Blue wave coming this November 2018

Time to give the Republican House the heave-ho!


A. You’ve gained a whopping 3 seats in the House so far, stupid. :lmao:

B. Nobody was predicting a “red wave”, stupid. :lmao:
They have like 10 or 11 seats gained. Your data is slow apparently.

Clearly not a blue wave but a victory nonetheless
How is the big blue wave that Oreo predicted?

Where is Oreo and all the silly pictures?
What a shame. We’ve seen unprecedented prosperity over the past two years (record highs in the market, record lows in unemployment). What is wrong with the left that they vote against their own self-interest and against the United States?
Bunch of anti-American asshats.

Democrats vote based on hatred and race....not ideology.

They apparently couldn't care less WHAT happens to the LONG AS it hurts either whitey or Christians (or both)

They will just as soon vote to sink the very ship their life depends on in shark infested waters, rather than try to be tolerant and do what's best for the nation.

Incredibly Low Information people. Their emotional strings have been played like a guitar by Soros and other Globalists.

That said, so many dumb ass hard core racist white people on the right give them fuel for their flaming hatred. Most white Democrats probably have no clue they are not really loved by the blacks they defend because the media hides it.
Time to give the Republican House the heave-ho!


A. You’ve gained a whopping 3 seats in the House so far, stupid. :lmao:

B. Nobody was predicting a “red wave”, stupid. :lmao:
They have like 10 or 11 seats gained. Your data is slow apparently.

Clearly not a blue wave but a victory nonetheless
How do you figure? They need a bare minimum of 23 seats to take the House. That means they aren’t even HALF way there and it’s already 11:00 p.m. EST.
Time to give the Republican House the heave-ho!


A. You’ve gained a whopping 3 seats in the House so far, stupid. :lmao:

B. Nobody was predicting a “red wave”, stupid. :lmao:
They have like 10 or 11 seats gained. Your data is slow apparently.

Clearly not a blue wave but a victory nonetheless
How do you figure? They need a bare minimum of 23 seats to take the House. That means they aren’t even HALF way there and it’s already 11:00 p.m. EST.
They are at 14 flipped seats right now.

Your info is slow
20 Republican seats have officially flipped as of now many more to come.
These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November. A sleeping giant has been awoken. It's coming.
Time to give Democrat incumbent Claire McCaskill (MO) the “Blue Wave”. Ready oreo?


Bye-bye Democrat! Bye-bye!
These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November. A sleeping giant has been awoken. It's coming.
Time to give Democrat incumbent Claire McCaskill (MO) the “Blue Wave”. Ready oreo?

View attachment 227251

Bye-bye Democrat! Bye-bye!

You spoke a little too soon-Democrats have just been projected to WIN the HOUSE. Meaning Subpoena powers, public open hearings & testimony, etc. etc.

If House Republican can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies---:auiqs.jpg:

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20 Republican seats have officially flipped as of now many more to come.

Not such much because they were defeated.....many real Republicans were forced many retired.
You Lefties will eventually have the nation you think you desire.....

Maybe then you'll realize that shit filled, crime infested streets are not quite the "Utopia" you thought it would be.
Leftist morons never learn.....just look at Venezuela.
But hey, at least you ran off those pesky Bible I guess life is grand huh?
These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November. A sleeping giant has been awoken. It's coming.
Time to give Democrat incumbent Claire McCaskill (MO) the “Blue Wave”. Ready oreo?

View attachment 227251

Bye-bye Democrat! Bye-bye!

You're slow--Democrats have just been projected to WIN the HOUSE. Bye
Blue wave? Or NORMAL midterm outcome?

Be honest, if you're capable
Ocasio-Cortez wins House seat


And Florida Baaaaaaaarely dodged the Socialist bullet. They're gaining ground.
So many Americans are about as stupid as they come.

A few more immigrant caravans, a few million more anchor babies....
Another ten years to allow all these indoctrinated school age Lefties get to voting age while conservatives die off......
and BOOM!

I'd say "maybe" ten years left for America....tops. Then it fully becomes the Leftist 3rd world shithole they've dreamed of and drooled over. Ever been to India (or San FranShitsco? ?

Beats me why they're so desperate for this?

Leftist UTOPIA.....


Chicago: People waiting in line for drugs
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These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November. A sleeping giant has been awoken. It's coming.
Time to give Democrat incumbent Claire McCaskill (MO) the “Blue Wave”. Ready oreo?

View attachment 227251

Bye-bye Democrat! Bye-bye!

You're slow--Democrats have just been projected to WIN the HOUSE. Bye
Blue wave? Or NORMAL midterm outcome?

Be honest, if you're capable
15 to 25 seat loss may be normal in a typical midterm. Hitting the high 30s or low 40s of seats lost is above normal. Any talk of a blue wave though is tempered by the Senate Republican gains, notwithstanding that the Senate map was atrocious for the Democrats.
These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November. A sleeping giant has been awoken. It's coming.
Time to give Democrat incumbent Claire McCaskill (MO) the “Blue Wave”. Ready oreo?

View attachment 227251

Bye-bye Democrat! Bye-bye!

You're slow--Democrats have just been projected to WIN the HOUSE. Bye
Blue wave? Or NORMAL midterm outcome?

Be honest, if you're capable

I don't know what you'rer watching. No one expected Democrats to win the Senate as there were more incumbent Democrats running for reelection than Republicans were. But Ill bet right now that Ted Cruz has some brown stains on his underwear.--:auiqs.jpg: In looks like Democrats have picked up 3 or 4 congressional seats in TEXAS..

What we saw tonight is in the southeast like Florida--very tight races for Governor & the Senate race where Trump won YUUUGE in 2016. Then you start moving west, and Democrats win in KANSAS--a woman Democrat wins the Governor position?--Colorado where Trump is toxic--Republican seats are lost--Governor went to a gay Democrat--and we keep moving west and the more Democrats win. It looks like Arizona may gain some Democrat seats, and we haven't even hit California yet. In the northeast Republicans are bleeding house seats in Republican districts.

This is a BLUE wave of Republican districts--specifically suburban areas that just went BLUE. Houston, Austin, San Antonio Texas. It's Republican suburbia against Republican rural areas. Democrats are on target to take away 35 Republican house seats tonight.
These special elections are the writing on the wall for Republicans this coming November. A sleeping giant has been awoken. It's coming.
Time to give Democrat incumbent Claire McCaskill (MO) the “Blue Wave”. Ready oreo?

View attachment 227251

Bye-bye Democrat! Bye-bye!

You're slow--Democrats have just been projected to WIN the HOUSE. Bye
Blue wave? Or NORMAL midterm outcome?

Be honest, if you're capable
15 to 25 seat loss may be normal in a typical midterm. Hitting the high 30s or low 40s of seats lost is above normal. Any talk of a blue wave though is tempered by the Senate Republican gains, notwithstanding that the Senate map was atrocious for the Democrats.
That's just the way it goes. In two years the GOP will face the same shit map yall faced tonight.

Nothing, and I repeat nothing, is unusual about tonight's outcome. It COULD have been a huge victory for the left but you all couldn't behave like adults. As a result you got an ankle deep blue puddle instead of the huge wave

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