Black "pastor" arrested for crime of watering his neighbours garden

Your freedom of speech doesn’t authorize you to give legal advice to anyone without a law license. In fact, in doing so, you might be committing a criminal offense.

And I’ve very carefully not offered any legal advice. You are offering advice. I’m cautioning people to be wary of your advice. You don’t even comprehend the distinction.
of course it does,,

could you show me the law that says I cant??
I didnt think so,,
of course it does,,

could you show me the law that says I cant??
I didnt think so,,
I could do many things for you. You don’t seem inclined to listen.

I also don’t know what state you reside in. But whatever state it might be, you can probably accomplish your mission on your own.

In Google, perhaps, enter the key words applicable to you, such as: [your state] and “practicing law without a license” and “crime” and “penalties.” Google will probably then give you some statutory law sections for that jurisdiction. Read and learn.
The sad part of this story that is overlooked is that some racist asshole called the police in the scary looking man watering the flowers.
You really have to be a class-A busy body to get upset over who waters whose lawn.

The guy watering the garden was a neighbor. So did the other people in the neighborhood not know who the hell he was? Or was this a class AAA busybody, who didn't even live in the neighborhood, and still called the freaking police??
In Alabama and many other states, if the police ask you to identify yourself while they are investigating, and you refuse, they will put you in handcuffs for the safety of police while they continue to investigate. In this case, the police were investigating a report of an unknown person on a neighbors property, so the non-compliance further raised suspicion.

The police acted appropriately and legally.

The non-compliant man and his race-profiling lawyer, the abuse of the courts where no police misconduct exists and and this racist and misleading report of events are the only misbehaviors. Such bad behavior by negroes is much too common and should be condemned by all decent people.
It sounds very police state to me. Do Alabama cops train in Russia ?
Still, at least it was a black guy not a true republican,
its your claim so you back it up.. I am in missouri,, jackson county,,
I’m not licensed in Missouri.

But, I can provide you with a little common knowledge. I already told you what to do.

Take NY, for example. If you had done what I suggested, you could look up the NY Law on the topic. You’d stumble upon:

NY ED Law 6512​

That’s the New York Education Law. “Education” Law because they do the licensing for NY state professions.

Then, armed with that information, you could look up that law for NY.

Apply the same process for Missouri. As always, be careful and seek the legal advice of a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction.
if the issue warrants it I will,,
thanks for your legal advice,,
In NY, I can tell you, if you are giving legal advice and you get charged criminally, you’d be facing a felony sentence if convicted.

(I understand that it is not considered as serious in Missouri. But, my understanding is not to be construed as legal advice, there in Mo.! 😎 )
I’m not licensed in Missouri.

But, I can provide you with a little common knowledge. I already told you what to do.

Take NY, for example. If you had done what I suggested, you could look up the NY Law on the topic. You’d stumble upon:

NY ED Law 6512​

That’s the New York Education Law. “Education” Law because they do the licensing for NY state professions.

Then, armed with that information, you could look up that law for NY.

Apply the same process for Missouri. As always, be careful and seek the legal advice of a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction.
your surrender is accepted,,,

seems youre confusing practicing law with giving advice,, it can only be because you know you misspoke or outright lied,,
In NY, I can tell you, if you are giving legal advice and you get charged criminally, you’d be facing a felony sentence if convicted.

(I understand that it is not considered as serious in Missouri. But, my understanding is not to be construed as legal advice, there in Mo.! 😎 )
once again nothing to back up your claim,,,

can you post the law that says that or not??
he explains you dont always have to have your miranda rights read to you,,
"The Supreme Court has found that as a general rule, a typical roadside traffic stop does not put a driver “in custody” in the same way that an arrest does. For that reason, he or she is not entitled to receive the Miranda warning,"
your surrender is accepted,,,
Lol. Silly lad. I do, however, accept the obvious that you are stubborn and kind of silly on this matter.
seems youre confusing practicing law with giving advice,, it can only be because you know you misspoke or outright lied,,
It would benefit you enormously if you only realized that laws have provisions which define their terms. And, believe it or not, in some states, “practicing law” includes (by legal definition) rendering legal advice to another and it excludes the necessity of accepting any fee for same.

The more you know!

911: Hello, do you have an emergency?
Caller: Yes. I'd like to report a suspicious black man watering flowers at my neighbors house!
911: What makes him suspicious?
Caller: Didn't you hear me? He's black.
911: Sending a SWAT team immediately!

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