Blacks Who Want To Identify As Whites

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
If people are able to identify their own genders, regardless of which gender they were born, why can't blacks who want to be white identify themselves as being white, even if they were born black and have black skin? Surely there are many blacks out there who would rather be white, if nothing else just so they can be the benefactors of white privilege. Is that ridiculous or should we do it? I mean if you can identify which gender you want to be despite your DNA, then why can't we be allowed to identify ourselves the way they want to be identified regarding race? And, it works the other way as well. Whites who want to be identified as being black in order to collect reparations should be allowed to do so. I mean you can't have it one way and not the other, right? Or, do all of these cans just have way too many worms in them?
If people are able to identify their own genders, regardless of which gender they were born, why can't blacks who want to be white identify themselves as being white, even if they were born black and have black skin? Surely there are many blacks out there who would rather be white, if nothing else just so they can be the benefactors of white privilege. Is that ridiculous or should we do it? I mean if you can identify which gender you want to be despite your DNA, then why can't we be allowed to identify ourselves the way they want to be identified? And, it works the other way as well. Whites who want to be identified as being black in order to collect reparations should be allowed to do so. I mean you can't have it one way and not the other. Or, do all of these cans just have way too many worms in them?

I got blackface ready to go when CA votes in some reparations.

I wonder if he'd feel the wrath from the "woke" crowd for wearing "white face."
If people are able to identify their own genders, regardless of which gender they were born, why can't blacks who want to be white identify themselves as being white, even if they were born black and have black skin? Surely there are many blacks out there who would rather be white, if nothing else just so they can be the benefactors of white privilege. Is that ridiculous or should we do it? I mean if you can identify which gender you want to be despite your DNA, then why can't we be allowed to identify ourselves the way they want to be identified regarding race? And, it works the other way as well. Whites who want to be identified as being black in order to collect reparations should be allowed to do so. I mean you can't have it one way and not the other, right? Or, do all of these cans just have way too many worms in them?
Well, we already have White women identifying themselves as Black.

On a serious note (no pun intended) could his accident with Pepsi have anything to do with his skin condition?
Possible! Pepsi may be best known for cleaning battery terminal corrosion. If it's more powerful than battery acid, who knows what power it has over human skin.
If people are able to identify their own genders, regardless of which gender they were born, why can't blacks who want to be white identify themselves as being white, even if they were born black and have black skin? Surely there are many blacks out there who would rather be white, if nothing else just so they can be the benefactors of white privilege. Is that ridiculous or should we do it? I mean if you can identify which gender you want to be despite your DNA, then why can't we be allowed to identify ourselves the way they want to be identified regarding race? And, it works the other way as well. Whites who want to be identified as being black in order to collect reparations should be allowed to do so. I mean you can't have it one way and not the other, right? Or, do all of these cans just have way too many worms in them?
go for it. don't you want "assimilation?"
If people are able to identify their own genders, regardless of which gender they were born, why can't blacks who want to be white identify themselves as being white, even if they were born black and have black skin? Surely there are many blacks out there who would rather be white, if nothing else just so they can be the benefactors of white privilege. Is that ridiculous or should we do it? I mean if you can identify which gender you want to be despite your DNA, then why can't we be allowed to identify ourselves the way they want to be identified regarding race? And, it works the other way as well. Whites who want to be identified as being black in order to collect reparations should be allowed to do so. I mean you can't have it one way and not the other, right? Or, do all of these cans just have way too many worms in them?
I am all for welcoming negroes into the fold if they self-identify as white. I already know a handful of blacks who identify as white, though they are not so out front in saying so. This basically means that you learn to speak the Queen's English. You follow the laws, including the laws against rape and murder. You look women in their eyes when talking to them and show them some minimum level of respect. You do not put your hands on their ass and tits when you are talking to them. You buy cigarettes by the pack, not singles. You give up the sugary soft drinks. You stop smoking pot. You act with manners and politeness. You get a job and become a productive member of society. You are educated. You do not rely on gubmint handouts.

Everybody can do this regardless of your skin color. Everybody SHOULD do this too. It is how civilized people live. I want to live around civilized people, not groups/factions of people. There's a single black mom on my street. She is very well bred and white. She wants to bang me. But it isn't going to happen because I am just too uptight and white to make a half-and-half milkshake. She also suffers from the unfortunate negro affliction of having a big, fat ass. But, she is such a nice lady otherwise. Her kid is nice. Her mother, who visits often, is incredibly nice. More importantly, they are white-minded.

See, the problem is not the color of people's skin. Rather, the problem is with the shortcomings in the black culture. Cultural handicaps should be overcome, not embraced. The leftists, of course, want blacks to embraced their fucked up culture because it dooms them to subservience at the hands of leftist white authoritarians. I, however, love to seek people pulling themselves up and out of the much to become better people, triumphing over their culture's shitty aspects. It means they want it more, and will respect it more.

Let's face it, there is a lot wrong with American black culture. And the fact that they want to embrace all those things that hold them back is a symptom of how messed up things are today. Everyone should want to succeed and prosper on their own merit. It is a sickness that holds them back from this.

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