Blacks much more racist than Whites!

Blacks destroyed a large percentage of our cities and they think they're owed something? Wow, you can't make this shit up.

Even if we did, you not being deported back to the homeland is payment enough.

Why haven't YOU been deported, loser?
Blacks destroyed a large percentage of our cities and they think they're owed something? Wow, you can't make this shit up.

Even if we did, you not being deported back to the homeland is payment enough.

You can't deport citizens, dumb fuck.
These rude disrespectful people will never stop until White America stands together as one and declares with conviction that they are fed up with this bullshit and it will cease immediately if not sooner or we're gonna go cracker on their asses.

There is no such thing as "White America" you idiot. YOU sure as hell aren't going to "go cracker" on anyone, so can that empty blather, big mouth.
I guess he meant the "white portion" of America, so who is the idiot maybe ? Funny how when people read something, they think they can take it somehow, and then re-interpret it wrongfully, to then fire back even though they realized what the person meant, but try and hope that we as readers didn't know what they meant, as so to be found gullible in the changing of what the person meant as you have done when you changed it in the way that you attempted to. Just an observation is all..... B )
Whites call us racist for wanting all we have owed to us as reparations. We earned it.
Ok, you started out with (Whites) as if all whites who live today owe you or yall something, in which I also will ask this next out of your words spoken, "who is this ((us))" in which you refer to in your statement (blacks) ? What if one of you for whom is black, doesn't deserve what he thinks he is owed, and yet all because of such thinking found in blanket terms in which you have spoken of here, he or she thinks that they are owed something when they are not owed anything beyond what they can earn honestly in their current lives, and for which is not related to the past at all ? You see the crux of this problem presented here by you ? Hec I know whites who don't deserve what they think that they should have at all, and it is my hopes by their actions and/or character illustrated openly, that they don't get what they THINK they should have either, just because they think it, and do not earn it or never earned it, doesn't mean they should have it. This color thing over character thing is playing out I do believe, and it is the only way for this nation to move positively into it's future for all in character there of, and as Americans one and all there of.
Whites call us racist for wanting all we have owed to us as reparations. We earned it.

How did you earn it? Also, why would i want to give you my money? cause yer grand daddy had a hard time? That argument is meaningless to me. I dont care if he got ass raped every day of his life, its still not going to convince me to give you my money. The fact that you demand it makes it even less likely to happen.

You want my money? Perform a worthwhile service for me and ill give you some.
Obvious troll is obviously trolling and some of you are just eating it up.
Yeah we blacks are so racist. I mean even though the whites made laws that restricted blacks and before enslaved them not to mention treated them like crap and created one of the oldest terrorist groups in American history known as the ku klux klan that killed blacks, yeah we're the most racist people here and everyone else is loving and caring. History is against this thread.
Yeah we blacks are so racist. I mean even though the whites made laws that restricted blacks and before enslaved them not to mention treated them like crap and created one of the oldest terrorist groups in American history known as the ku klux klan that killed blacks, yeah we're the most racist people here and everyone else is loving and caring. History is against this thread.

History is irrellevent. The question is about who is the most racist TODAY. If youre being honest with yourself, you already know the answer.
Obvious troll is obviously trolling and some of you are just eating it up.
Angry cause you can't be the guru of the board all the time, for whom tries to get the flock to drink of your cool aid? Pitty!!
Yeah we blacks are so racist..

Some of you are, and then they use it as an excuse (do you deny it?), and that is a problem for your cause in life, then add in the ones who are drug lords, burglars, car thieves, pimps, thugs, corrupted, brainwashed, jealous, conspirators, predators and etc. then hey you are just like the whites are, where as you then number only a few that are among your group, whom may deserve something maybe.

I mean even though the whites made laws that restricted blacks and before enslaved them not to mention treated them like crap and created one of the oldest terrorist groups in American history known as the ku klux Klan, that killed blacks, yeah we're the most racist people here and everyone else is loving and caring.

And so you deny the sacrifices in which the whites have made through out time for the blacks in America, as well as over seas, in order to (here in America) rectify the problems or ill informed choices and influences of the past ?Do you deny the facts that whites have been some of the most humanitarian champions in the world till this day? Sure you do, because using the blanket term "Whites", to include all by skin color says it all, especially when you speak in the blanket terms in which you speak in the ways that you do.

History is against this thread.

The future is against your brainwashing abilities to sway the masses as you think you and your cohorts can do.
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Obvious troll is obviously trolling and some of you are just eating it up.
Angry cause you can't be the guru of the board all the time, for whom tries to get the flock to drink of your cool aid? Pitty!!

Angry? Try amused.
What, maybe your intelect is failing you now, so it's gotta be that your amused (laughing all the time at yourself) instead ? I would be amused also, if my intelectual abilities were slipping, so in your case amused it shall be, because you can't handle the fact that your intelectual brain power is running real low these days.

Troll ? You are the very definition of a troll > One whom strikes quickly at posters work, but never gives them a real good heart felt thought out hand written solution to any of these problems that are faced today, just mush and mash is all we get out of you it seems.
You truly are a douche and with no knowledge of the US! Hating on Jews is the only allowable prejudice still allowed in the US. Go to an US college and it's crystal clear. The media is so biased against Israel. YES YOU HEARD THAT CORRECTLY!!!

You ARE kidding aren't you?

The difference - Hamas/Hezbollah/Islamic Jihad/Al Qaeda/Kalam hide behind civilians using them as human shields and Israel stands in front of them protecting them like shields!
Help Win the Trade War with China, Japan, India and the 3rd World! Join the Fair Tax Coalition - Repeal the 16h Amendment!

Anti-zionism morphs into anti-semitism 100% of the time!
"When people criticize Zionism, they mean Jews - this is God's own truth." - MLK Jr.
Beer, the problem and the solution to all of life's daily problems. - Homer Simpson

Nope. No bias here. :doubt:

Are you sure you're not an on-line agent for Islam?
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Angry? Try amused.
What, maybe your intelect [sic] is failing you now, so it's gotta be that your[sic] amused (laughing all the time at yourself) instead ?

:lol: Semi-literate jokers like you keep things amusing. :clap2:
Semi-literate jokers like me eh ? You know, sometimes being on a more level smooth running balanced keel in life (not so smart and not so dumb), is better than being a liberal brainwashed socialist educated fool, who because of the pot luck soup your brains have become now, it has led you into un-charted territory, just like the President plays in most of the time, and where he has people like Hillary, Biden, Pelosi, Reed and the funky bunch to back him up. This is when he slips stumbles and falls because of the blinders he has on, where as they have to hold his hand as he walks most of the time, but hey misery loves company, so they welcome you to their defense always.. Somebody needs to try and help them, and I guess you might try, even though it is fruitless in doing so in the ways that you are doing it, and you call me a semi-literate joker? Laughing now....
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Yeah we blacks are so racist..

Some of you are, and then they use it as an excuse (do you deny it?), and that is a problem for your cause in life, then add in the ones who are drug lords, burglars, car thieves, pimps, thugs, corrupted, brainwashed, jealous, conspirators, predators and etc. then hey you are just like the whites are, where as you then number only a few that are among your group, whom may deserve something maybe.

I mean even though the whites made laws that restricted blacks and before enslaved them not to mention treated them like crap and created one of the oldest terrorist groups in American history known as the ku klux Klan, that killed blacks, yeah we're the most racist people here and everyone else is loving and caring.

And so you deny the sacrifices in which the whites have made through out time for the blacks in America, as well as over seas, in order to (here in America) rectify the problems or ill informed choices and influences of the past ?Do you deny the facts that whites have been some of the most humanitarian champions in the world till this day? Sure you do, because using the blanket term "Whites", to include all by skin color says it all, especially when you speak in the blanket terms in which you speak in the ways that you do.

History is against this thread.

The future is against your brainwashing abilities to sway the masses as you think you and your cohorts can do.
. Brainwashing? This thread is saying that the victims of racism are now the most racist today? Yeah that makes perfect sense. Every race has its ignorance. I find it funny how your making these Stupid assumptions about me and other blacks that aren't even true. You little troll.
Yeah we blacks are so racist..

Some of you are, and then they use it as an excuse (do you deny it?), and that is a problem for your cause in life, then add in the ones who are drug lords, burglars, car thieves, pimps, thugs, corrupted, brainwashed, jealous, conspirators, predators and etc. then hey you are just like the whites are, where as you then number only a few that are among your group, whom may deserve something maybe.

And so you deny the sacrifices in which the whites have made through out time for the blacks in America, as well as over seas, in order to (here in America) rectify the problems or ill informed choices and influences of the past ?Do you deny the facts that whites have been some of the most humanitarian champions in the world till this day? Sure you do, because using the blanket term "Whites", to include all by skin color says it all, especially when you speak in the blanket terms in which you speak in the ways that you do.

History is against this thread.

The future is against your brainwashing abilities to sway the masses as you think you and your cohorts can do.
. Brainwashing? This thread is saying that the victims of racism are now the most racist today? Yeah that makes perfect sense. Every race has its ignorance. I find it funny how your making these Stupid assumptions about me and other blacks that aren't even true. You little troll.
That's right, the attempted opportunistic brainwashing that is going on in some of these post/threads by some is an observed trend, and yes some opinions may not be related to the original OP as it was written, but yet the OP is attempted to be used for a stage by some in order to get some wild opinions in or out of some who have stopped in to voice their opinions as well. Many original OP's don't end up being what they started out to be, so it's best to keep up with the eb and flow of these threads, and you will then see what has been thrown out there, and what it has since turned towards in which is not in relation to the original OP since it has changed over time.

A troll is someone who does not follow along, and therefore makes a jab at it anyway, and therefore the jab is based only on one persons opinion given when read, and not being based upon the eb and flow of the entire thread, in which may have taken a turn in opinion anywhere within the thread, and at anytime, where as the original writer of the thread may have taken a new stance on a subject, if he or she was convinced differently within the thread that was written by a person who needs information or thinks he has theeee information sought after by all.
Some of you are, and then they use it as an excuse (do you deny it?), and that is a problem for your cause in life, then add in the ones who are drug lords, burglars, car thieves, pimps, thugs, corrupted, brainwashed, jealous, conspirators, predators and etc. then hey you are just like the whites are, where as you then number only a few that are among your group, whom may deserve something maybe.

And so you deny the sacrifices in which the whites have made through out time for the blacks in America, as well as over seas, in order to (here in America) rectify the problems or ill informed choices and influences of the past ?Do you deny the facts that whites have been some of the most humanitarian champions in the world till this day? Sure you do, because using the blanket term "Whites", to include all by skin color says it all, especially when you speak in the blanket terms in which you speak in the ways that you do.

The future is against your brainwashing abilities to sway the masses as you think you and your cohorts can do.
. Brainwashing? This thread is saying that the victims of racism are now the most racist today? Yeah that makes perfect sense. Every race has its ignorance. I find it funny how your making these Stupid assumptions about me and other blacks that aren't even true. You little troll.
That's right, the attempted opportunistic brainwashing that is going on in some of these post/threads by some is an observed trend, and yes some opinions may not be related to the original OP as it was written, but yet the OP is attempted to be used for a stage by some in order to get some wild opinions in or out of some who have stopped in to voice their opinions as well. Many original OP's don't end up being what they started out to be, so it's best to keep up with the eb and flow of these threads, and you will then see what has been thrown out there, and what it has since turned towards in which is not in relation to the original OP since it has changed over time.

A troll is someone who does not follow along, and therefore makes a jab at it anyway, and therefore the jab is based only on one persons opinion given when read, and not being based upon the eb and flow of the entire thread, in which may have taken a turn in opinion anywhere within the thread, and at anytime, where as the original writer of the thread may have taken a new stance on a subject, if he or she was convinced differently within the thread that was written by a person who needs information or thinks he has theeee information sought after by all.

I am young. Can you please explain how this thread is true? I mean I just would like to know how my race is now the most racist. After history of being persecuted and judged, somehow it reversed, please explain this because the person who made this thread didn't explain. How is it that a minority race is more racist than the majority?
What, maybe your intelect [sic] is failing you now, so it's gotta be that your[sic] amused (laughing all the time at yourself) instead ?

:lol: Semi-literate jokers like you keep things amusing. :clap2:
Semi-literate jokers like me eh ? You know, sometimes being on a more level smooth running balanced keel in life (not so smart and not so dumb), is better than being a liberal brainwashed socialist educated fool, who because of the pot luck soup your brains have become now, it has led you into un-charted territory, just like the President plays in most of the time, and where he has people like Hillary, Biden, Pelosi, Reed and the funky bunch to back him up. This is when he slips stumbles and falls because of the blinders he has on, where as they have to hold his hand as he walks most of the time. Hey misery loves company, so they welcome you to their defense always.. Somebody needs to try and help them, and I guess you might try, even though it is fruitless in doing so in the ways that you are doing it, and you call me a semi-literate joker? Laughing now....

I can see from this latest vomitous mass of random words that calling you a semi-literate joker was greatly overestimating you. I hope for your sake that you are drunk right now. It is the only way to explain how you could conclude that I am a "liberal" or have ever come to the defense of Hilary, Biden, et. al. Sober up.
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