Blessed be the Lord my Rock who trains my hands for war my fingers for battle

I don't recall there being a part in the bible where God says he trains hands for war and fingers for battle. Did Jesus say that maybe? That's in line with his way of thinking right?

One must first read before one can recall.
I have read it. Went to Catholic school for 12 years. I don't remember reading that Jesus was training my hands and fingers for war. Maybe I missed the chapter where Jesus endorsed killing people.
I don't recall there being a part in the bible where God says he trains hands for war and fingers for battle. Did Jesus say that maybe? That's in line with his way of thinking right?

One must first read before one can recall.
I have read it. Went to Catholic school for 12 years. I don't remember reading that Jesus was training my hands and fingers for war. Maybe I missed the chapter where Jesus endorsed killing people.

I too was raised Catholic. First the the nuns, then the Franciscans, then the Jesuits. Got a great education, but I don't recall reading the Bible at all, nor being encouraged to do so.
I don't recall there being a part in the bible where God says he trains hands for war and fingers for battle. Did Jesus say that maybe? That's in line with his way of thinking right?

One must first read before one can recall.
I have read it. Went to Catholic school for 12 years. I don't remember reading that Jesus was training my hands and fingers for war. Maybe I missed the chapter where Jesus endorsed killing people.

I too was raised Catholic. First the the nuns, then the Franciscans, then the Jesuits. Got a great education, but I don't recall reading the Bible at all, nor being encouraged to do so.
I read it once during free time like any other book. And spent 12 years discussing it almost every day. It doesn't say anywhere that Jesus wants his teachings inscribed on weapons that kill to make them look bad azz.
I don't recall there being a part in the bible where God says he trains hands for war and fingers for battle. Did Jesus say that maybe? That's in line with his way of thinking right?
Psalm 144:1.

Leftists should stop speculating on what is or isn't in the Bible. You suck at it.
Well damn. Then fuck you God. How about you use your omniscience, omnipotence, and omnibenevolence, to bring us peace?

Inscribing that on your damn gun... goes against EVERYTHING Jesus ever said.
I don't recall there being a part in the bible where God says he trains hands for war and fingers for battle. Did Jesus say that maybe? That's in line with his way of thinking right?
Psalm 144:1.

Leftists should stop speculating on what is or isn't in the Bible. You suck at it.
Well damn. Then fuck you God. How about you use your omniscience, omnipotence, and omnibenevolence, to bring us peace?

Inscribing that on your damn gun... goes against EVERYTHING Jesus ever said.
There you go again thinking you know what Jesus said. Here, let me tell you something Jesus really did say. "Before Abraham was, I AM." John 8:38

Jesus is the same God as in the Old Testament.

Try actually reading the Bible. It might actually save your ruined soul.

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