Black Mobs Disrupt Diners in Major Cities


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Protesters my ass



Black brunch protesters interrupt diners in NYC Oakland - Yahoo News


In a twist on sit-in-style protests, civil rights activists entered several restaurants in New York City and Oakland, Calif., on Sunday in what organizers billed as “Black Brunch.”

About three dozen people participated in demonstrations in New York, where they momentarily“disrupted” meals at popular midtown eateries, including Lallisse, Maialino and Pershing Square — places protesters identified as predominantly “white spaces.”


At each stop, demonstrators read the names of African-Americans killed by police.


“Every 28 hours, a black person in America is killed by the police,” the protesters said. “These are our brothers and sisters. Today and every day, we honor their lives.”

Just think if these fools put this much effort into inward reflection. Fix your black culture problem first, then address injustice.

They're only going to alienate more people with this crappy behavior.
They're only going to alienate more people with this crappy behavior.

Yep, just look at the faces from some of the diners. lol

Why don't these women in the protesting group, protest against choosing black felons to be dads? You can't fix a problem until you address the root cause. The reason blacks are dying if far more reaching than rouge cops. You have to look at the pattern of events that presented the cop with the decision.

Right now the protesters are insisting on a band-aid to treat a massive wound without stopping the bleeding first.

These individuals disrupting others' breakfasts are only harming black people as a whole, by adding fuel to those stereotypes. Behaving like an obnoxious piece of ghetto trash is only going to piss people off, and it shames other black people who have done no wrong.

Yeah, this is constructive.

Congratulations, PC Police.

I really don't see the problem. they didn't go in there kicking things over. The like mentions that the 'momentarily' disrupted meals. That reads to me like they walked in, made a statement and walked out. Ohhhh, really must have messed up their days.

Kind of a silly way to protest but I don't really care all that much. Certainly better than the rioting that seems to be so damn popular nowadays.
Camila ibanez @QuePasaApaza
ATTN WHITE Man, I have no guilt disturbing your brunch. Its YOU that has no right to be here. #blackbrunchnyc

I will say this: If these certain people are so desperately wanting a race war, a lot of black people are, unfortunately, going to die. No reasonable person wants a race war. I certainly don't. If these agitators keep pushing the envelope they may very well get what they've been asking for, to their horror. War isn't a good thing, and no good person should be actively trying to start one.
Way to turn people against your cause.

Hard working people just trying to enjoy a meal and these animals have to come disrupt it.

Hey protesters. ...fewere and fewer of us give a fuck about your cause with each passing day.
The problem I see is the problem faced by blacks. Poverty and the social economic situation most find themselves in. Which leads to very little of a chance of making it out. Yes, many do and they do quite well for themselves, but a proportion never will.

I see the problem as being that these protests seem to me to indicate that blacks think that they are unfairly targeted by police, and I am not sure that is the case in the majority of the incidents. Were either of the two black killed recently killed because they were black or because they were doing something illegal?

What I see happening is that these protests are putting both black and white police officer's lives at risk. I see less law enforcement in predominately black communities. I see distrust between blacks and whites growing. I do not see the situation improving because of these protests.
The problem I see is the problem faced by blacks. Poverty and the social economic situation most find themselves in. Which leads to very little of a chance of making it out. Yes, many do and they do quite well for themselves, but a proportion never will.

I see the problem as being that these protests seem to me to indicate that blacks think that they are unfairly targeted by police, and I am not sure that is the case in the majority of the incidents. Were either of the two black killed recently killed because they were black or because they were doing something illegal?

What I see happening is that these protests are putting both black and white police officer's lives at risk. I see less law enforcement in predominately black communities. I see distrust between blacks and whites growing. I do not see the situation improving because of these protests.

Ever thought that the blacks that don't do well cause a lot of it themselves? The illegitimate birth rate among blacks is over 70%.

If the protests are about blacks indating they think they are unfairly targeted by police, why don't they protest and do what they do at teh police stations? Burning down and looting businesses that have nothing to do with why they say they are protesting makes no sense. It's hard to trust someone who says they are being mistreated then target things that aren't part of where they say the mistreatment if coming from.
Bob Owens ‏@bob_owens 19h19 hours ago
#BlackBrunch isn't happening at Cracker Barrel because grandpas of every race would be taking their belts off.

Bob Owens ‏@bob_owens 19h19 hours ago
I find #BlackBrunch to be hilarious. They're targeting urban liberals, alienating potential allies. Didn't think this through, did you?

SFK ‏@stephenkruiser 19h19 hours ago
"What did you do in the Culture Wars, grandpa?" "I whined about racist bacon & eggs on Twitter. Yes I did." #BlackBrunch #

Bill ‏@DefendWallSt 20h20 hours ago
It must be incredibly disheartening to believe something stupid and not have other people want to listen. #

Mr. Jay ‏@TexasTiger78 6h6 hours ago
Dear white people, dunno bout other black folks but you have my permission to punch some of these annoying protester's face #
Way to turn people against your cause.

Hard working people just trying to enjoy a meal and these animals have to come disrupt it.

Hey protesters. ...fewere and fewer of us give a fuck about your cause with each passing day.

Protestors disrupting a business because they are protesting the police department. Makes sense to them I guess.
and why didn't these places call the police on them for trespassing? We very clearly have a sign posted " non paying customers not welcome"
As this form of protest was used by environmentalists with rousing failure it's surprising that these losers are using it.

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