Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Organization...where is the outrage?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Lefties are screeching that a man of questionable mental stability threw a Molotov cocktail at a Walmart, citing his anger that they no longer sell confederate flags. Nobody was hurt, property damage was nil. In fact, it's really super hard right now to get any information at all about it, which makes me think it's a case of the media making a big story out of a non-event.

But the left is oddly forgiving when it comes to terrorists who actually kill people. You know, like Black Lives Matter, and Bill Ayers. They can't seem to heap enough money and accolades on them.

Note that the Black Lives Matter movement seems to be largely WHITE. White progressives yet again using plantation blacks to their advantage:

"Right here in the United States there is a group called Black Lives Matter. On Saturday participants in a Black Lives Matter protest marched at the Minnesota State Fair and chanted “pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon,” an apparent advocacy of violence against police. This came less than 24 hours after a white Harris County, Texas, deputy was shot in the back of the head, and then shot 15 times while filling his patrol car with gas. One of the suspects is black, and two are white.
Similar chants threatening or advocating violence against law enforcement have been heard in Baltimore, St. Louis, Atlanta and various other places. These chants are led by the organizers of the events. In Ferguson, Missouri, they roasted a pig, put a police hat on it and labeled it Darren Wilson. The events have been organized by Black Lives Matter. No spokesperson for the organization has denounced the calls for attacks on police.
Also within hours of the execution-style shooting of the deputy, a young Texas woman went on social media and took two actions. First she praised Black Lives Matter. Then minutes later she posted the following: “I can’t believe so many people care about a dead cop and NO ONE has thought what he did to deserve it. He had creepy perv eyes.”

TIM CONSTANTINE: Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group - Washington Times

"Convicted terrorist and retired professor Bill Ayers sat down with Fars News, a state-controlled media outlet that serves the Islamic Republic of Iran, where he proclaimed that the United States is a “terrorist nation” that is the “greatest purveyor of violence on earth… and the foremost threat to world peace.”
"The current regime in Iran is arguably the foremost purveyor of Islamic terrorism worldwide. Iran has backed countless terror groups, which include Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi insurgents, while also providing aid and support to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.
"Ayers was a co-founder of the radical left-wing Weather Underground terror group. Over a three-year time period, he participated in the bombings of the NYPD headquarters (1970), the U.S. Capitol building (1971), and the Pentagon(1972)."

Convicted Terrorist Bill Ayers to Iran Media: U.S. a 'Terrorist Nation' - Breitbart

Progressives are rife with real terrorists...yet every time some nutter gets in trouble, they start screeching that they are an indication of the "terrorism" of the right, lol.

Tell us what organizations are supporting the walmart bomber, you pigs....
Yes it's a terrorist organization.

But it's terror ya know? Like Che or Bill Ayers. The kinda terror that makes ya feel good and fuzzy. College campus style....let's not call it terrorism even though it fits the definition by the word....let's call it.....activism. Community activism. Organized. Like....a commuity...organized. By...organizers.

It's cool terrorism bro....stop being racist!
Yes it's a terrorist organization.

But it's terror ya know? Like Che or Bill Ayers. The kinda terror that makes ya feel good and fuzzy. College campus style....let's not call it terrorism even though it fits the definition by the word....let's call it.....activism. Community activism. Organized. Like....a commuity...organized. By...organizers.

It's cool terrorism bro....stop being racist!

You fool no one you are scared sheetless of Black people, having a hill billy hick accent and brought up in a backward ignorant uneducated "kulture" it isn't surprising that anytime Blacks defend themselves from your ilk you cry terrorists, Low country describes more the place with your ilk
Libtsards are fucking hypocrits. They overlook or forgive leftwing murderers and trumpet about any conservative acts like its the end of civilization.

Since when have they had any credibility any way?
You fool no one you are scared sheetless of Black people, having a hill billy hick accent and brought up in a backward ignorant uneducated "kulture" it isn't surprising that anytime Blacks defend themselves from your ilk you cry terrorists, Low country describes more the place with your ilk

And of course the knee jerk reaction by the usual libtards is to bring race into the discussion.

Guano, cant you go fuck off somewhere else?
Protecting themselves doesn't equate "burn this mother down" and "kill cops" and all the other bullshit they say. That is terrorism.
Fuck the walmart guy and fuck BLM
MLK died in VAIN
  1. the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
debate over :)
Libtsards are fucking hypocrits. They overlook or forgive leftwing murderers and trumpet about any conservative acts like its the end of civilization.

Since when have they had any credibility any way?
Southern whites who were brought up during Jim crow and did nothing to help change it have no authority to speak or criticize their betters i.e. minorities
Blacks committing crime is natural and expected, we are not shocked when it happens
Lefties are screeching that a man of questionable mental stability threw a Molotov cocktail at a Walmart, citing his anger that they no longer sell confederate flags. Nobody was hurt, property damage was nil. In fact, it's really super hard right now to get any information at all about it, which makes me think it's a case of the media making a big story out of a non-event.

But the left is oddly forgiving when it comes to terrorists who actually kill people. You know, like Black Lives Matter, and Bill Ayers. They can't seem to heap enough money and accolades on them.

Note that the Black Lives Matter movement seems to be largely WHITE. White progressives yet again using plantation blacks to their advantage:

"Right here in the United States there is a group called Black Lives Matter. On Saturday participants in a Black Lives Matter protest marched at the Minnesota State Fair and chanted “pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon,” an apparent advocacy of violence against police. This came less than 24 hours after a white Harris County, Texas, deputy was shot in the back of the head, and then shot 15 times while filling his patrol car with gas. One of the suspects is black, and two are white.
Similar chants threatening or advocating violence against law enforcement have been heard in Baltimore, St. Louis, Atlanta and various other places. These chants are led by the organizers of the events. In Ferguson, Missouri, they roasted a pig, put a police hat on it and labeled it Darren Wilson. The events have been organized by Black Lives Matter. No spokesperson for the organization has denounced the calls for attacks on police.
Also within hours of the execution-style shooting of the deputy, a young Texas woman went on social media and took two actions. First she praised Black Lives Matter. Then minutes later she posted the following: “I can’t believe so many people care about a dead cop and NO ONE has thought what he did to deserve it. He had creepy perv eyes.”

TIM CONSTANTINE: Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group - Washington Times

"Convicted terrorist and retired professor Bill Ayers sat down with Fars News, a state-controlled media outlet that serves the Islamic Republic of Iran, where he proclaimed that the United States is a “terrorist nation” that is the “greatest purveyor of violence on earth… and the foremost threat to world peace.”
"The current regime in Iran is arguably the foremost purveyor of Islamic terrorism worldwide. Iran has backed countless terror groups, which include Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi insurgents, while also providing aid and support to Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.
"Ayers was a co-founder of the radical left-wing Weather Underground terror group. Over a three-year time period, he participated in the bombings of the NYPD headquarters (1970), the U.S. Capitol building (1971), and the Pentagon(1972)."

Convicted Terrorist Bill Ayers to Iran Media: U.S. a 'Terrorist Nation' - Breitbart

Progressives are rife with real terrorists...yet every time some nutter gets in trouble, they start screeching that they are an indication of the "terrorism" of the right, lol.

Tell us what organizations are supporting the walmart bomber, you pigs....
What's the advantage?
  1. the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
debate over :)
Terrorism Definition
ok. Thanks for proving us right lol
Domestic terrorism" means activities with the following three characteristics:
  • Involve acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;
  • Appear intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination. or kidnapping; and
  • Occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.

  • :lol:
Protecting themselves doesn't equate "burn this mother down" and "kill cops" and all the other bullshit they say. That is terrorism.
Fuck the walmart guy and fuck BLM
MLK died in VAIN
Protest isn't terrorism just because your're not agreeable the protest.

Explain how do you shit on MLK because of this thread.
Protecting themselves doesn't equate "burn this mother down" and "kill cops" and all the other bullshit they say. That is terrorism.
Fuck the walmart guy and fuck BLM
MLK died in VAIN
Protest isn't terrorism just because your're not agreeable the protest.

Explain how do you shit on MLK because of this thread.
What they do is not protesting sometimes.
AQ isn't always blowing innocent people up either..
I didn't shit on MLK. People that think this is ok shit on MLK.
Pretty sure that MLK took responsibility for his actions and went to jail often for them.
There's a lot of "loose talk" -- encouraged at the highest levels of this country -- that would greatly bother MLK.
Especially bullying folks who want to say that "All Lives Matter" without an ounce of racism in their bones.

Inciting violence against the police is several decades old now. Not terrorism -- but it get folks folks killed for nothing.
Libtsards are fucking hypocrits. They overlook or forgive leftwing murderers and trumpet about any conservative acts like its the end of civilization.

Since when have they had any credibility any way?
They're criminals, and they belong in prison.
Protecting themselves doesn't equate "burn this mother down" and "kill cops" and all the other bullshit they say. That is terrorism.
Fuck the walmart guy and fuck BLM
MLK died in VAIN
Protest isn't terrorism just because your're not agreeable the protest.

Explain how do you shit on MLK because of this thread.
What they do is not protesting sometimes.
AQ isn't always blowing innocent people up either..
I didn't shit on MLK. People that think this is ok shit on MLK.
I see what you mean. This group isn't Black Panthers grade, though. I would place them on MLK's peace and politics path rather than being terrorist militants.

Given the perspective we have on terrorism nowadays, I write off these over-the-top terrorist claims as coming from your modern american conformist. A lot of citizens have a satisfactory enough lifestyle that they have no fight in their heart when it comes to government authority, they and don't understand how anyone could.
Southern whites who were brought up during Jim crow and did nothing to help change it have no authority to speak or criticize their betters i.e. minorities

"Whites are more evil, blah, blah, blah, blah and destroyed all the good natural cultures replacing them with colonization and genocide, blah, blah, blah, and now they want to re-impose slavery over all the brown people. blah , balh, blah, blah horse shit, blather, blather, blah, blah...'

Gawd knows everyone is sick to death of the Hate America First pile of lies except the 20% who are libtards..
Libtsards are fucking hypocrits. They overlook or forgive leftwing murderers and trumpet about any conservative acts like its the end of civilization.

Since when have they had any credibility any way?
They're criminals, and they belong in prison.

If it was crime to march down the street with a "Kill the Pigs" banner -- there wouldn't be any 60 to 70 year old Democrat candidates today..

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