Black Privilege - Alive and Well

He comes in here blind and sees bullshit and says it's bull shit.

This is a dumb ass thread started by an idiot in order to troll.
LOL. So you think you can just erase away decades of Black Privilege, dozens (maybe hundreds) of cases just by saying it's "bullshit", huh ? well, if/when I post the cases 9in detail) you'll have faces full of eggs, and you'll always be known in this forum as a poster of zero credibility. Yeah, looks like I'm going to have to kick some cyber ass around here - with knowledge and FACTS.

But besides the facts of all the black privilege cases cited I Ann Coulter's book (Mugged), you're already looking pretty stupid just by trying to deny the back privilege of Affirmative Action. It's fully functional in 42 statescurrently. Did yu think yu could just change that FACT - just by saying so. You guys are even dumber than I thought. Sheeesh!

And when were those decades of black privilege? I really don' think you can post up some garbage from Anne Coulter and .prove anything. Not when we can post up at least 241 years of history to include right now. Cause ain't no black man who was caught on fucking tape going to be able to get away with talking about him grabbing vaginas was only locker room talk and end up president.[/QUOTE]
A black man (Obama) has done much worse than that. He colluded with al Baghdadi (ISIS) and pulled us troops out of Iraq, opening the door for ISIS to move in and fill up the vacuum. Then he allowed those long, ISIS convoys to drive on open, desert roads (sitting ducks for airstrikes) without attacking them.

He also allowed Major NAdal Hisan to spout his jihadist rhetoric at Fort Hood for a year, without ordering Hasan to be arrested for treason, or at least be given a dishonorable discharge, as dozens of Army officers requested. Result ? Hasan killed 13 soldiers, and wounded 38 more in a bloody massacre. Blood on Obama's hands.

He also OKd the release of 20% of America's Uranium supply to the Russians, wit the Clintons getting $150Million (you can bet Obama got a piece of the action), which is finally now getting exposed and investigated in theSenate, after being covered up by the Obama.Clinton friendly MSM.[/QUOTE]

None of this is true. The status of forces agreement was singed by GW Bush that decided when the troops would leave. Fort Hood had a commanding officer, why didn't he lock Hassan up? No one released any percent of any uranium anywhere.

Now show us all those years of back privilege or shut the fuck up.

Attitudes about what ... What kind of attitude do we need to have in order to reach a better place?
Would you suggest that your attitude is any representation of the attitude I should take towards you?

Is that going to get us to a better place ... :dunno:

I don't see any use in this foolishness ... But will comment on some of the aspects instead of just leaving it at that.

There is no difference in the propagation of Black Privileged and White Privilege.
Both are sloppy, self-serving ponderings forced into social existence by a group of people who want something.

They may want to be protected from something, they may want to gain a benefit, they may just want to be assholes ... :dunno:

Look at the polluted argument the OP makes about OJ Simpson and his rather short career as an announcer.
He wasn't hired just because he was black ... He wasn't hired just because he knew football.
He was hired as an announcer because at the time he was making a pant load of money for advertisers like Hertz.

For whatever reason ... People liked him in the Hertz commercials and the company was making money with OJ as their flagship.
When the NFL didn't recognize the same returns ... And began to suffer more than they gained in public opinion ... Firing OJ was just a money move.

Sure someone can make some kind of connection as to past events and what that amounts to in privilege towards one group or another.
It doesn't matter which direction you point ... The shotgun you are using is going to hit something.

The more important question is what the hell do you suggest we do about it?
My suggestion would be for both sides to grow up ... Get with a better program ... And let's leave all this race based bullshit behind.

My suggestions are >>

1. Abolish Affirmative Action discrimination against whites (the Trump administration is already moving on this)

2.Liberal dominated schools (clueless about law enforcement & guns) need to get their heads out of their asses, and start training students about how to behave in confrontation with police (or anyone with a gun). # 1 rule >> Keep your HANDS VISIBLE (or else you're dead)

3. Blacks and white liberals need to get a brain about # 2 in this post, and stop bitching every time some black guy gets shot, because he was too stupid to know he had to keep his hands visible. Dudes, things are always going to go wrong if you're stupid. Solution: Don't be stupid.
My suggestions are >>

1. Abolish Affirmative Action discrimination against whites (the Trump administration is already moving on this)

2.Liberal dominated schools (clueless about law enforcement & guns) need to get their heads out of their asses, and start training students about how to behave in confrontation with police (or anyone with a gun). # 1 rule >> Keep your HANDS VISIBLE (or else you're dead)

3. Blacks and white liberals need to get a brain about # 2 in this post, and stop bitching every time some black guy gets shot, because he was too stupid to know he had to keep his hands visible. Dudes, things are always going to go wrong if you're stupid. Solution: Don't be stupid.

Well thanks ... I agree with number 1 (at least the abolish part).
Numbers 2 and 3 are still bogged down in a lot of unnecessary garbage (just my opinion).

Thanks for having the decency to actually answer the questions ... That's more than I can say for most ... :thup:

I am not going to read that book. I know for a fact that there is no media hiding how whites are getting shot while unarmed and committing no crime. I've dealt with the media dumb ass, you can't get them to come to the black community until there's a mother fucking murder. If whites were getting what blacks do, the media would have been on this long ago. Backs have been getting this for 100 years or more. It too the camera phone before the white owned MSM got in., So fuck Anne Coulter's and her book.
I'm not talking about whites getting shot or not. I'm talking about blacks getting shot, and why. THIS is what all the rioting and protest bitching is about.

So you choose to run away from the book. You won't read the Coulter book Mugged, huh ? Course not. Because you know if you do, all the BS the liberal establishment has fed you, will be washed away like a tidal wave. There's one thing liberals can't face up to >> the TRUTH.

But I'm going to give it to you any way. Right in your face. And you can make a fool out of yourself by falling into ridiculous denial, or you can stop and think about it, and deal with it.
Well thanks ... I agree with number 1 (at least the abolish part).
Numbers 2 and 3 are still bogged down in a lot of unnecessary garbage (just my opinion).

Thanks for having the decency to actually answer the questions ... That's more than I can say for most ... :thup:

You're welcome.

Attitudes about what ... What kind of attitude do we need to have in order to reach a better place?
Would you suggest that your attitude is any representation of the attitude I should take towards you?

Is that going to get us to a better place ... :dunno:


.If you have to ask that question you aren't interested in making anything better. You can have any attitude you want towards me, My attitude is just fine, because I know that I do work to make things better and that the uncomfortable truths those like you ae unable to personally deal with hinders this from happening.
And when were those decades of black privilege? I really don' think you can post up some garbage from Anne Coulter and .prove anything..
1961 - 2017 (Affirmative Action)

What you think about Anne Coulter's list of back privilege cases is qualified AFTER you read about them, and know what is said. Until then, you don't have the qualification to judge.

Eleanor Bumpurs - 1984.

Micheal Stewart - Sept. 15, 1983

Larry Davis - 1987

Lemrick Nelson - 1992

Kiko Garcia - 1992

Edmund Perry - 1985

Marla Hanson - 1986

Marion Barry - 1989

Edward Summers - January 1994

Robert Chambers - 1986

Michael Lasane - 1996

Howard Beach - Dec. 20, 1986

Evelyn Wagler - 1973

Ann Winer - 1987

Channon Christian & Christopher Newsom - 2007

White gangs at Columbia University - 1987

Sabrina Collins - 1990

Gilbert Moore, Jr. - 1993

Alicia Hardin- 2005

Tawana Brawley - 1987

Laurie Hecht - 1987

New York City hoaxes - 1992

Clinton's Nonexistent Church Burnings - 1996

Clinton's white Army Special Forces Hoax - 1996

Race Card > Jesse Jackson, Madonna Constantine, and Henry Louis Gates

Wisconsin (Mississippi Burning) attack - 1989

Melissa McLauchlin - 1992

Colin Ferguson - 1993

Charlie Rangel/Louis Farrakhan - 1972

These are only from up to page 83 in the book (Mugged) - up to where I've read so far. there are 261 pages in all.
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I don't see any use in this foolishness ... But will comment on some of the aspects instead of just leaving it at that.

There is no difference in the propagation of Black Privileged and White Privilege.
Both are sloppy, self-serving ponderings forced into social existence by a group of people who want something.

They may want to be protected from something, they may want to gain a benefit, they may just want to be assholes ... :dunno:

Look at the polluted argument the OP makes about OJ Simpson and his rather short career as an announcer.
He wasn't hired just because he was black ... He wasn't hired just because he knew football.
He was hired as an announcer because at the time he was making a pant load of money for advertisers like Hertz.

For whatever reason ... People liked him in the Hertz commercials and the company was making money with OJ as their flagship.
When the NFL didn't recognize the same returns ... And began to suffer more than they gained in public opinion ... Firing OJ was just a money move.

Sure someone can make some kind of connection as to past events and what that amounts to in privilege towards one group or another.
It doesn't matter which direction you point ... The shotgun you are using is going to hit something.

The more important question is what the hell do you suggest we do about it?
My suggestion would be for both sides to grow up ... Get with a better program ... And let's leave all this race based bullshit behind.

My suggestions are >>

1. Abolish Affirmative Action discrimination against whites (the Trump administration is already moving on this)

2.Liberal dominated schools (clueless about law enforcement & guns) need to get their heads out of their asses, and start training students about how to behave in confrontation with police (or anyone with a gun). # 1 rule >> Keep your HANDS VISIBLE (or else you're dead)

3. Blacks and white liberals need to get a brain about # 2 in this post, and stop bitching every time some black guy gets shot, because he was too stupid to know he had to keep his hands visible. Dudes, things are always going to go wrong if you're stupid. Solution: Don't be stupid.

Here is what would actually make things better.

1. Whites stop thinking hat Affirmative Action discriminates against whites by being educated on the history of white racism the cause for the policy and the policy itself.

2. Stop lying to yourselves about life in general.

3. Stop lying t ourselves about life in general
He comes in here blind and sees bullshit and says it's bull shit.

This is a dumb ass thread started by an idiot in order to troll.
LOL. So you think you can just erase away decades of Black Privilege, dozens (maybe hundreds) of cases just by saying it's "bullshit", huh ? Well, if/when I post the cases (in detail), you'll have faces full of eggs, and you'll always be known in this forum as posters of zero credibility. Yeah, looks like I'm going to have to kick some cyber ass around here - with knowledge and FACTS.

But besides the facts of all the black privilege cases cited in Ann Coulter's book (Mugged), you're already looking pretty stupid, just by trying to deny the back privilege of Affirmative Action. It's fully functional in 42 states, currently. Did you think you could just change that FACT - just by saying so ? Wow. You guys are even dumber than I thought. Sheeesh! :rolleyes:

Why dont you stop talking about what you "might post" and post it?
I don't see any use in this foolishness ... But will comment on some of the aspects instead of just leaving it at that.

There is no difference in the propagation of Black Privileged and White Privilege.
Both are sloppy, self-serving ponderings forced into social existence by a group of people who want something.

They may want to be protected from something, they may want to gain a benefit, they may just want to be assholes ... :dunno:

Look at the polluted argument the OP makes about OJ Simpson and his rather short career as an announcer.
He wasn't hired just because he was black ... He wasn't hired just because he knew football.
He was hired as an announcer because at the time he was making a pant load of money for advertisers like Hertz.

For whatever reason ... People liked him in the Hertz commercials and the company was making money with OJ as their flagship.
When the NFL didn't recognize the same returns ... And began to suffer more than they gained in public opinion ... Firing OJ was just a money move.

Sure someone can make some kind of connection as to past events and what that amounts to in privilege towards one group or another.
It doesn't matter which direction you point ... The shotgun you are using is going to hit something.

The more important question is what the hell do you suggest we do about it?
My suggestion would be for both sides to grow up ... Get with a better program ... And let's leave all this race based bullshit behind.

My suggestions are >>

1. Abolish Affirmative Action discrimination against whites (the Trump administration is already moving on this)

2.Liberal dominated schools (clueless about law enforcement & guns) need to get their heads out of their asses, and start training students about how to behave in confrontation with police (or anyone with a gun). # 1 rule >> Keep your HANDS VISIBLE (or else you're dead)

What about the affirmative action preferences for white females?
I don't see any use in this foolishness ... But will comment on some of the aspects instead of just leaving it at that.

There is no difference in the propagation of Black Privileged and White Privilege.
Both are sloppy, self-serving ponderings forced into social existence by a group of people who want something.

They may want to be protected from something, they may want to gain a benefit, they may just want to be assholes ... :dunno:

Look at the polluted argument the OP makes about OJ Simpson and his rather short career as an announcer.
He wasn't hired just because he was black ... He wasn't hired just because he knew football.
He was hired as an announcer because at the time he was making a pant load of money for advertisers like Hertz.

For whatever reason ... People liked him in the Hertz commercials and the company was making money with OJ as their flagship.
When the NFL didn't recognize the same returns ... And began to suffer more than they gained in public opinion ... Firing OJ was just a money move.

Sure someone can make some kind of connection as to past events and what that amounts to in privilege towards one group or another.
It doesn't matter which direction you point ... The shotgun you are using is going to hit something.

The more important question is what the hell do you suggest we do about it?
My suggestion would be for both sides to grow up ... Get with a better program ... And let's leave all this race based bullshit behind.

My suggestions are >>

1. Abolish Affirmative Action discrimination against whites (the Trump administration is already moving on this)

2.Liberal dominated schools (clueless about law enforcement & guns) need to get their heads out of their asses, and start training students about how to behave in confrontation with police (or anyone with a gun). # 1 rule >> Keep your HANDS VISIBLE (or else you're dead)

3. Blacks and white liberals need to get a brain about # 2 in this post, and stop bitching every time some black guy gets shot, because he was too stupid to know he had to keep his hands visible. Dudes, things are always going to go wrong if you're stupid. Solution: Don't be stupid.

So, in regard to #2 in 14 cases involving incidents where Chicago police wounded or killed unarmed suspects, after investigations were completed, , there was no evidence of a firearm being in the possession of a single suspect. Furthermore, the city has settled lawsuits that have amounted to almost 15 million dollars. If these officers "acted within police protocol", and were proven to do so, why would taxpayers money be spent to settle a suit over an officer doing their job properly?

Your problem is that you do not possess any critical or objective thinking skills. If a police officer "says" it is so, it must be true.


In 14 cases, no gun is found after Chicago police shot someone they said was armed

#1 is a hilarious display of your abject ignorance, just based on your ignoring the DOCUMENTED advancement of thousands of white females due to AA. They have displaced white males in far greater numbers than any other demograpic.
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And when were those decades of black privilege? I really don' think you can post up some garbage from Anne Coulter and .prove anything.
1961 - 2017 (Affirmilege as you have been shown.ative Action)

What you think about Anne Coulter's list of back privilege cases is qualified AFTER you read about them, and know what is said. Until then, you don't have the qualification to judge.

They won't qualify because they won't be cases of black privilege.

And Affirmative Action is not black privilege as you have been shown.
He comes in here blind and sees bullshit and says it's bull shit.

This is a dumb ass thread started by an idiot in order to troll.
LOL. So you think you can just erase away decades of Black Privilege, dozens (maybe hundreds) of cases just by saying it's "bullshit", huh ? Well, if/when I post the cases (in detail), you'll have faces full of eggs, and you'll always be known in this forum as posters of zero credibility. Yeah, looks like I'm going to have to kick some cyber ass around here - with knowledge and FACTS.

But besides the facts of all the black privilege cases cited in Ann Coulter's book (Mugged), you're already looking pretty stupid, just by trying to deny the back privilege of Affirmative Action. It's fully functional in 42 states, currently. Did you think you could just change that FACT - just by saying so ? Wow. You guys are even dumber than I thought. Sheeesh! :rolleyes:

Why dont you stop talking about what ypu "might post" and post it?
I don't see any use in this foolishness ... But will comment on some of the aspects instead of just leaving it at that.

There is no difference in the propagation of Black Privileged and White Privilege.
Both are sloppy, self-serving ponderings forced into social existence by a group of people who want something.

They may want to be protected from something, they may want to gain a benefit, they may just want to be assholes ... :dunno:

Look at the polluted argument the OP makes about OJ Simpson and his rather short career as an announcer.
He wasn't hired just because he was black ... He wasn't hired just because he knew football.
He was hired as an announcer because at the time he was making a pant load of money for advertisers like Hertz.

For whatever reason ... People liked him in the Hertz commercials and the company was making money with OJ as their flagship.
When the NFL didn't recognize the same returns ... And began to suffer more than they gained in public opinion ... Firing OJ was just a money move.

Sure someone can make some kind of connection as to past events and what that amounts to in privilege towards one group or another.
It doesn't matter which direction you point ... The shotgun you are using is going to hit something.

The more important question is what the hell do you suggest we do about it?
My suggestion would be for both sides to grow up ... Get with a better program ... And let's leave all this race based bullshit behind.

My suggestions are >>

1. Abolish Affirmative Action discrimination against whites (the Trump administration is already moving on this)

2.Liberal dominated schools (clueless about law enforcement & guns) need to get their heads out of their asses, and start training students about how to behave in confrontation with police (or anyone with a gun). # 1 rule >> Keep your HANDS VISIBLE (or else you're dead)

What about the affirmauive action preferences for white females?
I don't see any use in this foolishness ... But will comment on some of the aspects instead of just leaving it at that.

There is no difference in the propagation of Black Privileged and White Privilege.
Both are sloppy, self-serving ponderings forced into social existence by a group of people who want something.

They may want to be protected from something, they may want to gain a benefit, they may just want to be assholes ... :dunno:

Look at the polluted argument the OP makes about OJ Simpson and his rather short career as an announcer.
He wasn't hired just because he was black ... He wasn't hired just because he knew football.
He was hired as an announcer because at the time he was making a pant load of money for advertisers like Hertz.

For whatever reason ... People liked him in the Hertz commercials and the company was making money with OJ as their flagship.
When the NFL didn't recognize the same returns ... And began to suffer more than they gained in public opinion ... Firing OJ was just a money move.

Sure someone can make some kind of connection as to past events and what that amounts to in privilege towards one group or another.
It doesn't matter which direction you point ... The shotgun you are using is going to hit something.

The more important question is what the hell do you suggest we do about it?
My suggestion would be for both sides to grow up ... Get with a better program ... And let's leave all this race based bullshit behind.

My suggestions are >>

1. Abolish Affirmative Action discrimination against whites (the Trump administration is already moving on this)

2.Liberal dominated schools (clueless about law enforcement & guns) need to get their heads out of their asses, and start training students about how to behave in confrontation with police (or anyone with a gun). # 1 rule >> Keep your HANDS VISIBLE (or else you're dead)

3. Blacks and white liberals need to get a brain about # 2 in this post, and stop bitching every time some black guy gets shot, because he was too stupid to know he had to keep his hands visible. Dudes, things are always going to go wrong if you're stupid. Solution: Don't be stupid.

So, in regard to #1, in 14 cases involving incidents where Chicago police killed unarmed suspects, after investigations were completed, , there was no evidence of a firearm being in the possession of a single suspect. Furthermore, the city has settled lawsuits that have amounted to almost 15 million dollars. If these officers "acted within police protocol", and were proven to do so, why would taxpayers money be spent to settle a suit over an officer doing their job properly?

Your problem is that you do not possess any critical or objective thinking skills. If a police officer "says" it is so, it must be true.


In 14 cases, no gun is found after Chicago police shot someone they said was armed

He can't show anything because what he says does not exist.
If you have to ask that question you aren't interested in making anything better. You can have any attitude you want towards me, My attitude is just fine, because I know that I do work to make things better and that the uncomfortable truths those like you ae unable to personally deal with hinders this from happening.

That's not what I asked you .. I asked if you attitude was a fair representation of the attitude I should have towards you?

He comes in here blind and sees bullshit and says it's bull shit.

This is a dumb ass thread started by an idiot in order to troll.
LOL. So you think you can just erase away decades of Black Privilege, dozens (maybe hundreds) of cases just by saying it's "bullshit", huh ? Well, if/when I post the cases (in detail), you'll have faces full of eggs, and you'll always be known in this forum as posters of zero credibility. Yeah, looks like I'm going to have to kick some cyber ass around here - with knowledge and FACTS.

But besides the facts of all the black privilege cases cited in Ann Coulter's book (Mugged), you're already looking pretty stupid, just by trying to deny the back privilege of Affirmative Action. It's fully functional in 42 states, currently. Did you think you could just change that FACT - just by saying so ? Wow. You guys are even dumber than I thought. Sheeesh! :rolleyes:

Why dont you stop talking about what ypu "might post" and post it?
I don't see any use in this foolishness ... But will comment on some of the aspects instead of just leaving it at that.

There is no difference in the propagation of Black Privileged and White Privilege.
Both are sloppy, self-serving ponderings forced into social existence by a group of people who want something.

They may want to be protected from something, they may want to gain a benefit, they may just want to be assholes ... :dunno:

Look at the polluted argument the OP makes about OJ Simpson and his rather short career as an announcer.
He wasn't hired just because he was black ... He wasn't hired just because he knew football.
He was hired as an announcer because at the time he was making a pant load of money for advertisers like Hertz.

For whatever reason ... People liked him in the Hertz commercials and the company was making money with OJ as their flagship.
When the NFL didn't recognize the same returns ... And began to suffer more than they gained in public opinion ... Firing OJ was just a money move.

Sure someone can make some kind of connection as to past events and what that amounts to in privilege towards one group or another.
It doesn't matter which direction you point ... The shotgun you are using is going to hit something.

The more important question is what the hell do you suggest we do about it?
My suggestion would be for both sides to grow up ... Get with a better program ... And let's leave all this race based bullshit behind.

My suggestions are >>

1. Abolish Affirmative Action discrimination against whites (the Trump administration is already moving on this)

2.Liberal dominated schools (clueless about law enforcement & guns) need to get their heads out of their asses, and start training students about how to behave in confrontation with police (or anyone with a gun). # 1 rule >> Keep your HANDS VISIBLE (or else you're dead)

What about the affirmauive action preferences for white females?
I don't see any use in this foolishness ... But will comment on some of the aspects instead of just leaving it at that.

There is no difference in the propagation of Black Privileged and White Privilege.
Both are sloppy, self-serving ponderings forced into social existence by a group of people who want something.

They may want to be protected from something, they may want to gain a benefit, they may just want to be assholes ... :dunno:

Look at the polluted argument the OP makes about OJ Simpson and his rather short career as an announcer.
He wasn't hired just because he was black ... He wasn't hired just because he knew football.
He was hired as an announcer because at the time he was making a pant load of money for advertisers like Hertz.

For whatever reason ... People liked him in the Hertz commercials and the company was making money with OJ as their flagship.
When the NFL didn't recognize the same returns ... And began to suffer more than they gained in public opinion ... Firing OJ was just a money move.

Sure someone can make some kind of connection as to past events and what that amounts to in privilege towards one group or another.
It doesn't matter which direction you point ... The shotgun you are using is going to hit something.

The more important question is what the hell do you suggest we do about it?
My suggestion would be for both sides to grow up ... Get with a better program ... And let's leave all this race based bullshit behind.

My suggestions are >>

1. Abolish Affirmative Action discrimination against whites (the Trump administration is already moving on this)

2.Liberal dominated schools (clueless about law enforcement & guns) need to get their heads out of their asses, and start training students about how to behave in confrontation with police (or anyone with a gun). # 1 rule >> Keep your HANDS VISIBLE (or else you're dead)

3. Blacks and white liberals need to get a brain about # 2 in this post, and stop bitching every time some black guy gets shot, because he was too stupid to know he had to keep his hands visible. Dudes, things are always going to go wrong if you're stupid. Solution: Don't be stupid.

So, in regard to #1, in 14 cases involving incidents where Chicago police killed unarmed suspects, after investigations were completed, , there was no evidence of a firearm being in the possession of a single suspect. Furthermore, the city has settled lawsuits that have amounted to almost 15 million dollars. If these officers "acted within police protocol", and were proven to do so, why would taxpayers money be spent to settle a suit over an officer doing their job properly?

Your problem is that you do not possess any critical or objective thinking skills. If a police officer "says" it is so, it must be true.


In 14 cases, no gun is found after Chicago police shot someone they said was armed

He can't show anything because what he says does not exist.

Sure it his imagination.
Blacks have the privilege of using race (or "racism") to leverage ANY claim no matter how outrageous or disconnected from reality. And we are supposedly post-racial...? When blacks get over that, we WILL we post racial.
Blacks have the privilege of using race (or "racism") to leverage ANY claim no matter how outrageous or disconnected from reality. And we are supposedly post-racial...? When blacks get over that, we WILL we post racial.

Nah, that's not how it works. As long as whites believe this lie we can't go anywhere..
Blacks have the privilege of using race (or "racism") to leverage ANY claim no matter how outrageous or disconnected from reality. And we are supposedly post-racial...? When blacks get over that, we WILL we post racial.

Nah, that's not how it works. As long as whites believe this lie we can't go anywhere..
There you have it! Basing your failure on what you claim someone thinks! You will never amount to anything!
If you have to ask that question you aren't interested in making anything better. You can have any attitude you want towards me, My attitude is just fine, because I know that I do work to make things better and that the uncomfortable truths those like you ae unable to personally deal with hinders this from happening.

That's not what I asked you .. I asked if you attitude was a fair representation of the attitude I should have towards you?


I know what you asked me and I said what I did in response to what you said. Because you don't know my attitude, you assume based upon a set of beliefs that are not based in reality. It's not like we haven't spoken.

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