It isn't a peaceful protest. It is obstructing candidates from speaking. They should be hauled off and jailed for disturbing the peace. Nothing racist about it.

No protest has ever been called peaceful by those that disagree with it. When MLK was getting milk and grits poured over his head just because he wanted to be able to eat a meal you white fuckers were going "OMG I cant believe they are being SO DISRUPTIVE"



and they replied with peaceful demonstrations, remember?

BTW, I love the way you bring up a 50+ year old picture to make a point about...


What was your point?

I'll quote my point since you missed it

No protest has ever been called peaceful by those that disagree with it. When MLK was getting milk and grits poured over his head just because he wanted to be able to eat a meal you white fuckers were going "OMG I cant believe they are being SO DISRUPTIVE"

Do you see it now? You're welcome
No protest has ever been called peaceful by those that disagree with it. When MLK was getting milk and grits poured over his head just because he wanted to be able to eat a meal you white fuckers were going "OMG I cant believe they are being SO DISRUPTIVE"



and they replied with peaceful demonstrations, remember?

BTW, I love the way you bring up a 50+ year old picture to make a point about...


What was your point?

I'll quote my point since you missed it

No protest has ever been called peaceful by those that disagree with it. When MLK was getting milk and grits poured over his head just because he wanted to be able to eat a meal you white fuckers were going "OMG I cant believe they are being SO DISRUPTIVE"

Do you see it now? You're welcome


Look at that guy, responding to a peaceful protest by attempting to help the young lad with his collar


and they replied with peaceful demonstrations, remember?

BTW, I love the way you bring up a 50+ year old picture to make a point about...


What was your point?

I'll quote my point since you missed it

No protest has ever been called peaceful by those that disagree with it. When MLK was getting milk and grits poured over his head just because he wanted to be able to eat a meal you white fuckers were going "OMG I cant believe they are being SO DISRUPTIVE"

Do you see it now? You're welcome


Look at that guy, responding to a peaceful protest by attempting to help the young lad with his collar
There's a lot of great pictures from the 1860's too. Going to use them?
It isn't a peaceful protest. It is obstructing candidates from speaking. They should be hauled off and jailed for disturbing the peace. Nothing racist about it.

No protest has ever been called peaceful by those that disagree with it. When MLK was getting milk and grits poured over his head just because he wanted to be able to eat a meal you white fuckers were going "OMG I cant believe they are being SO DISRUPTIVE"



and they replied with peaceful demonstrations, remember?

BTW, I love the way you bring up a 50+ year old picture to make a point about...


What was your point?

I'll quote my point since you missed it

No protest has ever been called peaceful by those that disagree with it. When MLK was getting milk and grits poured over his head just because he wanted to be able to eat a meal you white fuckers were going "OMG I cant believe they are being SO DISRUPTIVE"

Do you see it now? You're welcome

That was a point?

Do you use crutches, or a wheelchair, when you post.

Can't remember any one else being so lame.
the only thing left-wingers are doing here is making a case that the Left is indeed dangerous for America

all i really wish to see is that more people on the fence wondering who to vote for see that these extreme groups are FAR MORE aligned with the Left than the Right. i'm not worried people will take these groups as having a reasonalbe cause, as the laughable far-left message board posters think they should be
So, Close Caption, it's probably best you post about the present. Revisiting the past just isn't working for you. Should I get the Ferguson photos and decide which riot picture to illustrate my point? Should I use a picture of a thug looting a store or burning it down? Decisions, decisions...
why do you assume people who criticize this band of far-left racists have to be white?

is it because you're admitting they are largely black racists?

No, because I've been around USMB for a while. You're all white and you're all freaked out. Why? What about this movement bothers you so much?

all racists bother me; why do you support them?

Ah, you don't understand racism. Where, in the BlackLivesMatter movement is the statement that blacks are superior to whites?
Tell a group of them all lives matter and you'll get your response to that question.

You might as well scream the "N" word at them.

Responding to the movement in such a way just proves you have zero understanding of the issue. Saying that black lives matter is not saying others don't.

Again, ya'll need an understanding of racism. The BlackLivesMatter movement isn't racist.
It's just the KKK dressed up in a more leftist package.
why do you assume people who criticize this band of far-left racists have to be white?

is it because you're admitting they are largely black racists?

No, because I've been around USMB for a while. You're all white and you're all freaked out. Why? What about this movement bothers you so much?

all racists bother me; why do you support them?

Ah, you don't understand racism. Where, in the BlackLivesMatter movement is the statement that blacks are superior to whites?
Tell a group of them all lives matter and you'll get your response to that question.

You might as well scream the "N" word at them.

Responding to the movement in such a way just proves you have zero understanding of the issue. Saying that black lives matter is not saying others don't.

Again, ya'll need an understanding of racism. The BlackLivesMatter movement isn't racist.
But they get incensed when they hear someone say, ALL Lives Matter! They don't want to hear about equality...they want to pounce on whites saying just their lives matter.
So, Close Caption, it's probably best you post about the present. Revisiting the past just isn't working for you. Should I get the Ferguson photos and decide which riot picture to illustrate my point? Should I use a picture of a thug looting a store or burning it down? Decisions, decisions...

Why would you do that? Just to reinforce my point that any and every protest that ever happened that you dont agree with is characterized as being "not peaceful".

Its like people who are anti religion and you ask why and they respond about Priest Molesting Children as the entirety of religion. No, they are just picking out the bad to reinforce their already preconceived notions.
Can you blame the pandering Left for bringing up ancient history?
nothing they say about current affairs holds up the slightest bit of scrutiny, it's the same ol same ol false narrative they use with everything
all racists bother me; why do you support them?

Ah, you don't understand racism. Where, in the BlackLivesMatter movement is the statement that blacks are superior to whites?
Tell a group of them all lives matter and you'll get your response to that question.

You might as well scream the "N" word at them.

Responding to the movement in such a way just proves you have zero understanding of the issue. Saying that black lives matter is not saying others don't.

Again, ya'll need an understanding of racism. The BlackLivesMatter movement isn't racist.


you're just a loser deep in denial

they proved they ARE saying other lives matter when they blew a fit at A DEM RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT and FORCED HIM TO APOLOGIZE for saying just that; that ALL lives matter

you're a clown seawytch

Settle down troll boy, your posts are incoherent. Saying a life matters is not saying another does not. This is basic stuff here.

When you counter the black lives matter movement with "all lives matter" you're displaying a severe misunderstanding of the issue. Bernie understands better now.
Oh....we understand.
This is about pandering to racist blacks because they're loud and in our faces.
Back down to them and they'll only get worse.
why do you assume people who criticize this band of far-left racists have to be white?

is it because you're admitting they are largely black racists?

No, because I've been around USMB for a while. You're all white and you're all freaked out. Why? What about this movement bothers you so much?

all racists bother me; why do you support them?

Ah, you don't understand racism. Where, in the BlackLivesMatter movement is the statement that blacks are superior to whites?
Tell a group of them all lives matter and you'll get your response to that question.

You might as well scream the "N" word at them.

Responding to the movement in such a way just proves you have zero understanding of the issue. Saying that black lives matter is not saying others don't.

Again, ya'll need an understanding of racism. The BlackLivesMatter movement isn't racist.
When O'Malley said "all lives matter" he was forced to apologize. Yes, it is racist.
He should have tol them "We dont negotiate with terrorists" and had them hauled off. It is disgraceful. Dems created the BLM movement, as they fostered the OWS movement. They will rue the day. I foresee endless riots in cities induced by these knuckleheads.

Weren't the riots that burned Ferguson started by militarized police squashing protesters? Didn't North Korea & Iran build nuclear weapons after Bush threatened them & built them on his watch to make their point.
No and no.
The riots were started by rioters. Police stood by and did NOT squash them. That was the problem.
North Korea had a nuclear weapons program long before Bush.
The problem here is you are both uninformed and stupid.

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