Black Lives Matter protestors blocking traffic don’t care about normal black guy trying to drive to work to feed his six children

I'd run them pieces of shit right over. Ain't nobody got time for that! I'd be that guy on the side..sliding by on a bike and fuck 'em all! :auiqs.jpg:
I feel for this dude just trying to get to work and they fuckin' with him! Them punks need to get a job!
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Is it not a little to late to comment on an act 6 years ago....
It's high past time they got high velocity lead head injections. There no fixing tards like that, as is apparent in that video.
Put. Them. Down. is a sure-fire cure for their tardedness.
If someone knows another way, they better speak up pretty damn quick, because everybody is about fed up with this shit.
To achieve the glorious workers' paradise, some sacrifices will need to be made.

BLM has proven over and over and over and over again that black lives only matter if someone white kills a black guy. Black kids being shot in drivebys by gangbangers, blacks burning down black owned stores, blacks being chased because they have an american flag waving on their car or bumper sticker or hat or shirt. BLM is a big fat fucking lie and why other blacks don't see it, amazes me.
This video is from November 2014 in San Diego, California.

I'm on the side of the regular black guy who is trying to drive to work to feed his six children.

What do you think?

These protestors obviously dont need to work day after day after day. They get their money from someplace else, so they have no sympathy for people who do need to go to work, or use an ambulance.

Like the man said. DO it the right way.

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