Black Privilege - Alive and Well

I've never seen anyone banned online for bashing Polish people despite happening enough, but I've seen tons of people banned online for bashing Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Gays etc.

What gives?

Why are we Poles treated as second class citizens?

You ain't. You're white. You call blacks chimps and then your punk ass whines about poles. Shut the fuck up.
I've never seen anyone banned online for bashing Polish people despite happening enough, but I've seen tons of people banned online for bashing Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Gays etc.

What gives?

Why are we Poles treated as second class citizens?

You ain't. You're white. You call blacks chimps and then your punk ass whines about poles. Shut the fuck up.

Every Black user here who bashes Whites, also complains about anti-Black prejudices.
But, I guess that's cool to you?
It's only wrong when Poles do it, huh?

On this site there's a lot of bashing of Blacks, and not a lot of bashing of Poles.

But, on many other sites, there's a lot of bashing of Polish people.
Explanation is not really necessary. The shit you posted was pure stupidity. For example you talk abut OJ, but Don Meredith was no better. You talk about Affirmative Action but you don't know what you're saying since it's proven that whites have benefitted the most from the policy. So when we look at the jist of your OP it's just some idiotic rant that makes no sense when you look at the facts, therefore it's lunacy and for you to believe this makes you a dumb ass,
You don't know what you're talking about, and it's evident the liberal MSM has you thoroughly programmed.

1) I've heard both OJ and Meredith many times. Meredith was 1000 times better than OJ. OJ was a mess.

2) Whites benefit most from Affirmative Action ? Wow! What a sucker you are. :rolleyes:

1. That's what you would like to think. I've watched Monday Night Football since it started and Meredith was no better than OJ.

But the mere fact you used that as an example shows your stupidity.

2. The lesson beginneth.

"In 2013, Time Magazine reported, “Affirmative action has helped white women more than anyone.” The reporter cited several studies showing that the gains from white women due to affirmative action policies eclipsed any benefits that people of color experienced. In most cases, these policies have helped move the nation toward gender equality but have left minorities behind. The resulting trend is an equality gap between races."

Affirmative Action Has Mostly Helped Whites, but Trump Administration Says Not Enough

Yes, whites have been helped more by Affirmative Action than anyone else.

Thus endeth the lesson.

Affirmative Action may have helped more White women, just because there's more of them.
But, I'm doubtful that Black women haven't been helped more than White women proportionately.

Like usual this seems to be a case of Liberals playing games.

Nope, it's just plain fact. Because if Affirmative Acton is based on racial quotas as you guys have chosen to believe , the people who benefit from the policy the most will be the ones with the most people. This is where your stupid ass whining fails in logic.
I've never seen anyone banned online for bashing Polish people despite happening enough, but I've seen tons of people banned online for bashing Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Gays etc.

What gives?

Why are we Poles treated as second class citizens?

You ain't. You're white. You call blacks chimps and then your punk ass whines about poles. Shut the fuck up.

Every Black user here who bashes Whites, also complains about anti-Black prejudices.
But, I guess that's cool to you?
It's only wrong when Poles do it, huh?

On this site there's a lot of bashing of Blacks, and not a lot of bashing of Poles.

But, on many other sites, there's a lot of bashing of Polish people.

Whites aren't being bashed. If you want us to stop saying what we do, then end your racism. End you racist bullshit about I's for example.

Poles are white. Poles have never endured the types of things here that blacks have. They don't now. Your argument is a strawman.
Logical and factual "content" normally means that facts are present somewhere in what one states.

There is no logic in you blaming your shortcomings/failures on the black population.

Take responsibilty for yourself.
The logic and facts are in the OP. Your choice to deny them is nobody's problem but yours. However there's no law against living in denial. Knock yourself out.

And I never said I had "shortcomings/failures". In fact I have accomplishments well above the average person. Like successfully owning my own business for many years, and playing 4 musical instruments (all on a professional level). But if you feel you must make things up, that's legal too. :rolleyes:

Well! That being said, and if you are in fact as "accomplished" as you say that you are, then you should never again state that "Affirmative Action ruined your life" as you have stated in previous posts.

You can't have it both ways, "Deflectionist".
The very thing that the National Anthem kneelers are bitching about, is contradicted by their kneeling (or sitting) actions. They claim to be upset about oppression to blacks. But actually, by kneeling or sitting during the National Anthem, they show (confirmed by NFL Commissioner inaction), that there's a double standard in America. One for blacks, and one for non-blacks

You are absolutely correct.
Non blacks get to drive to work without being profiled.
Blacks...not so much.
Non blacks can walk around a store without being followed.
Blacks...not so much.
Non blacks don't have to worry about being judged guilty based on their skin color.
Blacks get shot for being black.
Blacks live with this every day.

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The very thing that the National Anthem kneelers are bitching about, is contradicted by their kneeling (or sitting) actions. They claim to be upset about oppression to blacks. But actually, by kneeling or sitting during the National Anthem, they show (confirmed by NFL Commissioner inaction), that there's a double standard in America. One for blacks, and one for non-blacks

You are absolutely correct.
Non blacks get to drive to work without being profiled.
Blacks...not so much.
Non blacks can walk around a store without being followed.
Blacks...not so much.
Non blacks don't have to worry about being judged guilty based on their skin color.
Blacks get shot for being black.
Blacks live with this every day.

1. Non-blacks don't get profiled driving to work, because they never got the job, that blacks got through Affirmative Action.

2. If blacks didn't commit so many more crimes than other races, they wouldn't be watched so much.

3. In many cases, blacks are the ones who get excused for their bad behavior. Liberals never hear about these many cases because the liberal MSM refuses to report them, or report them correctly.
Examples >> Eleanor Bumpurs, Micheal Stewart, Larry Davis, Lemrick Nelson, Kiko Garcia, Marla Hanson, Marion Barry, Edward Summers, Robert Chambers, Michael Lasane, the Howard Beach case, Ann Viner/Evelyn Wagler, Channon Christian/Chistopher Newsom, White gangs at Columbia University (1987),Sabrina Collins (Emory University),Gilbert Moore, Jr (Williams College), Alicia Hardin (Trinity Intl Univ.-2005), Tawana Brawley, Laurie Hecht, etc. etc

4. Blacks don't get shot for being black. Most blacks who are shot, are shot by other blacks. Most who get shot by cops, get shot because they were stupid, and didn't cooperate with the cops. Follow instructions, keep hands visible, don't resist arrest.
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Well! That being said, and if you are in fact as "accomplished" as you say that you are, then you should never again state that "Affirmative Action ruined your life" as you have stated in previous posts.

You can't have it both ways, "Deflectionist".
It IS both ways. AA ruined my life as far as destroying my 5 years of college, and rendering them worthless, and taking me out of the urban planning profession.

Still, I was successful as a business owner (started on <$50), and musician. Both ways exiat, and the deflection is all yours. :biggrin:
Whites aren't being bashed. If you want us to stop saying what we do, then end your racism. End you racist bullshit about I's for example.

Poles are white. Poles have never endured the types of things here that blacks have. They don't now. Your argument is a strawman.
The "racism" in America is Affirmative Action discrimination against whites. It is, the largest discrimination in America, against, by far, the largest number of people (whites), and continues (in 42 states) after 50+ years.

Yes, Poles are white. That's why blacks have not endured the types of things (AA racial discrimination) here that Poles have.
Nope, it's just plain fact. Because if Affirmative Acton is based on racial quotas as you guys have chosen to believe , the people who benefit from the policy the most will be the ones with the most people. This is where your stupid ass whining fails in logic.
"with the most people" ? What the hell are you talking about ?
Explanation is not really necessary. The shit you posted was pure stupidity. For example you talk abut OJ, but Don Meredith was no better. You talk about Affirmative Action but you don't know what you're saying since it's proven that whites have benefitted the most from the policy. So when we look at the jist of your OP it's just some idiotic rant that makes no sense when you look at the facts, therefore it's lunacy and for you to believe this makes you a dumb ass,
You don't know what you're talking about, and it's evident the liberal MSM has you thoroughly programmed.

1) I've heard both OJ and Meredith many times. Meredith was 1000 times better than OJ. OJ was a mess.

2) "Proven" ? HA ha ha. Whites benefit most from Affirmative Action ? Wow! What a sucker you are. :rolleyes:
Yes...white women.
If there are many times more white females the victim, still the sum total shows they gave benefitted more than everyone else. Whites have not been victimized by the policy. Those studies are not myths fool.
YOU are the fool. Your illustrious, dopey studies (from liberal sources), don't take into account what I stated here previously. That far, far more white women suffer from AA, because it victimizes them along with their white husbands and fathers. This should serve as a lesson to you. Your liberal media, universities, think tanks studies are a joke.
Nope, it's just plain fact. Because if Affirmative Acton is based on racial quotas as you guys have chosen to believe , the people who benefit from the policy the most will be the ones with the most people. This is where your stupid ass whining fails in logic.
"with the most people" ? What the hell are you talking about ?

Population size= the most people.

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If there are many times more white females the victim, still the sum total shows they gave benefitted more than everyone else. Whites have not been victimized by the policy. Those studies are not myths fool.
YOU are the fool. Your illustrious, dopey studies (from liberal sources), don't take into account what I stated here previously. That far, far more white women suffer from AA, because it victimizes them along with their white husbands and fathers. This should serve as a lesson to you. Your liberal media, universities, think tanks studies are a joke.

He referenced studies that have proven over and over that what he said is true.

The nonsense that you have been whining about "white women being adversely impacted "because their husbsnds are being discriminated against on a mass scale" sounds like some 3rd grader conspiracy theory.

There are no credible facts anywhere that support your lunacy. You sound foolish to the extreme.
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If there are many times more white females the victim, still the sum total shows they gave benefitted more than everyone else. Whites have not been victimized by the policy. Those studies are not myths fool.
YOU are the fool. Your illustrious, dopey studies (from liberal sources), don't take into account what I stated here previously. That far, far more white women suffer from AA, because it victimizes them along with their white husbands and fathers. This should serve as a lesson to you. Your liberal media, universities, think tanks studies are a joke.

No one gives a fuck what you stated. You are wrong.
The very thing that the National Anthem kneelers are bitching about, is contradicted by their kneeling (or sitting) actions. They claim to be upset about oppression to blacks. But actually, by kneeling or sitting during the National Anthem, they show (confirmed by NFL Commissioner inaction), that there's a double standard in America. One for blacks, and one for non-blacks

You are absolutely correct.
Non blacks get to drive to work without being profiled.
Blacks...not so much.
Non blacks can walk around a store without being followed.
Blacks...not so much.
Non blacks don't have to worry about being judged guilty based on their skin color.
Blacks get shot for being black.
Blacks live with this every day.

1. Non-blacks don't get profiled driving to work, because they never got the job, that blacks got through Affirmative Action.

2. If blacks didn't commit so many more crimes than other races, they wouldn't be watched so much.

3. In many cases, blacks are the ones who get excused for their bad behavior. Liberals never hear about these many cases because the liberal MSM refuses to report them, or report them correctly.
Examples >> Eleanor Bumpurs, Micheal Stewart, Larry Davis, Lemrick Nelson, Kiko Garcia, Marla Hanson, Marion Barry, Edward Summers, Robert Chambers, Michael Lasane, the Howard Beach case, Ann Viner/Evelyn Wagler, Channon Christian/Chistopher Newsom, White gangs at Columbia University (1987),Sabrina Collins (Emory University),Gilbert Moore, Jr (Williams College), Alicia Hardin (Trinity Intl Univ.-2005), Tawana Brawley, Laurie Hecht, etc. etc

4. Blacks don't get shot for being black. Most blacks who are shot, are shot by other blacks. Most who get shot by cops, get shot because they were stupid, and didn't cooperate with the cops. Follow instructions, keep hands visible, don't resist arrest.

What's nonsense is this post.
What's nonsense is this post.

2-4 are absolutely true. Black neighborhoods are typically high crime and cops are called to those areas more often for that reason. Black folks do get treated with kid gloves by the media and political establishment because everyone is terrified of being called racist. And it's just a fact that most instances of cops killing a black person could have been avoided if they would just follow orders and not resist, but they mommas teach them not to do anything the poeleece say.
Well! That being said, and if you are in fact as "accomplished" as you say that you are, then you should never again state that "Affirmative Action ruined your life" as you have stated in previous posts.

You can't have it both ways, "Deflectionist".
It IS both ways. AA ruined my life as far as destroying my 5 years of college, and rendering them worthless, and taking me out of the urban planning profession.

Still, I was successful as a business owner (started on <$50), and musician. Both ways exiat, and the deflection is all yours. :biggrin:

Nope. What you are saying does not add up. You likely flunked out.

Your reasoning skills or lack of, are a dead giveaway that you do not think clearly.

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