Black Republicans TURN On Trump & DeSantis

Whites are killing themselves out there in red land. By murder, accidental gun deaths and suicides.
Not near the percentages of blacks! Again, you’re too stupid to understand that. You’re Jim joneser’s tell you differently and you eat it up. But we all live in reality no koolaid needed
You should actually do some research!!!
Why..that's some great advice:

The partisan balance among Black adults in the United States is little changed over the last several decades, but it shifted substantially in the mid-20th century. In the 1930s, Black adults were just as likely to support the Republican Party as the Democratic Party. The share of Black adults who affiliated with the GOP started to decline in the 1940s, particularly after President Harry S. Truman, a Democrat, issued an executive order to desegregate the U.S. military in 1948. This shift was solidified after the passage of the Civil Rights Act under Democratic President Lyndon Johnson in 1964.
Today, only about one-in-ten Black adults identify with or lean toward the Republican Party. And in a Pew Research Center survey in October, only 4% of Black registered voters said they would vote for the Republican candidate for the U.S. House seat in their district, while 69% said they would back the Democratic candidate.
Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats to say being Black is a significant part of their personal identity.
While about six-in-ten Black Republicans (58%) say being Black is an extremely or very important part of how they think about themselves, an even larger share of Black Democrats (82%) say the same. Black Republicans are also more likely than Black Democrats (21% vs. 6%) to say Blackness is a little or not at all important to how they think about themselves.

A bar chart showing that Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats to have strong ties to Black identity and other Black people
Wait until the numbers come out in ‘24. Since 2012, Blacks have been increasingly voting Republican. If they are tired of anything, they are tired of Democrats and fellow Blacks Democrats promising them and when falling short, blaming it all on Republicans. Since the 1960s, Democrats have run cities such as Boston,NYC, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Chicago, Detroit, Milwaukee, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle.

How are things working out for Blacks in those cities? Aren’t Blacks tired of Democrats promising them better education only to block school vouchers for low income Blacks in the inner city? Or, they promise jobs for cities only to chase the jobs out with taxes and regulations. And then there is high crime in cities that chase out businesses and community investment. How is crime supposed to come down when Democrats are easing thresholds for criminals??
Bullshit. Trump got 8 percent in 2020, and he will do no better in 2024.
Why..that's some great advice:

The partisan balance among Black adults in the United States is little changed over the last several decades, but it shifted substantially in the mid-20th century. In the 1930s, Black adults were just as likely to support the Republican Party as the Democratic Party. The share of Black adults who affiliated with the GOP started to decline in the 1940s, particularly after President Harry S. Truman, a Democrat, issued an executive order to desegregate the U.S. military in 1948. This shift was solidified after the passage of the Civil Rights Act under Democratic President Lyndon Johnson in 1964.
Today, only about one-in-ten Black adults identify with or lean toward the Republican Party. And in a Pew Research Center survey in October, only 4% of Black registered voters said they would vote for the Republican candidate for the U.S. House seat in their district, while 69% said they would back the Democratic candidate.
Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats to say being Black is a significant part of their personal identity.
While about six-in-ten Black Republicans (58%) say being Black is an extremely or very important part of how they think about themselves, an even larger share of Black Democrats (82%) say the same. Black Republicans are also more likely than Black Democrats (21% vs. 6%) to say Blackness is a little or not at all important to how they think about themselves.

A bar chart showing that Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats to have strong ties to Black identity and other Black people
Yep, blacks vote for their slave owners
Most welfare slaves vote Democrat and Democrats provide lousy educations to keep it that way.
The racism of Democrats is that obvious and there Uncle Toms (IM2) are no more than race traitors..
Black Republicans are even getting tired of this. They are turning on their masters.

The modern slave revolt. And it's about time.

But at least you still have Candace Owens :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

This is just liberal spin. Many blacks are starting to wake up about how the Democrats want to keep them dependent upon government and the left is getting desperate.
Yeah..I have a hard time giving a shit about the Blacks in the Republican party. I usually think that somehow they believe that it's the only way to get rich? I want to shake them and point out that there are rich Democrats too.
I mean, I don't care if they want to espouse Conservative values...but have they ever actually looked at the floor of the Republican convention and counted the black faces?

As I said....132~
Anyone who thinks blacks are going to go Republican by any signicant number are the same stooges who have been saying the same thing in every election since 2000.

Guess what?

Makes sense...about 10% of the Black vote is 8% turned out. I bet it's less this time..but it sure won't be more~
I totally agree….LBJ said he wouldn’t allow negroes to leave the plantation…he knew he’d always own your asses….The free shit promises and hate whitey mantra keeps you right where Dems want you.

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