Blasts rock 3 churches, 3 hotels in Sri Lanka; multiple fatalities reported

To the Christians here, remember Ephesians 6:12. I get the feeling that something bigger is going on... like these events are leading up to something. I hope I'm wrong about that. All of it (New Zealand, Paris, etc) seems too coordinated... it feels like certain people are trying to do something, maybe start WWIII. In any event, we're living in dark and deceptive times.
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Do you have any examples of who those leftists are? Because I have examples. Only they’re not left.

Right wingers who burn churches in the deep South. Just because they’re black churches.

Deputy's son faces charges in burning down three black churches in Louisiana
  • The yellow vest protesters

According to local news reports, the vandals also drew a cross on the wall with human excrement and damaged other religious items in the church

According to the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe, the tabernacle was found thrown on the ground. However, a 35-year-old man later confessed to committing the act to police
Anger as France sees 10 Catholic churches attacked in ONE week - 'God will forgive, NOT ME

A review of Evangelical Christianity in Sri Lanka: The Politics of Growth, by Orlando Woods

Orlando Woods’s dissertation interprets the politics of evangelical Christian growth in Sri Lanka by framing proselytization via a religious economy. Situating his study with the rise of a Buddhist political elite after the 1980s, Woods states that the “moral impetus” for the dissertation is his “belief in the freedom of religious choice” over and against the Sri Lankan state’s attempts to restrict evangelical conversions, even while problematizing some of the coercive proselytization tactics used by evangelicals under the state’s radar (p. 3).

Accordingly, Woods is impelled to better understand the ethics of proselytization and the rise of anti-Christian politics in a “geo-religious” zone marked by two centuries of colonial Christian missionary activity. In so doing, he combines two theoretical constructs. First, he borrows from sociologist Fenggang Yang’s argument that there are differentiated religious markets, some of which are regulated by the state and some of which are more privatized and informal. Second, he modifies Anthony Giddens’s structuration theory to demonstrate that evangelical Christian growth can happen in Sri Lanka despite a hostile regulatory environment because evangelicals take advantage of multiple arenas to advance their conversionary agenda.

Woods’s central argument is that evangelical activity in Sri Lanka is best understood as agency within a structural mosaic. Moving between different niche markets to increase their religious presence, evangelicals have grown in competition to other religious groups, provoking the rise of a Buddhist right that construes this growth as a threat. Woods develops the theoretical underpinnings of this economic structure in Chapter 2. Drawing from Anthony Giddens and Nigel Thrift, he emphasizes the “heterogeneity of ‘structure’” that allows for evangelicals in Sri Lanka to cross structural categories of religion, sociality, culture, and the economy in order to evangelize in multiple geographical spheres (p. 39).

Evangelical Christianity in Sri Lanka

The rise of the Evangelicals in France is also the reason for fight against Christianity.

The Evangelicals in the US are the main cause of division in the US as well.

That's one of the worst, most vile posts I've seen in a loooong time. And on this site, that's saying a lot!
A review of Evangelical Christianity in Sri Lanka: The Politics of Growth, by Orlando Woods

Orlando Woods’s dissertation interprets the politics of evangelical Christian growth in Sri Lanka by framing proselytization via a religious economy. Situating his study with the rise of a Buddhist political elite after the 1980s, Woods states that the “moral impetus” for the dissertation is his “belief in the freedom of religious choice” over and against the Sri Lankan state’s attempts to restrict evangelical conversions, even while problematizing some of the coercive proselytization tactics used by evangelicals under the state’s radar (p. 3).

Accordingly, Woods is impelled to better understand the ethics of proselytization and the rise of anti-Christian politics in a “geo-religious” zone marked by two centuries of colonial Christian missionary activity. In so doing, he combines two theoretical constructs. First, he borrows from sociologist Fenggang Yang’s argument that there are differentiated religious markets, some of which are regulated by the state and some of which are more privatized and informal. Second, he modifies Anthony Giddens’s structuration theory to demonstrate that evangelical Christian growth can happen in Sri Lanka despite a hostile regulatory environment because evangelicals take advantage of multiple arenas to advance their conversionary agenda.

Woods’s central argument is that evangelical activity in Sri Lanka is best understood as agency within a structural mosaic. Moving between different niche markets to increase their religious presence, evangelicals have grown in competition to other religious groups, provoking the rise of a Buddhist right that construes this growth as a threat. Woods develops the theoretical underpinnings of this economic structure in Chapter 2. Drawing from Anthony Giddens and Nigel Thrift, he emphasizes the “heterogeneity of ‘structure’” that allows for evangelicals in Sri Lanka to cross structural categories of religion, sociality, culture, and the economy in order to evangelize in multiple geographical spheres (p. 39).

Evangelical Christianity in Sri Lanka

The rise of the Evangelicals in France is also the reason for fight against Christianity.

The Evangelicals in the US are the main cause of division in the US as well.

That's one of the worst, most vile posts I've seen in a loooong time. And on this site, that's saying a lot!
She sure has a special kind of hatred for "evangelicals"

The Evangelicals in the US are the main cause of division in the US as well.

Meaning, without them, Hillary would be her president.
My wife and I went to Sunrise Service this morning. I was concealed armed. So were other members.
Are you black or Jewish? Because 74% of deaths from terrorist attacks in this country come from right wing terrorism. We posted the facts before.
It seems the blacks and Jews are targeted the most.

You are confused Moon Bat. Most of the deaths from violence in this country comes from the minority community in the big city Democrat voting shitholes. Druggies, gang bangers, thugs, etc. You know, the assholes that elected Obama.

All violence is terrorism you dumb Moon Bat.
All of it (New Zealand, Paris, etc) seems too coordinated... it feels like certain people are trying to do something, maybe start WWIII. In any event, we're living in dark and deceptive times.
It must be a....conspiracy.

The word conspiracy merely means an unlawful act planned by two or more persons. So yes, no matter who was behind it, it was a conspiracy by definition. Unless you're claiming that the bombs magically appeared in those churches, with no human involvement?
Oh, no. How could New Zealand and Paris be anything other than planning by two or more people?
A review of Evangelical Christianity in Sri Lanka: The Politics of Growth, by Orlando Woods

Orlando Woods’s dissertation interprets the politics of evangelical Christian growth in Sri Lanka by framing proselytization via a religious economy. Situating his study with the rise of a Buddhist political elite after the 1980s, Woods states that the “moral impetus” for the dissertation is his “belief in the freedom of religious choice” over and against the Sri Lankan state’s attempts to restrict evangelical conversions, even while problematizing some of the coercive proselytization tactics used by evangelicals under the state’s radar (p. 3).

Accordingly, Woods is impelled to better understand the ethics of proselytization and the rise of anti-Christian politics in a “geo-religious” zone marked by two centuries of colonial Christian missionary activity. In so doing, he combines two theoretical constructs. First, he borrows from sociologist Fenggang Yang’s argument that there are differentiated religious markets, some of which are regulated by the state and some of which are more privatized and informal. Second, he modifies Anthony Giddens’s structuration theory to demonstrate that evangelical Christian growth can happen in Sri Lanka despite a hostile regulatory environment because evangelicals take advantage of multiple arenas to advance their conversionary agenda.

Woods’s central argument is that evangelical activity in Sri Lanka is best understood as agency within a structural mosaic. Moving between different niche markets to increase their religious presence, evangelicals have grown in competition to other religious groups, provoking the rise of a Buddhist right that construes this growth as a threat. Woods develops the theoretical underpinnings of this economic structure in Chapter 2. Drawing from Anthony Giddens and Nigel Thrift, he emphasizes the “heterogeneity of ‘structure’” that allows for evangelicals in Sri Lanka to cross structural categories of religion, sociality, culture, and the economy in order to evangelize in multiple geographical spheres (p. 39).

Evangelical Christianity in Sri Lanka

The rise of the Evangelicals in France is also the reason for fight against Christianity.

The Evangelicals in the US are the main cause of division in the US as well.

That's one of the worst, most vile posts I've seen in a loooong time. And on this site, that's saying a lot!

Actually---the post is a LUDICROUS DIVERSION------what our penny is REALLY saying is that since Buddhists prevail in Sri Lanka----MUSLIMS have decided to bomb Christian churches on Easter Sunday------in order to AID THE BUDDHISTS "against" the Christians-----sheeeeesh ----she wishes
Vandals attack Catholics in the USA too. I guess the English speaking world - specially the USA
So anti-God leftists, like those burning down Catholic churches in France?

It was the Anti-Gods?
Do you have any examples of who those leftists are? Because I have examples. Only they’re not left.

Right wingers who burn churches in the deep South. Just because they’re black churches.

Deputy's son faces charges in burning down three black churches in Louisiana

Then you have this left winger. Mississippi man pleads guilty in 'Vote Trump' church arson
WOW 70% of that town are dual citizens ?
The Islamic terrorists savages are at it again.... ((( I pray for all those Christians families who had to go through this horror. Bless them)))
To the Christians here, remember Ephesians 6:12. I get the feeling that something bigger is going on... like these events are leading up to something. I hope I'm wrong about that. All of it (New Zealand, Paris, etc) seems too coordinated... it feels like certain people are trying to do something, maybe start WWIII. In any event, we're living in dark and deceptive times.

Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free. And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him.

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints


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In October 2017, Liberty police escorted from campus Jonathan Martin, a “Red Letter” pastor, and threatened to arrest him if he returned. (Red Letter Christians are on the political left and focus on only the quoted words of Jesus. Martin had tweeted plans for a peaceful protest at Liberty.) Falwell said police removed Martin because Liberty does not allow uninvited protests on campus.


Also in April came an announcement of a “Red Letter Revival” in Lynchburg that would include a time of prayer on Liberty’s campus. Leader Shane Claiborne invited Falwell to attend. In response, Liberty police sent Claiborne a letter stating he would receive a $2,500 fine and possible jail time if he stepped onto campus.

Papered over - WORLD

Falwell Jr to the Red Letter Christians: Don’t Pray On Our Campus

Falwell Jr to the Red Letter Christians: Don’t Pray On Our Campus
Sweetie, this is not about us. It's about innocent people--207 of them at last count dead, and 450 injured--in churches in Sri Lanka where they were not hurting anybody else. Yet there you go, making it about America, when it is NOT about us. :blahblah:

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