Black lives do not matter at all and are worthless

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
To white democrats...except when its election day ...take a knee ya phonies

blqck lives do not matter.jpeg
Is it just me or does my sister from da bronx got a Jackie Gleason thing going on ?

Mario jr better get a grip quick

Today's African Americans did not ask to be born here any more than did any other American.

So if being an American depends on how long your family has been here, then African Americans are as American as can be. I assume that most of them can trace family roots back to before the Civil War. Most Caucasians and Asians cannot do that. Hispanics once owned the Southwest. And, of course, Native Americans were here before anyone else.

So black lives are as worth as much as the lives of any other American.

It is a real shame that an unusually large proportion of their young people are not taking advantage of today's opportunities in a constructive manner. Truly sad!
Race relations have gone all the way back to 1929.
Most people don't care what color anyone is ....myself included
Lefties on the other hand hate blacks with a passion and are completely obsessed by skin tone
Just as long as you realize that enemies of civilization definitely care what color you are.
Straight white male that leans right ...oh I'm public enemy number 1 baby ! And proud of it .....which I'm also told I'm not allowed to be proud about anything .... cause feelings and opwesssion
Race relations have gone all the way back to 1929.

1929 was a great year for all races. There is no "progression." Any intelligent Black could get a job anywhere, although the South was still reeling from the carpet baggers fucking with them and suppressing White votes. It is when the table is turned to fuck White people with the "civil rights" bullshit that race relations took a turn for the worse. Unqualified Blacks now had the legal right to discriminate against Whitey. Whites who founded this country and civilization worldwide.

American, welcome to South Africa. Where savages from Somalia riot against savages from Nigeria. And they all look the same, yet they are very sensitive about their origins as if the pieces of shit have a high ground against the piece of shit they are rioting against.
Race relations have gone all the way back to 1929.

1929 was a great year for all races. There is no "progression." Any intelligent Black could get a job anywhere, although the South was still reeling from the carpet baggers fucking with them and suppressing White votes. It is when the table is turned to fuck White people with the "civil rights" bullshit that race relations took a turn for the worse. Unqualified Blacks now had the legal right to discriminate against Whitey. Whites who founded this country and civilization worldwide.

American, welcome to South Africa. Where savages from Somalia riot against savages from Nigeria. And they all look the same, yet they are very sensitive about their origins as if the pieces of shit have a high ground against the piece of shit they are rioting against.
/——/ Ahhh South Africa, where slavery is a thriving industry.
Race relations have gone all the way back to 1929.
Most people don't care what color anyone is ....myself included
Lefties on the other hand hate blacks with a passion and are completely obsessed by skin tone
You're a lying mf. Your posts prove it. Your punk ass keeps trying to repeat that stale ass bs about democrats like republicans give a damn. It's not working yet you keep trying the same thing over and over while expecting different results.
Race relations have gone all the way back to 1929.
Most people don't care what color anyone is ....myself included
Lefties on the other hand hate blacks with a passion and are completely obsessed by skin tone
Just as long as you realize that enemies of civilization definitely care what color you are.
Straight white male that leans right ...oh I'm public enemy number 1 baby ! And proud of it .....which I'm also told I'm not allowed to be proud about anything .... cause feelings and opwesssion
Historically, it is no wonder that today's activist "Blacks" are hanging their figurative hat on a vacuous expression that means - as always - what they want it to mean, which can change from moment to moment. "Black life matters."

The fact is that every life matters to someone, while most lives don't matter to anyone. I read the obituaries every day to confirm that I'm not personally in them, but for every other one, I couldn't care less (even the ones whose obit's indicate a wonderful life filled with accomplishments). It is also true that not every violent death is a tragedy. In fact, some deaths make the world a little bit better place to live in.

A certain element of the public sphere likes to point out the incessant Black-on-Black homicides in Chicago as proof that Black lives don't seem to matter much to Black people - with the implicit question, So why should they matter to anyone who is not Black?

The death of George Floyd was carried out by a rogue cop with a bit of a sadistic streak. He DID NOT INTEND for Floyd to die; he knew that Floyd's death would ruin his career, if not his life. He was trained to believe that the restraint he used was "non-lethal," and that if the person could talk then they could breathe. His crime was one of reckless endangerment and not of intentional homicide. If the fact-finder decides differently, it will be a travesty - but a predictable one, I fear.

This cop's actions are not representative of normal police conduct, or of the behavior of "white" people, generally, toward Black people. It was an aberration that occurs a time or two every year, sometimes to white subjects and sometimes to Black subjects. But there are subversive elements in the Leftist community who seek to convince Black people that this sort of thing "...goes on all the time..." and is representative of the White power structure systemically repressing People of Color.

And implicitly, this repression ("racism") is the reason for Blacks' inequality.

But this slander (against "white" people generally) does not hold up to logical scrutiny. You can look all over the country and find "white" people who follow the same behavior patterns that plague Black people (bastardy, dropping out of school, disrespect for authority, petty criminal activity), and THEIR lives are just as wretched as poor Black folks. Race has nothing (or very little) to do with it. It's all about behavior and culture.

One of my favorite statistics produced annually by the Census Bureau is the one that shows that "white" children being raised by a single mother are THREE TIMES MORE LIKELY to be living in poverty than children living in a Black intact, two-parent family. How is that White Privilege thing working out for THOSE "white" kids?

These anti-racism demonstrations have set race relations back fifty years in this country. Every pre-conceived. notion that a "white" racist might have about "n*ggers" is played out endlessly on the evening news. Black Yoots running gleefully out of a destroyed Target with household appliance boxes in their hands, Blacks bashing through store windows and car windows, setting fire to police cars, spray painting buildings, harassing peaceful demonstrators in their midst.

Oh yeah, this will really help The Cause.
Race relations have gone all the way back to 1929.
Most people don't care what color anyone is ....myself included
Lefties on the other hand hate blacks with a passion and are completely obsessed by skin tone
You're a lying mf. Your posts prove it. Your punk ass keeps trying to repeat that stale ass bs about democrats like republicans give a damn. It's not working yet you keep trying the same thing over and over while expecting different results.
Someone needs a big ol bear hug this morning and a smooch on the cheek Would, I be out of line if I grabbed your big ghetto booty?

I didnt say anything about after post does indeed tell ya how I feel about them uniparty rat bastards to :D

Beckey we're aware of past sins never discriminate against you or wish you harm
I want to see blacks thrive and prosper ....i don't want to tell ya what to do ,run your life ,or pay ya lip service and take a knee ...i treat people fairly and belive me ive been yelling about the militarization of the police for a very long time

For instance When did we go from come out peacefully with you hands up to instant bum rushes ,body blows an extreamly aggressive tactics blah blah blah

I could also go on an on about the erosion of ALL our basic is worse for blacks cause basically you just got em ....especially you since you were there for the civil rights marches of the 1960s

Its 2020 a lot of your brothers and sisters across the nation are stuck in a rut
Someone said its like the 60s again ....why is it like the 60s again ?
Ask yourself honestly ....cause my generation certainly never held any of you back......and your pals the democrats.?..well where do a majority blacks live ...whats thier representation
Blacks were booing a pair yesterday in brooklyn

Mr and Mrs deblazio ......she had to raise her fist and say power to the people rotflmO ....the boos and fucks yous kept on coming afterwards
Those are my people..... BROOKLYN people. :cool:

Fuck you white tranplants YOU DON'T COUNT

I could go on an on about the erosion of ALL our basic rights

I dont think any of us will be thriving and prospering ....sooner than we think..... but thats another issue

Today's African Americans did not ask to be born here any more than did any other American.

So if being an American depends on how long your family has been here, then African Americans are as American as can be. I assume that most of them can trace family roots back to before the Civil War. Most Caucasians and Asians cannot do that. Hispanics once owned the Southwest. And, of course, Native Americans were here before anyone else.

So black lives are as worth as much as the lives of any other American.

It is a real shame that an unusually large proportion of their young people are not taking advantage of today's opportunities in a constructive manner. Truly sad!
I suspect that many of these very young people in protest and riots, have little or no idea what they're out there for, and have no idea that they are PRIVILEGED BENEFICIARIES of racial discrimination (Affirmative Action), set up to benefit THEM (at the expense of victimized whites)
Historically, it is no wonder that today's activist "Blacks" are hanging their figurative hat on a vacuous expression that means - as always - what they want it to mean, which can change from moment to moment. "Black life matters."

The fact is that every life matters to someone, while most lives don't matter to anyone. I read the obituaries every day to confirm that I'm not personally in them, but for every other one, I couldn't care less (even the ones whose obit's indicate a wonderful life filled with accomplishments). It is also true that not every violent death is a tragedy. In fact, some deaths make the world a little bit better place to live in.

A certain element of the public sphere likes to point out the incessant Black-on-Black homicides in Chicago as proof that Black lives don't seem to matter much to Black people - with the implicit question, So why should they matter to anyone who is not Black?

The death of George Floyd was carried out by a rogue cop with a bit of a sadistic streak. He DID NOT INTEND for Floyd to die; he knew that Floyd's death would ruin his career, if not his life. He was trained to believe that the restraint he used was "non-lethal," and that if the person could talk then they could breathe. His crime was one of reckless endangerment and not of intentional homicide. If the fact-finder decides differently, it will be a travesty - but a predictable one, I fear.

This cop's actions are not representative of normal police conduct, or of the behavior of "white" people, generally, toward Black people. It was an aberration that occurs a time or two every year, sometimes to white subjects and sometimes to Black subjects. But there are subversive elements in the Leftist community who seek to convince Black people that this sort of thing "...goes on all the time..." and is representative of the White power structure systemically repressing People of Color.

And implicitly, this repression ("racism") is the reason for Blacks' inequality.

But this slander (against "white" people generally) does not hold up to logical scrutiny. You can look all over the country and find "white" people who follow the same behavior patterns that plague Black people (bastardy, dropping out of school, disrespect for authority, petty criminal activity), and THEIR lives are just as wretched as poor Black folks. Race has nothing (or very little) to do with it. It's all about behavior and culture.

One of my favorite statistics produced annually by the Census Bureau is the one that shows that "white" children being raised by a single mother are THREE TIMES MORE LIKELY to be living in poverty than children living in a Black intact, two-parent family. How is that White Privilege thing working out for THOSE "white" kids?

These anti-racism demonstrations have set race relations back fifty years in this country. Every pre-conceived. notion that a "white" racist might have about "n*ggers" is played out endlessly on the evening news. Black Yoots running gleefully out of a destroyed Target with household appliance boxes in their hands, Blacks bashing through store windows and car windows, setting fire to police cars, spray painting buildings, harassing peaceful demonstrators in their midst.

Oh yeah, this will really help The Cause.
For obsessed, leftist sectarians in the media, "The Cause" is getting rid of Donald Trump, and getting Democrats elected everywhere, so they can turn American society into their shithole version of it.
Race relations have gone all the way back to 1929.
Most people don't care what color anyone is ....myself included
Lefties on the other hand hate blacks with a passion and are completely obsessed by skin tone
Just as long as you realize that enemies of civilization definitely care what color you are.
You are an enemy of civilization.

You are a subhuman who has no idea of what civilization is.

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