Blue Wave Drought: Reuters Shows a SIX POINT LEAD for Republicans

Trump wants to crush the free press: that is the mark of a fascist. Live with it, Avatar4321.

imawhosure will not accept polls he does not like while he loves polls he does like.

The blue may well take the House with a 25 seat majority and end up with as high as 48 seats in the Senate.

If that happens, will the House send articles of impeachment to the Senate late in 2019 to run for the election year 2020?
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Just like i warned in the last Presidential Election, Democrats may be counting their chickens. They've been boasting about that 'Blue Wave Landslide' for months. Personally, i don't think so many Americans wanna get out there and support Communists who don't American Citizens' best interests in mind.

I mean, they may make some gains, the opposition usually does in Mid-terms. But it may not be that 'Blue Wave Landslide' Democrats keep boasting about. I guess we'll see though. I'm hoping for the best. I hope Americans don't hand their Congress back to the Communists/Globalists.
They're liars and shills...this is what they do. They don't believe there's going to be a real blue wave. They will try to fabricate one...
If it doesn't happen they'll blame Russian collusion. Have you notice how every time the Dims lose they always claim it's the result of some kind of skullduggery?
But they lost their mind when Trump won. If they lose again to him.... It's not going to be pretty when people desperate for power lose hope

They lost it when Bush whooped their ass twice, but Trump has triggered them to a whole new level of crazy.
Trump wants to crush the free press: that is the mark of a fascist. Live with it, Avatar4321.

imawhosure will not accept polls he does not like while he loves polls he does like.

The blue may well take the House with a 25 seat majority and end up with as high as 48 seats in the Senate.

If that happens, will the House send articles of impeachment to the Senate late in 2019 to run for the election year 2020?

Calling the press liars for lying isn’t “crushing the free press”

You try to impeach trump for nothing and you’re going to have your rear end handed to you
O/P seems to have abandoned his thread. He's easy to pick off, one of the dumber ones here.
RIght, says the kook dumbass with Trump's number made to look like a swastika.

Fascism is as fascism does. I could give you a laundry list but just the fact that he wants to destroy the free press as "fake" is enough.
He only wants to discredit the fake press, and he has done a pretty good job of it. Listening to snowflakes whine about freedom of the press couldn't be more hilarious.

Show us the libel and slander suits filed against the NYT, WaPo, etc. for their fake stories.
Trump loves to sue people, he has been involved in over 4000 lawsuits in the last 30 years. Look it up.
Oh hell, you're too lazy:
Donald Trump: Three decades
4,095 lawsuits
USA TODAY Network: Dive into Donald Trump's thousands of lawsuits

So why doesn't he have his lawyers suing the news outlets that are lying?
Because they're telling the truth.
And that motherfucker has A LOT to hide.
You idiots can't see something so obvious.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to sue a news outlet? Its hard! Damn near impossible. Thats why they have been able to post whatever they want for generations.

Really now. Thanks for posting corroborating proof of your lame comment.
Let me educate you. (sigh)
Trump's favorite rag, The National Enquirer, IS the embodiment of fake news:

Charlie Sheen Settles Lawsuit Against National Enquirer Over Corey ...
Charlie Sheen Settles Lawsuit Against National Enquirer Over Corey Haim Rape Report...
Mar 19, 2018 - Charlie Sheen has settled a lawsuit he filed against the National Enquirer over the publication's report that the former “Two and a Half Men” star ...
Burnett v. National Enquirer, Inc. - Wikipedia,_Inc.
Carol Burnett v. National Enquirer, Inc., was a decision by the California Court of Appeals which ... Burnett, a passionate campaigner againstalcoholism, sued the National Enquirer for libel, persistently, over several years, ultimately settling ...
National Enquirer publisher seeks to dismiss lawsuit brought by ex ...
National Enquirer publisher seeks to dismiss lawsuit brought by ex-Playmate who claims affair with Trump – The Denver Post
Apr 2, 2018 - The publisher of the National Enquirer asked a California court on Monday ... moved to prevent a separate lawsuit against him from proceeding, ...
Ex-Playmate Karen McDougal Settles National Enquirer Lawsuit, Free ...
Apr 18, 2018 - Wilmer Valderrama vs. ... Ex-Playmate Karen McDougal Settles National Enquirer Lawsuit, Free to Talk Trump Affair ... McDougal had sued the National Enquirer's parent company, American Media, over a non-disclosure ...

and in other cases:

Fort Bend newspaper loses $1 million libel lawsuit - Houston Chronicle
May 6, 2011 - A Fort Bend County jury has awarded $1 million to a Rosenberg man who filed a libel lawsuit against the Fort Bend Star and a reporter.
Newspaper Loses Libel Lawsuit - latimes
Apr 1, 2001 - Newspaper Loses Libel Lawsuit ... Two reputations are at stake, not just the person filing the suit but the news organization beingsued. ... Libel Award Against Newspaper Set Aside : Courts: Judge rules verdict inconsistent ...

There you go. Five lawsuits in less than a 30 seconds.
None of them in a wide sweeping Google search show anyone suing the NYT or WaPo or CNN, Trump's favorite targets.
That's because they are not fake news.
Last edited:
But they lost their mind when Trump won. If they lose again to him.... It's not going to be pretty when people desperate for power lose hope

They lost it when Bush whooped their ass twice, but Trump has triggered them to a whole new level of crazy.

It’s true democrats started down the rabbit hole after they lost Florida after trying to steal it. But they’ve never been this unhinged.

They seriously created a conspiracy theory about Russian collusion to blame for their loss and want to impeach him on it despite there being no evidence to support them. We already had one guy try to shoot up republicans in Congress, does anyone really think it will get better if they lose again?
Put a fork in this thread. It's done. O/P, like most cons here, never do a little research before they release the flies from their pie holes.

Well clearly it’s done. No one could possibly dispute anything you say

O/P seems to have abandoned his thread. He's easy to pick off, one of the dumber ones here.
RIght, says the kook dumbass with Trump's number made to look like a swastika.

Fascism is as fascism does. I could give you a laundry list but just the fact that he wants to destroy the free press as "fake" is enough.

Yeah, I noticed that. I actually thought a hoard of snowflakes would flock to this thread to tell me how the poll is meaningless.

LMAO. Sorry, pal. But you got a whole lot of crow feathers to swallow now.

NOVEMBER 7, 2016 / 3:06 PM
Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning: Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation

Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning: Reuters/Ipsos States of...
I have crow feathers to swallow?

And a bullet hole in your foot, too.
Your side is the one who has been eating crow for the last 16 months, dumbass.

my poll has a 60 point lead for the GOP

The diehards will start killing people

Seriously? You mean like the way liberals started killing people when Bush was declared the winner of the 2000 election?

We have a whole new generation of idiots currently engaged by Obama now:

Barack Obama‏Verified account @BarackObama

Young people have helped lead all our great movements. How inspiring to see it again in so many smart, fearless students standing up for their right to be safe; marching and organizing to remake the world as it should be. We've been waiting for you. And we've got your backs.

8:00 AM - 22 Feb 2018

I know you Trumpbots wet your panties thinking about a civil war in this country, but your going to be severely disappointed if you think that Liberals will start it.

However, you can be sure that if there is one, liberals will end it.
You brownshirts aren't liberals. You're pigs.
And you're already starting it.

‘Resist’ Is a Battle Cry, but What Does It Mean?

notice how RWs ignore a 2 seat win in the Senate and they are totally screwed ?

two seats ... pig shit eaters, TWO SEATS

The polling data, even that of Rasmussen, has the D's in front.

Poll Date Sample Democrats (D) Republicans (R) Spread
RCP Average 4/25 - 5/29 -- 44.0 40.3 Democrats +3.7
Economist/YouGov 5/27 - 5/29 1279 RV 42 39 Democrats +3
Rasmussen Reports 5/21 - 5/25 2500 LV 43 42 Democrats +1
Harvard-Harris 5/21 - 5/22 1347 RV 44 37 Democrats +7
Reuters/Ipsos 5/18 - 5/22 1080 RV 40 37 Democrats +3
CNN 5/2 - 5/5 901 RV 47 44 Democrats +3
Pew Research 4/25 - 5/1 1221 RV 48 43 Democrats +5

As a very informed poster put in this thread, "all a poll is, is a snapshot in time!" That poster and I have repeated that on many occasions! What is MORE important is the trend at this point, and it is roses for the GOP.

And again, I will repeat-------------->the make or break for both sides is the collusion/delusion, PERIOD...…….short of nuclear war, or economic collapse, this will drive the midterms.

All you need know is----------->one side is lying, and BOTH sides know which side it is! And so the race is on to PROVE it before the midterms. That is all that matters.


Because whichever side lied, DENIED the American people their rights, no doubt about it. And you deny rights to someone who isn't interested in politics, they will show up at the polls to vote against you. Just like welfare recipients who vote AGAINST having their freebies taken away, Americans will show en mass to stop someone from denying them freedom, and then lie about it to cover their tracks.

And then, people who SUPPORTED the side that lied will become disgusted, and NOT show in massive numbers. QUESTION---------> Left or right, do we not all lament LYING politicians? Now you know why the fervor for the lying side will fall in voter numbers-)

And so, I point out to all of you, that the districts that will decide who holds the House will be decided by 1 to 3% points in voter tally. Do YOU think that proving on side has been lying through their teeth will ACTIVATE at least 1 to 3% MORE voters to show for the side that did not lie, while suppressing the lying side by 1, to 3%?

If you don't think so, then you do NOT know politics, and that is FACT!

So who lied-) We all on this board have high probability of which side did, but the question is-------->can they PROVE it, or make the circumstantial case so overwhelming, that even Helen Keller would know!

And that my friends is why the tide is turning, because the circumstantial case is becoming stronger, and stronger by the day. And as it does, President Trumps numbers rise, the Democrats and Mewlers-) numbers fall! Let us see how the DEMOCRATIC IGs report either adds, or subtracts from the circumstantial case, and IF a 2nd special counsel is added-)

Polls are snapshots in time, with that we can all agree. but the trend, ah yes that trend, is looking mighty bad for the Bluebeards-)

Mewler? You're not good enough to shine his shoes or clean his toilet. And when he gets through cleaning Trump's clock you're going to melt like the real snowflakes that you are.
O/P seems to have abandoned his thread. He's easy to pick off, one of the dumber ones here.
RIght, says the kook dumbass with Trump's number made to look like a swastika.

Fascism is as fascism does. I could give you a laundry list but just the fact that he wants to destroy the free press as "fake" is enough.
He only wants to discredit the fake press, and he has done a pretty good job of it. Listening to snowflakes whine about freedom of the press couldn't be more hilarious.

Show us the libel and slander suits filed against the NYT, WaPo, etc. for their fake stories.
Trump loves to sue people, he has been involved in over 4000 lawsuits in the last 30 years. Look it up.
Oh hell, you're too lazy:
Donald Trump: Three decades
4,095 lawsuits
USA TODAY Network: Dive into Donald Trump's thousands of lawsuits

So why doesn't he have his lawyers suing the news outlets that are lying?
Because they're telling the truth.
And that motherfucker has A LOT to hide.
You idiots can't see something so obvious.
It's virtually impossible for a poitician to win a libel or slander suit. You would know that if you weren't such a pathetic brain-damaged snowflake

That's your opinion. As usual, you don't post facts to back up your blather.
Trump has no case against the mainstream media. He just wants YOU idiots to believe they are lying.
Get off your fat ass and do some random sampling of stories published by NYT, WaPo or CNN from a year ago, two years ago, and show us where they lied.
Do it or STFU, you people are so fucking intellectually lazy.
LMAO. Sorry, pal. But you got a whole lot of crow feathers to swallow now.

NOVEMBER 7, 2016 / 3:06 PM
Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning: Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation

Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning: Reuters/Ipsos States of...
I have crow feathers to swallow?

And a bullet hole in your foot, too.
Your side is the one who has been eating crow for the last 16 months, dumbass.

While your side has been eating Trump's cock. Biggest losers ever.

That was so clever. You should write a book on clever comebacks.

That wasn't so clever. You're just not very bright.
I have crow feathers to swallow?

And a bullet hole in your foot, too.
Your side is the one who has been eating crow for the last 16 months, dumbass.

While your side has been eating Trump's cock. Biggest losers ever.

That was so clever. You should write a book on clever comebacks.

That wasn't so clever. You're just not very bright.

Dude, you just proved him right
Though the lead has been narrowing, the Democrats are out in front in an average of all the polls.

Screen Shot 2018-05-30 at 6.28.51 PM.png

Are Democrats Or Republicans Winning The Race For Congress?
The blue wave is swirling down the toilet bowl along with snowflake dreams of impeaching Trump. If Republicans retain control of the House, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Stozk, Page, Ohre, Yates and Clinton will all be wearing orange jump suits.

Blue Wave Drought: Reuters Shows a SIX POINT LEAD for Republicans | Sparta Report

The Democrats have gone from a 16 point lead in CNN’s generic ballot poll in December of 2017 to a 6 point deficit against the Republicans with Reuter’s polling just released today. Their “blue wave” hopes have seemingly vanished in the polling as the good economic and political news for President Donald Trump keeps pouring in. The activist left base of the Democrats are increasingly worried —or deluded— as they see a surprising resurgence of Republican chances to keep the House of Representatives in the November 2018 elections.

What does the Reuters poll show?

The Reuters poll has been showing some very favorable numbers for President Trump and Republicans for several weeks now, after they initially discounted their poll as a “blip” when they showed the approval ratings for Trump jumping nearly 20 points from their previous week.


Democrats will need to have at least a 7 to 10 percent lead in the generic congressional ballot polling to be able to have a chance to pickup enough seats in the House to take over the chamber. With a Republican lead of 6 points, this is ten points in the wrong direction and the trend-lines are not favorable to Democrats as they screw up their golden opportunity to have their own 1994, 2010, 2014 scenario.

Come on fellas, have we not learned anything about how little value there is in these polls. The republicans holding both houses of congress after the mid terms would be almost as shocking as Trump winning the election. Repubs would be wise to prepare to deal with at least a split congress.
Put a fork in this thread. It's done. O/P, like most cons here, never do a little research before they release the flies from their pie holes.

Well clearly it’s done. No one could possibly dispute anything you say

O/P seems to have abandoned his thread. He's easy to pick off, one of the dumber ones here.
RIght, says the kook dumbass with Trump's number made to look like a swastika.

Put a fork in this thread. It's done. O/P, like most cons here, never do a little research before they release the flies from their pie holes.

Well clearly it’s done. No one could possibly dispute anything you say

O/P seems to have abandoned his thread. He's easy to pick off, one of the dumber ones here.
RIght, says the kook dumbass with Trump's number made to look like a swastika.

Fascism is as fascism does. I could give you a laundry list but just the fact that he wants to destroy the free press as "fake" is enough.

Hey Dip Shit…..

Lets see your laundry list, I say you are full of Shit.

You are the fascist.

You liberals are afraid of open and fair debate,

you have resorted to violence and intimidation against

your political foes because it’s all you got.

And as we have seen with Obama, when you

are in power you have no problem using the

full force of the Federal Government against the Right.

You are the Nazis…..

Trump is not trying to destroy the press,

he simply points out their lying and devious ways.

Trump just keeps Spanking liberal ass….
The blue wave is swirling down the toilet bowl along with snowflake dreams of impeaching Trump. If Republicans retain control of the House, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Stozk, Page, Ohre, Yates and Clinton will all be wearing orange jump suits.

Blue Wave Drought: Reuters Shows a SIX POINT LEAD for Republicans | Sparta Report

The Democrats have gone from a 16 point lead in CNN’s generic ballot poll in December of 2017 to a 6 point deficit against the Republicans with Reuter’s polling just released today. Their “blue wave” hopes have seemingly vanished in the polling as the good economic and political news for President Donald Trump keeps pouring in. The activist left base of the Democrats are increasingly worried —or deluded— as they see a surprising resurgence of Republican chances to keep the House of Representatives in the November 2018 elections.

What does the Reuters poll show?

The Reuters poll has been showing some very favorable numbers for President Trump and Republicans for several weeks now, after they initially discounted their poll as a “blip” when they showed the approval ratings for Trump jumping nearly 20 points from their previous week.


Democrats will need to have at least a 7 to 10 percent lead in the generic congressional ballot polling to be able to have a chance to pickup enough seats in the House to take over the chamber. With a Republican lead of 6 points, this is ten points in the wrong direction and the trend-lines are not favorable to Democrats as they screw up their golden opportunity to have their own 1994, 2010, 2014 scenario.
How will Republican candidates answer the question of why won't Trump sit for an interview with Mueller?? Will they stand by the rule of law and support a legimate lnvestigation?
The blue wave is swirling down the toilet bowl along with snowflake dreams of impeaching Trump. If Republicans retain control of the House, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Stozk, Page, Ohre, Yates and Clinton will all be wearing orange jump suits.

Blue Wave Drought: Reuters Shows a SIX POINT LEAD for Republicans | Sparta Report

The Democrats have gone from a 16 point lead in CNN’s generic ballot poll in December of 2017 to a 6 point deficit against the Republicans with Reuter’s polling just released today. Their “blue wave” hopes have seemingly vanished in the polling as the good economic and political news for President Donald Trump keeps pouring in. The activist left base of the Democrats are increasingly worried —or deluded— as they see a surprising resurgence of Republican chances to keep the House of Representatives in the November 2018 elections.

What does the Reuters poll show?

The Reuters poll has been showing some very favorable numbers for President Trump and Republicans for several weeks now, after they initially discounted their poll as a “blip” when they showed the approval ratings for Trump jumping nearly 20 points from their previous week.


Democrats will need to have at least a 7 to 10 percent lead in the generic congressional ballot polling to be able to have a chance to pickup enough seats in the House to take over the chamber. With a Republican lead of 6 points, this is ten points in the wrong direction and the trend-lines are not favorable to Democrats as they screw up their golden opportunity to have their own 1994, 2010, 2014 scenario.

That's interesting, because usually this poll is skewed about 6 - 8 points in favor of democrats. If democrats went off the reservation in 2016, what will they do if the lose badly in November?

The diehards will start killing people

Seriously? You mean like the way liberals started killing people when Bush was declared the winner of the 2000 election?

We have a whole new generation of idiots currently engaged by Obama now:

Barack Obama‏Verified account @BarackObama

Young people have helped lead all our great movements. How inspiring to see it again in so many smart, fearless students standing up for their right to be safe; marching and organizing to remake the world as it should be. We've been waiting for you. And we've got your backs.

8:00 AM - 22 Feb 2018

I know you Trumpbots wet your panties thinking about a civil war in this country, but your going to be severely disappointed if you think that Liberals will start it.

However, you can be sure that if there is one, liberals will end it.

You are such a dumb ass...
notice how RWs ignore a 2 seat win in the Senate and they are totally screwed ?

two seats ... pig shit eaters, TWO SEATS

They don't notice anything unless it comes out of Sarah Sander's mouth, Donald Trump's shit hole in the middle of his face or Judge Jeanine and Sean Hannity. That's it. That's their reference for everything.

Dip Shit,

you forgot Rush....

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