Black Lives Matter ...not a 92 yr. old white woman

We have seen stuff like this so much that it has become commonplace and the msm certainly never reports this outrageous in the politics of black victimhood must be preserved at all costs.


They say he pushed her.....yeh...with his fist.

If perchance he is arrested...I wonder how many hours they will hold him in juvenile.

This incident and many,many others shows how the hatred of whites runs rampant....verifiable hatred...not some myth.

Yet the want white folk to feel sorry for them and give them more stuff.
We have seen stuff like this so much that it has become commonplace and the msm certainly never reports this outrageous in the politics of black victimhood must be preserved at all costs.

Obviously that 92 year old woman is White and that automatically means she is a White Supremacist as to the BurnLootMurder crowd and the Self-Hating White Neo-Communist crowd ALL Whites are White Supremacists. I mean IF that Black THUG had NOT assaulted that 92 year old White woman she was obviously literally going to lynch him in the street :rolleyes-41:
Deepest sympathies to the lady and her family.

She really should not be walking alone nowadays. This is not the 1950s when people could safely walk in any large American city. (I was a teenager in the 1950s. Perhaps our last peaceful decade when people actually did not think about "crime.")

It is a totally waste of time to bemoan what's happened to our large cities. If you have the money but do not wish to move to the suburbs and wish to stay in the city, then you must walk defensively. When I walk down the sidewalk, I stop and look behind me every few yards to scan for suspicious characters. If I see a suspicion character(s) coming toward me, I cross the street or duck into a nearby business. Some of those bad individuals like to sucker punch you as they pass. I am a senior citizen, but the news in the OP reminds us those bad people have no respect for themselves let alone old people.
We have seen stuff like this so much that it has become commonplace and the msm certainly never reports this outrageous in the politics of black victimhood must be preserved at all costs.

Obviously that 92 year old woman is White and that automatically means she is a White Supremacist as to the BurnLootMurder crowd and the Self-Hating White Neo-Communist crowd ALL Whites are White Supremacists. I mean IF that Black THUG had NOT assaulted that 92 year old White woman she was obviously literally going to lynch him in the street :rolleyes-41:

This case and many, many others of similar nature....demonstrates very clearly we have a huge, huge problem with our black dependants.....further illustrated by the current rioting and in they are always willing to use violence to get more attention and more free stuff...liberals do not hesitate...but rush to do everything they can to give them more representation, more power, more money and all the while blaming the 'deplorables' aka...evil white racists.
He was just helping her keep her white privilege in check.

Seriously, this video is the other side of the story, the incredible amount of black on white violence and crime. This is why we say "ALL LIVES MATTER". You can't address one and not the other and expect there to be true equality.
She doesn't have black privilege.
All hell would have broke loose had it been a white guy, or a cop who shoved a black woman.

The MSM is just as much to blame. They have created a climate where black people feel they are entitled to physically harm a white person.
We have seen stuff like this so much that it has become commonplace and the msm certainly never reports this outrageous in the politics of black victimhood must be preserved at all costs.

Obviously that 92 year old woman is White and that automatically means she is a White Supremacist as to the BurnLootMurder crowd and the Self-Hating White Neo-Communist crowd ALL Whites are White Supremacists. I mean IF that Black THUG had NOT assaulted that 92 year old White woman she was obviously literally going to lynch him in the street :rolleyes-41:

This case and many, many others of similar nature....demonstrates very clearly we have a huge, huge problem with our black dependants.....further illustrated by the current rioting and in they are always willing to use violence to get more attention and more free stuff...liberals do not hesitate...but rush to do everything they can to give them more representation, more power, more money and all the while blaming the 'deplorables' aka...evil white racists.

Well the problem might be more huge if you consider all the Radical Islamist groups across America, there has to be hundreds if not thousands of Sleeper Cells across America if we go by the below map:


I am shocked that the Radical Islamist Sleeper Cells have not already been activated to join in the chaos in America right now, I mean if any of this crowd get activated you would have MAXIMUM CHAOS and destruction and very possibly the whole of the United States would collapse. I am sure the Leftists who of course we know ALREADY support the Radical Islamists, as we have seen at this forum whenever there is a Radical Islamist Terrorist attack we get the defenders and apologists and the deflections of "but but but WHAT about Christians?" etc I am sure the Leftist Activist groups are PRAYING to their god Satan for their Radical Islamist pets to begin the suicide bombs....of course WHEN that happens the American MSM will NOT say it's the Mooselimbs and they will OBSESSIVELY attempt to blame it on Donald Trump because Orange Man Bad along with his supporters the "White Supremacists" and "Deplorables" who of course ALL "Deplorables" are also "White Supremacists"

I forget who said that the best way to DESTROY America would be IF Leftists joined forces INSIDE America with Radical Islamists, but someone did say that in an interview I just forget who it was who said it. Well add BLM to that because many in BLM are Nation of Islam and so Leftists + Radical Islamists + BLM (Nation of Islam) = The End.
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To know how close we can be into real getting into trouble is how the woman fell. She just missed the fire hydrant. If her head hits the hydrant and she is injured severely, the crime increases. Perhaps attempted murder. If she dies from it, murder charges come from it. All from a push on the head. There are hate crimes. There should be age crimes.

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