Black Hebrew Israelites started it, and the Catholic boys chimed in and were in the end just as guilty of the Israelites. Because they have Maga hats on, lets not let that fool you.

Triggered by Make America Great Again hats. The kids did not chime in, that is your own personal fantasy.
I realize that, you being a conservative, the hypocrisy is baked-in, but how might you react if you were there with 3 White friends and you were being approached by a gang of Black teenagers wearing hoodies or ‘antifa’ clothing? What if some of them yelled smartass remarks at you? Would you feel threatened? Would you consider the possibility of an incident?

Answer however you want. I’m not counting on you being honest.

Apples and oranges and a false equivalency

In this case the blacks targeted and went after the whites who were dressed decently
No they didn't, and you have no video to back up your bullshit.

Yes he does.
Yeah, I’m just drowning in links here. :laugh:
If I was one of only 4 Blacks and a gang of teenage boys in MAGA hats approached me I’d have my back up, too. We have no idea if one of these privileged, snot-nosed little Hitler Youth said something to get the Black men riled up and shouting back insults.

Because as we’ve all seen, there are no good people wearing MAGA hats. Not one person can point out a good deed being done by someone wearing one of these.

Great mischaracterization of the situation and actual facts there. It didn't happen that way. There is video to prove it. Of course it doesn't fit your narrative of you are good and others are bad. So goes the great lie liberals tell themselves.

No, there isn’t.
Yes there is massive video evidence proving it
Yet you can’t link to it. :auiqs.jpg:
Already has been on this thread and you are a coward and liar
Triggered by Make America Great Again hats. The kids did not chime in, that is your own personal fantasy.
I realize that, you being a conservative, the hypocrisy is baked-in, but how might you react if you were there with 3 White friends and you were being approached by a gang of Black teenagers wearing hoodies or ‘antifa’ clothing? What if some of them yelled smartass remarks at you? Would you feel threatened? Would you consider the possibility of an incident?

Answer however you want. I’m not counting on you being honest.

Apples and oranges and a false equivalency

In this case the blacks targeted and went after the whites who were dressed decently
No they didn't, and you have no video to back up your bullshit.

Yes he does.
Yeah, I’m just drowning in links here. :laugh:
Yes you are and they all prove you wrong and you know it

Takes a real piece of work to immediately ignore massive evidence proving them wrong but that is what you are doing and the evidence is IN YOUR FACE"
If I was one of only 4 Blacks and a gang of teenage boys in MAGA hats approached me I’d have my back up, too. We have no idea if one of these privileged, snot-nosed little Hitler Youth said something to get the Black men riled up and shouting back insults.

Because as we’ve all seen, there are no good people wearing MAGA hats. Not one person can point out a good deed being done by someone wearing one of these.

Great mischaracterization of the situation and actual facts there. It didn't happen that way. There is video to prove it. Of course it doesn't fit your narrative of you are good and others are bad. So goes the great lie liberals tell themselves.

No, there isn’t.
Yes there is massive video evidence proving it
Yet you can’t link to it. :auiqs.jpg:

Yes I can it is in the OP you total fool

You know what OP means? The first post IT PROVES YOU WRONG
Yes I can it is in the OP you total fool

You know what OP means? The first post IT PROVES YOU WRONG

Hey, hey. He's trying to figure out how to flip the pages as fast as he can okay? Maybe wet your fingers a bit synthaholic.
From the way this discussion has been going all the world synth will dream up any excuse to blame the white kids no matter how many videos there are

This is as bad as the kavanaugh hearings they have to fight to the death to maintain a lie
If I was one of only 4 Blacks and a gang of teenage boys in MAGA hats approached me I’d have my back up, too. We have no idea if one of these privileged, snot-nosed little Hitler Youth said something to get the Black men riled up and shouting back insults.

Because as we’ve all seen, there are no good people wearing MAGA hats. Not one person can point out a good deed being done by someone wearing one of these.

Great mischaracterization of the situation and actual facts there. It didn't happen that way. There is video to prove it. Of course it doesn't fit your narrative of you are good and others are bad. So goes the great lie liberals tell themselves.

No, there isn’t.
Yes there is massive video evidence proving it
Yet you can’t link to it. :auiqs.jpg:
Already has been on this thread and you are a coward and liar
Are you saying you have posted video of when they first arrived?
From the same school. Yeah, they’re little angels - in blackface.

FACT CHECK: Is This Picture from a Covington Catholic High School Basketball Game?

I watched the video in the OP. Four morons screaming at everyone who is nearby. Most people react correctly: keep on walking and ignore them, just like the bums preaching near the subway. But these kids chose to engage with them by trying to drown them out and heckling them.
I watched the video in the OP. Four morons screaming at everyone who is nearby. Most people react correctly: keep on walking and ignore them, just like the bums preaching near the subway. But these kids chose to engage with them by trying to drown them out and heckling them.

And the back pedaling begins.

The black guys were the ones who began taunting and throwing insults.

The Catholic kiss responded by singing

Best way to handle it? Who knows who cares but as we can all see you are full of total shit
I have had all manner of livtards call me racist. This kid is a saint for standing his ground!
Why does a teenage boy need to stand his ground against a slow-walking elderly man?

It seems a great way of making the aggressor look foolish, particularly when you smile too.
What’s aggressive about an elderly man walking slowly toward your group?
He was deliberately going to confront them as the video shows with a gang of his indian activists
Deliberately going to confront them? The chief was surrounded by them in the video from the beginning. Did he have a choice? Again, his version was to diffuse the situation with the black and white group. Did the student who gave his version mention that? No!
I watched the video in the OP. Four morons screaming at everyone who is nearby. Most people react correctly: keep on walking and ignore them, just like the bums preaching near the subway. But these kids chose to engage with them by trying to drown them out and heckling them.

So they are at fault for not being a bunch of cowards and walking away with their tails between their legs?

All they did was sing school songs back at them.


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