Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!

What a fucking disaster liberals have been to blacks, who have it better here than any place on earth, but are somehow convinced they have it bad.

Fucking animals whose rational portion of the brain is clearly underdeveloped. I mean clearly.

Yeah I wonder why black people don't vote republican with posts like this. I mean its clear that Republicans are racists because black people are not humans, but animals.

"Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!'

And you and most others on the reprehensible right seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

You won't see us putting our hands up in the air crying "Don't Shoot", or silliness like that.

That's because white people don't get shot at by police like black people do.
White people very rarely try to disarm, then charge cops. It's a cultural thing. We really can't help it. We were conditioned by 200 years of morality.

Ah... Racism. Assume an entire group are beneath your based on skin color. Good job. Black people don't have morals.
You are right cocksucker. Negroes are not capable of rational thought. They have zero impulse control. Their allele count predisposes them the violence. Their IQ generally is 10-15 points below any other race.
What the fuck do you expect?
Just look at them in any inner city in the world.
They behave like subhumans.
Is it 'Whitey's fault?
Yes? Then fucking explain why they behave the way they do in Africa where no White man dares come within a hundred miles of these Tree Dwellers.
What a fucking disaster liberals have been to blacks, who have it better here than any place on earth, but are somehow convinced they have it bad.

Fucking animals whose rational portion of the brain is clearly underdeveloped. I mean clearly.

Yeah I wonder why black people don't vote republican with posts like this. I mean its clear that Republicans are racists because black people are not humans, but animals.

"Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!'

And you and most others on the reprehensible right seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

You won't see us putting our hands up in the air crying "Don't Shoot", or silliness like that.

That's because white people don't get shot at by police like black people do.
White people very rarely try to disarm, then charge cops. It's a cultural thing. We really can't help it. We were conditioned by 200 years of morality.

Ah... Racism. Assume an entire group are beneath your based on skin color. Good job. Black people don't have morals.
You are right cocksucker. Negroes are not capable of rational thought. They have zero impulse control. Their allele count predisposes them the violence. Their IQ generally is 10-15 points below any other race.
What the fuck do you expect?
Just look at them in any inner city in the world.
They behave like subhumans.
Is it 'Whitey's fault?
Yes? Then fucking explain why they behave the way they do in Africa where no White man dares come within a hundred miles of these Tree Dwellers.

Thank you for proving my point.
What makes thug brown better and more deserving of protest & justice than this man? Liberals, I am talking to you.

3 out of 4 have been arrested so far. Now if he had been killed by yet to be identified police officer, maybe you'd have a point.
What makes thug brown better and more deserving of protest & justice than this man? Liberals, I am talking to you.

Outside of Clayton I still haven't seen any of the usual troll-bots popping in and expressing any outrage. If they DO show up it'll likely be in defense of the murderous, inner-city thugs.

They should be tried as adults and sent to the gallows.
What a fucking disaster liberals have been to blacks, who have it better here than any place on earth, but are somehow convinced they have it bad.

Fucking animals whose rational portion of the brain is clearly underdeveloped. I mean clearly.

Yeah I wonder why black people don't vote republican with posts like this. I mean its clear that Republicans are racists because black people are not humans, but animals.

"Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!'

And you and most others on the reprehensible right seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

You won't see us putting our hands up in the air crying "Don't Shoot", or silliness like that.

That's because white people don't get shot at by police like black people do.
White people very rarely try to disarm, then charge cops. It's a cultural thing. We really can't help it. We were conditioned by 200 years of morality.

Ah... Racism. Assume an entire group are beneath your based on skin color. Good job. Black people don't have morals.
You are right cocksucker. Negroes are not capable of rational thought. They have zero impulse control. Their allele count predisposes them the violence. Their IQ generally is 10-15 points below any other race.
What the fuck do you expect?
Just look at them in any inner city in the world.
They behave like subhumans.
Is it 'Whitey's fault?
Yes? Then fucking explain why they behave the way they do in Africa where no White man dares come within a hundred miles of these Tree Dwellers.

I understand that you are upset based on the treatment you have received:

These people are creating a terrible problem in our cities. They can't or won't hold a job, they flout the law constantly and neglect their children, they drink too much and their moral standards would shame an alley cat. For some reason or other; they absolutely refuse to accommodate themselves to any kind of decent, civilized life. This was said in 1956 in Indianapolis, not about blacks or other minorities, but about poor whites from the South. Nor was Indianapolis unique in this respect. A 1951 survey in Detroit found that white Southerners living there were considered "undesirable" by 21 percent of those surveyed, compared to 13 percent who ranked blacks the same way. In the late 1940s, a Chicago employer said frankly, "I told the guard at the plant gate to tell the hillbillies that there were no openings." When poor whites from the South moved into Northern cities to work in war plants during the Second World War, " occasionally a white southerner would find that a flat or furnished room had 'just been rented' when the landlord heard his southern accent.
"Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!'

And you and most others on the reprehensible right seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.

No. Just wondering why you don't see whites rioting and looting like the blacks seeking personal gain.

Did you miss the 60's?

Conscript 10's of thousands of us and ship us half way across the world again and we'll show you. Ferguson will look like a camp fire.

August 1968...... The Chicago Seed, an alternative weekly newspaper, wrote: "If you're coming to Chicago, be sure to wear some armor in your hair."
Here is a question. I mean seriously.

What is your theory on why so many blacks have a hard time pronouncing a three letter word......ASK?

Any theories?
Why do they say "code" instead of "cold?"

Ebonics. Evidently they either have a genuine speak impediment, or they just do it to sound black.

The way "be" has replaced so many words.

"How you be?"
"You be wid me"
"I be goin to de sto"
"I be doin dat fo long time"

We are generally better behaved than the looters, arsonists and rock tossers in Ferguson.

But we do protest occasionally. Have you ever been to a TEA Party rally?
I'm not talking about photos of signs held by Democrat plants. I asked if you ever actually went to a rally.

Yeah, I been to a few.....but please tell us all your bullshit fables about ordinary Americans tired of paying for Rat programs that will never work, leaving us a debt we can never pay.
"Black teens in St Louis beat white to death with hammers!!'

And you and most others on the reprehensible right seek to exploit this tragedy for some perceived partisan gain.

Whats reprehensible? the kids beating a guy to death with hammers or people noticing that it happened? I dont understand you. Exploiting what exactly?

If a black person is the victim of a white = clayton will scream for justice and call whites all racist! He will even justify destruction!

If a white person is the victim of a black??? Clayton will call US racist and tell us to shut up.

Standard behavior from dishonest, hypocritical, hardcore partisan ideologues.

Which is why they have zero credibility, none.

What type of savage would beat a man to death with a hammer? I can't wrap my brain about this.

In this day and age young men thought it perfectly fine to attack first a vehicle with hammers and then angry with the car owner for trying to stop them beat him to death.

The victim was Bosnian. He came to America to escape his war ravaged country and then meets his death at the hands of young animals who obviously have no sense of humanity.

I don't know this America. I don't know this America at all.
What type of savage would beat a man to death with a hammer? I can't wrap my brain about this.

In this day and age young men thought it perfectly fine to attack first a vehicle with hammers and then angry with the car owner for trying to stop them beat him to death.

The victim was Bosnian. He came to America to escape his war ravaged country and then meets his death at the hands of young animals who obviously have no sense of humanity.

I don't know this America. I don't know this America at all.
You shake your head in disbelief at how brazenly biased the news media is. This should be a headline story but the controlled press censored it. Just like the mona nelson story. In Houston 2013 this black woman was convicted of using a blow torch to torture a 12 yo white kid to death.!!! How many people have heard about it?
Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???

They have jobs. They're not on welfare like all the blacks who thus have all the time in the world for mayhem. THINK
Then someone tapped you on the shoulder and told you to get all the bedsheets changed on the second floor.
All Blacks are on welfare, however more whites are taking govt handouts than any other group in America...

Once again it's obvious you didn't THINK.
What type of savage would beat a man to death with a hammer? I can't wrap my brain about this.

In this day and age young men thought it perfectly fine to attack first a vehicle with hammers and then angry with the car owner for trying to stop them beat him to death.

The victim was Bosnian. He came to America to escape his war ravaged country and then meets his death at the hands of young animals who obviously have no sense of humanity.

I don't know this America. I don't know this America at all.
The same type that would lynch a pregnant woman and cut the fetus out of the body.

Black Women who were Lynched in America Henrietta Vinton Davis s Weblog
Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???

They have jobs. They're not on welfare like all the blacks who thus have all the time in the world for mayhem. THINK
Then someone tapped you on the shoulder and told you to get all the bedsheets changed on the second floor.
All Blacks are on welfare, however more whites are taking govt handouts than any other group in America...

Once again it's obvious you didn't THINK.
Another lie already disproved. According to the government, just slightly more blacks are on welfare programs than whites. Seeing that there are 6 times as many whites, that makes a black person 6 times as likely to be on assistance.

Statistic Verification
Source: US Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute
Research Date: July 8th, 2014

Welfare Demographics
Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

Welfare Statistics Statistic Brain
Who's stopping white people from protesting????...links???

They have jobs. They're not on welfare like all the blacks who thus have all the time in the world for mayhem. THINK
Then someone tapped you on the shoulder and told you to get all the bedsheets changed on the second floor.
All Blacks are on welfare, however more whites are taking govt handouts than any other group in America...

Once again it's obvious you didn't THINK.
Another lie already disproved. According to the government, just slightly more blacks are on welfare programs than whites. Seeing that there are 6 times as many whites, that makes a black person 6 times as likely to be on assistance.

Statistic Verification
Source: US Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of Commerce, CATO Institute
Research Date: July 8th, 2014

Welfare Demographics
Percent of recipients who are white 38.8 %
Percent of recipients who are black 39.8 %
Percent of recipients who are Hispanic 15.7 %
Percent of recipients who are Asian 2.4 %
Percent of recipients who are Other 3.3 %

Welfare Statistics Statistic Brain
Recon don't do math too good.

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