Blue collar is better!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
So to get a office job that everyone dreams of or a job requiring a degree I am going to have to work at fast food places to build a resume. Yuck I will never wear those uniforms! I think I want to go into blue collar work!
Obama's illegals will be getting those blue collar jobs. He's going to fix it so America will always have an over-supply of slave labor. Those good paying construction jobs will soon be history.
Its one thing I will never understand. Every parent in America figures their "darling" children are better than that. Getting their hands dirty is beneath them.

I have 3 kids. The oldest boy is machinist, knocking down serious money at age 30. My daughter at age 28 is in the medical profession making 6 figures. My youngest at 25 is an apprentice plumber making 18 bucks an hour. At the end of his apprenticeship, his scale will be 39 bucks an hour.

I am a union carpenter who makes 32 an hour, and our union is filled with old guys because the kids simply do not to work that hard.

I am amazed by what people do.

Obama's illegals will be getting those blue collar jobs. He's going to fix it so America will always have an over-supply of slave labor. Those good paying construction jobs will soon be history.

Very possible. Its happening already. Look at the meat packers for a prime example.

Are there any white collar professions that do not require fast food experience?
i'm just glad that I'm not looking for a job as a young kid nowadays . Course , if I was I'd take pretty much anything that came my way and try to work my way up . I know a college educated 40 year old , he graduated , is a house husband , takes care of his kid and runs , does exercise and hopes that his 5 year old becomes a sports star .

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