Block the Rio Grande

Texas has a plan to slow illegal immigration into the country.

I'd rather taxpayer money be spent on something production - fixing the electrical grid here. We've be getting warnings from ERCOT every day since June started.

Spinny balls are nothing but a photo op.
Abbott is such a lame hypocrite.

How is protecting your state's borders "hypocrisy", little Ms Open Borders?

Don't you have locking doors and windows on your apartment? Would you like it if I just walked into your apartment and helped myself to anything I wanted? Do you have any cool things I might like? I like to have lots of things.

Remember, "From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs."
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We have too many electric vehicles.

To break our grid is all part of the plan. China has massive fields of new, unused electric vehicle graveyards, just decaying in the sun. This is only one of them...

We have too many electric vehicles.
Not in Texas we don't. We are the energy capitol of the country.

"Texas is known for its big oil and gas industry. But despite that reputation, the state leads the country in wind power. Soon, it will generate more solar power than any other state. But that trend towards cleaner, renewable energy is something Texas lawmakers want to reverse."

How is protecting your state's borders "hypocrisy", little Ms Open Borders?

Don't you have locking doors and windows on your apartment? Would you like it if I just walked into your apartment and helped myself to anything I wanted? Do you have any cool things I might like? I like to have lots of things.

Remember, "From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs."
Just like it should be
How is protecting your state's borders "hypocrisy", little Ms Open Borders?

Don't you have locking doors and windows on your apartment? Would you like it if I just walked into your apartment and helped myself to anything I wanted? Do you have any cool things I might like? I like to have lots of things.

Remember, "From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs."
With a username JGalt I got to ask, how are you not for open borders? What kind of libertarian believes that the government should be able to pick and choose their citizens? Should not the "free market" handle immigration?
Should also note, most of the Rio Grande is knee deep to thigh deep.

Even though they do have an Olympic swin team, Mexicans have never really been good swimmers.

“Almost every single day we respond to the river and recover at least one body a day,” said Manuel Mello, the Eagle Pass fire chief. “Some days you won’t recover for two or three days. [But] Monday or Tuesday we recovered four bodies with the Border Patrol.”

Mello estimates about 30 bodies have been taken from the river each month since March."

Migrants risk death crossing treacherous Rio Grande river for âAmerican dreamâ

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