Black Privilege - Alive and Well

Population size= the most people.

I think OK. It's IM2 who doesn't know how to write, or express himself. He's partially illiterate (and then wants to get a job ahead of a qualified white person) What a lowlife.

No, he expresses himself quite well. And while I am not speaking for him, my take is that he is less than tolerable of your fabricated victimhood.
What's nonsense is this post.
You want to get an Affirmative Action job ? And displace a qualified white person, to do it ? You don't even know how to use a question mark. For your benefit, THIS is a question mark >> ?

No charge for the tutoring.

As for what the nonsense is, that was explained in the post. You can read, can't you ?

The problem with you son, is that I wasn't asking a question.

You know its funny what you deranged maggots think. Here I am a man who has run 2 organizations, wrote several million dollars worth of successful grant proposals, along with organizational policies for businesses and this idiot thinks I can't write because he thought me saying

"What's nonsense is this post."

Was a question.

You haven't explained shit son. The fact was explained to your stupid ass. Whites have been the prime benefactor of AA. That's the way it is.
Population size= the most people.

I think OK. It's IM2 who doesn't know how to write, or express himself. He's partially illiterate (and then wants to get a job ahead of a qualified white person) What a lowlife.

No, he expresses himself quite well. And while I am not speaking for him, my take is that he is less than tolerable of your fabricated victimhood.

.I'm IM2 and I approve this message.
Ive never seen so much bullshit in one post.
Your first 3 words are correct. You've never seen. And what you've never seen (or heard of) is the factual content in that post (#27). All those names and cases. You don't have a clue who they are, and what the cases are all about, do you ? But you just come in here blind, and call it bullshit, because that's easy to do.

What is also easy (for me) to do is call you out on your ignorance. Come back what you have some idea of what I'm talking about. And the other items (#s 1, 2, and 4) are true, and you know it, unless you're a complete dum dum. I could explain them further to you. Like # 4. I'll challenge you on the police shootings. You think you're up to it ? I'll mention a few of them, and tell you why they were NOT police brutality. You can accept my challenge, or you can cut and run. Your choice. What do you say ?
None of this bullshit is true. I'm black. You aren't. I know it's not true.

You know nothing. You've had what is "true" concealed from you, by liberal media. Read the book Mugged by Ann Coulter, and you'll find out what they've been hiding from you all these years.

Think I'm kidding ? Here's the cases (among others) >>

Eleanor Bumpurs, Micheal Stewart, Larry Davis, Lemrick Nelson, Kiko Garcia, Marla Hanson, Marion Barry, Edward Summers, Robert Chambers, Michael Lasane, the Howard Beach case, Ann Viner/Evelyn Wagler, Channon Christian/Chistopher Newsom, White gangs at Columbia University (1987), Sabrina Collins (Emory University), Gilbert Moore, Jr (Williams College), Alicia Hardin (Trinity Intl Univ.-2005), Tawana Brawley, Laurie Hecht, etc. etc

Ann Coulter is a dumb ass ho. I'm not easting one penny to read that bitches bullshit.

"Man Coulter" is a race baiter who banks on selling tabloid books to the ignorant and misinformed.
Ive never seen so much bullshit in one post.
Your first 3 words are correct. You've never seen. And what you've never seen (or heard of) is the factual content in that post (#27). All those names and cases. You don't have a clue who they are, and what the cases are all about, do you ? But you just come in here blind, and call it bullshit, because that's easy to do.

What is also easy (for me) to do is call you out on your ignorance. Come back what you have some idea of what I'm talking about. And the other items (#s 1, 2, and 4) are true, and you know it, unless you're a complete dum dum. I could explain them further to you. Like # 4. I'll challenge you on the police shootings. You think you're up to it ? I'll mention a few of them, and tell you why they were NOT police brutality. You can accept my challenge, or you can cut and run. Your choice. What do you say ?

He comes in here blind and sees bullshit and says it's bull shit.

This is a dumb ass thread started by an idiot in order to troll.
"Man Coulter" is a race baiter who banks on selling tabloid books to the ignorant and misinformed.

Typical liberal tactic > Silence the opposition and a mountain of informative FACTS by just calling it "tabloid" and disparaging the readers, so people will fear being called foolish for going to those books.

Smart people, able to stand tall, and think for themselves, without your "advice", will get the facts, and have their eyes opened to what the MSM has been covering up from them for years and decades.

Ann Coulter is an excellent author, whose books (Mugged et al) contain FACTS that have you shitting in your pants, with worry about people (especially blacks and liberals) finding out what could/would destroy all your little BS scenarios.

Maybe I ought to go to the trouble of painstakingly typing them out here for USMB readers to see, and expose your fraud. I'll think about that. :biggrin:
4. Blacks don't get shot for being black. Most blacks who are shot, are shot by other blacks. Most who get shot by cops, get shot because they were stupid, and didn't cooperate with the cops. Follow instructions, keep hands visible, don't resist arrest.

8 White People Who Pointed Guns At Police Officers and Managed Not to Get Killed

We don't seem to see all that many examples of whites getting shot while unarmed not committing a crime. I think you really need to just shut up and accept defeat..
"Man Coulter" is a race baiter who banks on selling tabloid books to the ignorant and misinformed.

Typical liberal tactic > Silence the opposition and a mountain of informative FACTS by just calling it "tabloid" and disparaging the readers, so people will fear being called foolish for going to those books.

Smart people, able to stand tall, and think for themselves, without your "advice", will get the facts, and have their eyes opened to what the MSM has been covering up from them for years and decades.

Ann Coulter is an excellent author, whose books (Mugged et al) contain FACTS that have you shitting in your pants, with worry about people (especially blacks and liberals) finding out what could/would destroy all your little BS scenarios.

Maybe I ought to go to the trouble of painstakingly typing them out here for USMB readers to see, and expose your fraud. I'll think about that. :biggrin:

Anne Coulter can think for herself. No one has a problem with that.. But what she thinks for herself and by herself is totally wrong.
He comes in here blind and sees bullshit and says it's bull shit.

This is a dumb ass thread started by an idiot in order to troll.
LOL. So you think you can just erase away decades of Black Privilege, dozens (maybe hundreds) of cases just by saying it's "bullshit", huh ? Well, if/when I post the cases (in detail), you'll have faces full of eggs, and you'll always be known in this forum as posters of zero credibility. Yeah, looks like I'm going to have to kick some cyber ass around here - with knowledge and FACTS.

But besides the facts of all the black privilege cases cited in Ann Coulter's book (Mugged), you're already looking pretty stupid, just by trying to deny the back privilege of Affirmative Action. It's fully functional in 42 states, currently. Did you think you could just change that FACT - just by saying so ? Wow. You guys are even dumber than I thought. Sheeesh! :rolleyes:
Anne Coulter can think for herself. No one has a problem with that.. But what she thinks for herself and by herself is totally wrong.
Yeah ? Like what ? I challenge you to present something to back up your claim.
"Man Coulter" is a race baiter who banks on selling tabloid books to the ignorant and misinformed.

Typical liberal tactic > Silence the opposition and a mountain of informative FACTS by just calling it "tabloid" and disparaging the readers, so people will fear being called foolish for going to those books.

Smart people, able to stand tall, and think for themselves, without your "advice", will get the facts, and have their eyes opened to what the MSM has been covering up from them for years and decades.

Ann Coulter is an excellent author, whose books (Mugged et al) contain FACTS that have you shitting in your pants, with worry about people (especially blacks and liberals) finding out what could/would destroy all your little BS scenarios.

Maybe I ought to go to the trouble of painstakingly typing them out here for USMB readers to see, and expose your fraud. I'll think about that. :biggrin:

Please don't strain yourself by "thinking". Post whatever you wish.

You do not possess the mental acuity to defend anything that you post with documented facts that you can actually speak to.

One last time. I am not a liberal.....and don't have to be one to call bullshit when I see it from people like you.
He comes in here blind and sees bullshit and says it's bull shit.

This is a dumb ass thread started by an idiot in order to troll.
LOL. So you think you can just erase away decades of Black Privilege, dozens (maybe hundreds) of cases just by saying it's "bullshit", huh ? well, if/when I post the cases 9in detail) you'll have faces full of eggs, and you'll always be known in this forum as a poster of zero credibility. Yeah, looks like I'm going to have to kick some cyber ass around here - with knowledge and FACTS.

But besides the facts of all the black privilege cases cited I Ann Coulter's book (Mugged), you're already looking pretty stupid just by trying to deny the back privilege of Affirmative Action. It's fully functional in 42 statescurrently. Did yu think yu could just change that FACT - just by saying so. You guys are even dumber than I thought. Sheeesh!

And when were those decades of black privilege? I really don' think you can post up some garbage from Anne Coulter and .prove anything. Not when we can post up at least 241 years of history to include right now. Cause ain't no black man who was caught on fucking tape going to be able to get away with talking about him grabbing vaginas was only locker room talk and end up president.
4. Blacks don't get shot for being black. Most blacks who are shot, are shot by other blacks. Most who get shot by cops, get shot because they were stupid, and didn't cooperate with the cops. Follow instructions, keep hands visible, don't resist arrest.

8 White People Who Pointed Guns At Police Officers and Managed Not to Get Killed

We don't seem to see all that many examples of whites getting shot while unarmed not committing a crime. I think you really need to just shut up and accept defeat..
Of course not. The MSM isn't going to show you that. You obviously haven't gotten a grasp on media bias. Read the book Mugged. You'll learn about it there. Don't be a gutless coward, read the book. G'wan.
Anne Coulter can think for herself. No one has a problem with that.. But what she thinks for herself and by herself is totally wrong.
Yeah ? Like what ? I challenge you to present something to back up your claim.

You back yours up. Thus far all you have done id run your mother fucking mouth.
The very thing that the National Anthem kneelers are bitching about, is contradicted by their kneeling (or sitting) actions. They claim to be upset about oppression to blacks. But actually, by kneeling or sitting during the National Anthem, they show (confirmed by NFL Commissioner inaction), that there's a double standard in America. One for blacks, and one for non-blacks.

Trouble is, this double standard shows privilege to blacks, not oppression. It shows another example, among others, whereby blacks thinks they can do what whites cannot, and that they shouldn't be criticized. This is like how many blacks (not all) believe they are entitled to act differently than whites - often in ways that impact whites (and everyone) negatively.

A perfect example is Affirmative Action. To many blacks, racial discrimination is OK, as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims. Just like Affirmative Action and kneeling during the National Anthem, many blacks will talk rude, cut in front of whites on lines, wear pants low - exposing their underwear, blast obnoxious (sometimes racist) "songs" on car radios, litter profusely, etc.

Who, over the age of 45, can forget when OJ Simpson was (foolishly) hired as an announcer for Monday Night Football ? OJ (a popular guy back then), shocked us all with his grammar that could only be called "atrocious". A typical sentence was >> "He good at tight end, cause he be strong, and he be fast."

Needless to say, OJ was yanked after one season, fully justifiably, but many blacks cried "racism!". To them, qualifications and competence didn't matter. To them, ABC TV was picking on OJ because he was black, or at least they were comfortable portraying it that way. They thought OJ should not have been fired because he had black immunity (AKA privilege ).

So now we see the NFL nitwits who think they are outside the bounds of criticism, even in disrespecting the National Anthem. How weird to hear them say they are expressing unity and respect, when that is exacly the opposite of what they're doing. It must be a combination of 1) growing up with black privilege thinking, and 2) pure stupidity.

I don't see any use in this foolishness ... But will comment on some of the aspects instead of just leaving it at that.

There is no difference in the propagation of Black Privileged and White Privilege.
Both are sloppy, self-serving ponderings forced into social existence by a group of people who want something.

They may want to be protected from something, they may want to gain a benefit, they may just want to be assholes ... :dunno:

Look at the polluted argument the OP makes about OJ Simpson and his rather short career as an announcer.
He wasn't hired just because he was black ... He wasn't hired just because he knew football.
He was hired as an announcer because at the time he was making a pant load of money for advertisers like Hertz.

For whatever reason ... People liked him in the Hertz commercials and the company was making money with OJ as their flagship.
When the NFL didn't recognize the same returns ... And began to suffer more than they gained in public opinion ... Firing OJ was just a money move.

Sure someone can make some kind of connection as to past events and what that amounts to in privilege towards one group or another.
It doesn't matter which direction you point ... The shotgun you are using is going to hit something.

The more important question is what the hell do you suggest we do about it?
My suggestion would be for both sides to grow up ... Get with a better program ... And let's leave all this race based bullshit behind.

4. Blacks don't get shot for being black. Most blacks who are shot, are shot by other blacks. Most who get shot by cops, get shot because they were stupid, and didn't cooperate with the cops. Follow instructions, keep hands visible, don't resist arrest.

8 White People Who Pointed Guns At Police Officers and Managed Not to Get Killed

We don't seem to see all that many examples of whites getting shot while unarmed not committing a crime. I think you really need to just shut up and accept defeat..
Of course not. The MSM isn't going to show you that. You obviously haven't gotten a grasp on media bias. Read the book Mugged. You'll learn about it there. Don't be a gutless coward, read the book. G'wan.

I am not going to read that book. I know for a fact that there is no media hiding how whites are getting shot while unarmed and committing no crime. I've dealt with the media dumb ass, you can't get them to come to the black community until there's a mother fucking murder. If whites were getting what blacks do, the media would have been on this long ago. Backs have been getting this for 100 years or more. It too the camera phone before the white owned MSM got in., So fuck Anne Coulter's and her book.
He comes in here blind and sees bullshit and says it's bull shit.

This is a dumb ass thread started by an idiot in order to troll.
LOL. So you think you can just erase away decades of Black Privilege, dozens (maybe hundreds) of cases just by saying it's "bullshit", huh ? well, if/when I post the cases 9in detail) you'll have faces full of eggs, and you'll always be known in this forum as a poster of zero credibility. Yeah, looks like I'm going to have to kick some cyber ass around here - with knowledge and FACTS.

But besides the facts of all the black privilege cases cited I Ann Coulter's book (Mugged), you're already looking pretty stupid just by trying to deny the back privilege of Affirmative Action. It's fully functional in 42 statescurrently. Did yu think yu could just change that FACT - just by saying so. You guys are even dumber than I thought. Sheeesh![/QUOTE]

And when were those decades of black privilege? I really don' think you can post up some garbage from Anne Coulter and .prove anything. Not when we can post up at least 241 years of history to include right now. Cause ain't no black man who was caught on fucking tape going to be able to get away with talking about him grabbing vaginas was only locker room talk and end up president.[/QUOTE]
A black man (Obama) has done much worse than that. He colluded with al Baghdadi (ISIS) and pulled us troops out of Iraq, opening the door for ISIS to move in and fill up the vacuum. Then he allowed those long, ISIS convoys to drive on open, desert roads (sitting ducks for airstrikes) without attacking them.

He also allowed Major NAdal Hisan to spout his jihadist rhetoric at Fort Hood for a year, without ordering Hasan to be arrested for treason, or at least be given a dishonorable discharge, as dozens of Army officers requested. Result ? Hasan killed 13 soldiers, and wounded 38 more in a bloody massacre. Blood on Obama's hands.

He also OKd the release of 20% of America's Uranium supply to the Russians, wit the Clintons getting $150Million (you can bet Obama got a piece of the action), which is finally now getting exposed and investigated in theSenate, after being covered up by the Obama.Clinton friendly MSM.
The very thing that the National Anthem kneelers are bitching about, is contradicted by their kneeling (or sitting) actions. They claim to be upset about oppression to blacks. But actually, by kneeling or sitting during the National Anthem, they show (confirmed by NFL Commissioner inaction), that there's a double standard in America. One for blacks, and one for non-blacks.

Trouble is, this double standard shows privilege to blacks, not oppression. It shows another example, among others, whereby blacks thinks they can do what whites cannot, and that they shouldn't be criticized. This is like how many blacks (not all) believe they are entitled to act differently than whites - often in ways that impact whites (and everyone) negatively.

A perfect example is Affirmative Action. To many blacks, racial discrimination is OK, as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims. Just like Affirmative Action and kneeling during the National Anthem, many blacks will talk rude, cut in front of whites on lines, wear pants low - exposing their underwear, blast obnoxious (sometimes racist) "songs" on car radios, litter profusely, etc.

Who, over the age of 45, can forget when OJ Simpson was (foolishly) hired as an announcer for Monday Night Football ? OJ (a popular guy back then), shocked us all with his grammar that could only be called "atrocious". A typical sentence was >> "He good at tight end, cause he be strong, and he be fast."

Needless to say, OJ was yanked after one season, fully justifiably, but many blacks cried "racism!". To them, qualifications and competence didn't matter. To them, ABC TV was picking on OJ because he was black, or at least they were comfortable portraying it that way. They thought OJ should not have been fired because he had black immunity (AKA privilege ).

So now we see the NFL nitwits who think they are outside the bounds of criticism, even in disrespecting the National Anthem. How weird to hear them say they are expressing unity and respect, when that is exacly the opposite of what they're doing. It must be a combination of 1) growing up with black privilege thinking, and 2) pure stupidity.

I don't see any use in this foolishness ... But will comment on some of the aspects instead of just leaving it at that.

There is no difference in the propagation of Black Privileged and White Privilege.
Both are sloppy, self-serving ponderings forced into social existence by a group of people who want something.

They may want to be protected from something, they may want to gain a benefit, they may just want to be assholes ... :dunno:

Look at the polluted argument the OP makes about OJ Simpson and his rather short career as an announcer.
He wasn't hired just because he was black ... He wasn't hired just because he knew football.
He was hired as an announcer because at the time he was making a pant load of money for advertisers like Hertz.

For whatever reason ... People liked him in the Hertz commercials and the company was making money with OJ as their flagship.
When the NFL didn't recognize the same returns ... And began to suffer more than they gained in public opinion ... Firing OJ was just a money move.

Sure someone can make some kind of connection as to past events and what that amounts to in privilege towards one group or another.
It doesn't matter which direction you point ... The shotgun you are using is going to hit something.

The more important question is what the hell do you suggest we do about it?
My suggestion would be for both sides to grow up ... Get with a better program ... And let's leave all this race based bullshit behind.


There is no black privilege and never has been. Not in any sense or use of the word.
There is no black privilege and never has been. Not in any sense or use of the word.

And I should care about that why ... :dunno:
How would me believing there was or wasn't Black Privilege make any difference to us heading where we need to go?


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