Bloomberg Poll shows Obama leading among likely voters.

Even in bad weeks..Obama still maintains a lead. This one was among likely voters.

Obama leads Romney 53 percent to 40 percent among likely voters, even as the public gives him low marks on handling the economy and the deficit, and six in 10 say the nation is headed down the wrong track, according to the poll conducted June 15- 18.

The survey shows Romney, a former Massachusetts governor, has yet to repair the damage done to his image during the Republican primary. Thirty-nine percent of Americans view him favorably, about the same as when he announced his presidential candidacy last June, while 48 percent see him unfavorably -- a 17-percentage point jump during a nomination fight dominated by attacks ads. A majority of likely voters, 55 percent, view him as more out of touch with average Americans compared with 36 percent who say the president is more out of touch.

Taken together, the results suggest an unsettled political environment for both Obama and Romney five months from the November election, with voters choosing for now to stick with a president they say is flawed rather than backing a challenger they regard as undefined and disconnected.
Obama Leads in Poll as Voters View Romney as Out of Touch - Bloomberg

My take? Still a little early..but Obama leads in all the polls (except maybe Rasmussen and FOX)..and leads in all battleground states.

And it doesn't look good on the Vice front for Romney.

My take? Anyone who takes a poll of 1,002 respondents as seriously as the left on USMB do has serious intellectual issues. Do you like making a fool of yourself?
Well they were saying the same thing about many ways was a much better candidate then Romney. He had a solid track record in Congress, was a war hero and was well liked by Democrats. He made the same mistake as Romney and started rejecting his own moderate views. That came to a smashing peak..when he picked Palin as his running mate. That's when I knew it was completely over. Yet, still, these folks thought that was a brilliant choice.

But it's simple to point out..that McCain beat Romney..and wouldn't even pick him as veep.

Says alot.
says nothing

rarely are vps picked that are well known.

I never heard of Biden until obama picked him and I live in PA.

Mitts vp front runner du jour is Pawlenty. I had to google him cuz he sounded familiar, but...

All of Mitt's vice picks come with baggage.

Pawlenty defunded the highway fund and didn't make any repairs to infrastructure despite many studies stating that they were dangerously in need of it.

[ame=]35W Bridge Collapse LIVE VIDEO ACTUAL Minneapolis Minnesota - YouTube[/ame]

I-35W Mississippi River bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

13 people dead.

Add in..that Minnesota's job "growth" during Pawlenty's time as govenor was about 6500. And he left the state 5 billion dollars in the hole.

This is the top tier..


Hey, I want Condi or Jindahl

My darkhorse is Cristi
wow, so how come you people voted for a inexperienced Junior Senator Community organizer instead.?

yeah blame it on instead we get the dufus Biden a goofball career all should talk


I listed the reasons.

Perhaps you should read the post.

And I should also add..Bush seriously screwed the pooch.

well thanks for putting this evil and corrupt administration on us people

you all should be ashamed

9/11 and the attack on Iraq..was the result of an evil and corrupt administration.

The toll in blood was high.


Thanks much.
says nothing

rarely are vps picked that are well known.

I never heard of Biden until obama picked him and I live in PA.

Mitts vp front runner du jour is Pawlenty. I had to google him cuz he sounded familiar, but...

All of Mitt's vice picks come with baggage.

Pawlenty defunded the highway fund and didn't make any repairs to infrastructure despite many studies stating that they were dangerously in need of it.

[ame=]35W Bridge Collapse LIVE VIDEO ACTUAL Minneapolis Minnesota - YouTube[/ame]

I-35W Mississippi River bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

13 people dead.

Add in..that Minnesota's job "growth" during Pawlenty's time as govenor was about 6500. And he left the state 5 billion dollars in the hole.

This is the top tier..


Hey, I want Condi or Jindahl

My darkhorse is Cristi

Cristie's out.

He's got a body too from a prison scandal.

Condi would be an interesting choice. So would Susana Martinez.

I listed the reasons.

Perhaps you should read the post.

And I should also add..Bush seriously screwed the pooch.

well thanks for putting this evil and corrupt administration on us people

you all should be ashamed

9/11 and the attack on Iraq..was the result of an evil and corrupt administration.

The toll in blood was high.


Thanks much.

You still blaming9/11 only on Bush?


It's WAY past time to grow the fuck up on this issue
All of Mitt's vice picks come with baggage.

Pawlenty defunded the highway fund and didn't make any repairs to infrastructure despite many studies stating that they were dangerously in need of it.

35W Bridge Collapse LIVE VIDEO ACTUAL Minneapolis Minnesota - YouTube

I-35W Mississippi River bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

13 people dead.

Add in..that Minnesota's job "growth" during Pawlenty's time as govenor was about 6500. And he left the state 5 billion dollars in the hole.

This is the top tier..


Hey, I want Condi or Jindahl

My darkhorse is Cristi

Cristie's out.

He's got a body too from a prison scandal.

Condi would be an interesting choice. So would Susana Martinez.

I don't need "pure".

I need the debt down, the dollar up, UE down, and the Constitution front and center.

everything else, short of crimes, is useless
This is really making the USMB lefties look very stupid. 1,002 respondents... 3 threads on a meaningless poll just because it supports your preconceived beliefs. How fucking embarrassing for you. Do you guys have no fucking brains at all?

Waaaaaa! :eusa_hand: Obama is whooping the crap out of etch-a-sketch and the RWNJ's are throwing a pissy fit. Give it up, no one wants that flip flipping, empty suit. Not even his own party.
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I think this poll is an outlier. It's a smaller sample.


It has Obama at 53%, and 53% is what he got last time. It has Romney at 40%, which means there's about 7% undecided. (McCain got 45% and 2% went to third party candidates.)

Also, polls now have Obama leading in Florida, Virginia and Ohio.

I'm sure this is a dumb question, but why do so many polling companies release polls in which the respondent stats are skewed? If a specific poll has, for example, 60% Democrat respondents, can't they just even it out by either randomly throwing out some of those numbers or just getting more Republican responses?

Anyone familiar with polling procedures around?

Rasmussen, which is generally agreed to be the most scientific and reliable polls in the field, reports Romney at 47 percent to Obama's 45 percent.

Bloomberg is not considered a very competent polling organization.
Rasmussen, which is generally agreed to be the most scientific and reliable polls in the field, reports Romney at 47 percent to Obama's 45 percent.

Bloomberg is not considered a very competent polling organization.

By whom?

They had McCain beating Obama for most of the election cycle.

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The only poll that means anything is the one in November.

vote Obama OUT people..

lets roll:eusa_clap:
Rasmussen, which is generally agreed to be the most scientific and reliable polls in the field, reports Romney at 47 percent to Obama's 45 percent.

Bloomberg is not considered a very competent polling organization.

Maybe in a right wing fantasy land. Rasmussen is the most biased pollster around.

Rasmussen Polls Were Biased and Inaccurate; Quinnipiac, SurveyUSA Performed Strongly -

True..but they are sneaky about it.

They keep things within the margin of error until it gets close to the vote.

I'm sure this is a dumb question, but why do so many polling companies release polls in which the respondent stats are skewed? If a specific poll has, for example, 60% Democrat respondents, can't they just even it out by either randomly throwing out some of those numbers or just getting more Republican responses?

Anyone familiar with polling procedures around?


Depends on the polling company. Frankly, how anyone could think that a sample of 1,002 respondents shows anything other than stupidity is beyond me... but some people are really desperate to pretend Obama ain't in the shit.
Rasmussen, which is generally agreed to be the most scientific and reliable polls in the field, reports Romney at 47 percent to Obama's 45 percent.

Bloomberg is not considered a very competent polling organization.

:badgrin: Hack. And a dumb one at that.

I listed the reasons.

Perhaps you should read the post.

And I should also add..Bush seriously screwed the pooch.

well thanks for putting this evil and corrupt administration on us people

you all should be ashamed

9/11 and the attack on Iraq..was the result of an evil and corrupt administration.

The toll in blood was high.


Thanks much.

Who was President when 9/11 was planned? Clue: It was not Bush.

Using this country's dead for your pathetic partisan hackery is sickening... but you did once confess to hoping that someone would assassinate Obama - just so that you'd be 'proved right' about conservatives. You're a sick freak, Swallow.

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