black waiters/etc black waiters/waitresses hate serving white customers?
I know white waiters hate black customers. Blacks are terrible tippers. Ask anyone who has ever worked in a place where you get tips. There used to be bitter fights between staff about who had to work the club on our hip hop night. You wouldnt make shit for money, literally ten times less. You would make an average of $300 a night bartending any given white crowd, but on hip hop night with a black crowd you would make around $20-$30 in tips after about 6 hours of work. I eventually refused to work those nights and lost my job for it.
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I know white waiters hate black customers. Blacks are terrible tippers. Ask anyone who has ever worked in a place where you get tips. There used to be bitter fights between staff about who had to work the club on our hip hop night. You wouldnt make shit for money, literally ten times less. You would make an average of $300 a night with any given white crowd, but on hip hop night with a black crowd you would make around $20-$30. I eventually refused to work those nights and lost my job for it.
No shit.

Negroes don't tip worth a fuck.

I did have this one black gentleman who used to come into the place I tended bar at. He was older; five years ago he was probably in his mid 60's. He used to have three drinks, which came to $15. He'd put a $20 bill on the bar and wish me a good day...
No shit.

Negroes don't tip worth a fuck.

I did have this one black gentleman who used to come into the place I tended bar at. He was older; five years ago he was probably in his mid 60's. He used to have three drinks, which came to $15. He'd put a $20 bill on the bar and wish me a good day...
There were always one or two good black tippers on our Hip Hop night, out of about 200-300 patrons. The percentage of classless cheapskates in the black community is astonishing.
It should also be pointed out that not only are black customers cheap as fuck, they are rude and frequently dangerous, especially after they drink. The only violence i ever saw in our club was when there was a black crowd.
I know white waiters hate black customers. Blacks are terrible tippers. Ask anyone who has ever worked in a place where you get tips. There used to be bitter fights between staff about who had to work the club on our hip hop night. You wouldnt make shit for money, literally ten times less. You would make an average of $300 a night bartending any given white crowd, but on hip hop night with a black crowd you would make around $20-$30 in tips after about 6 hours of work. I eventually refused to work those nights and lost my job for it.
Yeah...again... it is absolutely true.
Both my kids worked through college as a waiter/waitress.
And black people either don't tip at all, or very little. Regardless of how well you served them.
It is not racist to say it because it is true.
Part of it is the generational difference and part of it is the inner-city negative culture that has sprung up in their communities. Many young black males don't have fathers in their lives to be role models and when you don't have a good father role model present, you turn to your neighborhood kids, who are most likely in the same situation. While a father being present in their lives would be a plus (depending upon the parent), a guiding grandfather would be just as good, if not better, as he would be more attuned to the courtesies in public scenarios when dealing with people that serve their needs.
Polishprince well, since they always think of race and slavery, I thought they would hate being ''slaves'' to the white man
There are a MILLION videos of black people confirming how awful black people are at tipping.

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