Blacks .. Still Chumps of the Democratic Party..

The Democratic Party sponsored KKK used to torture and hang Blacks, I don't believe you would do the same but you don't mind race baiting obviously.

Not lately.

I guess you didn't notice..

There's a reason David Duke switched from democrat to republican. The republican values more closely aligned with his than democrats did.

I guess you didn't notice.
David Duke certainly doesn't represent me or the majority of conservatives, (your 2nd race baiting lie.)

Now if you could actually prove your statement I'd be willing to read it...:bye1:

And yet you just trotted out this "Democratic Party sponsored KKK" song and dance? :lol:

Having it both ways: priceless.

The KKK has never been "sponsored" by anything outside its own membership. Nor was it ever founded by politics. It was founded by six bored college-age Confederate veterans on Christmas Day of 1865. This is why it came up with the humorous alliteration schemes of "klaverns" and "kleagles" and the whole Greek mythology reference -- the whole thing was a joke, a lark by bored young men in a small town. It wasn't even founded for terrorism.

What was also going on at the time was mass persecution of newly-freed Africans... lynchings, rapes, burning, even being skinned... for the crimes of asking for a fair wage or daring to walk into town. This became organized into vigilante terrorism groups such as the White League and the Knights of the White Camelllia, inevitably by Confederate war veterans, for the purpose of insurrection against "carpetbaggers", Northerners and Republicans (overlapping terms), to prevent emancipation from taking hold, and in effect to continue the War. Into this prank KKK group came this element, seeking an organization as a vehicle. Having no specific original purpose other than as a joke, the KKK was quickly taken over by that element.

To that quest for legitimacy the KKK recruited Nathan Bedford Forrest, a noteworthy Civil War general (again, not a politician) to be its figurehead (1867), and thereby grow its membership base. But the aforementioned element got so out of hand that less than two years later, even Forrest -- who had himself been a slave trader and heavily implicated in a racial massacre during the war -- decided it was over the top, disbanded the KKK in January of 1869, and dissassociated himself, even denying ever having been part of it.

That didn't stop the Element, who went on with the name and trappings and without a figurehead which simply further demonstrates it as a cultural movement rather than an organized or political one) and continued their murderous rampage for another decade until they were exterminated by the end of the 1870s.

That would have been it for the Klan, and it would have been relegated to the obscurity of history along with the Knights of the White Camellia, had it not been for William Simmons. Simmons RE-started the Klan, the version we're more familiar with in our time, exactly one hundred years ago after viewing some liberal Hollywood crap called "Birth of a Nation". Simmons was an inveterate club-joiner and salesman -- and once again, not a politician. He brought in the whole burning cross thing (taken directly from the film) consecrating the group with a fiery cross atop Stone Mountain in Georgia, and expanded the KKK mission to not just the racial/cultural interests of the South but a Morality Police raging against foreigners (xenophobia being big at the time along with racism) as well as Jews, Catholics, communists, adulterers and loose women.

He also brought in PR personnel to spread the Klan gospel nationwide, making deep inroads into the midwest and west, especially Indiana and Colorado, where it got Senators and Governors elected to office (Republicans btw) in its first forays into actual political campaigning. It also disrupted the 1924 Democratic convention, working to put down an Alabama Senator candidate who had denounced the KKK and railing against Al Smith because he was a Catholic.

That KKK political push peaked fortunately after the 1920s and by World War II the KKK was dead again. Until another assclown, who I apologize, can't think of his name off the top of my head, re-restarted the Klan in the late 1940s and stirred the shit for a few years until happily, he dropped dead of a heart attack and went to hell.

He wasn't a politician either.

The Klan has always been a far-right cultural vigilante group. Its only interests in politics have been as an avenue to that cultural agenda, and to that end it worked with Democrats or Republicans, whichever worked at that time in that place.

So much for your bullshit link, Lumps.

And speaking of that bullshit link -- it says, and I quote,
"Fact: In the 1950s, President Eisenhower, a Republican, integrated the US military and promoted civil rights for minorities."

Uh-- no, not "fact" at all. That would be Harry Truman, 1948, Exectutive Order 9981. Look it up. You don't establish a fact by typing the word "Fact:" before it. Nor do you make a case with lines like "Funny how that works".

Which brings us to another bullshit line:
Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery.

The first part about the RP is basically true; slavery and its abolition were burning issues at the time of its founding in 1854. As to the second part, watch this --

In the election of 1860, the Republican and Democratic Presidential candidates were Lincoln and Douglas respectively.
-- How many states/electoral votes did the Republican Lincoln win in the South? Zero.
-- How many states/electoral votes did the Democrat Douglas win in the South? Also Zero.

That's because the South found its unholy allliance with the DP unworkable, bolted and ran its own candidates (actually two, Breckenridge and Bell). Just as it had found the DP stance unacceptable in 1948 (see above) when it bolted and formed another party under Strom Thurmond. Just as George Wallace also did in 1968 and 1972 -- and had to be talked out of doing so in 1964 by Barry Goldwater, who Wallace had petitioned to be his running mate. Just as the KKK disrupted the Democratic convention of 1924 (further above) and the one in 1860 which had to be closed and rescheduled.

The racist element of the South had long ongoing feuds with the Democratic Party going all the way back to before the Civil War. So much so that they formed their own opposition parties four times before capitulating to join the party of Lincoln, the guy who had conquered and humiliated them. To suggest the two pieces of that unholy alliance equated ideologically is mindlessly transparent partisan hackery.
Any questions? .......
What Party was the President who signed the Civil Rights Act....?


LBJ could have easily killed the bill if he wanted to
Republicans just do a poor job of informing blacks of all they do for the community

Like building more prisons
Once Republicans show the black community all those trickle down jobs they got through those tax cuts on the wealthy

How can any black not vote Republican?
Should some on the left consider a motion to "harass the Right" by recommending to blacks that they send honest Injeun contingents, to learn how to go "Black Foot" on the Union for their federal Causes.
And they're still Chumps of the Democratic Party....:laugh:
So tell me, how have Democrats helped Blacks move out of the inner cities with employment and economic opportunities.

If you consider cities like Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and so many others, completely controlled by the Democrat Party, first they destroyed the job market, made Blacks dependant on government handouts, destroyed their family structure, infested the areas with drugs, promoted unfounded race baiting lies. etc. etc. etc.

Hey, great work, they make it possible for them to vote Democrat without identification. It appears they have Blacks exactly where THEY want them.
So tell me, how have Democrats helped Blacks move out of the inner cities with employment and economic opportunities.

If you consider cities like Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and so many others, completely controlled by the Democrat Party, first they destroyed the job market, made Blacks dependant on government handouts, destroyed their family structure, infested the areas with drugs, promoted unfounded race baiting lies. etc. etc. etc.

Hey, great work, they make it possible for them to vote Democrat without identification. It appears they have Blacks exactly where THEY want them.

As a matter of fact, they have

Educational programs, jobs placement, small business loans, urban enterprise development, affirmative action, childcare programs, healthcare......all opposed by Republicans

What have Republicans offered to minorities?

More Prisons
You asked me a question, I answered it.
You certainly didn't answer the question I distracted

So, other than "You're right, conservatives have earned 100% of the black vote" what would have satisfied you?

Neither Party deserves or should receive 100 %, simply put, Blacks in my opinion would be far better off if their votes weren't taken for granted (monolith voting) and so easily manipulated..Their quality of life should improve not remain stagnating or even worse.

Well when Republicans give them something to vote for that will change.

In the mean time I'm still curious about what I said that was racist. You made the claim, back it up.

You mean something like free stuff?
Is that your impression of Black people? Do you think that "the Blacks" want "free stuff"? If so, you are very mistaken. What about the majority of Jews, Hispanics, and Asians who vote for Democrats, do you think that they want "free stuff" too?
So tell me, how have Democrats helped Blacks move out of the inner cities with employment and economic opportunities.

If you consider cities like Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and so many others, completely controlled by the Democrat Party, first they destroyed the job market, made Blacks dependant on government handouts, destroyed their family structure, infested the areas with drugs, promoted unfounded race baiting lies. etc. etc. etc.

Hey, great work, they make it possible for them to vote Democrat without identification. It appears they have Blacks exactly where THEY want them.
I would think that a conservative/republican like yourself would be against special programs for "the Blacks" and that you would be protesting if President Obama did such a thing. :)

They're not "chumps". They're human.

When a human being is conditioned to believe certain things from the day they're born, and when they're brought up in an environment that reinforces those things, that person is highly likely to believe them at a core, instinctual level. Then, when it becomes inter-generational, it becomes cultural.

There are plenty of American Blacks who don't buy into what the race pimps are selling, but not enough yet. The race pimps have done their job well, they've been very successful in ingraining their agenda into the Black "culture", and they still have many who support and enable them.

Look at how they have made a mockery of MLK's admonition to judge people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. They've gone in precisely the opposite direction, with great success. That's pretty powerful.

Just look around here, for example.

"In his book Where Do We Go From Here, he suggested that "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for him, to equip him to compete on a just and equal basis." To do this he expressed support for quotas. In a 1968 Playboy interview, he said, "If a city has a 30% Negro population, then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30% of the jobs in any particular company, and jobs in all categories rather than only in menial areas." King was more than just talk in this regard. Working through his Operation Breadbasket, King threatened boycotts of businesses that did not hire blacks in proportion to their population. "

"King was even an early proponent of reparations. In his 1964 book, Why We Can�t Wait, he wrote,
No amount of gold could provide an adequate compensation for the exploitation and humiliation of the Negro in America down through the centuries�Yet a price can be placed on unpaid wages. The ancient common law has always provided a remedy for the appropriation of a the labor of one human being by another. This law should be made to apply for American Negroes. The payment should be in the form of a massive program by the government of special, compensatory measures which could be regarded as a settlement in accordance with the accepted practice of common law.

LOL, more here:

How are "they" making a mockery of him? What was the conservative attitude toward Dr. King at that time? What was their attitude about basic Civil Rights for Black people. Who were the conservatives who were on the front lines in the Civil rights Movement, William F. Buckley?
"Blacks .. Still Chumps of the Democratic Party.."

Conservatives – still trying to propagate this same tired lie.
Oh, I dunno...

Why do you think the Dems are paying so much attention to Hispanics nowadays?

It's because Hispanics (16%) have long-since surpassed Blacks (12%) as the largest minority in this country.

Blacks are fading in importance, vis a vis Hispanics, in a political context - the current mouthpiece administration notwithstanding.

Politically speaking... Blacks have shot their bolt, for quite some time to come, and the next few decades will be the time of Hispanics to make their mark.

Besides - collectively speaking - Blacks are a sure-fire bet to vote Democratic - no point in spending too much time on a 'sure thing'.

Leaving the Dems free to pursue the far less certain Hispanic vote.
LOL, Blacks, Jews, Hispanics, Muslims, and Asians have majorities who vote democrat, they are a coalition. The Republicans are finally catching on regarding the Hispanic vote ............. until their xenophobic side comes out. :)
How do you think that the Democrats are favoring Hispanics over Blacks?
No matter how poorly served blacks are by the Democrats, they won't listen to what Republicans have to say with an open mind because they're falsely convinced by the Democratic party that Republicans hate them.
LOL, the Republicans and conservatives do a great job all by themselves! :lol:
Look at your cohorts here, it's basically : "Blacks want free stuff", Blacks are stupid", "Blacks bad....." and on and on. :lol:
So tell me, how have Democrats helped Blacks move out of the inner cities with employment and economic opportunities.

If you consider cities like Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and so many others, completely controlled by the Democrat Party, first they destroyed the job market, made Blacks dependant on government handouts, destroyed their family structure, infested the areas with drugs, promoted unfounded race baiting lies. etc. etc. etc.

Hey, great work, they make it possible for them to vote Democrat without identification. It appears they have Blacks exactly where THEY want them.

As a matter of fact, they have

Educational programs, jobs placement, small business loans, urban enterprise development, affirmative action, childcare programs, healthcare......all opposed by Republicans

What have Republicans offered to minorities?

More Prisons

:laugh: Are you trying to say Blacks have seen terrific job opportunities, their employment figures have risen dramatically over the past 8 years and then some, small successful businesses are popping up all over the place, their Democrat controlled educational systems are turning out well educated students. Is that what your trying to say?

If it wasn't for Republicans, Blacks wouldn't have freedom, civil rights, Jim Crow laws would still be in force and all of these programs you spoke of likely required Republican votes. The fact that Democrats grandstand and take the credit for these programs is both chickenshit and as usual a cornucopia of half truths and all out lies.
So tell me, how have Democrats helped Blacks move out of the inner cities with employment and economic opportunities.

If you consider cities like Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles and so many others, completely controlled by the Democrat Party, first they destroyed the job market, made Blacks dependant on government handouts, destroyed their family structure, infested the areas with drugs, promoted unfounded race baiting lies. etc. etc. etc.

Hey, great work, they make it possible for them to vote Democrat without identification. It appears they have Blacks exactly where THEY want them.

As a matter of fact, they have

Educational programs, jobs placement, small business loans, urban enterprise development, affirmative action, childcare programs, healthcare......all opposed by Republicans

What have Republicans offered to minorities?

More Prisons

:laugh: Are you trying to say Blacks have seen terrific job opportunities, their employment figures have risen dramatically over the past 8 years and then some, small successful businesses are popping up all over the place, their Democrat controlled educational systems are turning out well educated students. Is that what your trying to say?

If it wasn't for Republicans, Blacks wouldn't have freedom, civil rights, Jim Crow laws would still be in force and all of these programs you spoke of likely required Republican votes. The fact that Democrats grandstand and take the credit for these programs is both chickenshit and as usual a cornucopia of half truths and all out lies.
Yes, those Republicans were quite Liberal at that time, the same with the Democrats who were Liberal at that time. The conservatives in both of those parties were against it.
No matter how poorly served blacks are by the Democrats, they won't listen to what Republicans have to say with an open mind because they're falsely convinced by the Democratic party that Republicans hate them.
LOL, the Republicans and conservatives do a great job all by themselves! :lol:
Look at your cohorts here, it's basically : "Blacks want free stuff", Blacks are stupid", "Blacks bad....." and on and on. :lol:
Nothing like blaming only Republicans when both parties do the same..

What happens when a Black is a Republican/Conservative .. what kind of things do Democrats say and do, try to be honest with yourself. At this point I expect no real truth from you.

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