Blacks much more racist than Whites!

What do you think is more wrong
1# A white man wanting the best for his business and hiring that. Let's be honest, environmental or genetic caused- black culture doesn't promote hard work and advancement.
2# A black man beating up whites as he feels he's wronged by whites walking down his street?

In oregon,thats hard to believe
well it used to be whites being the most racist,maybe they have went under a rock or something.Now they are just getting back what they put out there.
well it used to be whites being the most racist,maybe they have went under a rock or something.Now they are just getting back what they put out there.
So was this the plan all along ? What to someday ((get back at)) whitey, and do it in a very covert way as to make whitey think that all one really wants out of all of this is equality, and equal judgement upon each others character, and equal justice under the law ?

Do tell what the real agenda is if you think you know these things, especially in concerns to all that we are experiencing to date in America-cuz-enquiring minds sure wants to know.
My amazing power of observation tells me that blacks are by far the most racist people in America.

Does saying such a thing about a group that is suppose to be off limits to criticism make me a racist?

My "power of observation" tells me that you would be taken much more seriously if you had an avatar that does not resemble a!
We just think that blacks who did not have anything to do with or were never directly affected by slavery have no real justification to expect reparations. Following your line of thought, all whites then deserve reparations from England too? We give too much to blacks already AA, welfare special schools and black only tv stations etc. Wait til you lose your job because the AA idiots decided that not enough blacks were in the higher up positions, to hell with working your way up or real qualifications. How you gonna feel then? This is exactly what your Fascist president wants to implement and has said so publicly. Is it any real wonder that when Obama is putting all these blacks into better jobs that they cannot perform properly and have not earned the experience to have, that the government is such a mess. Look at how much fraud in medicare, taxes and welfare is costing this country every year. This is the way of the Fascist in chief. Live with it, you probably voted for that racist fool anyway.

Yeah, keyword on THINK, and not that you KNOW that all black people want reparation and only got employment from AA. BS from a typical right wing asshole, and no, I'm not a liberal. You continue to prove that AA is a bigot's favorite tool, because you think no black can ever do anything on their own merit. Blame you failures on other things, loser.

BTW BET does feature other races, Eminem, Justin Timberlake even Justin Bieber. It's a blacker version of MTV/VH1 owned by Viacom (the owners of MTV/VH1).

Welfare wasn't created for black people in the first place.

Historically Black Colleges aren't racially exclusive, if they are (which is ILLEGAL), lawyer up and start suing. Funny how none of you right wingers ever done that.

You're just a big whiner and blame others just like.....the BLACKS.

And for the blacks who still want reparations or on welfare, if it didn't happen during the emancipation of slavery or civil rights movement it WON'T happen EVER. Get over it. And get off welfare, so right winger losers will have less to whine about.
LoL this thread fails..

Let's see in the United States historically whites were known for:

Designing Jim Crow Laws
Institutional racism
classification of humans via using the term race

Ah yes your as observant as a kid with downsyndrome
And in Modern America, whites are known for Affirmative Action, white guilt, bending over backwards to make amends and electing a black president.

Welcome to the 21st Century my brotha! :afro:

Your kind of white folk certainly were NOT responsible for ANY of the things you listed with such confidence! In fact your brand of whiteness fought every effort towards egalitarianism for Blacks and that fight continues. It was liberals and moderate white people who accomplished those things you listed; so, don't even try to sully their altruism by attempting to enjoin conservative racists with them under the same umbrella of whiteness!

Well said.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Black racism is not only accepted, it is expected and accentuated by our current socialist president. He wants nothing more than to bring YT down and put all blacks in power. Can I get an AMEN Brother Jeremiah Wright?

No amen, just a few recommendations:

Valium, Xanax, Serax, Ativan, Klonopin, Librium and Tranxene.

A straight jacket may help also.
I don't think that blacks are racist in that they feel themselves superior to anyone. However, it does seem that far too many of black Americans have a chip on their shoulders. This is perhaps understandable to some degree, but seems to be lacking in other countries with similar histories.

It seems that this chip has become a part of black culture going back to the period of civil rights in the 60s. Some have managed to adjust and get on with their lives, while others see the chip as almost an integral part of what it is to be black in America. Ultimately, this attitude serves no one well.

I am not under the impression that I'm spreading gospel here, but the above is simply my impression.
LoL this thread fails..

Let's see in the United States historically whites were known for:

Designing Jim Crow Laws
Institutional racism
classification of humans via using the term race

Ah yes your as observant as a kid with downsyndrome

what does not remain today:

jim crow laws

what does remain:
institutionalized racism in the form of affirmative action
classification using the term race for the purpose of affirmative action

Would you be OK with AA if it were just a tie breaker amongst equals instead of racial quotas? Aren't there social benefits to helping needy groups?

don't non-racists believe in color blindness?

don't non-racists believe that there should be no stereotyping people by grouping?

aren't there needy people instead of needy groups?

Kinda makes you wonder if the non-racists don't have a self-serving agenda doesn't it?
Blacks are taught to be racist and this behavior is very much encouraged in their communities. They call whites honkey and cracker all the time but we cannot even think the N word at all. Whites at least try to tolerate all the horrifying behaviors that blacks so proudly display in public. Examples are as follows; Deliberately holding up lines at cashiers if a cracker is behind them, taking up the whole aisle in stores and not moving if a white person is walking through, letting their multitude of illegitimate children ransack stores while they shop. I could go on for hours. It has been getting progressively worse since Obama got into office. They feel more entitlement than ever, like they are owed everything by whites. Here is a novel idea, why don't they try to say work, act like responsible parents, save money for retirement, and get off drugs? I also hate when I go to a store and blacks take the handicapped spots or just park right in the fire lane. Are blacks ever going to stop blaming whites for their horrifying and racist actions. I don't see whites organizing a beat whitey day at the Wisconsin state fair, nor do I see groups of whites singling out blacks to go beat and rob just for being black. The bad part of that is that it is buried by the Obama controlled media and not even tried as a hate crime. Sorry everyone, blacks are the biggest financial and social problem this country is facing today. Does anyone recall the New Black PAnthers openly calling for, on their radio program, a kill a cracker for Trayvon day? Black crime stats do not lie, and a 70 percent illegitimate children rate is also a stark reality that they want to blame on YT.
I believe all of the rude and disrespectful actions of blacks which you mentioned here are encouraged by white guilt and white silence.

In other words, whites have been conditioned to accept such treatment, the left out of White Guilt and the right because they know to speak-out or complain will only bring accusations of racism, so they bite their tongue.

Unfortunately this guilt and silence only serves to exasperate the problem even though there are whites in many of the suburbs and most of the rural areas who rarely if ever are exposed to this black hate or their ill-mannered actions.

These rude disrespectful people will never stop until White America stands together as one and declares with conviction that they are fed up with this bullshit and it will cease immediately if not sooner or we're gonna go cracker on their asses.

Those People are no longer running around the jungle butt-naked and barefoot with a bone in their nose, eating bugs and fucking in grass huts with dirt floors, which means it's high time they get with the program and start acting like civilized human beings!

I absolutely agree that slavery definitely sucked to those African-Americans who were actually slaves, but if the truth be told it was the best thing that ever happened to their 20th and 21st Century descendants.

I Have A Dream too...That all people will realize how good we have it here in the US and stop trying to turn this place into a communist shithole and stop with all this white hate and blame so we can move on in peace.

Whew, end of rant...thanx for listening!
These rude disrespectful people will never stop until White America stands together as one and declares with conviction that they are fed up with this bullshit and it will cease immediately if not sooner or we're gonna go cracker on their asses.

There is no such thing as "White America" you idiot. YOU sure as hell aren't going to "go cracker" on anyone, so can that empty blather, big mouth.
What are blacks doing to end blacks being racist to whites within their community?

What's good for the goose is good for the gander!

What are YOU doing to end inbred hypocritical morons being racist to everyone in the country? Oh yeah, NOTHING.
My amazing power of observation tells me that blacks are by far the most racist people in America.

Does saying such a thing about a group that is suppose to be off limits to criticism make me a racist?

Honestly from my perspective being born and brought up in America to Vietnamese parents, and learning how to work
with both Vietnamese and African Americans in my neighborhood who have struggled together against political oppression,
there are as many Asians who can be unforgiving and reject people (even against each other:
The Vietnamese councilmember in Houston was still receiving death threats for
doing business with the Vietnamese government which is considered being pro-communist)

It really depends where people are in their anger, grief and recovery stages.
The scars carried on by Native American, African American and even
Vietnamese after the war, can still surface for generations to come until these memories are completely healed,
which requires forgiveness or they can keep crepeating the same cycles of victimhood.

I've seen people who hadn't suffered as much in this lifetime act worse
than people who suffered intolerable injustice but had spiritual support
to rise above it. Those who don't can carry the anger from past
injustices and keep projecting it. Seen this in people of all races, it just depends
where they are in the spiritual process that all cultures and all humanity go through
in their own ways because of our diverse experiences in life. Can't compare any two
people's pains, perceptions or healing and recovery process; that is for each
person to go through and all we can do is try to support and help one another
make the process go smoother. Like the 5 stages of grief, it does not help anyone to
judge someone for where they are, all the stages are necessary and serve a purpose.
We just have to help each other, that's all.
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