Blacks .. Still Chumps of the Democratic Party..

Perhaps you should start a thread on your topics..

You asked me a question, I answered it.
You certainly didn't answer the question I distracted

So, other than "You're right, conservatives have earned 100% of the black vote" what would have satisfied you?

Neither Party deserves or should receive 100 %, simply put, Blacks in my opinion would be far better off if their votes weren't taken for granted (monolith voting) and so easily manipulated..Their quality of life should improve not remain stagnating or even worse.

Well when Republicans give them something to vote for that will change.

In the mean time I'm still curious about what I said that was racist. You made the claim, back it up.

Nope, I don't think I will, mostly because it was directed at you by mistake...:eusa_doh:

I'll apologize though...if you insist.
You certainly didn't answer the question I distracted

So, other than "You're right, conservatives have earned 100% of the black vote" what would have satisfied you?

Neither Party deserves or should receive 100 %, simply put, Blacks in my opinion would be far better off if their votes weren't taken for granted (monolith voting) and so easily manipulated..Their quality of life should improve not remain stagnating or even worse.

And what do republicans bring to the table to earn their votes?

Democrats have much greater involvement by the federal government in abuse against blacks by police. Defense of the Voting Rights Act. Opposition to voting restrictions that disproportionately effect blacks. Opposition to educational cuts that slash funds for black students. And a black president who has a far greater understanding the issues facing blacks in this country than most Republicans can muster.

And in response Republicans have.....what? Voter ID laws? Elimination of Voting Rights Act protections? The dismissive vitriol from conservatives over Trayvon Martin, Eric Canter and others? Bizzare claims that current Republican policies should be overlooked in favor of what some long dead democrat said 80 years ago?

Face it.....republicans haven't earned the black vote.

So Republicans should offer to make voter fraud easier for them?

What voter fraud? Remember, the kind of voter fraud that voter ID could prevent is virtually non-existent. Texas found 4 cases in the last 10 years, which represented 2 cases of actual voter fraud.

That's 2.....out of 54,000,000 votes cast in the State over those 10 years. That's a fraud rate of 0.00000037%. Roughly 8 times lower than being killed by a lightning strike. The voter ID law is estimated to have disenfranchised about 200,000 people. A diproportionate number of them poor and minorities.

When your 'fraud prevention' prevents poor and minority voting at a rate of about 100,000 to 1....the minorities are going to notice. And remember.

You're like one vast geyser of already exploded Democrat propaganda.
You asked me a question, I answered it.
You certainly didn't answer the question I distracted

So, other than "You're right, conservatives have earned 100% of the black vote" what would have satisfied you?

Neither Party deserves or should receive 100 %, simply put, Blacks in my opinion would be far better off if their votes weren't taken for granted (monolith voting) and so easily manipulated..Their quality of life should improve not remain stagnating or even worse.

Well when Republicans give them something to vote for that will change.

In the mean time I'm still curious about what I said that was racist. You made the claim, back it up.

Nope, I don't think I will, mostly because it was directed at you by mistake...:eusa_doh:

I'll apologize though...if you insist.

That's cool.
Well, let's see, state governments actively look for ways to disenfranchise voters in ways that impact minorities the most, look to repeal healthcare that benefits the poorest, reduce the social safety net and want to eliminate affirmative action. There has been a spree of questionable killings of young black men by law enforcement, I think the question of the equitable future of minorities is a little more complex than who is occupying the White House.

Yup. It wasn't the democrats in court last year arguing that Voting Rights Amendment protections of black voters should be stripped in southern states.

It was republicans.

But hey Lumpy....maybe no black people noticed.

You also should start a thread and have your concerns commented on.

I'm just not in the mood for doing a lot of research at the moment and you neglected to provide links for your assumptions.

beside this Board keeps freezing on me. It's just too frustrating...

Dems are advocating voting protections for blacks. Republicans are actively stripping them away. Do you think black folks don't notice? Or noticing, would give a shit that some 1930s dixiecrat was involved in the kkk?

The entire premise of your argument is absurd. As it mandates a level of desperate, willful ignorance of what each party is advocating that renders your assertions meaningless.

Tell me what you believe my premise is? btw it's not voting rights.

That blacks are still chumps of the democratic party. Which, of course, is nonsense. Dems have earned the black vote. Republicans have done jack shit for it. In fact, they'd be hard pressed to be more hostile to blacks politically than they have been in the last 4 years.
How have Democrats earned the Black vote .. high unemployment, lack of opportunity, forced dependence on government handouts, lousy living condition in the inner cities, poor educational systems or by constantly pushing the phony race baiting card and promising free stuff.
Yup. It wasn't the democrats in court last year arguing that Voting Rights Amendment protections of black voters should be stripped in southern states.

It was republicans.

But hey Lumpy....maybe no black people noticed.

You also should start a thread and have your concerns commented on.

I'm just not in the mood for doing a lot of research at the moment and you neglected to provide links for your assumptions.

beside this Board keeps freezing on me. It's just too frustrating...

Dems are advocating voting protections for blacks. Republicans are actively stripping them away. Do you think black folks don't notice? Or noticing, would give a shit that some 1930s dixiecrat was involved in the kkk?

The entire premise of your argument is absurd. As it mandates a level of desperate, willful ignorance of what each party is advocating that renders your assertions meaningless.

Tell me what you believe my premise is? btw it's not voting rights.

That blacks are still chumps of the democratic party. Which, of course, is nonsense. Dems have earned the black vote. Republicans have done jack shit for it. In fact, they'd be hard pressed to be more hostile to blacks politically than they have been in the last 4 years.
How have Democrats earned the Black vote .. high unemployment, lack of opportunity, forced dependence on government handouts, lousy living condition in the inner cities, poor educational systems or by constantly pushing the phony race baiting card and promising free stuff.

See post #52 of this thread.
So, other than "You're right, conservatives have earned 100% of the black vote" what would have satisfied you?

Neither Party deserves or should receive 100 %, simply put, Blacks in my opinion would be far better off if their votes weren't taken for granted (monolith voting) and so easily manipulated..Their quality of life should improve not remain stagnating or even worse.

And what do republicans bring to the table to earn their votes?

Democrats have much greater involvement by the federal government in abuse against blacks by police. Defense of the Voting Rights Act. Opposition to voting restrictions that disproportionately effect blacks. Opposition to educational cuts that slash funds for black students. And a black president who has a far greater understanding the issues facing blacks in this country than most Republicans can muster.

And in response Republicans have.....what? Voter ID laws? Elimination of Voting Rights Act protections? The dismissive vitriol from conservatives over Trayvon Martin, Eric Canter and others? Bizzare claims that current Republican policies should be overlooked in favor of what some long dead democrat said 80 years ago?

Face it.....republicans haven't earned the black vote.

So Republicans should offer to make voter fraud easier for them?

What voter fraud? Remember, the kind of voter fraud that voter ID could prevent is virtually non-existent. Texas found 4 cases in the last 10 years, which represented 2 cases of actual voter fraud.

That's 2.....out of 54,000,000 votes cast in the State over those 10 years. That's a fraud rate of 0.00000037%. Roughly 8 times lower than being killed by a lightning strike. The voter ID law is estimated to have disenfranchised about 200,000 people. A diproportionate number of them poor and minorities.

When your 'fraud prevention' prevents poor and minority voting at a rate of about 100,000 to 1....the minorities are going to notice. And remember.

You're like one vast geyser of already exploded Democrat propaganda.

Uh-huh. Notice you don't actually disagree with me.
You also should start a thread and have your concerns commented on.

I'm just not in the mood for doing a lot of research at the moment and you neglected to provide links for your assumptions.

beside this Board keeps freezing on me. It's just too frustrating...

Dems are advocating voting protections for blacks. Republicans are actively stripping them away. Do you think black folks don't notice? Or noticing, would give a shit that some 1930s dixiecrat was involved in the kkk?

The entire premise of your argument is absurd. As it mandates a level of desperate, willful ignorance of what each party is advocating that renders your assertions meaningless.

Tell me what you believe my premise is? btw it's not voting rights.

That blacks are still chumps of the democratic party. Which, of course, is nonsense. Dems have earned the black vote. Republicans have done jack shit for it. In fact, they'd be hard pressed to be more hostile to blacks politically than they have been in the last 4 years.
How have Democrats earned the Black vote .. high unemployment, lack of opportunity, forced dependence on government handouts, lousy living condition in the inner cities, poor educational systems or by constantly pushing the phony race baiting card and promising free stuff.

See post #52 of this thread.
post 52 is mostly myopic bullshit, you sure you want to go with that?

Tell me how Democrats have improved the real life conditions I mentioned.. granted, I do know you can't.
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Dems are advocating voting protections for blacks. Republicans are actively stripping them away. Do you think black folks don't notice? Or noticing, would give a shit that some 1930s dixiecrat was involved in the kkk?

The entire premise of your argument is absurd. As it mandates a level of desperate, willful ignorance of what each party is advocating that renders your assertions meaningless.

Tell me what you believe my premise is? btw it's not voting rights.

That blacks are still chumps of the democratic party. Which, of course, is nonsense. Dems have earned the black vote. Republicans have done jack shit for it. In fact, they'd be hard pressed to be more hostile to blacks politically than they have been in the last 4 years.
How have Democrats earned the Black vote .. high unemployment, lack of opportunity, forced dependence on government handouts, lousy living condition in the inner cities, poor educational systems or by constantly pushing the phony race baiting card and promising free stuff.

See post #52 of this thread.
post 52 is mostly myopic bullshit, you sure you want to go with that?


Either address the points you've asked for, or stop pretending you want an answer.
Three reasons why blacks vote for democrat
1. Democrats talk up their whine about how evil whites are. For what ever, they just don't want to be asked to improve for any reason.
2. They like getting free stuff. You're right about that republicans!
3. Most of the black work force works for the public sector!

No, I would call them as a group of people voting their beliefs.
Hey Matthew, Steve_McGarrett, Silhouette, Publius1787, NLT, Porker, mudwhistle, S.J., Meathead, MaryAnne, GHook93, Pete7469, Tank, novasteve, Where_r_my_Keys, etc.....

...please explain to Lumpy why black people don't vote for the socially conservative republican party.


Could be because social conservatives have a history of trying to make them work for free, or use special water fountains and bathrooms..

They know that a vote for social conservatism is a vote for the ideology of :whip:

Why would any sane black person who isn't already independently wealthy vote for that?
Really? Can you post any "social conservative" in the last 40 years trying to make blacks use special bathrooms?
You are an ignorant troll.
Yup. It wasn't the democrats in court last year arguing that Voting Rights Amendment protections of black voters should be stripped in southern states.

It was republicans.

But hey Lumpy....maybe no black people noticed.

You also should start a thread and have your concerns commented on.

I'm just not in the mood for doing a lot of research at the moment and you neglected to provide links for your assumptions.

beside this Board keeps freezing on me. It's just too frustrating...

Dems are advocating voting protections for blacks. Republicans are actively stripping them away. Do you think black folks don't notice? Or noticing, would give a shit that some 1930s dixiecrat was involved in the kkk?

The entire premise of your argument is absurd. As it mandates a level of desperate, willful ignorance of what each party is advocating that renders your assertions meaningless.

Tell me what you believe my premise is? btw it's not voting rights.

That blacks are still chumps of the democratic party. Which, of course, is nonsense. Dems have earned the black vote. Republicans have done jack shit for it. In fact, they'd be hard pressed to be more hostile to blacks politically than they have been in the last 4 years.
How have Democrats earned the Black vote .. high unemployment, lack of opportunity, forced dependence on government handouts, lousy living condition in the inner cities, poor educational systems or by constantly pushing the phony race baiting card and promising free stuff.

More whites than blacks get 'free stuff'.

They're not "chumps". They're human.

When a human being is conditioned to believe certain things from the day they're born, and when they're brought up in an environment that reinforces those things, that person is highly likely to believe them at a core, instinctual level. Then, when it becomes inter-generational, it becomes cultural.

There are plenty of American Blacks who don't buy into what the race pimps are selling, but not enough yet. The race pimps have done their job well, they've been very successful in ingraining their agenda into the Black "culture", and they still have many who support and enable them.

Look at how they have made a mockery of MLK's admonition to judge people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. They've gone in precisely the opposite direction, with great success. That's pretty powerful.

Just look around here, for example.

"Blacks .. Still Chumps of the Democratic Party.."

Conservatives – still trying to propagate this same tired lie.
Oh, I dunno...

Why do you think the Dems are paying so much attention to Hispanics nowadays?

It's because Hispanics (16%) have long-since surpassed Blacks (12%) as the largest minority in this country.

Blacks are fading in importance, vis a vis Hispanics, in a political context - the current mouthpiece administration notwithstanding.

Politically speaking... Blacks have shot their bolt, for quite some time to come, and the next few decades will be the time of Hispanics to make their mark.

Besides - collectively speaking - Blacks are a sure-fire bet to vote Democratic - no point in spending too much time on a 'sure thing'.

Leaving the Dems free to pursue the far less certain Hispanic vote.
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Republican race pimps get the poor white folks to assume "the position" on all fours so the Koch bros can get their nut...
Why do you think the white folks on this thread...aint a one of them that makes any money that has any wealth but here they are "whoring for the wealthy"..................whooooores......

Please dear God poor Conrad Hilton III
The funniest sight in the world is the heart rending concern that the Republicans doo-doo heads have for Conrad Hilton III...its a bonus to see these piteous fools crying blood tears for Billionaires

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