Black support for Trump jumps up to 46% days before election!

Trump nailed Biden and the Democrats...the Democratic party is ALL TALK. In Biden's case 47 years of it, frequently out of both sides of his mouth.
Keep dreaming.
I do.
I keep dreaming of a day when the Biden family and others pay for their crimes.
How about the corrupt Trump family?
Oh yes those pesky Trump kids.
I heard they found a laptop with incriminating evidence on it, that was actually from one of Trumps children...oh wait, that was Joe's crackhead boy.
I voted for Trump, wont you join us ?
Thty stole money from charities.
The biggest red wave in the history of America! We will see in ten days
What do you all make of blacks switching to republican?

That is not going to happen.

But Trump should continue degrading and make fun of Kamala like calling her nasty....... calling them antifa, terrorist, suburban are in danger, BLM...... Please Donnie don’t stop. While you are at it don’t stop using China Virus and Kung Flu.

1. According to this 92% of African Americans support Biden.
2. Even association of black police officers endorsed Biden.
3. Powerful Black Business Leaders endorsed Biden.
4. NAACP endorses Biden.

Donnie boy is in big trouble.

92 percent of Black Americans support Biden over Trump, poll says


Can you imagine what Democrats are going to do the Black people if Trump wins because of Black people? I hope there well protected

They'll make the big cities unsafe for citizens and allow criminals to murder witnesses
dems/media: “quick, somebody fake some hate crimes!! Somebody hang a rope in a tee somewhere, or spray paint “Word of N” on their garage. Dump a bucket of fried chicken on your head! Throw a watermelon out the car window at some blacks at a bus stop! SOMETHING!!!”
The biggest red wave in the history of America! We will see in ten days
What do you all make of blacks switching to republican?

That is not going to happen.

But Trump should continue degrading and make fun of Kamala like calling her nasty....... calling them antifa, terrorist, suburban are in danger, BLM...... Please Donnie don’t stop. While you are at it don’t stop using China Virus and Kung Flu.

1. According to this 92% of African Americans support Biden.
2. Even association of black police officers endorsed Biden.
3. Powerful Black Business Leaders endorsed Biden.
4. NAACP endorses Biden.

Donnie boy is in big trouble.

92 percent of Black Americans support Biden over Trump, poll says


Well this is anecdotal, but I’ll share anyway...
I speak with quite a few black folks daily. And I’ve had several start talking politics and tell me they are voting for Trump. This info was unsolicited, as I don’t talk politics at work. Now even if it’s just the ones telling me about it, I’d say it’s 20-30%. If there are others who haven’t said anything that are voting for trump, it’s gonna be more.
Im curious to see what the vote counts are. I don’t claim to know one way or the other, just sharing what I’ve experienced. May be a fluke, may be an underestimate. I don’t know.
The biggest red wave in the history of America! We will see in ten days
What do you all make of blacks switching to republican?

That is not going to happen.

But Trump should continue degrading and make fun of Kamala like calling her nasty....... calling them antifa, terrorist, suburban are in danger, BLM...... Please Donnie don’t stop. While you are at it don’t stop using China Virus and Kung Flu.

1. According to this 92% of African Americans support Biden.
2. Even association of black police officers endorsed Biden.
3. Powerful Black Business Leaders endorsed Biden.
4. NAACP endorses Biden.

Donnie boy is in big trouble.

92 percent of Black Americans support Biden over Trump, poll says


Well this is anecdotal, but I’ll share anyway...
I speak with quite a few black folks daily. And I’ve had several start talking politics and tell me they are voting for Trump. This info was unsolicited, as I don’t talk politics at work. Now even if it’s just the ones telling me about it, I’d say it’s 20-30%. If there are others who haven’t said anything that are voting for trump, it’s gonna be more.
Im curious to see what the vote counts are. I don’t claim to know one way or the other, just sharing what I’ve experienced. May be a fluke, may be an underestimate. I don’t know.
According to the 538 story it is the black youth that are leaning/supporting Trump. The older generation is too entrenched to see what's been done to them by the left.
I'm confused. Where was this 46% of black support?

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