black unemployment has risen

As a matter of fact yes, yes it does! But make no mistake,, collectively, black Americans, are still slaves, this is a fact, they vote in perpetuity for a political persuasion that reviles them and never even attempts to improve their communities, that political persuasion has made certain to introduce highly destructive mechanisms into every black urban community, such as all but worthless public schools, pill mills, liquor establishments, gun shops, and most especially abortion clinics!
Tell us what Republicans have done over the last 50yrs to improve ANY of these conditions you claim Democrats are responsible for. Give me ONE policy that Republicans have implemented that have helped black folks.
While its certainly racist, the democrats perpetual enslavement of blacks, its not all entirely racist, much of it revolves around other blacks working with racist democrats, to enslave their communities to the racist democrats, in exchange for personal wealth, and power, or the perception of such! In point of fact, the difference between poor white enclaves, and poor black enclaves, is effectively nill, both are treated in exactly the same fashion by racist fascist democrats who hate and fear both populations equally, with the distinguishing factor being both populations are simply to fucking poor to know exactly how its being done to them! ;)
It is Republicans that are blocking the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, it's Republicans that are holding up the George Floyd Police Reform Bill. The worse enemy that black folks have in this country are Republicans who have the mindset of the sheet wearers. I noticed you ran from the fact that in the last 50yrs black folks prosper more when a Democrat is in the WH as compared to a Republican. We do better financially, in education, in business, etc. those are facts that you can't dispute.
Tell us what Republicans have done over the last 50yrs to improve ANY of these conditions you claim Democrats are responsible for. Give me ONE policy that Republicans have implemented that have helped black folks.

It is Republicans that are blocking the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, it's Republicans that are holding up the George Floyd Police Reform Bill. The worse enemy that black folks have in this country are Republicans who have the mindset of the sheet wearers. I noticed you ran from the fact that in the last 50yrs black folks prosper more when a Democrat is in the WH as compared to a Republican. We do better financially, in education, in business, etc. those are facts that you can't dispute.
:auiqs.jpg: You, seriously believe the Orwellian "Voting Rights Act" would improve your lot, really??? It codifies into law, every fraudulent electioneering practice barred by law, in every other democratic nation on earth!

That act making it into law, hands every election forever, to the uni-party, the uni-party is fascist white oligarchs, they HATE blacks, only marginally more than they HATE poor whites!

You have been intellectually aborted, such is a tragedy, it was next of kin to killing you outright, ripping you from womb of your mother via a vacuum, then harvesting your tissues, and organs for sale to the highest bidder, instead they chose to make zombie of you.... ;)
Most Black people are employed and doing the things that every American should be doing.
Don't broadbrush, leave that to the left wingnuts on this board
is that why they shoe them reeking havoc and protesting every day?
:auiqs.jpg: You, seriously believe the Orwellian "Voting Rights Act" would improve your lot, really??? It codifies into law, every fraudulent electioneering practice barred by law, in every other democratic nation on earth!
Republicans are wanting black folks not to vote.
That act making it into law, hands every election forever, to the uni-party, the uni-party is fascist white oligarchs, they HATE blacks, only marginally more than they HATE poor whites!
Again, just more of the same bullshit.
You have been intellectually aborted, such is a tragedy, it was next of kin to killing you outright, ripping you from womb of your mother via a vacuum, then harvesting your tissues, and organs for sale to the highest bidder, instead they chose to make zombie of you.... ;)
Tell us DN what policies have Republicans put forth that have helped black folks in the last 50yrs.
It might be best if the blacks stay home instead of work.It cuts down on killings and rapes when they aint out in public.
They all need to be forced to work. If they're unemployed, let them pick cotton. Work keeps people out of trouble. If they like eating, they need to work
Does the same go for whites? Since they receive more benefits than anyone. You right wing, racist kill me with repeating the same lies over and over, black folks vote for Democrats because in the last 60yrs black folks do better financially, educationally, opening businesses, etc. under Democrat presidents than we do under Republican presidents. Why can you racist morons understand that.

Talk about lies. Whites outnumber blacks on welfare roles because the white population is six times greater than blacks. Per capita? Wanna talk about that? Of course not. Truth to a leftist is like a cross to Dracula.

So let's see, the party I vote for allowed 2 million poor iillegals into the country last year, but for the life of me I can't figure out why black unemployment increased. :aug08_031:

I know what I'll do to help my people. I'll vote Democrat next election.
Talk about lies. Whites outnumber blacks on welfare roles because the white population is six times greater than blacks. Per capita? Wanna talk about that? Of course not. Truth to a leftist is like a cross to Dracula.
So stop lying and saying there are more black folks on welfare than whites.
So let's see, the party I vote for allowed 2 million poor iillegals into the country last year, but for the life of me I can't figure out why black unemployment increased. :aug08_031:

I know what I'll do to help my people. I'll vote Democrat next election.
Legal and Illegal immigrants have always and always will come in this country. Show me what jobs they have taken from black folks and don't give me your dumb ass opinion back it up with hard facts.

well yeah they are to busy making up protests and burning shit so they can terrorize people. they do not think they have to work. they think they are owned everything. smash and grab.

Did you start a thread last month when black UE fell more than the general UE?

If not, does that not just make you one more useless partisan hack?
They all need to be forced to work. If they're unemployed, let them pick cotton. Work keeps people out of trouble. If they like eating, they need to work
Go make some black folks pick your cotton, make sure you record it. It should be real entertaining. Racist POS.
The white community did the rioting when Trump was elected and your weak ass was quiet as a church mouse. Why is that?
Nope, I immediately condemned that single republican riot, just as I did the hundreds democrat riots. You cant say the same. Here is proof that I am against ALL rioters.

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So stop lying and saying there are more black folks on welfare than whites.

Who's lying? There are more blacks on welfare than whites per capita; in every welfare program in fact. The only one lying is you. It's as stupid as saying more whites hit the lotto than blacks without including there are six times more whites than blacks. The fact we hit the lotto more than blacks is not because we are luckier, it's because we so outnumber blacks in the country.

Legal and Illegal immigrants have always and always will come in this country. Show me what jobs they have taken from black folks and don't give me your dumb ass opinion back it up with hard facts.

The hard facts are blacks have a higher drop out rate than whites and therefore take more lower skilled and lower paying jobs which is what illegals do. Not only do they take those jobs, but are much harder workers than blacks, so employers hire illegals over blacks.
Right wing racist.
There are more blacks on welfare than whites per capita; in every welfare program in fact.
Funny how you only want to use the per capita logic if it fits the right wing narrative. So per captia there are more black folks murdered by police than white.
The only one lying is you. It's as stupid as saying more whites hit the lotto than blacks without including there are six times more whites than blacks. The fact we hit the lotto more than blacks is not because we are luckier, it's because we so outnumber blacks in the country.
Whites commit more crimes than anyone in America, so why is it just as many blacks incarcerated as it is whites?
The hard facts are blacks have a higher drop out rate than whites and therefore take more lower skilled and lower paying jobs which is what illegals do. Not only do they take those jobs, but are much harder workers than blacks, so employers hire illegals over blacks.
More weak bullshit, give me the specific jobs that black folks use to have that immigrants have taken from blacks as you stated.
is that why they shoe them reeking havoc and protesting every day?
Tell me that you're not this stupid.
The vast majority if the Black people aren't racist, and are gainfully employed.
True story, dipshit.

It seems like you must live your life on political message boards....sad

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