Black lady randomly stabs to death a 3 year old white kid

figures you dont care about the murdered child anymore that you care about molested children,,

I know why but cant say,,

rules and all,,

Well, you'd be wrong. I do care that this child died because we don't have a decent mental health care system that would have identified this woman and gotten her treatment.

What I don't care about is the racial agenda your side is pushing with this.
If it were a black kid, it wouldn't make the local news.

We don’t control your national or local news. A random un-provoked attack on innocents should lead every single Leftist news outlet, CNN MSLSD etc. But even you know why they don’t (in this case).

This attack is equivalent to any so-called mass shooting or sucker puncher attack. But there were only two targets nearby. It’s a hate crime. You ASSume mentally ill. If only we spent more on prescription drugs like the barrage of tranny shooters or teenagers pumped full of physch drugs by wackjob Leftist shrinks. Right, black lady deprived of mental health Care? Its a national crisis. SPEND MORE YELL THE COMMEE.
We don’t control your national or local news. A random un-provoked attack on innocents should lead every single Leftist news outlet, CNN MSLSD etc. But even you know why they don’t (in this case).

This attack is equivalent to any so-called mass shooting or sucker puncher attack. But there were only two targets nearby. It’s a hate crime. You ASSume mentally ill. If only we spent more on prescription drugs like the barrage of tranny shooters or teenagers pumped full of physch drugs by wackjob Leftist shrinks. Right, black lady deprived of mental health Care? Its a national crisis. SPEND MORE YELL THE COMMEE.

I am assuming mental illness because this woman had a minimal criminal record and no logical reason for this attack.

As far as your claims it wasn't national news, I'm finding links to the story on ABC, CNN, AP. So it got national attention.

If you are fine with not treating the mentally ill, then you've already decided you can live with random stabbers, mass shooters, subway pushers and other dangers of modern life.

Personally, I think we need to bring back mental hospitals for the truly incurable and make family responsible for keeping these people on their meds.
I am assuming mental illness because this woman had a minimal criminal record and no logical reason for this attack.

As far as your claims it wasn't national news, I'm finding links to the story on ABC, CNN, AP. So it got national attention.

If you are fine with not treating the mentally ill, then you've already decided you can live with random stabbers, mass shooters, subway pushers and other dangers of modern life.

Personally, I think we need to bring back mental hospitals for the truly incurable and make family responsible for keeping these people on their meds.
why do you think all black people are mentally ill??
He didn't anything about all black people. He said it about a woman who stabbed two complete strangers in a grocery store parking lot. The woman is bat-shit crazy.
so a person that kills a child in the womb is sane but one that does it in a parking lot is nuts,,

got it,,
This was a "hate crime" and now an innocent innocent 3 year old boy is dead (mother is recovering from stab Wounds).

Ohio is a death penalty state. I hope it doesn't take 20 years to administer justice
Nothing will be done to this killer. The media will tell us she is "troubled" and not really a criminal.
The fact that she is black, and the child was white is unimportant, only the defenselessness and age of the victim matters.
What part of the moon do you live on??? In our legal system, the fact that this is a black on white killing will mean everything. The story has already been censored by the TV nets and the law will do very little to this killer.

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