Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!

Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???
We are generally better behaved than the looters, arsonists and rock tossers in Ferguson.

But we do protest occasionally. Have you ever been to a TEA Party rally?
I'm not talking about photos of signs held by Democrat plants. I asked if you ever actually went to a rally.

So why are you crying about your own lack of action? Victim much?
What makes thug brown better and more deserving of protest & justice than this man? Liberals, I am talking to you.

The killers in this case will be brought to justice. See the difference?
Perhaps you don't understand what justice is.

If you don't like our justice system, take it up with the courts.
I am happy with the court system. I'm always happy when punks get their due.
"Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!'

And you and most others on the reprehensible right seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.

Whats reprehensible? the kids beating a guy to death with hammers or people noticing that it happened? I dont understand you. Exploiting what exactly?

NOW THIS IS FUNNY..This is my response when people claim Sharpton of getting involved and the righties always are more mad at the person than the situation that he is addressing.

You on the other hand want to exploit this by claiming blacks are just bad by nature, its not even your community but you'll victim if right along with them not because you give one shit about Bosnians but because you are a bigot first and any chance you get to do so (on the internet) is a chance you jump for.

Not in person tho, you wouldnt be caught dead around some Bosnians
Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???
We are generally better behaved than the looters, arsonists and rock tossers in Ferguson.

But we do protest occasionally. Have you ever been to a TEA Party rally?
I'm not talking about photos of signs held by Democrat plants. I asked if you ever actually went to a rally.

So why are you crying about your own lack of action? Victim much?
Not at all. I'm actually quite comfortable.
Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???

They have jobs. They're not on welfare like all the blacks who thus have all the time in the world for mayhem. THINK
Then someone tapped you on the shoulder and told you to get all the bedsheets changed on the second floor.
All Blacks are on welfare, however more whites are taking govt handouts than any other group in America...

Once again it's obvious you didn't THINK.
Another lie already disproved. According to the government, just slightly more blacks are on welfare programs than whites. Seeing that there are 6 times as many whites, that makes a black person 6 times as likely to be on assistance.

Statistic Verification
Source: US Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute
Research Date: July 8th, 2014

Welfare Demographics
Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

Welfare Statistics Statistic Brain
Apparently you like being stuck on stupid.
More whites are receiving govt hand outs than any other group of people in the U.S.
I never said welfare only, so either you were trying to ignore what I posted, deflect from what I posted or were too ignorant to comprehen what I posted.
Which was it????

Another finding of the study is that the distribution of benefits no longer aligns with the demography of poverty. African-Americans, who make up 22 percent of the poor, receive 14 percent of government benefits, close to their 12 percent population share.

White non-Hispanics, who make up 42 percent of the poor, receive 69 percent of government benefits – again, much closer to their 64 percent population share.

If the govt stopped the hand outs today, more whites would starve to death and/or become homeless than any other group of people in the country.

There are simply more whites on the govt tit.
Now call that a lie and attempt to disprove that fact.

Why don't you just list these non-welfare government handouts for us?

Please show how a link for your numbers above.
I linked my numbers to a study traceable to the US Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Commerce .What I see is the "poor" are 39.8% black and 38.8% white. Please justify your 22% and 42% figures. Or are you stuck on bullshit?
Need a spoon to eat the bullshit you keep dropping out your ass??:

Let's not forget those white farmers who are also raping the system, they won't be on the above listed link because they are already millionaires..

The U.S. government spends billions each year subsidizing farm operations. Yet Black farmers receive only one-third to one-sixth of the benefits that other farmers receive, according to the Environmental Working Group, a Washington D.C.-based research organization that has partnered with the National Black Farmers Association on several reports.

Looking at farmers of color more broadly, the Southern Rural Development Initiative found that less than 1 percent of agriculture subsidy payments between 2001 and 2003 went to Blacks, Native Americans and Asian Americans. (Because the available data comes from the Census Bureau, whose definition of “nonwhite” excludes many Latinos, the researchers were unable to include Latino farmers within its people of color analysis.) Even in counties where people of color are the majority, researchers estimate that at a minimum, almost 95 percent of agriculture subsidies “are going to farms with white operators.”

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Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???
Unlike your community, we don't burn shit down and steal when we get upset.

You're not Bosnian turd breath
Where did he say he was Bosnian? The question was:
Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???
turd head.
So in other words, no one is stopping you from protesting.
You're just too damn lazy to get your fat asses off your lazy boys...smh.
Sitting on their asses typing on a keyboard to them is a virtue. Instead of yanno, going out and doing something about it..just cry about it on a message board
Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???
Unlike your community, we don't burn shit down and steal when we get upset.

You're not Bosnian turd breath
Where did he say he was Bosnian? The question was:
Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???
turd head.
So in other words, no one is stopping you from protesting.
You're just too damn lazy to get your fat asses off your lazy boys...smh.
I've protested injustice and government failures all my life, turd. I guess in your mind, the fact that I haven't burnt down white owned businesses, looted white owned stores and sat on a friggin freeway, impeding emergency vehicles and other folk that only want to get to work means I haven't protested in the accepted fashion.
Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???
Unlike your community, we don't burn shit down and steal when we get upset.

You're not Bosnian turd breath
Where did he say he was Bosnian? The question was:
Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???
turd head.
So in other words, no one is stopping you from protesting.
You're just too damn lazy to get your fat asses off your lazy boys...smh.
I've protested injustice and government failures all my life, turd. I guess in your mind, the fact that I haven't burnt down white owned businesses, looted white owned stores and sat on a friggin freeway, impeding emergency vehicles and other folk that only want to get to work means I haven't protested in the accepted fashion.
AKA...I've always been at the KKK rallys, NEO-NAZI rallys,WHITE RACIALIST rallys,TEA PARTY rallys...
What type of savage would beat a man to death with a hammer? I can't wrap my brain about this.

In this day and age young men thought it perfectly fine to attack first a vehicle with hammers and then angry with the car owner for trying to stop them beat him to death.

The victim was Bosnian. He came to America to escape his war ravaged country and then meets his death at the hands of young animals who obviously have no sense of humanity.

I don't know this America. I don't know this America at all.
The same type that would lynch a pregnant woman and cut the fetus out of the body.

Black Women who were Lynched in America Henrietta Vinton Davis s Weblog

Do you think that most white americans were in favor of lynching baack in the day? I dont think so. And anyway, today lynching is not the problem today.
There are other ones
"Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!'

And you and most others on the reprehensible right seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.

Whats reprehensible? the kids beating a guy to death with hammers or people noticing that it happened? I dont understand you. Exploiting what exactly?

NOW THIS IS FUNNY..This is my response when people claim Sharpton of getting involved and the righties always are more mad at the person than the situation that he is addressing.

You on the other hand want to exploit this by claiming blacks are just bad by nature, its not even your community but you'll victim if right along with them not because you give one shit about Bosnians but because you are a bigot first and any chance you get to do so (on the internet) is a chance you jump for.

Not in person tho, you wouldnt be caught dead around some Bosnians

Your powers of perception are a joke. why Bring up Sharpton for? He makes money of Race, does he really have a church? You dont get anything fool. That poor guy suffered getting beaten by hammers, a terrifying death. Your an A . hole , call me a biggot for noticing that.

You know I bet a lot of those rioters still believe Brown had his hands up and was shot in the back by wilson, because of people like you. Now more people are suffering and dying and having their places burnt down. You want to see a biggot pal? go look in the mirror, then go out in your garage and smash your thumb with a hammer and see how it feels.
What makes thug brown better and more deserving of protest & justice than this man? Liberals, I am talking to you.

The killers in this case will be brought to justice. See the difference?
Perhaps you don't understand what justice is.

If you don't like our justice system, take it up with the courts.
I am happy with the court system. I'm always happy when punks get their due.

America has about the best legal system on earth. Too fucking bad so many blacks end up on the wrong side of it.

They are the ones that need to change.

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