Blue wave coming this November 2018

Man...they were supposed to have a “blue wave” and they are getting their asses handed to them in the Senate. They couldn’t even maintain!
We took the House. I'm good with that.
We gained in the Senate. I’m even better with that!

"How do you figure? They need a bare minimum of 23 seats to take the House. That means they aren’t even HALF way there and it’s already 11:00 p.m. EST."

What are you laughing about? It’s midnight on the east coast and you still haven’t hit the bare minimum 23 seats needed, snowflake. :lmao:
We took the House. I'm good with that.
We gained in the Senate. I’m even better with that!

"How do you figure? They need a bare minimum of 23 seats to take the House. That means they aren’t even HALF way there and it’s already 11:00 p.m. EST."

What are you laughing about? It’s midnight on the east coast and you still haven’t hit the bare minimum 23 seats needed, snowflake. :lmao:

Fox News says you lost the House.

U dum.
You'd rather lose one branch of Congress in order to expand your lead in another branch? lol
You would too if you understood government.

Who approves Supreme Court Justices? (Psst...the Senate)

Who approves Federal judges? (Psst...the Senate)

Who approves cabinet positions? (Psst...the Senate)

Who can block legislation? (Psst...the Senate)

Shall I continue the basic civics lesson for you? :laugh:
You'd rather lose one branch of Congress in order to expand your lead in another branch? lol
You would too if you understood government.

Who approves Supreme Court Justices? (Psst...the Senate)

Who approves Federal judges? (Psst...the Senate)

Who approves cabinet positions? (Psst...the Senate)

Who can block legislation? (Psst...the Senate)

Shall I continue the basic civics lesson for you? :laugh: already had the Senate.

You just lost the House. already had the Senate. You just lost the House.
Right. But now we can appoint even more conservative people to these positions. With a larger majority, we don’t have to appoint moderates.

You already could have appointed whoever you wanted. (Example: Kavanaugh) You. Had. The. Senate.

You just lost the House.

Not sure where I lost you here.
Fox News says you lost the House. U dum.
Fox News is projecting a loss. It hasn’t actually happened yet, sparky.

Fox News, CNN and zerohedge allare calling the House GONE for Reps. And ZeroHedge called Trump to win the election hours before Fox did in 2016.

It's over just refuse to admit it.

Looks good on you.

Your fat boy in the White House blew it...despite a sub 4% unemployment rate...he lost the House.

You're slow--Democrats have just been projected to WIN the HOUSE. Bye
Blue wave? Or NORMAL midterm outcome?

Be honest, if you're capable
15 to 25 seat loss may be normal in a typical midterm. Hitting the high 30s or low 40s of seats lost is above normal. Any talk of a blue wave though is tempered by the Senate Republican gains, notwithstanding that the Senate map was atrocious for the Democrats.
That's just the way it goes. In two years the GOP will face the same shit map yall faced tonight.

Nothing, and I repeat nothing, is unusual about tonight's outcome. It COULD have been a huge victory for the left but you all couldn't behave like adults. As a result you got an ankle deep blue puddle instead of the huge wave

In two years, there's going to be a lot more Republican Senators up for reelection--and they'll be at risk. Who ever becomes house speaker is going to open up this Russian investigation in full view of the general public--and it's going to be bad.

Trump thought the media was bad, Holy shit--it hasn't even started and he too dumb to realize what is coming at him, now that Democrats have the house, there's no one to hide behind anymore.
See here is the problem with you people, you are still obsessed with the ghosts of the past.

It's the economy stupid.

A duly appointed prosecutor is looking into RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. If there was any there there we would have heard about it by now.

Go douche your rotten ass pussy and GET THE FUCK OVER HILLARYS LOSS

Robert Mueller has racked up 6 guilty plea's, 37 Federal Grand Jury indictments & 100's criminal charges. It's rumored he is going to be issuing more Indictments tomorrow. Republican House members have been playing rodeo clown over the last two years protecting Trump. With the house changing over--they will begin open public hearings & testimony--they now have the POWER to do that. They have the power to get Trump's income tax returns.

There is nothing like being STUPID enough to admit to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

In the above video they are referencing an article that was confirmed by James Clapper, National Intelligence director) well over a year ago under sworn testimony. Apparently Trump surrogates were being picked up in routine spying operations talking with Russian intelligence agents since 2015. Here is the article.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of Clapper's testimony scroll down this link until you see Fienstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

You Trump tards are no longer going to be able to hang out in the last row of the nose bleed section of no news or contorted manufactured news on FOX NEWS. Now that Democrats own the house, this is going to be on National News 24/7--you are not going to be able to hide from it.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference

35 Republican house seats in 35 Republican districts just turned BLUE tonight. You should probably study up a little on Watergate.

Last edited: already had the Senate. You just lost the House.
Right. But now we can appoint even more conservative people to these positions. With a larger majority, we don’t have to appoint moderates.

You already could have appointed whoever you wanted. (Example: Kavanaugh) You. Had. The. Senate.

You just lost the House.

Not sure where I lost you here.

You lost him to unreality. He is going to be staring at the tv - furiously changing channels, looking for a shred of hope - until the House is officially lost to Trump.
Trump lost the House.

This is a good day for America.

Anytime you have a split government....not much get's done.

Yes, that is a good day for America.

Your poster girl, Maxipad Waters will provide a lot of laughs. already had the Senate. You just lost the House.
Right. But now we can appoint even more conservative people to these positions. With a larger majority, we don’t have to appoint moderates.

You already could have appointed whoever you wanted. (Example: Kavanaugh) You. Had. The. Senate.

You just lost the House.

Not sure where I lost you here.

You lost him to unreality. He is going to be staring at the tv - furiously changing channels, looking for a shred of hope - until the House is officially lost to Trump.

I'm sure he'll come up with some idiotic conspiracy theory to support his hope.
Sun Devil 92, post: 21142435
Anytime you have a split government....not much get's done.

Government is less split on the state level so you lose big.

Democrats Made Big Gains At The State Level Tuesday | HuffPost

Democrats Made Big Gains At The State Level Tuesday
Democrats now control the levers of power in Colorado, Illinois, Maine, New Mexico and New York.
By Molly Redden and Nick Baumann
11/07/2018 01:20 AM
Democrats swept key state legislative and gubernatorial races across the country Tuesday, ensuring that at least 42 million more Americans will live under unified Democratic governance of their states next year and opening the door for sweeping policy changes on issues such as health care and education.

Medicaid expansion ballot wins in big red States is a huge loss for the Republican hate agenda. Millions to get insured thanks to Obamacare.

So you are blind - already much got done in one day of voting.

It’s ok Republican - you can cry. Hate lost big yesterday.

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