Black Privilege - Alive and Well

Whites aren't being bashed. If you want us to stop saying what we do, then end your racism. End you racist bullshit about I's for example.

Poles are white. Poles have never endured the types of things here that blacks have. They don't now. Your argument is a strawman.
The "racism" in America is Affirmative Action discrimination against whites. It is, the largest discrimination in America, against, by far, the largest number of people (whites), and continues (in 42 states) after 50+ years.

Yes, Poles are white. That's why blacks have not endured the types of things (AA racial discrimination) here that Poles have.

AA is not discrimination against whites. If we use the quota argument, since whites are the majority of the population as whites like you are so fond of saying, it means that whites get the majority of the jobs. And they do get the majority of the jobs and admissions, so you are not being discriminated against. Not unless you think you are entitled to all he jobs and admissions and government contracts.

We who are not white do not have amnesia and we will not be allowed to be bullied into yours. This policy has allowed whites to have the majority of jobs, admissions and government contracts. Whites are not being racially discriminated against.
What's nonsense is this post.

2-4 are absolutely true. Black neighborhoods are typically high crime and cops are called to those areas more often for that reason. Black folks do get treated with kid gloves by the media and political establishment because everyone is terrified of being called racist. And it's just a fact that most instances of cops killing a black person could have been avoided if they would just follow orders and not resist, but they mommas teach them not to do anything the poeleece say.

None of this bullshit is true. I'm black. You aren't. I know it's not true.
I've never seen anyone banned online for bashing Polish people despite happening enough, but I've seen tons of people banned online for bashing Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Gays etc.

What gives?

Why are we Poles treated as second class citizens?

You ain't. You're white. You call blacks chimps and then your punk ass whines about poles. Shut the fuck up.

Every Black user here who bashes Whites, also complains about anti-Black prejudices.
But, I guess that's cool to you?
It's only wrong when Poles do it, huh?

On this site there's a lot of bashing of Blacks, and not a lot of bashing of Poles.

But, on many other sites, there's a lot of bashing of Polish people.

Whites aren't being bashed. If you want us to stop saying what we do, then end your racism. End you racist bullshit about I's for example.

Poles are white. Poles have never endured the types of things here that blacks have. They don't now. Your argument is a strawman.

You certainly aren't telling your friend Acrapias to end his Black racism, how come?

Oh, I guess Black racism is so cool to you?
So now we see the NFL nitwits who think they are outside the bounds of criticism, even in disrespecting the National Anthem. How weird to hear them say they are expressing unity and respect, when that is exacly the opposite of what they're doing. It must be a combination of 1) growing up with black privilege thinking, and 2) pure stupidity.
I think the players probably knew they would be heavily criticized for their actions and chose to do it anyway. I personally do not see it as disrespect for the song itself. I see it as a cry for America to be what it claims to be - land of the FREE - which includes every American - not just white people.

I also think that these players worked hard, probably harder then others, to get where they are. Their positions were not just handed to them. They were not recipients of AA. And I do not believe they are stupid. If they were truly stupid, they would just go along to get along and forget about injustices in the communities they came from. Communities that supported them and cheered them on to their current positions of being household names. Communities that buy their jerseys and every other thing they advertise. Communities that appreciate them using their notoriety to bring attention to issues that often go ignored.
AA is not discrimination against whites. If we use the quota argument, since whites are the majority of the population as whites like you are so fond of saying, it means that whites get the majority of the jobs.

Libtard logic: hiring the less qualified person because of is race isn't racial discrimination. Hiring the most qualified person regardless of race is racial discrimination.

The skulls of libtards are full of sh1t.
AA is not discrimination against whites. If we use the quota argument, since whites are the majority of the population as whites like you are so fond of saying, it means that whites get the majority of the jobs. And they do get the majority of the jobs and admissions, so you are not being discriminated against. Not unless you think you are entitled to all he jobs and admissions and government contracts.

We who are not white do not have amnesia and we will not be allowed to be bullied into yours. This policy has allowed whites to have the majority of jobs, admissions and government contracts. Whites are not being racially discriminated against.
1. I am not 100% white. I am 50% Hispanic, and I speak both English & Spanish. Unlike you however, I am not so cheap and low that I would lower myself to engage in racial discrimination against others (whites) to get what I want. I am proud to say that have never checked Hispanic on an AA form. Those who do, are low lifes who cheapen themselves, and can never be looked upon as really qualified for what they do, since they got it improperly and unfairly. They will always have that AA cloud over them, and doubt about their abilities.

2. Your explanation is senseless. AA is pure out and out racism and racial discrimination against whites, and you pathetically try to defend it. It's quite obvious that you don't believe your own words, and why would you ? They make no sense whatsoever. If you give something to someone based on their race (thereby excluding other of another race), that's malicious racial discrimination, and you are a malicious RACIST for supporting it. Thankfully, the Trump administration is already taking steps to nationwide ban this abomination.
I think the players probably knew they would be heavily criticized for their actions and chose to do it anyway. I personally do not see it as disrespect for the song itself. I see it as a cry for America to be what it claims to be - land of the FREE - which includes every American - not just white people.

I also think that these players worked hard, probably harder then others, to get where they are. Their positions were not just handed to them. They were not recipients of AA. And I do not believe they are stupid. If they were truly stupid, they would just go along to get along and forget about injustices in the communities they came from. Communities that supported them and cheered them on to their current positions of being household names. Communities that buy their jerseys and every other thing they advertise. Communities that appreciate them using their notoriety to bring attention to issues that often go ignored.
They are stupid because they are suckered into believing the big Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustle, that falsely claims that blacks are being victimized and singled out for police brutality. This was nothing but a ploy, to gin up votes for Democrats in the 2016 election.

Blacks are no more victims of police brutality than anyone else. The proof is the police shooting cases they cite > all caused by THEM, not the police. Examples abound >> Michael Brown, Laquan MacDonald, Terrance Crutcher, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, Walter Scott, etc, etc.

Of course the kneeling is disrespect of the national anthem. They know the customary action is to stand, so they deliberately kneel to insult the flag, the anthem, the military, the country. The SOBs are lucky they haven't been fired.
What's nonsense is this post.

2-4 are absolutely true. Black neighborhoods are typically high crime and cops are called to those areas more often for that reason. Black folks do get treated with kid gloves by the media and political establishment because everyone is terrified of being called racist. And it's just a fact that most instances of cops killing a black person could have been avoided if they would just follow orders and not resist, but they mommas teach them not to do anything the poeleece say.
100% correct. The book Mugged, by Ann Coulter, reports about dozens of these black pandering cases. Here they are. Read the book, and find out what the liberal BS media covers up, and you never hear about. >>

Read and LEARN. >> Eleanor Bumpurs, Micheal Stewart, Larry Davis, Lemrick Nelson, Kiko Garcia, Marla Hanson, Marion Barry, Edward Summers, Robert Chambers, Michael Lasane, the Howard Beach case, Ann Viner/Evelyn Wagler, Channon Christian/Chistopher Newsom, White gangs at Columbia University (1987), Sabrina Collins (Emory University), Gilbert Moore, Jr (Williams College), Alicia Hardin (Trinity Intl Univ.-2005), Tawana Brawley, Laurie Hecht, etc. etc
Nope. What you are saying does not add up. You likely flunked out.

Your reasoning skills or lack of, are a dead giveaway that you do not think clearly.
LOL. What I said in Post # 28, makes perfectly good sense. That is obvious to anyone with a brain, that isn't clouded by racial bias. Likewise, what's also obvious, is you pretending in your words - the deflection is all yours. :biggrin:
What's nonsense is this post.
You want to get an Affirmative Action job ? And displace a qualified white person, to do it ? You don't even know how to use a question mark. For your benefit, THIS is a question mark >> ?

No charge for the tutoring.

As for what the nonsense is, that was explained in the post. You can read, can't you ?
Population size= the most people.

I think OK. It's IM2 who doesn't know how to write, or express himself. He's partially illiterate (and then wants to get a job ahead of a qualified white person) What a lowlife.
He referenced studies that have proven over and over that what he said is true.

The nonsense that you have been whining about "white women being adversely impacted "because their husbsnds are being discriminated against on a mass scale" sounds like some 3rd grader conspiracy theory.

There are no credible facts anywhere that support your lunacy. You sound foolish to the extreme.
HA HA. You don't realize that all you're doing is following standard liberal programming. You follow along with liberal "studies" from liberal sources, all biased and skewed to say what they want, call this rubbish "proof", and you disregard the obvious that's right in front of your nose.

I've explained this dozens of times in this forum. They've got you programmed, all right. :rolleyes:
None of this bullshit is true. I'm black. You aren't. I know it's not true.

You know nothing. You've had what is "true" concealed from you, by liberal media. Read the book Mugged by Ann Coulter, and you'll find out what they've been hiding from you all these years.

Think I'm kidding ? Here's the cases (among others) >>

Eleanor Bumpurs, Micheal Stewart, Larry Davis, Lemrick Nelson, Kiko Garcia, Marla Hanson, Marion Barry, Edward Summers, Robert Chambers, Michael Lasane, the Howard Beach case, Ann Viner/Evelyn Wagler, Channon Christian/Chistopher Newsom, White gangs at Columbia University (1987), Sabrina Collins (Emory University), Gilbert Moore, Jr (Williams College), Alicia Hardin (Trinity Intl Univ.-2005), Tawana Brawley, Laurie Hecht, etc. etc
The very thing that the National Anthem kneelers are bitching about, is contradicted by their kneeling (or sitting) actions. They claim to be upset about oppression to blacks. But actually, by kneeling or sitting during the National Anthem, they show (confirmed by NFL Commissioner inaction), that there's a double standard in America. One for blacks, and one for non-blacks

You are absolutely correct.
Non blacks get to drive to work without being profiled.
Blacks...not so much.
Non blacks can walk around a store without being followed.
Blacks...not so much.
Non blacks don't have to worry about being judged guilty based on their skin color.
Blacks get shot for being black.
Blacks live with this every day.

1. Non-blacks don't get profiled driving to work, because they never got the job, that blacks got through Affirmative Action.

2. If blacks didn't commit so many more crimes than other races, they wouldn't be watched so much.

3. In many cases, blacks are the ones who get excused for their bad behavior. Liberals never hear about these many cases because the liberal MSM refuses to report them, or report them correctly.
Examples >> Eleanor Bumpurs, Micheal Stewart, Larry Davis, Lemrick Nelson, Kiko Garcia, Marla Hanson, Marion Barry, Edward Summers, Robert Chambers, Michael Lasane, the Howard Beach case, Ann Viner/Evelyn Wagler, Channon Christian/Chistopher Newsom, White gangs at Columbia University (1987),Sabrina Collins (Emory University),Gilbert Moore, Jr (Williams College), Alicia Hardin (Trinity Intl Univ.-2005), Tawana Brawley, Laurie Hecht, etc. etc

4. Blacks don't get shot for being black. Most blacks who are shot, are shot by other blacks. Most who get shot by cops, get shot because they were stupid, and didn't cooperate with the cops. Follow instructions, keep hands visible, don't resist arrest.

Ive never seen so much bullshit in one post.

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Nope. What you are saying does not add up. You likely flunked out.

Your reasoning skills or lack of, are a dead giveaway that you do not think clearly.
LOL. What I said in Post # 28, makes perfectly good sense. That is obvious to anyone with a brain, that isn't clouded by racial bias. Likewise, what's also obvious, is you pretending in your words - the deflection is all yours. :biggrin:

The rantings of a delusional head case always "make perfect sense" the individual who is impaired.

Listen to the voices in your head....they will tell you what to say next.

He referenced studies that have proven over and over that what he said is true.

The nonsense that you have been whining about "white women being adversely impacted "because their husbsnds are being discriminated against on a mass scale" sounds like some 3rd grader conspiracy theory.

There are no credible facts anywhere that support your lunacy. You sound foolish to the extreme.
HA HA. You don't realize that all you're doing is following standard liberal programming. You follow along with liberal "studies" from liberal sources, all biased and skewed to say what they want, call this rubbish "proof", and you disregard the obvious that's right in front of your nose.

I've explained this dozens of times in this forum. They've got you programmed, all right. :rolleyes:
He referenced studies that have proven over and over that what he said is true.

The nonsense that you have been whining about "white women being adversely impacted "because their husbsnds are being discriminated against on a mass scale" sounds like some 3rd grader conspiracy theory.

There are no credible facts anywhere that support your lunacy. You sound foolish to the extreme.
HA HA. You don't realize that all you're doing is following standard liberal programming. You follow along with liberal "studies" from liberal sources, all biased and skewed to say what they want, call this rubbish "proof", and you disregard the obvious that's right in front of your nose.

I've explained this dozens of times in this forum. They've got you programmed, all right. :rolleyes:

Im neither liberal nor conservative, little man.

This is not a political issue that is related to having a liberal or conservative point of view.

What I am is objective and informed enough to know that in a country founded by white people FOR white people, that there would be anarchy in the streets if there was even a remote possibility that "millions of white Americans" were being displaced in the workforce and colleges because of AA, as you insist, and you're a bonified nutcase to think that anyone who is intelligent enough to read, would listen to your egregious fabrication and accept it as truth.

You likely flunked out of school because you were an academic failure,
not because of AA "ruining your life", and if you are truly the "successful person" that you claim to be, you would be far too busy enjoying your success as opposed to whining on a public message board about how unfair life has been.

A crazy person like you is always easy to spot.

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None of this bullshit is true. I'm black. You aren't. I know it's not true.

You know nothing. You've had what is "true" concealed from you, by liberal media. Read the book Mugged by Ann Coulter, and you'll find out what they've been hiding from you all these years.

Think I'm kidding ? Here's the cases (among others) >>

Eleanor Bumpurs, Micheal Stewart, Larry Davis, Lemrick Nelson, Kiko Garcia, Marla Hanson, Marion Barry, Edward Summers, Robert Chambers, Michael Lasane, the Howard Beach case, Ann Viner/Evelyn Wagler, Channon Christian/Chistopher Newsom, White gangs at Columbia University (1987), Sabrina Collins (Emory University), Gilbert Moore, Jr (Williams College), Alicia Hardin (Trinity Intl Univ.-2005), Tawana Brawley, Laurie Hecht, etc. etc

Ann Coulter is a dumb ass ho. I'm not easting one penny to read that bitches bullshit.

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