He should have tol them "We dont negotiate with terrorists" and had them hauled off. It is disgraceful. Dems created the BLM movement, as they fostered the OWS movement. They will rue the day. I foresee endless riots in cities induced by these knuckleheads.

Weren't the riots that burned Ferguson started by militarized police squashing protesters? Didn't North Korea & Iran build nuclear weapons after Bush threatened them & built them on his watch to make their point.

so who's fault was (rioting and looting ) this TIME, a year later on that Saint Michaels death anniversary? and this now the way of life we should just expect from a so called, Civilized Society?
Black lives don't matter.
That is clear.
When the main victims of black criminals are black then black lives dont matter.
When 2600 people were shot in Chicago last year, most of them black, black lives dont matter.
When over 29000 black babies were aborted in NYC alone in 2013 then black lives dont matter.

But when a black criminal commits a crime and attacks a police officer and gets shot then people want to scream black lives matter.

Fucking nuts.
So, Close Caption, it's probably best you post about the present. Revisiting the past just isn't working for you. Should I get the Ferguson photos and decide which riot picture to illustrate my point? Should I use a picture of a thug looting a store or burning it down? Decisions, decisions...

Why would you do that? Just to reinforce my point that any and every protest that ever happened that you dont agree with is characterized as being "not peaceful".

Its like people who are anti religion and you ask why and they respond about Priest Molesting Children as the entirety of religion. No, they are just picking out the bad to reinforce their already preconceived notions.
"The evil men do lives with them, the good is oft interred with their bones." That is the nature of the beast. "Blacklivesmatter" probably starts out with a peaceful protest but then gives way to rioting or disturbing candidates speeches. What is going to be remembered ? The unpeaceful actions of the group.
The riots were started by rioters. Police stood by and did NOT squash them. That was the problem.

I said before, I live in BAltimore and was on the train when the riots broke out. And that was something that was planned.

Baltimore mayor apos Confusion apos remains over who ordered buses shut down before riot - Baltimore Sun

Rawlings-Blake: 'Confusion' remains over who ordered buses shut down before riot
I'm not familiar with that story. Could you give me more details?
When the main victims of black criminals are black then black lives dont matter.

But white lives matter because the main victims of white criminals are white then white lives matter
Do you see white people going around with "Whitelivesmatter" signs when they aren't prompted by the "blacklivesmatter"? Nope.

So does the lack of signage mean that white lives matter and the white victims of white criminal doesnt count now?
The riots were started by rioters. Police stood by and did NOT squash them. That was the problem.

I said before, I live in BAltimore and was on the train when the riots broke out. And that was something that was planned.

Baltimore mayor apos Confusion apos remains over who ordered buses shut down before riot - Baltimore Sun

Rawlings-Blake: 'Confusion' remains over who ordered buses shut down before riot
I'm not familiar with that story. Could you give me more details?

The day of the riot someone shut down all the public transportation in the area. There are about 4 schools in and around the area that let out at around 4 and they shut down the only way to get out. I had to get off the train and walk several blocks. So they had all those teens in one area, unable to leave and the cops with a crazy show of force.

Afterwards I thought, man, that was the perfect environment if you wanted to make something happen. Weeks and months later, no one knows who made the call to shut down the transportation. Add in that the police were blocks away from the looting and but were busy protecting the white rich area that wasnt being affected. They had a split screen literally showing the cops in riot gear in front of stores that had no activity with another screen showing the mall blocks away being looted for more than an hour.
When the main victims of black criminals are black then black lives dont matter.

But white lives matter because the main victims of white criminals are white then white lives matter
Do you see white people going around with "Whitelivesmatter" signs when they aren't prompted by the "blacklivesmatter"? Nope.

So does the lack of signage mean that white lives matter and the white victims of white criminal doesnt count now?
Now you are spouting nonsense and you know it.
of course that decision could only have come from a Democrat in power, to shut down public transportation, probably to make it more difficult for youths to cross town on buses and such to join the demonstrations
I'd say back to the protestors, "then vote for Ben Carson."

that would be a miracle. a real shame they let one party Enslave them again with all their (sweet words and empty promises). You see them (all colors of Democrats/lib) on here Crowing how 95% of the black people votes Democrat. as if they OWN THEM.
The riots were started by rioters. Police stood by and did NOT squash them. That was the problem.

I said before, I live in BAltimore and was on the train when the riots broke out. And that was something that was planned.

Baltimore mayor apos Confusion apos remains over who ordered buses shut down before riot - Baltimore Sun

Rawlings-Blake: 'Confusion' remains over who ordered buses shut down before riot
I'm not familiar with that story. Could you give me more details?

The day of the riot someone shut down all the public transportation in the area. There are about 4 schools in and around the area that let out at around 4 and they shut down the only way to get out. I had to get off the train and walk several blocks. So they had all those teens in one area, unable to leave and the cops with a crazy show of force.

Afterwards I thought, man, that was the perfect environment if you wanted to make something happen. Weeks and months later, no one knows who made the call to shut down the transportation. Add in that the police were blocks away from the looting and but were busy protecting the white rich area that wasnt being affected. They had a split screen literally showing the cops in riot gear in front of stores that had no activity with another screen showing the mall blocks away being looted for more than an hour.

Definitely poor planning. They obviously did not have a plan of action in reaction to riots. Why they were in an elite white area "saving" homes in unjustified. The buses should have kept running to get peple out of the area. If needed, out police on each bus to ensure their safety.
When the main victims of black criminals are black then black lives dont matter.

But white lives matter because the main victims of white criminals are white then white lives matter
Do you see white people going around with "Whitelivesmatter" signs when they aren't prompted by the "blacklivesmatter"? Nope.

So does the lack of signage mean that white lives matter and the white victims of white criminal doesnt count now?
Now you are spouting nonsense and you know it.

That's what he does best.
When the main victims of black criminals are black then black lives dont matter.

But white lives matter because the main victims of white criminals are white then white lives matter
Do you see white people going around with "Whitelivesmatter" signs when they aren't prompted by the "blacklivesmatter"? Nope.

So does the lack of signage mean that white lives matter and the white victims of white criminal doesnt count now?
Now you are spouting nonsense and you know it.

I'm trying to understand this secret formula you have to determine black lives dont matter. Lets see, Just like whites the majority of blacks are killed by their own and that shows that blacks lives dont matter, but white lives do? Same circumstances yield different results?

Nope no bias there.

Now whether or not someone created a sign is an indication that black lives dont really matter? See, it cant be the obvious....bigoted racist pricks. Its something else...Like a sign or something
He should have tol them "We dont negotiate with terrorists" and had them hauled off. It is disgraceful. Dems created the BLM movement, as they fostered the OWS movement. They will rue the day. I foresee endless riots in cities induced by these knuckleheads.

Weren't the riots that burned Ferguson started by militarized police squashing protesters? Didn't North Korea & Iran build nuclear weapons after Bush threatened them & built them on his watch to make their point.
No and no.
The riots were started by rioters. Police stood by and did NOT squash them. That was the problem.
North Korea had a nuclear weapons program long before Bush.
The problem here is you are both uninformed and stupid.

Wrong! - People were protesting & the police army descended on them with tear gas & rubber bullets, then rioting broke out! Then Obama got the Governor to pull the police out of there allowing rioters to burn the town down. The police should have stood 1 guard near each business & let protesters exercise their constitutional right to protest & vent.
When the main victims of black criminals are black then black lives dont matter.

But white lives matter because the main victims of white criminals are white then white lives matter
Do you see white people going around with "Whitelivesmatter" signs when they aren't prompted by the "blacklivesmatter"? Nope.

So does the lack of signage mean that white lives matter and the white victims of white criminal doesnt count now?
Now you are spouting nonsense and you know it.

I'm trying to understand this secret formula you have to determine black lives dont matter. Lets see, Just like whites the majority of blacks are killed by their own and that shows that blacks lives dont matter, but white lives do? Same circumstances yield different results?

Nope no bias there.

Now whether or not someone created a sign is an indication that black lives dont really matter? See, it cant be the obvious....bigoted racist pricks. Its something else...Like a sign or something

You are an idiot. The only time you see a "black lives matter" sign is when a white kills a black. Where are the signs when a black kills a black? Apparently only black lives taken by white people are the ones that matter.
The riots were started by rioters. Police stood by and did NOT squash them. That was the problem.

I said before, I live in BAltimore and was on the train when the riots broke out. And that was something that was planned.

Baltimore mayor apos Confusion apos remains over who ordered buses shut down before riot - Baltimore Sun

Rawlings-Blake: 'Confusion' remains over who ordered buses shut down before riot
I'm not familiar with that story. Could you give me more details?

The day of the riot someone shut down all the public transportation in the area. There are about 4 schools in and around the area that let out at around 4 and they shut down the only way to get out. I had to get off the train and walk several blocks. So they had all those teens in one area, unable to leave and the cops with a crazy show of force.

Afterwards I thought, man, that was the perfect environment if you wanted to make something happen. Weeks and months later, no one knows who made the call to shut down the transportation. Add in that the police were blocks away from the looting and but were busy protecting the white rich area that wasnt being affected. They had a split screen literally showing the cops in riot gear in front of stores that had no activity with another screen showing the mall blocks away being looted for more than an hour.

Definitely poor planning. They obviously did not have a plan of action in reaction to riots.

Or it was a great plan to get the riots and footage they wanted. You couldnt put together a better plan than to isolate people from leaving and implant an aggresive threat.

Why they were in an elite white area "saving" homes in unjustified. The buses should have kept running to get peple out of the area. If needed, out police on each bus to ensure their safety.

It wasnt homes, they were protecting a mall that had no activity and the black mall was ravaged for hours while they stood literally blocks away doing nothing but allowing some awesome footage.
Poor Sanders. He's made a living off sucking up to African American Race-Baiter trolls. Yet they still turned on him. He may now have to reconsider his own Race-Baiter ways.
The facts show that blacks kill far more whites then the other way around...Blacklivesmatters is based on lies and bs.

If they mattered so much,,,,why not look at the real killer of blacks? Other blacks.

Now I do feel that we should reduce prison sentences for non-violent crimes, legalize pot and fund education,,,but lets be serious.

I hear that.

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