But white lives matter because the main victims of white criminals are white then white lives matter
Do you see white people going around with "Whitelivesmatter" signs when they aren't prompted by the "blacklivesmatter"? Nope.

So does the lack of signage mean that white lives matter and the white victims of white criminal doesnt count now?
Now you are spouting nonsense and you know it.

I'm trying to understand this secret formula you have to determine black lives dont matter. Lets see, Just like whites the majority of blacks are killed by their own and that shows that blacks lives dont matter, but white lives do? Same circumstances yield different results?

Nope no bias there.

Now whether or not someone created a sign is an indication that black lives dont really matter? See, it cant be the obvious....bigoted racist pricks. Its something else...Like a sign or something

You are an idiot. The only time you see a "black lives matter" sign is when a white kills a black. Where are the signs when a black kills a black? Apparently only black lives taken by white people are the ones that matter.

When a black person kills another they go to jail. The black lives matter is about cops shooting blacks. Its not about all violence. Thats like asking PETA to talk about the conditions of our prison system.

What should they do that would make you happy? Go ahead, spit it out
When the main victims of black criminals are black then black lives dont matter.

But white lives matter because the main victims of white criminals are white then white lives matter
Do you see white people going around with "Whitelivesmatter" signs when they aren't prompted by the "blacklivesmatter"? Nope.

So does the lack of signage mean that white lives matter and the white victims of white criminal doesnt count now?
Now you are spouting nonsense and you know it.

I'm trying to understand this secret formula you have to determine black lives dont matter. Lets see, Just like whites the majority of blacks are killed by their own and that shows that blacks lives dont matter, but white lives do? Same circumstances yield different results?

Nope no bias there.

Now whether or not someone created a sign is an indication that black lives dont really matter? See, it cant be the obvious....bigoted racist pricks. Its something else...Like a sign or something

no what you're trying to do; and failing miserably, is be relevant
Do you see white people going around with "Whitelivesmatter" signs when they aren't prompted by the "blacklivesmatter"? Nope.

So does the lack of signage mean that white lives matter and the white victims of white criminal doesnt count now?
Now you are spouting nonsense and you know it.

I'm trying to understand this secret formula you have to determine black lives dont matter. Lets see, Just like whites the majority of blacks are killed by their own and that shows that blacks lives dont matter, but white lives do? Same circumstances yield different results?

Nope no bias there.

Now whether or not someone created a sign is an indication that black lives dont really matter? See, it cant be the obvious....bigoted racist pricks. Its something else...Like a sign or something

You are an idiot. The only time you see a "black lives matter" sign is when a white kills a black. Where are the signs when a black kills a black? Apparently only black lives taken by white people are the ones that matter.

When a black person kills another they go to jail. The black lives matter is about cops shooting blacks. Its not about all violence. Thats like asking PETA to talk about the conditions of our prison system.

What should they do that would make you happy? Go ahead, spit it out

What did Bernie Sanders do? All i've ever seen him do is suck up to African American Race-Baiter trolls. These people really are ignorant halfwits. Period, end of story.
you've shown zero to back up your claim that outside forces shut down public transportation to make great rioting footage on the news. just the usual asinine conspiricy theories
So does the lack of signage mean that white lives matter and the white victims of white criminal doesnt count now?
Now you are spouting nonsense and you know it.

I'm trying to understand this secret formula you have to determine black lives dont matter. Lets see, Just like whites the majority of blacks are killed by their own and that shows that blacks lives dont matter, but white lives do? Same circumstances yield different results?

Nope no bias there.

Now whether or not someone created a sign is an indication that black lives dont really matter? See, it cant be the obvious....bigoted racist pricks. Its something else...Like a sign or something

You are an idiot. The only time you see a "black lives matter" sign is when a white kills a black. Where are the signs when a black kills a black? Apparently only black lives taken by white people are the ones that matter.

When a black person kills another they go to jail. The black lives matter is about cops shooting blacks. Its not about all violence. Thats like asking PETA to talk about the conditions of our prison system.

What should they do that would make you happy? Go ahead, spit it out

What did Bernie Sanders do? All i've ever seen him do is kiss up to African American Race-Baiter trolls. These people really are ignorant halfwits. Period, end of story.

Those two women are idiots! Congrats you are mad about something universally maddening. You win!

But if you're saying those two phony BLM people represents the movement. You Lose!
Do you see white people going around with "Whitelivesmatter" signs when they aren't prompted by the "blacklivesmatter"? Nope.

So does the lack of signage mean that white lives matter and the white victims of white criminal doesnt count now?
Now you are spouting nonsense and you know it.

I'm trying to understand this secret formula you have to determine black lives dont matter. Lets see, Just like whites the majority of blacks are killed by their own and that shows that blacks lives dont matter, but white lives do? Same circumstances yield different results?

Nope no bias there.

Now whether or not someone created a sign is an indication that black lives dont really matter? See, it cant be the obvious....bigoted racist pricks. Its something else...Like a sign or something

You are an idiot. The only time you see a "black lives matter" sign is when a white kills a black. Where are the signs when a black kills a black? Apparently only black lives taken by white people are the ones that matter.

When a black person kills another they go to jail. The black lives matter is about cops shooting blacks. Its not about all violence. Thats like asking PETA to talk about the conditions of our prison system.

What should they do that would make you happy? Go ahead, spit it out
Okay, they are about white cops shooting (killing) blacks. I think there is some validity to that i.e. Eric Garner, and the man that died after being unsecured in the police van. Then they need PEACEFUL protests,
Now you are spouting nonsense and you know it.

I'm trying to understand this secret formula you have to determine black lives dont matter. Lets see, Just like whites the majority of blacks are killed by their own and that shows that blacks lives dont matter, but white lives do? Same circumstances yield different results?

Nope no bias there.

Now whether or not someone created a sign is an indication that black lives dont really matter? See, it cant be the obvious....bigoted racist pricks. Its something else...Like a sign or something

You are an idiot. The only time you see a "black lives matter" sign is when a white kills a black. Where are the signs when a black kills a black? Apparently only black lives taken by white people are the ones that matter.

When a black person kills another they go to jail. The black lives matter is about cops shooting blacks. Its not about all violence. Thats like asking PETA to talk about the conditions of our prison system.

What should they do that would make you happy? Go ahead, spit it out

What did Bernie Sanders do? All i've ever seen him do is kiss up to African American Race-Baiter trolls. These people really are ignorant halfwits. Period, end of story.

Those two women are idiots! Congrats you are mad about something universally maddening. You win!

But if you're saying those two phony BLM people represents the movement. You Lose!

Halfwits. And there is no 'movement.' Just another scam.
So does the lack of signage mean that white lives matter and the white victims of white criminal doesnt count now?
Now you are spouting nonsense and you know it.

I'm trying to understand this secret formula you have to determine black lives dont matter. Lets see, Just like whites the majority of blacks are killed by their own and that shows that blacks lives dont matter, but white lives do? Same circumstances yield different results?

Nope no bias there.

Now whether or not someone created a sign is an indication that black lives dont really matter? See, it cant be the obvious....bigoted racist pricks. Its something else...Like a sign or something

You are an idiot. The only time you see a "black lives matter" sign is when a white kills a black. Where are the signs when a black kills a black? Apparently only black lives taken by white people are the ones that matter.

When a black person kills another they go to jail. The black lives matter is about cops shooting blacks. Its not about all violence. Thats like asking PETA to talk about the conditions of our prison system.

What should they do that would make you happy? Go ahead, spit it out
Okay, they are about white cops shooting (killing) blacks. I think there is some validity to that i.e. Eric Garner, and the man that died after being unsecured in the police van. Then they need PEACEFUL protests,

Once again, there hasnt been one protest that ever occurred where the people who didnt agree said they were peaceful. EVER!
I'm trying to understand this secret formula you have to determine black lives dont matter. Lets see, Just like whites the majority of blacks are killed by their own and that shows that blacks lives dont matter, but white lives do? Same circumstances yield different results?

Nope no bias there.

Now whether or not someone created a sign is an indication that black lives dont really matter? See, it cant be the obvious....bigoted racist pricks. Its something else...Like a sign or something

You are an idiot. The only time you see a "black lives matter" sign is when a white kills a black. Where are the signs when a black kills a black? Apparently only black lives taken by white people are the ones that matter.

When a black person kills another they go to jail. The black lives matter is about cops shooting blacks. Its not about all violence. Thats like asking PETA to talk about the conditions of our prison system.

What should they do that would make you happy? Go ahead, spit it out

What did Bernie Sanders do? All i've ever seen him do is kiss up to African American Race-Baiter trolls. These people really are ignorant halfwits. Period, end of story.

Those two women are idiots! Congrats you are mad about something universally maddening. You win!

But if you're saying those two phony BLM people represents the movement. You Lose!

Halfwits. And there is no 'movement.' Just another scam.

Yes Halfwits! Congrats again. But there is a movement, you're discussing it. A rose by any other name would be just as protesty
He should have tol them "We dont negotiate with terrorists" and had them hauled off. It is disgraceful. Dems created the BLM movement, as they fostered the OWS movement. They will rue the day. I foresee endless riots in cities induced by these knuckleheads.

Weren't the riots that burned Ferguson started by militarized police squashing protesters? Didn't North Korea & Iran build nuclear weapons after Bush threatened them & built them on his watch to make their point.
No and no.
The riots were started by rioters. Police stood by and did NOT squash them. That was the problem.
North Korea had a nuclear weapons program long before Bush.
The problem here is you are both uninformed and stupid.

Wrong! - People were protesting & the police army descended on them with tear gas & rubber bullets, then rioting broke out! Then Obama got the Governor to pull the police out of there allowing rioters to burn the town down. The police should have stood 1 guard near each business & let protesters exercise their constitutional right to protest & vent.
What color is the sky in your universe?
I'm trying to understand this secret formula you have to determine black lives dont matter. Lets see, Just like whites the majority of blacks are killed by their own and that shows that blacks lives dont matter, but white lives do? Same circumstances yield different results?

Nope no bias there.

Now whether or not someone created a sign is an indication that black lives dont really matter? See, it cant be the obvious....bigoted racist pricks. Its something else...Like a sign or something

You are an idiot. The only time you see a "black lives matter" sign is when a white kills a black. Where are the signs when a black kills a black? Apparently only black lives taken by white people are the ones that matter.

When a black person kills another they go to jail. The black lives matter is about cops shooting blacks. Its not about all violence. Thats like asking PETA to talk about the conditions of our prison system.

What should they do that would make you happy? Go ahead, spit it out

What did Bernie Sanders do? All i've ever seen him do is kiss up to African American Race-Baiter trolls. These people really are ignorant halfwits. Period, end of story.

Those two women are idiots! Congrats you are mad about something universally maddening. You win!

But if you're saying those two phony BLM people represents the movement. You Lose!

Halfwits. And there is no 'movement.' Just another scam.

Exactly, just like they claimed the OWS was a grassroots Movement. NEITHER are grassroots when they are being PAID for their protesting and now they (which the DNC probably doesn't care that they) are out of control causing RIOTS and lootings of whole towns. and they still stand behind them. that's some sick and twisted stuff.
Stephanie likes to pretend that there isnt a problem with police shooting unarmed people and the reason its not a problem is because she believes everyone is getting paid for protesting which somehow deletes the shootings from reality and everyone who reacts with anything other than a smile is lying that they dont favor shooting unarmed people for minor offenses.
You are an idiot. The only time you see a "black lives matter" sign is when a white kills a black. Where are the signs when a black kills a black? Apparently only black lives taken by white people are the ones that matter.

When a black person kills another they go to jail. The black lives matter is about cops shooting blacks. Its not about all violence. Thats like asking PETA to talk about the conditions of our prison system.

What should they do that would make you happy? Go ahead, spit it out

What did Bernie Sanders do? All i've ever seen him do is kiss up to African American Race-Baiter trolls. These people really are ignorant halfwits. Period, end of story.

Those two women are idiots! Congrats you are mad about something universally maddening. You win!

But if you're saying those two phony BLM people represents the movement. You Lose!

Halfwits. And there is no 'movement.' Just another scam.

Yes Halfwits! Congrats again. But there is a movement, you're discussing it. A rose by any other name would be just as protesty

Ha, another 'Occupy Wall Street'-style scam. Just in time for the Election. What a coincidence. And where are they now? What did they achieve? Their guy in the White House has received more cash from Corporate Banks than any other President in history. And Wall Street's enjoying one of its most prosperous times in history.

So this is just another manufactured Election-time ploy. But y'all better at least get some halfway intelligent people. These people are embarrassingly moronic. Good luck with that.
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Are the cops and the dead guys in on the scam also? Is that why they're shooting people? For the election?
Are the cops and the dead guys in on the scam also? Is that why they're shooting people? For the election?

Where's 'Occupy Wall Street' now? What are they saying about their guy in the White House receiving more Corporate Bank cash than any other President in history? Or about the record Wall Street profits their guy has overseen on his watch? I'm not hearing much. How bout you?

This is just another manufactured Election-time scam. But this wont be the only one. There will be more as we inch closer to the Election. But seriously, you guys better start recruiting at least some halfway intelligent people. You're not off to a good start. You're embarrassing yourselves.
I dont know about Occupy I'm just curious how this scam works. A cop agrees to shoot someone and someone agrees to die for the scam. They make sure to schedule it in a election year. The cop shoots said guy then other people who are in on the scam says "Hey, you shot that guy and I dont like it" all according to plan?
I dont know about Occupy I'm just curious how this scam works. A cop agrees to shoot someone and someone agrees to die for the scam. They make sure to schedule it in a election year. The cop shoots said guy then other people who are in on the scam says "Hey, you shot that guy and I dont like it" all according to plan?

Cops shoot criminals every day. The scam is the media & president will search for the few the police got wrong & appears to meet their racist criteria, then make political hay out of it until one ignites into national protest.
I dont know about Occupy I'm just curious how this scam works. A cop agrees to shoot someone and someone agrees to die for the scam. They make sure to schedule it in a election year. The cop shoots said guy then other people who are in on the scam says "Hey, you shot that guy and I dont like it" all according to plan?

Cops shoot criminals every day. The scam is the media & president will search for the few the police got wrong & appears to meet their racist criteria, then make political hay out of it until one ignites into national protest.

So the police and the dead guy arent involved in the scam...only the people who react negatively to the news of an unarmed person being killed?

This is complicated. The act isnt bad...the reaction to the act is what is really offensive?

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