BLM Activist was Only in the Capitol to 'document' the Riot

He's not the only one

An anti-Trump activist who once said he wanted to "rip" the president out of office entered the Capitol Building Wednesday alongside a mob of pro-Trump protesters, but he said he was just there to "document" it.

"There’s this narrative going around right now that Antifa was the people there causing the riots, causing the tension, they were the only people breaking into the Capitol, and I wanted to be able to tell a part of history and show that that was anything but the case," John Sullivan, the founder of Utah-based Insurgence USA, told Fox News Thursday.

Eyewitnesses confirm that. The rioters were already there when the first people from Trump's peaceful rally arrived and this was all a set up by the Democrats to use this to build a case for Trump's impeachment. The Dems want more than anything else to make it so Trump can never run for election again because they can't count on rigging an election this way TWICE and know in a fair election, Trump CREAMS them!
This bit of news deserves it's own thread, but did you hear the last caller to the Rush Limbaugh Show today?

She was there. She said she was one of the first few NEAR the Cspitol Bldg.

She said 3 busloads of ANTIFA pulled up.

She said THEY were let in the Capitol before all the Trump supporters showed up.

She said 150 I assume ANTIFA were let in.

She said COPS BEGAN DIRING ON THE TRUMP CROWD with some kind of explosives. She thought they were firecrackers.

Then the peaceful crowd got worked up.

Did anyone else hear this woman? Am I wrong on any of these facts?

No, I didn't hear that because Rush wasn't on the show and I don't listen when Rush isn't there, but the story sounds eerily similar to other accounts I've heard.

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