Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism.

Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.

Do you ever have a thought that isn’t about the color of your skin. Is the color of your skin the only thing that defines you. What would you think about if all people were the same color?

Shut up. You don't ask white people here this.

Whites created a color defined society. And we all are not the same color.
Last edited:
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.

The problem you have is when you say that everything is racist you show normal people that you are an extremist nutjob

MOST people are not racist, so when you call them racist they simply ignore you. So keep on keeping on, you're helping us normal people way more than you.

The problem you have is with the truth. I've not said everything was racist. But what a white person such as yourself doesn't understand is that when you live long enough as a person of color, you see every way racism manifests itself. Todays white racist denies racism then tries to gaslight. You are not normal, because normal people understand that talking about how most people aren't racist is weak. Most people don't kill and nobody complains when people show consistent concern for murder. Murder makes up just over 1 percent of all crimes, but according to a study done by UVA, 33-34 percent of Americans have white supremacist views.

Do not run your mouth when you don't know the facts.

I'm Native American, dumbass.

Sure. Prove it. Because I have Native American in my family too.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
Two points:

1. When you claim blacks watch "white TV", all you prove is that you aren't a very astute observer. You don't even know there is a difference between whites and Jews.

2. This whole argument that to be racist requires control of the institutions is stupid. If a racist white guy moves to China, is he suddenly, miraculously, "cured" of his racist views?

Judiasm is a religion. White people are jews. And since we are not talking about China...
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite.

LOOK! The "thing" is back. The Black Bigot. The 24/7 spigot of racist ideas.

The very act of claiming an IDEA is identified and localized by SKIN COLOR is the highest form of White-hating Black Bigotry of all.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.

The problem you have is when you say that everything is racist you show normal people that you are an extremist nutjob

MOST people are not racist, so when you call them racist they simply ignore you. So keep on keeping on, you're helping us normal people way more than you.

The problem you have is with the truth. I've not said everything was racist. But what a white person such as yourself doesn't understand is that when you live long enough as a person of color, you see every way racism manifests itself. Todays white racist denies racism then tries to gaslight. You are not normal, because normal people understand that talking about how most people aren't racist is weak. Most people don't kill and nobody complains when people show consistent concern for murder. Murder makes up just over 1 percent of all crimes, but according to a study done by UVA, 33-34 percent of Americans have white supremacist views.

Do not run your mouth when you don't know the facts.

I'm Native American, dumbass.

Sure. Prove it. Because I have Native American in my family too.

Proving heritage on a anonymous message board, sure thing, dude.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite.

LOOK! The "thing" is back. The Black Bigot. The 24/7 spigot of racist ideas.

The very act of claiming an IDEA is identified and localized by SKIN COLOR is the highest form of White-hating Black Bigotry of all.

Wrong. But expected.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.

The problem you have is when you say that everything is racist you show normal people that you are an extremist nutjob

MOST people are not racist, so when you call them racist they simply ignore you. So keep on keeping on, you're helping us normal people way more than you.

The problem you have is with the truth. I've not said everything was racist. But what a white person such as yourself doesn't understand is that when you live long enough as a person of color, you see every way racism manifests itself. Todays white racist denies racism then tries to gaslight. You are not normal, because normal people understand that talking about how most people aren't racist is weak. Most people don't kill and nobody complains when people show consistent concern for murder. Murder makes up just over 1 percent of all crimes, but according to a study done by UVA, 33-34 percent of Americans have white supremacist views.

Do not run your mouth when you don't know the facts.

I'm Native American, dumbass.

Sure. Prove it. Because I have Native American in my family too.

Proving heritage on a anonymous message board, sure thing, dude.

If you are native American, it's pretty simple to prove it. I have native American in my ancestry, but I am not Native American. You say you are, so prove it.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.

Funny because whites don’t control most of those institutions you listed, Jews do.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.

Funny because whites don’t control most of those institutions you listed, Jews do.
What an antisemite Nazi. Don't blame us just because we are smart, and work hard.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
Two points:

1. When you claim blacks watch "white TV", all you prove is that you aren't a very astute observer. You don't even know there is a difference between whites and Jews.

2. This whole argument that to be racist requires control of the institutions is stupid. If a racist white guy moves to China, is he suddenly, miraculously, "cured" of his racist views?
The main difference between whites, and Jews is that Jews get educated, work hard, don't drink, or party much. We also vote far more Democrat than any whites. That is because we are educated, and not like you Nazis.
  • Thanks
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Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.

Funny because whites don’t control most of those institutions you listed, Jews do.

Jews are of all races. Including whites.
Racism is racism. And racism is really just an ugly form of collectivism.
This makes absolutely no sense.

And you know it.

So why do you state it?

It doesn't make sense to anyone who fails to understand the proper role of the federal government.

The proper role of the federal government is to protect Individual liberty. It is not to placate group claims.

So this is why we don't want Americans adopting the group mentality that collectivists....those who promote 'diversity' under the illusion of racism...modern order to redefine the role of government. Even if only redefined in the minds of the less astute in the electorate.

It is true that an idea whose time has come cannot be stopped by any army or any government. But it is foolish to think that the intellectual dishonesty of modern liberalism in terms of forwarding collectivism from behind the curtain of racism will go unchallenged.
Last edited:
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
Two points:

1. When you claim blacks watch "white TV", all you prove is that you aren't a very astute observer. You don't even know there is a difference between whites and Jews.

2. This whole argument that to be racist requires control of the institutions is stupid. If a racist white guy moves to China, is he suddenly, miraculously, "cured" of his racist views?

Judiasm is a religion. White people are jews. And since we are not talking about China...
"And since we are not talking about China..."
Haha, in other words, you have no argument and you haven't enough character to admit it. Well, you have fun, then, stewing in that hatred of yours.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.
Two points:

1. When you claim blacks watch "white TV", all you prove is that you aren't a very astute observer. You don't even know there is a difference between whites and Jews.

2. This whole argument that to be racist requires control of the institutions is stupid. If a racist white guy moves to China, is he suddenly, miraculously, "cured" of his racist views?
The main difference between whites, and Jews is that Jews get educated, work hard, don't drink, or party much. We also vote far more Democrat than any whites. That is because we are educated, and not like you Nazis.
No, the main difference between whites and Jews is whites create societies the whole world flocks to, while Jews can't find a society in the world that doesn't end up hating them and throwing them out.

As for any success Jews may have, it isn't the result of "education", it is the result of nepotism. For example, elite colleges are heavily biased in favor of under-qualified Jews over everybody else:

The evidence of the recent NMS semifinalist lists seems the most conclusive of all, given the huge statistical sample sizes involved. As discussed earlier, these students constitute roughly the highest 0.5 percent in academic ability, the top 16,000 high school seniors who should be enrolling at the Ivy League and America’s other most elite academic universities. In California, white Gentile names outnumber Jewish ones by over 8-to-1; in Texas, over 20-to-1; in Florida and Illinois, around 9-to-1. Even in New York, America’s most heavily Jewish state, there are more than two high-ability white Gentile students for every Jewish one. Based on the overall distribution of America’s population, it appears that approximately 65–70 percent of America’s highest ability students are non-Jewish whites, well over ten times the Jewish total of under 6 percent. Needless to say, these proportions are considerably different from what we actually find among the admitted students at Harvard and its elite peers, which today serve as a direct funnel to the commanding heights of American academics, law, business, and finance. Based on reported statistics, Jews approximately match or even outnumber non-Jewish whites at Harvard and most of the other Ivy League schools, which seems wildly disproportionate. Indeed, the official statistics indicate that non-Jewish whites at Harvard are America’s most under-represented population group, enrolled at a much lower fraction of their national population than blacks or Hispanics, despite having far higher academic test scores.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.

Do you ever have a thought that isn’t about the color of your skin. Is the color of your skin the only thing that defines you. What would you think about if all people were the same color?

Shut up. You don't ask white people here this.

Whites created a color defined society. And we all are not the same color.

I don’t ask whites, brown, black, or yellow people this. YOU ARE THE ONLY PERSON WHO IS CONSTANTLY OBSESSING ABOUT THE COLOR OF HIS SKIN.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.

Funny because whites don’t control most of those institutions you listed, Jews do.
What an antisemite Nazi. Don't blame us just because we are smart, and work hard.

I don’t. I’m just pointing out to this idiot that the “systematic institutions” aren’t controlled by white people.
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.

This is excellent. I will add that the problem blacks have with whites (ergo....our racism) is born from how we have been historically treated by whites. Blacks generally are okay with any group of people that don't treat us as inferior peoples. On the other hands, we have done nothing to whites and their racism is them seeing us as less intelligent, more violent, irresponsible, lazy, etc. Whites seem to have a problem with our being (their racism) while blacks mainly have a problem with how whites have treated and viewed us (our racism).
  • Thanks
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The problem you have is when you say that everything is racist you show normal people that you are an extremist nutjob

MOST people are not racist, so when you call them racist they simply ignore you. So keep on keeping on, you're helping us normal people way more than you.

The problem you have is with the truth. I've not said everything was racist. But what a white person such as yourself doesn't understand is that when you live long enough as a person of color, you see every way racism manifests itself. Todays white racist denies racism then tries to gaslight. You are not normal, because normal people understand that talking about how most people aren't racist is weak. Most people don't kill and nobody complains when people show consistent concern for murder. Murder makes up just over 1 percent of all crimes, but according to a study done by UVA, 33-34 percent of Americans have white supremacist views.

Do not run your mouth when you don't know the facts.

I'm Native American, dumbass.

Sure. Prove it. Because I have Native American in my family too.

Proving heritage on a anonymous message board, sure thing, dude.

If you are native American, it's pretty simple to prove it. I have native American in my ancestry, but I am not Native American. You say you are, so prove it.

Shawnee, now what would you accept as proof?
The fact that black people commit an inordinate amount of crime isn't just swept under the rug because systemic racism. You can't be surprised that a lot of white people are afraid of minorities killing them. That's where the racism comes from I think.

The surge in "racism" is due primarily to the "white man bad" rhetoric that the elite establishment media injected into the bloodstream of America. Did they really expect for there to be no backlash?
Black racism is not a mirror image of white racism. It is not equal and opposite. Instead it is different in scale and kind:

Blacks lack institutional power. They do not, for the most part, control the banks,

the police,
the courts,
the schools,
the hospitals,
the newspapers,
the film industry,
the fashion industry,
the labour market,
the housing market

and on and on. Instead whites do. So much so that their racism affects rates of black unemployment, income, life expectancy, education, segregation and incarceration. Blacks do not even begin to have that kind of power over whites. If wealth is power, as it largely is in America, then whites as a whole are a hundred times more powerful than blacks (that is double what it was before the Great Recession). Even though we had a president who was black, he could not openly help blacks without being accused of racism.

Internalized racism: The racism among blacks is mostly directed against other blacks, especially against one’s self. Blacks are subject to much of the same racist brainwashing as whites, particularly through television and school. According to one test of racism (the IAT), 42% of blacks are racist in favour of whites!

Blacks understand whites way better than whites understand blacks: Because they have to just to feed their families in a society that is mostly white.

Because they read white books, watch white television, receive white educations, work at white companies, etc. They have to deal with whites. Meantime whites can avoid dealing with blacks or having to take them seriously.

This makes it hard for blacks to stereotype and dehumanize whites to a serious degree.

Blacks have not committed serious injustices that require racist whitewashing.

Blacks do not build their sense of self-worth on looking down on whites.

There is nothing like a black n-word for whites.

There is nothing like the black Klan. Some whites think Black Lives Matter is like that, but they have never gone into white neighbourhoods to spread terror and lynch white people.

Blacks do commit hate crimes and so on, but to think black racism is equal and opposite to white racism is to miss the nature of both white racism and black racism. White racism is institutional and cultural and a hundred times more powerful. Black racism is personal and, to a large degree, is a response or reaction to white racism.


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