Blacks drown at 5 times the rate of white people.

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No cogent human would ever say (or believe) that "Blacks can't swim."

But there are cultural reasons why fewer (by percentage) Blacks are regular recreational swimmers than "whites," and the question remains: why are they more likely to drown than "white" kids?

Are there any physiological reasons? Blacks being slightly less bouyant (due to more lean tissue)? Who knows?

But you can't even have a fucking discussion if every attempt to explain the difference results in being called a "racist."

You are making it way too difficult or you are racist. Why are white people so bad at rapping? Is there something different about their brains and mouths? Does that sound racist to you?

Because whites possess more talent.
No cogent human would ever say (or believe) that "Blacks can't swim."

But there are cultural reasons why fewer (by percentage) Blacks are regular recreational swimmers than "whites," and the question remains: why are they more likely to drown than "white" kids?

Are there any physiological reasons? Blacks being slightly less bouyant (due to more lean tissue)? Who knows?

But you can't even have a fucking discussion if every attempt to explain the difference results in being called a "racist."

You are making it way too difficult or you are racist. Why are white people so bad at rapping? Is there something different about their brains and mouths? Does that sound racist to you?

Because whites possess more talent.

So why can they not rap? If they had talent they could rap.
I do believe that American negro's still have a subconscious genetic memory from their living in Africa since before the stone age.

Because in most rivers and large bodies of water in Africa are infested with crocodiles and other dangerous animals.

So an aversion of swimming is deeply embedded within their DNA. .. :cool:

No racist that's not it. Not that you care what the reasons actually are.
It's the same with African Americans and snakes.

Many years ago I worked in a warehouse located on the outskirts of town. Sometimes a small snake would sneak in and hide among the pallets of material being stored for distribution.

If a white or spanish worker saw the snake they would hit it with a stick or something and kill it. No big deal.

But a black guy would absolutely freak out if they saw a snake and run and yell like he was being attacked by a king cobra. It was quite comical to see the look of fear on their faces and and how big the whites of their eyes would get.

Which leads me to believe that black people have embedded in their psyche some kind of genetic DNA memory from living for ten's of thousands of years in Africa.

Such as not wanting to swim or their inordinate fear of snakes. .. :cool:
No cogent human would ever say (or believe) that "Blacks can't swim."

But there are cultural reasons why fewer (by percentage) Blacks are regular recreational swimmers than "whites," and the question remains: why are they more likely to drown than "white" kids?

Are there any physiological reasons? Blacks being slightly less bouyant (due to more lean tissue)? Who knows?

But you can't even have a fucking discussion if every attempt to explain the difference results in being called a "racist."

You are making it way too difficult or you are racist. Why are white people so bad at rapping? Is there something different about their brains and mouths? Does that sound racist to you?

Eminem is bad at rapping?

Rapping requires an inability to carry a tune or formulate a melody.
No cogent human would ever say (or believe) that "Blacks can't swim."

But there are cultural reasons why fewer (by percentage) Blacks are regular recreational swimmers than "whites," and the question remains: why are they more likely to drown than "white" kids?

Are there any physiological reasons? Blacks being slightly less bouyant (due to more lean tissue)? Who knows?

But you can't even have a fucking discussion if every attempt to explain the difference results in being called a "racist."

You are making it way too difficult or you are racist. Why are white people so bad at rapping? Is there something different about their brains and mouths? Does that sound racist to you?

Eminem is bad at rapping?

Rapping requires an inability to carry a tune or formulate a melody.

In general white people have a hard time with the rap game. 3 or 4 great white hopes don't constitute a run on the industry. The fact that white kids are the biggest demographic that buys rap would make me think more would have taken the industry over like they did country and rock.
And white people can't seem beat Kenyans at long distance running. Your point?

My six year old son is a great swimmer, it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with my parents having a pool. Do you want black people to swim? Because you know once that happens they will dominate, and a racist like you might not be able to handle that. You are probably still not over Tiger.

Thanked by Rat in the Hat

Once we take over it will be like the NBA and whites racists will invent some pseudo scientific explanation as to why. :lol:
You do realize why black people in the US are better at basketball right? Its because black kids play it a fuckload more than white kids do. Ive got no idea what the numbers are, but im guessing for every 1 white kid who religiously plays basketball, theres 10 black kids doing the same thing. Its the same reason why white people are better at baseball. Do you think the reason most top level wrestlers are white, is because black people are inherently bad at it? Think again. Certain cultures latch on to certain sports and then they excel at them. That's why a country like Norway can beat everyone in skiing. Its a big part of their culture.

Are Jamaicans good at basketball? Theyre black, so why aren't they good at basketball? because they don't play basketball as much as black people in the US. Ever see a Nigerian basketball team win a gold in the olympics? Why not? Same answer. There are black people living in China, but when is the last time you saw a black man on a Chinese basketball team? There are approximately 10 million black people living in China, and they certainly do not grow up playing basketball as much as inner city black kids in the US, therefore they don't produce enough stars to in order to make those Chinese teams.

Yes, it has to do with environment. An awful lot of black kids grow up in inner cities and don't have access to swimming pools. It used to be that the best ice skaters were from Scandinavia because that is where they used to do the most skating; nowadays, with artificial ice rinks in more countries, more skaters are from around the world. The best polo players are rich kids from places where people play polo. Lots of kids from Puerto Rico and South America play baseball growing up, so they are good baseball players. And so it goes. It's pretty obvious. It has to do with the environment you grow up in, and it has to do with what people there have been doing for generations. The best skiers are from Norway, Switzerland, Germany, and other countries where there is a lot of skiing. White people win most of the medals in the Olympics because they have the most money to devote to training.
How much of this is socioeconomic?
Who has luxury to own or share a swimming pool?
To take time to swim?

What if blacks are naturally athletic and don't use swimming as exercise as much as other folks who need that. So if more parents or people swim so do their kids and friends.

I remember seeing Debi Thomas skating and thinking how many people can afford to take up ice skating athletically and professionally. Or Tiger Woods and his golfing which is also a very expensive sport to master.

I think most of this is social conditioning.
If your friends don't go swimming as much, neither do you.

Somehow this will be blamed on white people. Part of their giant conspiracy to hurt blacks.

The Associated Press

May 15, 6:43 PM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) -- Swimming pools are a much greater danger to black children and teens than they are to other kids, a new government study shows.

Black children ages 5 to 19 drown in swimming pools at a rate more than five times that of white children, the research found. That suggests a lot of blacks are not learning to swim, said the lead author, Dr. Julie Gilchrist of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The racial differences were smaller for drownings in lakes or other bodies of water. Experts think that's because relatively few blacks go boating or participate in other water activities

Reminds me of the comedian who jokes about white people in horror movies going INTO the haunted house instead of running for their lives.

With "black people" in a crowd, if one person starts running, they all take off.
They don't wait to see what the commotion is about.

So maybe with black people who don't swim, they just stay away from water
to avoid any issue altogether. Not interested enough.

Whatever people do for entertainment to hang out with friends, how many choose swimming?
No one tells me anything. I form my own opinions.

OK. I thought someone really important said rapping took no talent. Someone like the newest billionaire Dr Dre. If its just your opinion then that doesn't really matter to anyone.

It matters to me and obviously it matters enough to you for you to reply.

Vocal talent is subjective.

It matters only to you. I was just letting you know that so you wouldnt be under any illusions. However, thats besides the point. White people have not been able to take over Rap yet. Is that a talent thing or is it a genetic thing?
Somehow this will be blamed on white people. Part of their giant conspiracy to hurt blacks.

The Associated Press

May 15, 6:43 PM EDT

NEW YORK (AP) -- Swimming pools are a much greater danger to black children and teens than they are to other kids, a new government study shows.

Black children ages 5 to 19 drown in swimming pools at a rate more than five times that of white children, the research found. That suggests a lot of blacks are not learning to swim, said the lead author, Dr. Julie Gilchrist of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The racial differences were smaller for drownings in lakes or other bodies of water. Experts think that's because relatively few blacks go boating or participate in other water activities

At the Ft. Lauderdale boat show, circa mid 90s, I wandered into a guy's display booth who sold all sorts of books about various aspects of boating and whatnot .

I came across one on a shelf with a title something like "Blacks I've Met Through Boating" printed on its spine. Curious about the title, I picked it up to thumb through it. About an inch or so thick, it contained nothing but blank pages.
OK. I thought someone really important said rapping took no talent. Someone like the newest billionaire Dr Dre. If its just your opinion then that doesn't really matter to anyone.

It matters to me and obviously it matters enough to you for you to reply.

Vocal talent is subjective.

It matters only to you. I was just letting you know that so you wouldnt be under any illusions. However, thats besides the point. White people have not been able to take over Rap yet. Is that a talent thing or is it a genetic thing?

It's probably because white people pride themselves on having morals whereas blacks folks don't.
It matters to me and obviously it matters enough to you for you to reply.

Vocal talent is subjective.

It matters only to you. I was just letting you know that so you wouldnt be under any illusions. However, thats besides the point. White people have not been able to take over Rap yet. Is that a talent thing or is it a genetic thing?

It's probably because white people pride themselves on having morals whereas blacks folks don't.

Is that why after whites took over rock and roll it was filled with easy sex and drugs? Your post doesn't make sense. Whites dont have any more morals than anyone else. Actually the argument can be made they have less morals. However, since we know its not a morals thing it has to be practice or genetics. Which one do you think?
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It matters only to you. I was just letting you know that so you wouldnt be under any illusions. However, thats besides the point. White people have not been able to take over Rap yet. Is that a talent thing or is it a genetic thing?

It's probably because white people pride themselves on having morals whereas blacks folks don't.

Is that why after whites took over rock and roll it was filled with easy sex and drugs? Your post doesn't make sense. Whites dont have any more morals than anyone else. Actually the argument can be made they have less morals. However, since we know its not a morals thing it has to be practice or genetics. Which one do you think?

Rock and roll wasn't all about sex and drugs when it originated and if you were honest you wouldn't have made such a asinine comment.

Also if you were honest you would know that there is no comparison between rap and rock and roll, no where in rocks history do you have the degradation of women, the glorification of crime, the hatred of cops...etc.
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